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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 7:00am-7:29am IRST

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experience it and bear it. for tomorrow , it will be very hot. but the morning is very cool. but let us know that in the capital, we still believe that we will have the highest temperature from tomorrow, wednesday. it will continue on thursday . there will be events from friday. doctor, really, if anyone has time, money. he is standing in front. on the map , you are looking for a place, exactly, exactly, exactly, the best place , persian gulf, ammar sea, the weather is cooler than normal. guys, yes, yes, yes, you can see that you are getting a little more colorful still in the east of the country there.
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let's see the northern half , i brought tehran, let's see the temperature fluctuations in a few days, if we have the image of badr, it's beautiful. if it passes 40 , it will not continue at all. it's hot, but
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in the second half of the week, next wednesday, or if it's thursday, we'll be at your service. wednesday , thursday, we have the coolest mornings. second half although there is a possibility of an error this week, because it is very long , but in any case, celebrate kava from this week , then the next week will be the same. i will continue the prediction , god willing. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers, dear and respected countrymen, we are in your presence with the news of the morning week,
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iran's readiness for comprehensive development with venezuela. in a telephone conversation with venezuelan president nicolás maduro, mr. maduro condemned any foreign interference in venezuela's internal affairs, congratulating him on his victory in the presidential elections and declaring solidarity with the fighting and revolutionary nation of this country. while announcing the readiness of the islamic republic of iran for the development of all-round cooperation, including the promotion of economic and commercial exchanges and cooperation with venezuela, as well as the export of technical and engineering services to this country, the president emphasized the importance of the full and rapid implementation of all agreements made between the two countries. emphasized. while thanking for the congratulatory call, the president of venezuela emphasized his country's interest and readiness to further develop cooperation with the islamic republic of iran . acting minister of foreign affairs in a telephone conversation with the minister of affairs. hungary's foreign ministry said: in the face of
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an evil entity called the zionist regime, which is the agent it is creating instability in the region. it should be stopped and countermeasures should be taken according to international law so that the other side does not find the possibility of intensifying its aggressive actions in the region. mr. bagheri, in a conversation with peter sziarto, minister of foreign affairs of hungary, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the european union , added: the recent action. zionists are a violation of iran's national security and sovereignty and regional peace and stability, as well as a threat to international peace and security. the foreign minister of hungary also expressed his readiness to continue the dialogue between the two countries and said: the escalation of tension in the region is extremely worrying. peter siyarto added that the international community should do everything it can to prevent any escalation of tension and crisis. to prevent because these tensions
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can be considered a threat against europe. the zionists are anxiously waiting for the response of the resistance axis, according to the al-manar network, the occupiers are anxiously looking for the answer to the question of when, how and with what weapon will the definitive response of the resistance front be? in talking about the rules of deterrence, the zionists think that the response of the resistance front from tehran, lebanon, yemen and iraq how will it be but worse.
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an area to defend us. america sent several ships with detection and tracking systems . the british defense minister is coordinating with us. we also have arrangements with jordan, egypt and countries in the region to intercept missiles and drones. we have good defense systems, but they are not perfect. the main issue is the threat of hezbollah. does israel now want to start a war with lebanon? in the northern part of the city. occupied palestine , the zionist military, security and social authorities have no answer about the time of return or even the process of developments in the field against hezbollah, which has been in a war for a month. we have been at a loss against hezbollah, and the
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evacuation operation of northern israel is still ongoing, and no time has been set for the return of the residents of this area. hezbollah imposed war on us during this period. we have been in a difficult situation for 10 months. we destroyed and abandoned dozens of settlements in the north of israel. hundreds of thousands of people have also been displaced . this has not happened since the creation of israel. we have more than 100 people in captivity, and hamas is still present in gaza, and the major goals of the war have not yet been achieved. does this tactical operation with assassinations help to achieve these strategic goals? in a situation where netanyahu is trying with more confusion. military and political to get out of their stronghold. this regime disgraces itself by looking at where the attack will come from . some news sources
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report that two americans were killed in the in al-aswad base due to a missile attack by the iraqi resistance forces. american military resistance announced, american military officials announced that they were involved in this attack. at least 5 americans were injured, one of them is in critical condition. al-mayadeen network, citing zionist media , reported the death of an american soldier. reuters news agency quoted two iraqi security sources as saying kurds two katyusha missiles were fired at ain al-asad air base in anbar province and the missiles hit inside the base. about 10 days ago, iraqi sources reported that four rockets hit the ain al-aswad base. this attack was carried out in response to the martyrdom of one of the yemeni forces in iraq as a result of the american attack. america handed over its last military base to niger authorities. the expulsion of american soldiers from niger
