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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 2:00am-2:33am IRST

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the supervision of state-owned companies informed mr. dasgheib in the first meeting of the general board of the supervisory body to prepare a report on the subtraction of last year's budget of the entire country, he said that due to the significant share of state-owned companies in the entire country's budget, reliable and complete information and reports about the companies it exists in the court of accounts and this supervisory body deals with these reports . something that is very important and at the same time as
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punishing those who deviate from the legal procedures and commit violations, but besides that, the procedures must be modified to be on the correct economic track of the country . the first group of perfect now the equipment of the processions passed the border of shalamcheh. the representative of atbat aliat khuzestan says that according to forecasts, 3,000 trucks will transport the equipment of iranian processions to iraq. the first group of trucks carrying equipment and items of the procession of service providers crossed the shalamcheh border. we took a car , let's go there to serve for zaherin mokab. we have accommodation, hoping to god. last year, we
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were able to take 2,800 cars out of the border. this year , the forecast is that nearly 3,000 cars will actually go to the border. together with the representatives of the aliat organization , the passport police and the customs office are doing the administrative work at the border . we have completed the administrative work and we are ready to leave for the kufa mosque. how many days did you work? today is one day. for us, it is done quickly, there is almost no delay, we provide 24-hour service , the priorities are perishable refrigerated cars, which have the priority to leave for us. karbala. set up
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whatever you do for imam hussain, no matter what you give him, there is at least a percentage that we can help them, to serve imam hussain and help them, what are you doing there for iraq? we are emptying cars . this year, processionists from khuzestan and neighboring provinces can only bring their equipment to the cities of iraq from the border of shalamcheh to deploy on the routes leading to atbat aliat. iranian processions will be busy serving pilgrims on the way from najaf to karbala for a few days after arbaeen. mehdi behranipur marz shalamche news agency. the next part of the news at 3 o'clock.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today in the case. first of tonight's program
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, we will examine the latest speculations and predictions about how and when iran and the resistance front will respond to the assassinations of beirut and tehran with mr. michel maalouf, the former director of the pentagon of the us department of defense. to examine the appointment of yahya senwar as the successor of ismail haniyeh as the leader and head of the political office of hamas, but on the 300th day of the fifth day of the genocide and the continuation of the resistance in gaza, we see the latest pictures from palestine.
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this is not the first time that we are doing mass graves. this is the third time. this is the third time. it is in the north. there are 11, 50 people in my tomb in gaza, in the north. this is the tomb in nasser hospital. there are 400 people, and the place i know about it is bad. we are about 90 , 90, 85 people. adam, why do you have mass graves
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, because i do not have the means to bury 80 people, there are no graves, no stones, no tiles, and nothing in the main mosque of the walls. i don't believe that this theme of the burial of these martyrs is in itself a penalty for the rights of humanity and humanity , because the people of these martyrs do not know about the burial of their children, nor do they know the condition of their children . there are a number of dead bodies, and we will need to bury them . i am the beginning of the bag of the martyrs. his first is it an old decayed hadith? i did not see it until this moment. god has honored me. the burial of your mother is in the north of the gaza strip, and today the burials
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are in the south of the gaza strip. others have found their children under the graves in other places .
