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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 4:00am-4:37am IRST

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we also got a vision. it's a locomotive that pulls 70 other industries with it. you see , it's made from leather, petrochemicals, metallurgy, tools , and other things. it's made of thread glue, glue, wax, and so on. go for it, masha'allah , it's usually iranian. khorram, why, because because of iranian production, if we buy the same iranian work, the young people will work more, the factories will open. if we are going to buy from abroad, the factories will all be closed , the quality is also guaranteed, iranian work is guaranteed , shoe smuggling, although it has decreased, but there is still a set of factors that caused the trend we had. for example, from assuming 570 million to 380,318, for example , in the last 5 years, it reached 180 million dollars in 1997 , 93 million dollars in 2018, 42 million dollars in 2019, and 41 million dollars last year. or smuggling
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, domestic producers say that there is a possibility of increasing exports in this industry if suitable platforms are provided for it. in 1402 , we exported about 92 million dollars, which is significant. of course , these plans that we had in the past 10 years by holding exhibitions such as empker in mashhad, tabriz, qom, isfahan, these are our intentions to reach one billion dollars when we if we can go and export, we certainly have work to do all year round and we will increase our forces and our personnel will earn a living in this way. the quality is excellent, good, beautiful . you are here with us. alhamdulillah. it is equivalent to its very good qualities, its resurrections are very fun. they say that iranian products are much
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closer to us than bringing them, and we have a long history with iran, and it is better for us than in the shoe industry . minimized by mehdi mohammadzadeh of sed and sima news agency.
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and konkor to get 60% of the whole two days for free and free planning advice , send the number 5 to 30085. it is easy with gilna konkor. the meeting of the president with the groups of representatives on the fourth day of the week, on tuesday evening , in the meeting, mr. mezikian
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mentioned the set of criteria and the main conditions of the government in the selection of managers and said that i did not come to bring a certain group and faction to work, but to follow it. i am and the selection of efficient managers , experts and clean hands, the executive management of the country in the right direction and in line with serving the people and providing satisfaction they steer slow. the president also considered the 20-year vision document announced by the supreme leader of the revolution as one of the reliable and honorable progress documents for the country and emphasized the importance of interaction and exchange of views between parliament members and statesmen in solving the country's problems. in the meeting with the members of the independent faction, the president said that unity and empathy are the only way to solve the problems of the parliament. he considered the problems and progress in favor of successful affairs and
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said: the condition for handing over responsibility at all levels of management in the 14th government is to believe in empathy and synergy to help each other regardless of ethnicity. the political point of view of gender or any limiting factor and the effort to create macro-level documents and policies of the system. the president also, in a meeting with the sunni representatives of the parliament , singled out inefficiency and lack of competence as the problems of the country's administrative structure and said that we are trying to select experts. he is capable and has related records in the way of solving problems and progressing on the axis of the country's major goals . we were in mashhad for four or five days to visit imam reza. we usually
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visit him once or twice a year. february 4, 1402 it was a very nice trip. our trip was very good . the last trip to mashhad we came was last year. well , we came to mashhad by car. well, the last trip to mashhad we came was really different from other trips. i really remember my father. well, the last moments of his martyrdom were really bright. 13 april 1403, this is damascus building. the consulate of our country, seven of the military advisers of the islamic republic of iran in syria were martyred in this attack by the zionist regime .