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started last year after the change of government and at the request of the people of this african country. the last american base known as the 2011 base was located in agadez city. month. before the american drone base known as base 11 was evacuated in the city of niamey, the capital of niger. the commemoration ceremony of ismail haniyeh, the political leader of the hamas movement , was held in islamabad in the presence of pakistani political and religious figures. the participants in this ceremony paid their respects to the martyrs of the axis of resistance and condemned the aggression of the zionist occupation regime in beirut and gaza. commemoration of martyr haniyeh on the anniversary of the martyrdom of arif hosseini in the capital of pakistan on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the martyrdom of martyr arif hosseini, the leader of the shiites of pakistan
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, a great ceremony was held to honor martyr ismail haniyeh in the capital of pakistan. a person who he is a true muslim believer against oppression, but if a muslim does not stand up , he does not have the spirit of islam, and in fact, he is considered a follower of american islam. and martyr ismail haniyeh stated that anti-arrogance and unity among the islamic ummah is one of the most important teachings of the martyrs of the islamic ummah. martyr ismail indicates without a doubt martyrdom of martyr ismail haniyeh will create unity and cohesion among the islamic ummah. we witnessed this at his funeral. these pakistani personalities announced that from iran to iraq, yemen and lebanon and
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other islamic lands, the fighters of the axis of resistance, they stand by the oppressed people of palestine, and they will surely avenge the martyrdom of martyr haniyeh. azim mujahidun, who was a great martyr in the islamic movements , with the martyrdom of the great mujahidans, there will never be a disturbance in its affairs, but with the blood of these people, not announcing the oppressed martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement, guarantees the destruction of the zionist regime , and today israel is in its borders are imprisoned. majid hashemi, islamabad radio and television news agency. activities at the border. two acts resumed after the fire was extinguished. the crisis management of
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khorasan governorate razavi said that there was a fire in the special area economic and the border of the two laws have been applied. according to customs public relations, customs activities are now back to normal and service to traders and trucks are being carried out as per normal routine. on monday, fuel carrier suhankar caught fire due to non-observance of safety measures in duqun special economic zone. thank you for your attention.
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greetings to you, dear compatriots, who have joined us from this moment. good morning . thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch . well, today, the meetings of the general board of the state accounts court to prepare the budget subtraction report for 14 have started. will be installed in the studio hosted by mr. safaei, advisor to the general president. we are doing calculations to see what exactly will happen in these meetings, mr. safaei. good morning. you are very welcome. thank you. i am also greeting you. i would like to say hello to his highness and dear viewers of khabar network. that the budget subtraction report
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should be handled by the audit court by auditing and collecting the accounts of all the ministries, institutions, state companies and any of the devices that use them in some way from the entire country's budget, and to no expenditure should exceed the approved credit , all funds should be used in their own place. in fact , who spent the budget, where and how, which is the result of the budget deduction report, and in principle 55 of the constitution , it is specified that this budget deduction report must be submitted by the court by the end of the year. then it should be prepared for each year and submitted to the islamic council and this report should be made public . which devices, where to spend this money, how to spend it giving to whom, taking from whom , how were their financial transactions in these areas and your colleagues. they are showing that they have not acted outside of the order and the law. well, we now
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have the change of government and this budget reduction , the first budget reduction in the 12th parliament. respected court, to announce for this period all the system supervision for the financial and budget system of the court, which resulted in this. goals can be set for the reports, which should include increasing transparency, financial discipline, etc be responsible for accountability. this is very important. also. the reports that are prepared, including the budget subtraction report, should help the executive bodies to provide the resources of the government, and also make the maximum use of the budget subtraction report for decision makers and decision-making bodies, this is a very important point. on the same basis
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, at the same time as the budget subtraction report for the year 4d and two reports were prepared, the important items of the reports along with the suggestions on very important issues such as the sources of expenditures such as the sources and the targeted expenditures of the subsidies such as the sources of how to provide foreign exchange resources for equipping the purchase of medical equipment and medicine, provision of supply for basic goods and even the government's financial relationship with oil. the authorities will be on the way to reform it, that is, if the reports of the court lead to the reform of the procedures , it will lead to the reform of the system's performance, and it will lead to the maximum utilization of this limited budget that we have, on the other hand
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, the very high demands of this goal of subtracting the budget. you pointed out that the reports of the court should lead to the correction of the processes that may have been wrong, from the previous year to this year, which actually subtracted the budget from 1401 to 1402. finally, the 1402 report will be finalized in the next few months, it will be completed and it will come to the floor of the parliament . he should follow up because finally the report that the court of accounts is presenting, yes, the budget subtraction report according to article 36 of the court law, even from one report, in my opinion , as we call the budget, the government's financial plan is to forecast income and meet expenses to achieve to the goals of the government, which has been set, the budget subtracts
