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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm IRST

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the line of the leadership of rabban, we will go together naela lalah ella allah laila laila laila laila later bahdeh ahlah ahla andana andana andana andana ahla nabadna nabadre la shahid la shahid lashe
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secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon whose speech is still going on he said nothing in some of the issues he raised there is no way to solve the palestinian issue except the plan of resistance. nasrallah said what is happening in gaza proves that netanyahu does not want to stop the war. seyyed hassan nasrallah in his speech on the occasion of the 7th martyrs' day of the zionist regime's attack on the southern suburbs. beirut emphasized:
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the zionist regime will establish a palestinian state even in gaza does not accept seyyed hassan nasrallah praised martyr shekar and said: we are aware of the nature of the zionist enemy and we are preparing ourselves for a decisive war. the secretary general of hezbollah further called the united states an accomplice of the zionists in the massacre of the palestinians and said: "american authorities against the reaction of iran and the axis." the resistance is defending the zionists as much as possible, and this is a sign of american hypocrisy and the weakness of the zionists, seyyed hassan nasrallah pointed out that today all the military equipment of the zionists , especially in the east of the occupied territories , is the target of hezbollah's missiles, and said that none of the several operations we up to this moment, fouad's blood revenge has not been a secret .
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the number of people increased, and the condition of one of them is critical. some sources also reported the death of a zionist. in today's hezbollah attacks, several zionist bases in the north of the occupied territories were targeted. in one of these attacks, several pahpans. it hit the sharga barracks 20 kilometers from the lebanese border. a military base between the cities of akka and nahariya also caught fire . the zionist missile system once again failed to intercept and target a large number of hezbollah drones. the time of iran's response to the recent crime of the zionist regime. in the assassination of the martyr
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haniyeh is still in the center of attention and predictions of military and political experts in the world media. scott ritter and scott bennett, two former officers of the us army, predict iran's legitimate response to the zionist regime to be broader than the honest promise operation. the level and extent of iran's attack will be many times higher than the true promise operation. the analysis of two american officers on how and why tehran's response to tel aviv in a conversation with jahan today's program, iran's response can be quick in order not to distance itself from the terror that the israelis committed in tehran, because if it does not do this , it will lose its deterrence against israel. may to give iran must show the islamic world that it has the highest position in the islamic world and is the defender of those who do not have a platform and is the voice of the voiceless. of course, türkiye also has a claim. but
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he has not done such a thing and despite these claims, erdogan provides oil and gas to israel, and the most frequent question these days in the media and military political circles is iran's answer. this time, compared to the previous answer , what new features and distinctions will it have? the iranians will act very smartly and will carry out this attack at night and on economic centers so that civilian casualties are minimized. hamas and hezbollah should be added to iran's response and we will see a wider reaction. for example, attack tel aviv, hebron and other areas. the level and amount of this attack will be several times the previous attack. maybe up to four. it will be against waves of attacks one after another, which means it will not be done all at once, but in several stages until the israeli defense loses its ability, and an analysis of the occupation regime's inability to counter iran's response in the true promise operation is also this.
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it has done the job, but it has not used its most powerful and modern weapons, if iran wants to use the most powerful i don't think israel can defend against this weapon. and this time it will be vulnerable, and the bearable warning of the american expert to the statesmen of the sandy country of israel with prime minister netanyahu wants to stab america in the back and somehow bring washington into war with iran. i believe that netanyahu intends to target some american officials , especially trump and some democratic politicians . mossad is very skilled in this field and in this way wants to bring america into war with iran. if the americans want, with israel accompany and commit this imprudence , they also have goals that can be damaged and targeted in the mediterranean sea
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, the red sea and other places in the region. it is coherence and synergy. mr. medzikian consulted the government building in the meeting of sunni representatives in the parliament. and the use of the collective opinion of experts and elites and said: the priority of the 14th government is coherence, unity, synergy and coordination with the leader of the revolution and other elements of the system , as well as efforts to improve and improve the efficiency of the implementation documents are upstream. the president listed the inefficiency and lack of competence as one of the problems of the country's administrative structure and said: we are trying to select capable experts. and review related records to solve the problems and progress on the axis of the country's major goals . general director of the general board of the court of administrative justice said: in today's general meeting of the court, the requirement
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to have a certificate for car buyers from the factory was removed. in order to buy a car, the applicant must have a driver's license . it was invalidated from the date of approval because we had stated in our previous decision , the general court had stated in its previous decision. having a driver's license. it is a type of legislation, and this is from shaun the legislator, and the competition council did not have and does not have such authority, and therefore, if rights are to be limited , the legislator must limit the rights, and the access of people to the automobile market must be limited.