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before we start the first conversation of tonight's program , we want to see some moments from the meeting of the spokesperson of the us department of foreign affairs, in which matthew miller was interviewed by reporters. iran's right to respond to the terrorism that took place in the country is being challenged. as a matter of fact, you hear the iranians, it's not in their interest to respond and so on, but at least do they have the right to respond, i mean, is that part of self-defense? so as i, i just answer that question, defense, i just answer that question in response to what he got from simon, a right is one thing, uh, taking steps that are productive and are conducive to the interests of their people, that are conducive to the interests of the broader region or another question, and in no way would a retaliatory action by iran in any way serve the interests of the iranian people or the broader region and that's precisely why i'm asking you, because you mentioned the
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word right, so you are acknowledging that they do have the right to respond, no, i did not acknowledge that, i acknowledge the question, okay, then let me ask you, if this was let's say happen in any of the western capitals, wouldn't they be sort of obliged to respond? uh, i'm not going to deal with a hypothetical, okay, all right, well deal with something real, last week, a week ago, yesterday, sunday, and aron uh, rocket hit or maybe intentional hit a small town of majil shams a syrian town, syrian citizens and so on, and you said that israel has a right to defend itself, i'm not you personally, but i'm saying, so what's different? i mean, everybody was, everybody was saying israel has a right to defend itself, why doesn't iran have right itself when the guest house, i don't want to make comparison, but it's like the guest house in london or maybe blair house or anything, i mean something that really touched. the sovereignty of iran, so i take the point of your question, said, um, it
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is not in any way however, useful at all for anyone in the region for iran to consider taking such steps because of the risk, as i said, um, that this could um uh potentially get out of control, and that's the message we will continue to impress them. in the first file of tonight's program, as we said at the beginning of the program. we want to examine the latest speculations and analyzes regarding the way iran and the resistance front responded to the assassinations of this regime in beirut and tehran . in our first communication, we want to go to washington to meet with mr. michel melouf, former analyst and manager. let's talk with the american ministry of defense or the pentagon , mr. maalouf. hello, thank you for inviting us to this conversation. these days are the days of receiving
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unofficial reports and information, and sometimes we need to interpret and analyze this information in order to accurately diagnose the situation . you were a manager and analyst in the us ministry of defense for many years. the actions of iran and the resistance front have been published in several media such as reuters, cn and axios, that yesterday at the us national security council meeting, in which biden was also present, officials american intelligence and military said that it is very difficult for them to predict iran's reaction and to determine the time and place of iran's response to israel. as a result, they cannot have satisfaction in this field. the israeli media
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quoted their officials as saying that it is impossible to accurately determine the way the iranian axis chooses to respond. what do you think about this situation of ambiguity and uncertainty that the israeli and american authorities are in? thank you. the reaction that you invited me is that, in my opinion, the west and america in particular expects iran's reaction to be direct against israel, this time this reaction will be different from the previous reaction that was done in april, well, the timing we predict is that. it is most likely that this attack will be carried out on a weekly basis, and the previous time when the israelis
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targeted the building of the iranian consulate in syria , well, iran directly fired missiles and drones and sent them towards israel , and this time i think that iran think well about this story and keep america and israel in a very tense situation. it has, but at the same time as this, in fact, since this time well, the americans have the opportunity to organize their own forces for the possible defense of israel, and i think that this time the approach that iran will use will be different, it is possible that
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subsonic ballistic missiles will be used. .. in my opinion, this attack will be an attack that will be designed in such a way that it can bypass israel's multi-layered defense and i think that the targets that are considered in israel will probably be military, civilian targets will not be used. last time we saw that
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military goals were considered and although their preparation will not be complete, and if iran's missiles are used carefully and seriously , it will be ready to counter this attack, but it will be very difficult to contain them. their defense
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is to stop iran's missiles, that's actually the issue. a few days ago , we had the latest report on this issue from the american abc news tv channel, quoting american officials , who announced that this time, compared to iran's response in april, washington faced more difficult obstacles for forming a coalition to defend israel , what do you know about the root of this problem? i think it will definitely be more difficult because the iranians will probably use ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles this time instead of using drones or unmanned aerial vehicles because they are much slower than missiles and last time. well, iran
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had this strategy, the first time it deliberately used the drones . and he wanted to use them to pass through israel's defenses and the radars that israel had and that they wanted from a military point of view. to get some information, and for that reason , in the first stage , they got the information they wanted, and now this time, i think that it is very likely. a regional war has not scared iran so far, and now it is possible that israel
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has threatened if it wants to create a conflict, for example , if america wants to target some of the capitals , but this has no effect for now and we have to see, i think. iran's reaction will be much stronger than that attack, their reaction in april will be another issue in the middle , which is raised in the media, that it will be long. the time for iran's response and the effects that this expectation can create. the issue has caused the israeli side to be on alert at any moment after the assassinations in beirut and tehran. lieberman, israel's former war minister today.
