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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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in defense of his own dignity, he may have restrained himself and not respond in the past, but this time no domestic or international observer has any doubt that iran will respond. your assessment as an external observer of this scene and iran's determination and determination to respond, what is iran? there is no hurry, akmal.
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he was attacked and his credibility was attacked in the assassination operation of martyr haniyeh. i believe that the answer is certain and as i announced in the past , it will be calculated so that civilians are safe from this operation and military targets with strategic weight are targeted. the answer will be like this there is also coordination between all fronts of the resistance axis until the response to the zionist regime is coordinated
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. after the possible attack of iran and israel, respond because the region may move towards an all-out war. the calculated attack will be accurate because if civilians are targeted, it is possible that israel means this operation.
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answer this operation, but i believe that the goals are calculated and checked and are to the extent that control matters to be controlled. well, last night we had an attack in iraq on the ain al-aswad base, which caused the loss of american forces. in nahariya, in the occupied territories of lebanon, hezbollah also carried out a successful military operation, which caused the astonishment of the international observers and the concern of the zionist observers . the israeli side and its defense are on full alert for hizbullah drones to enter that area. as a military expert, what image and analysis do you have of this vulnerability? iran's missiles
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came to its aid from ballistics or european countries. hezbollah is geographically very close to the lands of occupation and in iraq and syria as well as hashd al-shaabi operation and resistance groups do not want american forces to remain in iraq and if the war flares up, american bases will be targeted, and we have seen it in and during the
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past years. this operation has continued and will continue . the resistance groups are divided into eight branches and want to leave. thank you and the final question , as you said, iran has always sought to prevent the war from spreading, but if after the answer iran wants to terrorize , it will be on the israeli side, then on the zionist side of the war. expand what options do you think await the zionists? it is not about options. i think there is a small possibility that
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israel will respond to iran's attack, military targets and leaders of military commanders will be targeted. but the expansion of the war in the region will be dangerous for the entire region, and the closure of the american bases in the region and oil will be dangerous.
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we do not have a correct idea of ​​the next phase of the war in gaza. every time a cease-fire is announced , israel violates the cease-fire and attacks gaza.
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thank you, thank you, hazrat. now we see short news from different parts of the world, more than 28 thousand employees of 34 technological companies in the world lost their jobs last month due to cost reduction and increased use of artificial intelligence. the number of people who were fired in the first seven months of this year has reached 124,000. intel company of america laid off 15,000 employees the most, and microsoft and ukg are among the other american companies that laid off the most employees after intel
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. a day after the resignation of the prime minister of bangladesh and his departure from the country following the protests of the parliament the country was dissolved. the commander of the bangladesh army announced his resignation. the prime minister of the army will form the interim government, but the organizers of the protests, who emphasize that they will not accept the government led by the army , have proposed the 84-year-old economist and nobel peace prize winner mohammad yunus to lead the interim government. the president of mexico has criticized the us interference in the venezuelan elections and said that no country has the right to announce a winner or loser in another country's elections. after the victory of madaro in the recent presidential election , his rival edmundo gonzález who supported the united states has claimed fraud in the election results and considers itself the president of venezuela. in recent days, this country has seen demonstrations by supporters of both electoral rivals. america
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banned the use of chinese software in self-driving cars in order to control china's dominance in the car market. the us is also considering using cars with advanced wireless communication capabilities that are made in china. the us government has imposed these bans due to concerns about sensitive data transmission. pakistani prime minister shehbaz sharif asked india about the issue. kashmir to negotiate. this request is made following the fact that a simultaneous nationwide march with various cities, including kashmir under control, on the occasion of the day of our answer, guarantee, you know where you should account, did not reach the technical and engineering services office of the ministry of mining industry and merchants at the beginning of this year. the automobile community of 245 automobile companies that produce chewar, almost all of them are connected to the law of entry.
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the general director of technical and engineering services of the ministry of samt says that the necessary measures to connect motorcycle manufacturers to this system are the initial meeting with the activists of this field. was laid in the next few months we will enter all manufacturers and importers of these vehicles into the system of the after-sales service community . the ministry has announced that after connecting motorcycle manufacturers to this system, if they are not responsive , people can complain to them in this system , and if they are not responsive, violators will be punished. mohammad elhari, radio and television news agency. thank you for your cooperation.