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i can't really visit. they always come to mashhad by themselves. they used to come to mashhad three times a year. since they were in the qutb corps, they would come more often when they were given a mission. they accepted him as a servant of their own door and after years of effort, they loved imam reza, and that trip was his last journey. when he came, he received the sign of a servant of the royal court of imam reza. the language of the son of martyr mohammadi? until recently, they never missed any time for their work , he wanted that work with all his heart they did their best work , they joked with each other, they laughed with each other
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, they were very friendly, they were funny, they played with us a lot and told me, come stick your heart to my heart to be recharged. yes, all families are religious and very enlightened, that is, when we came to our house , we had a good feeling, and i thought that they had a light at all, that they came to our house and enlightened our blood. they say that we came with this caravan, the children are separated the fact that people are related to people who are of their own kind, the children are of their own kind, means that i feel like you saw that the children are recharged when they go somewhere. my children
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are really energized with this caravan. shoes in the 90s. according to what was officially stated , it was imported into the country through smuggling, the market was almost full of foreign iranian shoes, very few, at all , the sellers themselves advertise foreign products, last year, this shop itself produced maybe 20 to 22 iranian manufacturers. my own production and two
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from friends, the imports that have been made in the market will cause my production to decrease due to the increase in the exchange rate and the transportation costs. the amount of import and smuggling decreased and the market fell into the hands of domestic producers. 250 million pairs of caps produced in our country are domestic and 100 million pairs. there is no problem, now you can see everyone wearing iranian shoes without any problems and we have recently acquired very new technologies . it is a locomotive that pulls 70 other industries into its own . look, from leather to petrochemicals to metallurgical issues. it is made of thread glue if you want wax and such, go ahead , masha'allah, i usually buy iranian, why? because of the iranian production, the iranian work we buy will work more, the factories will open
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, if we are going to buy foreign, the factories will all be closed, the quality is guaranteed, iranian work is guaranteed , shoe smuggling, although it has decreased, but there is still a set of factors that cause that trend. which we had , for example, from 570 million to 380,318, for example , in the last 5 years of 2017, it reached 180 million dollars . 93 million dollars in 2018 and 42 million dollars in 2019 and 41 million dollars last year our official document is the same as smuggling. domestic producers say that there is a possibility of increasing exports in this document, if proper platforms are provided for it. during the last 10 years, by holding exhibitions like empker, mashhad, tabriz, qom
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, isfahan, these are our intention to reach one billion dollars, when we can go to export, we certainly have work to do all year round and we will increase our forces and our personnel as promised. famously, they make a living from this the quality is excellent, it is good , it is beautiful, please like it. we are satisfied with iranian shoes. alhamdulillah, the quality is very beautiful. the core is very high quality. we have a long history with iran and it is better for us. in the shoe industry , the slogan of buying iranian goods and the support of the people increased the quality of domestic production and minimized smuggling and illegal imports .
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it is always easy to pass the exam, it is as easy as the entrance exam for 6th to 12th grade students receive 60% of the entire two days for free and free planning advice. send the number 5 to 30085. it is easy with gilna konkor.
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hello, at 4:4 the meeting of the president with on the fourth day of the week, on the fourth day of the week , on tuesday evening, in a meeting with the members of the representatives of hamedan province , he mentioned the efficiency of expertise and clean hands among the main criteria and conditions of the government in the selection of managers, and he said, "i did not come to select a particular group and party." i am looking for work, but i am looking for it, and the selection of two efficient managers, experts and clean hands, the country's executive management is on the right track and to guide the people in order to serve them and ensure their satisfaction. the president also
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considered the 20-year vision document announced by the supreme leader of the revolution as one of the most reliable and honorable progressive documents for the country and emphasized the importance of interaction and exchange of views between parliament members and statesmen in solving the country's problems. kurd: in the meeting with the members of the independents faction, the president considered unity and empathy as the only way to solve the problems and move things forward successfully. he said: the condition for handing over responsibility in all management levels in the 14th government is to believe in empathy and unity increasing help from each other, regardless of ethnicity, political viewpoint, gender or any limiting factor, and trying to create macro documents and policies, macro
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system. the president also in a meeting with representatives of sunnis of the parliament, inefficiency and meritorious. he considered lack of focus as one of the problems of the country's administrative structure and said: we are trying to move towards the country's major goals by selecting capable experts with relevant records in the direction of solving problems and progressing . 500 footpaths for the service of the head of hajj and pilgrimage center of kifdaran tamra and the field of presentation.