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the budget, according to the approval of the highest the authority of the court that the general board of the general board. it consists of at least 3 quarters of the main advisers must be present in order to deduct the budget, which we have 16 advisers . in this period , more than 60 reports have been sent to the authorities from the court of accounts. after deducting the budget, two things will happen. one is that the parliamentary supervision of the parliament is formed, that is, we submit the report to the parliament. it will be investigated, they will ask for an explanation from the executive bodies , there is also a monitoring system, the court itself is a judicial monitoring system , cases of deviation will definitely
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be followed up in the prosecutor's office and the advisory board, and the violations will be dealt with, and there is also an issue with our accountants, we need recommendations and suggestions. which have been done and in the report there are things that need to be amended in the drafting of the next year's budget bill in the drafting of related laws, such as the annexation law 3, i will follow up with the executive branch of the cases and follow up until the suggestions and recommendations are implemented, i.e. the follow-up of the budget subtraction report itself has a process and one the time it takes to do this is great. how long will the meetings of the general board of the court of accounts last, i.e. how much time is there to prepare this report and bring it to the public stage of the majlis shura? we have to prepare from the budget subtraction report, there is a process, which
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i said first, all the results of all the audits of our colleagues are in the court of accounts. the court of accounts should present it. we need to get my performance report from the government, match it with the performance of the executive body and have a comment on it, so the performance report has not yet arrived in all the bodies, their proceedings have been completed and now the reports are ready. more than 11,000 reports are only comments for these rulings , which should be submitted to the general board, which , god willing, will be able to examine these and vote to confirm what was said . the importance of the subtraction report has been that the devices and institutions that operate outside the law in the 1401 law are more accurate and sensitive to
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you will be more sensitive to them, you will check them . yes, we had cases where, for example , the accounting status of our devices decreased drastically in 402. there is a new one, the previous cases of rome, the law has set a task for the court , article 14 of the public accounts law says that after we present the report to the parliament, the deviations in the report must be dealt with by the advisory boards of the court, which have gone through the process and the cases you mention are being processed in these general boards of the court of accounts, department by department in which of the areas they enter the organization and institutions and check. what actions did they take and what was their income and expenditure ? for the general board, for now, we have orders . yes, we have 5d and 450 clauses and notes
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. it is known that the performance of these has been reviewed once in more than 4100 executive bodies throughout the country. and we were back with the executive bodies and reports in the approved technical areas listed in the general board paragraph by paragraph here. the importance of reporting the budget deduction should lead to the improvement of the performance of the executive bodies and if the budget if it is used in the right way, the result will definitely
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be for the dear people of our country, so one of the important pillars of the court is dealing with this, and god willing , it will be submitted to the parliament before the scheduled time, and certainly in the parts that need to be amended in the law of the budget layer of the year 4.4. if these are taken into account , we will be able to present them to the government on time and present them to the parliament so that they can be fully utilized , god willing, thank you very much, mr. safai nsab, the advisor to the head of the audit bureau, for coming to the studio of the morning program. the sadness of the world is far away from you you look carefree and beautiful.
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the poetry and passion of my homeland, when your voice, i must sing from you, the love of my homeland, i must sing your voice, i must stay by your side, aisha. go and enjoy my homeland, when your voice is yours, i have to sing from you.
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take me with you slowly, to the anger of the last sanger, to the sleep of the alley of love, to the perfume of laghale, full of rain, and you cry. the love of my homeland
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, i must sing your voice , they must stay by your side. i have to play your voice , they should stay by your side, the poetry and passion of my homeland, when your voice is mine, they should sing from you.
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greetings to you. well, in this section, let's go to one special follow-up and that is the electronic invoice for the wholesale of fruits and vegetables, and mr. azaribqa, the reporter of the sed and radio news agency , is with us in the studio . what 's up, sir, did you lose money in the past week or two? in the past week or two, we have been following up on the fact that there are invoices in the wholesale of fruits and vegetables. it doesn't have a legal framework and sometimes it doesn't have a price at all, so it's a problem and that's it
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it causes that the type of fruit is not known and its price is not known. well, this issue also leads to different prices in grocery stores, that is, everyone has their own price. now the relevant officials go to the relevant police station, they cannot handle it because they don't know how much this grocery store bought , they don't know how much. well , it's been almost two or three weeks now that the ministry of agricultural jihad and now even the punishment organization and other related institutions are insisting that this the invoices in the wholesales should take the correct form and come out in a legal form, and now in the same direction, they say that now that they are actually doing this, the electronic invoice should actually be issued and the issuance of this


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