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people who have not been able to go to their market since the date of approval of the decree with this condition and could not receive their status as an applicant, well. they can go to the court and if they meet the other conditions, they can apply to buy a car and register it. the director of operation and control of the country's electricity network said that the peak electricity consumption reached 75 thousand megawatts last night, which has increased by 7 compared to the same period last year. sales and services for customers of tehran electricity distribution company also said: 15% of tehran's electricity consumption during the peak hour is related to offices. in the past and today, almost the big offices of tehran could
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face a reduction of about 200 megawatts. well , there are a small number of offices that didn't reduce their consumption anyway, and we had to. faced with electricity restrictions let's face we faced 51 offices with electricity restrictions yesterday, but most of the offices were in good condition both yesterday and today. the meteorological organization announced that the heat will continue until the end of the week in most parts of the country. this organization also issued an orange warning for the southern and southeastern parts of the country due to scattered showers. well, the experts of the meteorological organization are with us. hello mr. asghari , we are waiting to hear your report. peace be upon you as you can see.
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yes, many areas in the eastern half of the country have high temperatures above the expected level, while they are between the centers
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in the traditional way, we experienced the highest temperature in ahvaz . in tehran, the highest temperature is 411 in front of the waysadin map . we are looking for a good place with relatively cool weather to travel. remember that thursday and friday will be significantly wavy in the caspian sea . please refrain from swimming in the caspian sea . the temperature has moderated a bit. meanwhile, as i said , these temperatures have risen in this direction, that is, the arabian peninsula and iraq. but the graph we have shows that it is the highest we will have the temperature tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. in the northern half, this is an example for tehran. after that
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, we have a decrease in temperature. the coldest can be said on wednesday morning of next week, or now we are facing it on thursday morning. in any case , their work is such that they should be in the open space, they should be careful in the south of sistan baluchistan or the north of hormozgan province , there is a possibility of flooding in the next two days. rehmat chahar mohal bakhtiari south of isfahan we will have these conditions in the central province in the highlands as well, and finally , we are facing air pollution, if there are people, especially their bodies are vulnerable in tehran, qom, semnan province, isfahan province, yazd province, central province, now add hamadanam province to this group. it has always been in our mind that hamadan province is a good province in terms of air cleanliness, but it seems that
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it is polluted for 24 to 48 hours, and we ask that you definitely use a mask. the 120-day winds prevail in the east of the country, if anyone is in the area. they come and go, especially at night, so be careful the possibility of rail disruption, for example between zahedan and bam , is not far from the mind. ali reza, we will get back to you . it officially started, according to the secretary of the arbaeen registration and dispatch committee, since the beginning of muharram , 1,400,000 people have definitively registered in the sama system. the head of the emergency organization said that the 50% increase in emergency services on the road and zero border points for emergency services on the road and zero border points for emergency services on the road and zero border points for emergency services on the road and
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zero border points for 44 days of emergency services on the road and border zero points for emergency services on the road and border zero points for 44 percent of emergency services on the road and border zero points for emergency services on the road and border zero points for forty percent of emergency services on the road and border zero points for emergency services on the road and border zero points for emergency services on the road and border zero points for emergency services on the road and border zero points for arbaeen.


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