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voice and the development of artificial intelligence and robotics technology in industry and agriculture, robotic experts in the world were able to produce various products for the agricultural industry by using artificial intelligence in the production of robots. iranian experts also used artificial intelligence in the analysis of land processing . the market of applying the intelligence of robotic technology in the industry has witnessed the presence of robots equipped with artificial intelligence in various fields of these emerging technologies in the agricultural field. takes and
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evaluates the product below it by identifying the product from it protects and then weeds it. it gives energy that is enough to kill the talisman grass. the fruit robot is another example of using agricultural intelligence. a robot that increases the productivity of crops and reduces the waste of agricultural products. we can use this robot waste. food and also this robotic product benefits the environment . another feature of this robot equipped with artificial intelligence is the use of data collected by the robots to predict future yields. mafele country's technologists did not lag behind to identify the challenge available in the agricultural lands designed and produced the intelligent agricultural assistant.
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our current agriculture is traditional agriculture. what we have done now with two methods of using satellite images and artificial intelligence, the combination of these two by internal experts in daneshmian company has become a system, the system is capable of doing all the things that you have to do in a traditional way. it should be done automatically by the system and all the desired characteristics of the farmer should be analyzed through this, and management should be produced, according to the experts, the use of artificial intelligence in the agricultural industry should be reduced.
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if you are well, i invite you to stay with us on the first page. we will put it in this program that people are familiar with. it has been active for about three years and it has some duties to deal with violations of age abuse, which , although it is independent, is structurally opposite to the ministry of justice. and in terms of executive and judicial activities, there is a close relationship between the authority for dealing with crimes, which in this area is investigated and dealt with as a method of hoarding and smuggling, and in this program, from the first page , we have a look at the activities of the government penal organization with the presence of the head of this organization, mr. hello to you.
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the title of the authority for handling reports or cases there is a system that is responsible for the regulation of the market, which is the authority for dealing with violations, which means that a complaint or a report must be submitted
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, even if a government complaint comes. we can make demands, report and refer, and get opinions and expert reviews from the relevant custodians, and then based on that, a case will be filed and dealt with. for example, if someone complains that, sir, for example, a certain item was sold to me at a high price, we should do this according to the legal obligation. let's make a reference to the support organization 's expert review and perform their expertise in implementing article 18 of the organization's letter of expert opinion to the nursing branch and the branch will handle the issue based on that exchange. this example you gave means that even if a glass is one if a glass, a plate , a yogurt, a milk is bought from a supermarket and it is expensive, a case will be filed on the condition that one of the challenges we
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have in the current era is this: i was at your service 3 years ago until this program. i myself am the head of the government organization when i go to a unit i am faced with a trade union violation or a penal violation against al-qaeda. i also have to call the officers of the support organization or the chamber . the amendment of the law was to be able to be the public prosecutor ourselves. in some places, because we had various cases, we even made demands with the institutions that are responsible for the market opinion. well, on al-qaeda, because we don't have a guarantee of execution, and they don't accompany, it's possible to find some. .