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mr. khaled qadoumi, representative of hamas in iran , has joined us. welcome to our program in press toy. i believe you are an eyewitness. you have been a martyr. old mr. first, i must offer my condolences. i express my family devotion to you, mr. haniyeh's family, and to the palestinian people and freedom fighters around the world. if possible, tell us what kind of person mr. ismail haniyeh was. what responsibility did he put upon himself to be dependent on the fate of the people of palestine throughout his life? thank you very much for your sentiments and condolences. ismail haniyeh had a multi-dimensional personality and in fact he was not only a palestinian leader. he
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crossed the borders of nationality, ethnicity, religion and was a global citizen. when we talk about ismail haniyeh, we must say that ismail haniyeh his life he started with a family of faith and unity. his father was one of sufism scholars and clerics at that time. ismail haniyeh grew up in a conservative family. in his youth, when he was in school and university with the muslim brotherhood group, sheikh ahmed yassin was very close to him and started his work with him, and haniyeh was one of his students, and after that he took charge of sheikh ahmed yassin's office and from he learned a lot.
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he is also very close to the youth , they know him in ashati camp. he was also a social activist. he was a lovely person. then he became a diplomat. during the al-aqsa storm operation, we managed to develop our diplomatic relations due to this man's mentality. let's progress he was a realistic, wise and resilient man. he
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believed in the red lines of the backbone of our people's struggle, which is resistance. he also believed in the resistance approach. which may originate from military resistance. but in the meantime, he moved towards diplomacy, then we saw how the superpowers of the southern world such as china, russia, even japan, even some other countries started to meet. he then many capitals of the world and the region of maghreb he traveled to algeria, turkey, qatar, iran, indonesia and malaysia and met with many world officials. met china sent its deputy foreign minister to visit him and negotiate for reconciliation. then i think about the reconciliation process , his open approach towards the palestinian community was an element that made us move towards greater unity between the palestinian people. the people of gaza loved him very much. in these
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10 months, 79 members of his family were martyred. i said. it is easy but not easy to cope with. he was a believer and memorizer of the quran. but on the other hand, it is not easy to deal with this issue got along maybe you are human. and suddenly you receive the news of the death of your two beloved sons during eid al-fitr. then, hazem ismail haniyeh and his daughter amal amir ismail haniyeh and his son khalid and his daughter razan, they were also assassinated by israeli criminals. i mean, they attack two children, a four-year-old and a six-year-old. were they qassam commanders who attack them ? this was a summary of ismail haniyeh's personality. he is an open book for everyone. he was a transparent man and trusted by many people in gaza.
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israeli criminals during the shojaiye school massacre they said frankly, we are going to school. we attacked a school. this is the statement of the israeli army. one of the injured in that incident said at the time that it is because of our leader, he is our father, he is our brother, he is in the hearts of all of us, and he serves all of his nation. it is difficult to deal with him. he was a man of logic, rationality, holistic approach, and was also a political and holistic actor. he is an activist. he was social and a politician. he was the imam of the mosque. his voice was very beautiful. he also recited the quran. and all of them still resonate in the hearts of young people. losing him it is a great loss for everyone. i want to mention a very sad memory. for this reason
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, there are many different narratives and stories, especially from the western media. the first point is that this is just an analysis. the second point is that we have not yet received any official report from the host that is so decisive. so i will rely on what i saw that day according to my observations. you know this place is a well-known place here in the islamic republic of iran to receive guests. so there is no hiding place and this
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does not really bring any security gains for israel, including him there were elders for the ceremony. the new president was invited to the swearing-in ceremony of dr. masoud mezikian, and on that night dr. mezikian was invited to the dinner ceremony along with other dignitaries. iran is their host. after all, iran is an independent country and has international interactions and relations. you can't break the rules between them calmly
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. he left his room. i was in my room when suddenly the walls of the building shook. i thought it was an earthquake or something like that. i also in i also saw these vibrations during lightning. i felt it and it was confusing. i felt that something was unusual. i got up and felt that an earthquake had occurred. i looked out of the window and there was no rain or lightning. then
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i came out of my room and saw smoke everywhere . my friends were everywhere and they said that sheikh haniyeh was martyred. i asked them if they saw the body of ismail haniyeh. one of my friends took my hand and said that he was martyred. i asked the host. to show the place as the representative of hamas in the islamic republic of iran. i saw his body and i was sure. i saw ismail haniyeh's room. the ceiling and walls of the room were destroyed. this indicates that something from outside either a missile or a projectile hit there. and now we have to respect this official narrative here . because this narrative is authentic and i 'm sure they backed it up with scientific evidence . if you can say that
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the assassination was carried out with a bullet with a 7 kg warhead, this is what discredits the narrative of the new york times. the press conference of daniel hagari, the spokesman for the israelis, he said that i am not aware of any attack, this action was carried out with the support of the americans, it is very technical. netanyahu is a war criminal who has been declared a war criminal by the international court of justice . instead of being arrested , they welcomed him in the us congress and cheered him many times .