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from my personal point of view , it was a declaration of war
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, a war plan and a war plan. the fact that he traveled to america, he returned immediately, and the israelis carried out these assassinations in lebanon , iran, and those provocative actions. themselves and now, because of those attacks, not only iran but even lebanon is exposed to revenge, and i think that iran has the ability to challenge them with difficulty, and on the other hand, iran also sends this announcement to the countries of the middle east. the warning has been given to the countries where the american bases are located. he said that if these bases are used to attack iran, then iran will definitely attack the bases that
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are in qatar, bahrain and saudi arabia, so we have seen that politically, some sunni countries are starting to say that we have a view and approach. israel america we don't agree, some of those countries kept silent for the time being, and now, well, we see some of them come to announce publicly that if a conflict breaks out, they will not participate in it. they said that if there is an attack against israel, we will not defend them with missiles. we will not track them. now we see that the debate between shia and sunni has disappeared, in fact, the same sunnis also came and said that they are not ready
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to do anything against iran because the things that israel has done, well, maybe it has actually upset them too. and impossible for them too it is accepted and according to them it should be stopped and now that thing. if the conflicts escalate, then on the other hand, we can say that there is no more diplomatic solution, then the chance to solve
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the problems will decrease. we saw that israel is not even interested in a ceasefire in gaza, not only is it involved with iran, but it is not willing to agree to a ceasefire in gaza , and we saw that it targeted the main negotiator . very good, thank you for the final question about a political issue that was mentioned in your speech is the issue of trying to reduce tension or peace in gaza and the approach of the american government in this field. american and european officials have been repeatedly saying for the past few days that restraint should be used to reduce tensions . obviously , we had the words of us secretary of state blinken yesterday, who said that the escalation of tensions in the middle east is not in anyone's interest, and the middle east
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is the moment. all parties should refrain from escalating tensions. these were blinken's words, but the question that comes to mind here is that the americans have 10 months to use their various tools to control israel and reduce tensions. never do this now that israel is in tehran as a guest of the iranians, he assassinated and iran has found this right to answer, they say:
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he wants to make his own decision and he actually does what he wants to do. we see radical people there. they are crazy people and they follow a very dangerous agenda , and in fact they consider the land of the occupied palestinian territories to be their promised land, and they have very strange ideas, and they seek to implement them, and things that they think it is right to execute israel.
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to be able to advance their own plans, the biden administration really had no choice, and in fact, maybe it was so weak that it could not do anything against the israelis. now, if the american government changes, which i think trump might become the president , then trump will support israel again , and he will have more rigid support. and
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about what you said, maybe four times five times, it is the result of the trust that we did, violation and fraud in providing a service , look at any name in cyberspace, at least one name you want to call, 40, 50 fakes, it has hit me in the west, hit me in the east, hit me in the north, south of tehran , nothing. which of these is not our company, all disputes and problems start from here they are not members of the union. in the days when the concern is to transport cargo and goods, the problem is that they are operating under the name and title of reputable, licensed and reputable carriers . it was an old lady. i did not know that he bought a truck for 185 million tomans. what was the problem of getting money for a move? i bought a car to move the foundation of the house .
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we will take money for packing, i gave 33 million , enough money for moving, i gave 45 million, i gave 78 million for this work. some cases of fig very big, for example, 100 million, for example, taking money that is not included in any other tariff . there are many cases like this when he takes money, he does not have an office , he does not have a specific place, they do not sign a contract , they do not see a bill . they tell the customer about the class worker's car, they ask everyone , did you go to that contract office? you didn't say it yourself , so when you don't have a contract, they don't give you an invoice, not even when the customers protest the high prices
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, they get caught like this, they keep our things. violators say that unauthorized units have no place at all, they have nothing. door on the phone and with a car on the street this week, we cut off 3 phones, we see 6 more phones bought and put away. we had a public report about the violation of one of the major transportation companies. we came to this place to see what the issue was . we said we want a car for narmak in total. how far does it go? according to this man, if he works for 3 hours, he can get 5 million tomans , 32,800,000 tomans, he announced
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that this is his calculation. through virtual networks. he wants to provide a service, and this service must be within the framework of the law of the financial system and the law of consumer protection. now, from the investigations we have done, we can see that their prices are more than misleading. violation of the law of the traditional system based on expensive.


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