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success is movement. we are witnessing deliberative democracy. according to the law, the advisory council must be formed. we will choose the new leader of the movement there. so there is a process there. people like saleh aruri, fouad shekar and ismail haniyeh i am sure they feel that they are weakening the resistance front with this action
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, but many people say exactly the opposite, when the determination and will of the palestinian resistance movements and other resistance movements come to the field, nothing will change. do you think these measures weaken the resistance? this miscalculation is our enemy. they assume that assassinating our leaders will divert us from the deep and well-researched decisive path among the members of our organization. we lost abd al-aziz al-randizi and now we lost sheikh ismail haniyeh. but they are all in their beliefs have deepened and our people today say that we continue on their path. so this is what happens. this is a miscalculation on the part of the enemy. when our enemies say that killing ismail haniyeh. it diverts us from the path, escapes from reality . ismail haniyeh was the son of this institution. he was a child of this school. he did what people
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wanted. he was killed in this crime. he was a guest of an independent country. this has not happened anywhere. the security council should have convened a meeting and based on article 7 of its constitution israel was attacking in order to hold it accountable under international law. this action should be from the international community and not only from iran and the resistance. this is the responsibility of humanity. they must not allow a person to destabilize the security of the world. the united nations was formed with the primary goal of making the world safer. but because of israel's actions, we lack security. because of israel and the extremist elements present in israel, we have instability, and because of israel's mentality towards the extremists there , we see protests everywhere, even among americans. we are the actions of israel. look at the students in the streets and look at the masses of ordinary people in america. they oppose
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the government's foreign policy. they are themselves and chanting against israel's war crimes. they support the palestinian struggle and the palestinian resistance. they are americans who are non-arab, non-muslim, and non-palestinian. so, according to them, it is enough and israel is no longer tolerable. israel is diplomatically isolated. now we need to turn this into something more practical. israel must be punished. it should be pressed until this genocide that if we see that very few countries actually target the leadership of another country , the few that do, go after the military leader of a country. you rarely
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see a regime seeking political leadership , especially on the soil of other countries. why is israel's regime so different from other countries? why do they act like this? why, according to international laws , the same behavior that we see from other countries, which even have clear red lines in relation to enemies, does not behave. there are lines that cannot be crossed, but the regime for some reason boldly passes them at every stage. because this issue only concerns israel. israel is a product of western civilization. the copper seed that was planted in our region at the beginning of the century. to depict this barbaric western civilization of the new colonial powers under american control and show it to everyone. israel is a new colonialist , which is supported by four countries: america, england, germany and france. from day one. on
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october 7, these four countries issued a declaration against humanity. this is an action on behalf of those four countries against the majority of the world. this must be understood. the world today it is on one side and those four countries are on the other side. when israel exists, then nothing can be respected. israel's representative inside the united nations ate the organization's charter in front of everyone and left. this is an issue that should not be tolerated. this is the same issue. which humiliates the international community. the charter of humanitarian affairs, unanimously approved by all members of the united nations , must be respected. israel disrespects it. hundreds of anti -israel resolutions have been passed and none of them have been implemented. today is enough. representative israel it is america and america's veto always supports it . now everyone is talking about the solution of forming two countries
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. when a letter was presented by some other countries to accept palestine's permanent membership in the united nations, the american government was rude enough to say that it was not time.


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