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there were topics that we entered, you are waiting for it airline ticket area with the annulment of the approval of the market regulation headquarters by the administrative court of justice and the requirement that the prices should be actualized or, so to speak, liberalized, that's our opinion and our interpretation of the law. it was that because of our ticket issue, that supply and demand mechanism is not available, and we cannot discuss the issue of airplane tickets in terms of the lack of supply under the liberalization system, or as it is called, now the actualization of the old system. well, our interpretation was that the council the competition should come in and set prices , or the aviation organization or the ministry of roads and urban development should make a plan for this issue we had various correspondences, but that's the end. we didn't get any results, the truth is that there were different follow-ups , we held different meetings, so the competition council announced that this
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is not one of the so-called exclusive competitive products. it's not that i want to enter, because the legislator has given me authority to determine whether i should enter or not, and naturally , the airline organization has also interpreted that the legislative authority has not assigned me any duty in this area, so not to enter, and now we are of course we did not stop short, we are still persistent, but i want to say that we have a lot of these issues, this is one point you mentioned in my previous section that you were persistent that the law should be changed so that you can enter as a public prosecutor. in addition to this , there is also the issue of deterrence and supervision . three years ago, almost 3 years ago , when we came to the organization of government attacks and i pledged this responsibility as a servant of the people in this organization, we were faced with special conditions in both
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the country and the organization itself. we were with an organization that has existed passively for years , not that my colleagues before me, the previous managers i don't bother bothering to bother regarding the big views and policies that existed in the country and the various and numerous threats that existed in this field , practically the government tenure organization was inactive, and basically i can say that the field of market supervision at all it has been really serious challenges. i can confidently and boldly tell you that in this 3 -year experience and the follow-up and runs we had this year, i can firmly tell you that we currently have no coherent plan with a regular structure in the field of supervision. we do not have it on the market, unfortunately, it is our responsibility where is it? i said that one of the challenges that exist is that we are facing in the field of monitoring the market
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. the scattering of authorities and the multiplicity of structures have caused us to be unable to consider a specific responsible person and trustee for this area , while according to paragraph 22 of the announced policies of the resistance economy of the supreme leader hefza allah, which was announced on 29 bahman 1392, there is one from the general policies based on which the government and the parliament should come and plan and update the laws , clarifying and streamlining the system, explaining and pricing, and updating the monitoring methods of it has been the market. unfortunately, in the field of this general policy of the system and the policies announced by the supreme leader , unfortunately, no action has been taken, the same model that we saw in the 70s in the field of monitoring the market.
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it has continued with one difference that the powers that the government business organization had in the 1970s were that of confiscation and the organization of government encroachment until this period of transformation that we started with the grace of god and with the care of the ahl al-bayt and reaching the ahl al-bayt and now we can say that in these three years , a lot of good things happened, we witnessed an organization that i can almost say more than 50% of the city does not have a penal department. there were many correctional departments in the cities, of which 50% remained, lack of manpower, lack of facilities , and now there were many problems of this kind . it was not there, which means that we were facing these challenges in the field of dealing with wrong procedures and many problems that are internal problems of the organization
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of government numbers. in the field outside of the organization of government regulations and market supervision , we unfortunately had the same challenge. well, i have mentioned to you that the governmental regulatory organization is the authority for dealing with violations, not the authority for monitoring the market, that is, if we consider the requirements and necessities of market regulation, it is in the field of supervision, inspection, detection of violations, and it is reached. i said that there is no core unit responsible for the violation, that is , there is a matrimonial unit, there is no one in charge of it, obviously it is the umbilical cord, i said, look, this is one of our serious challenges . basic and agricultural products of the ministry of roads and urban development in the field of transportation and tickets i don't know, there are airplanes, trains, etc.
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in the field of medicine and treatment, there is the ministry of health, and in this field, in any of these fields, if a violation occurs and a complaint is filed , the punishment agency is responsible for the investigation. serious action and serious changes must take place . it should be transformed and come to work. in order to monitor the law, both the law needs to be amended and the structure needs to be amended . i mean, we indicated that based on the statistics i was looking at today 62% of the violations reported by the chamber of guilds or the support organization in total, of which the chamber of guilds forms part of this report
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, are more than 622 violations under 50 thousand tomans, and nearly 1/3 of the reports that are jointly submitted to the condolence organization by the system of the protection organization and the chamber of guilds it can be a government violation of not listing the price, that is, mr. hosseini, unfortunately, in order to effectively monitor the market, we do not see effective monitoring of the market by officers and inspectors. won't have anymore now in any case. width i think that we in the government renewal organization were facing these challenges. it's true that we, because i said that you have many questions, but you did it in a different way.
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it is not our topic of discussion today, but in this organization, the reforms of the transformation program that you mentioned and the passivity that was in janabali's interpretation, how far the organization has gone from that passivity and to what point it has reached, let's summarize for about a minute. the result of the challenges at that time led us to this at the beginning of the work in this government , we wrote 8 strategies for transformation in the organization, according to those eight strategies, operational plans were started, implemented and are being implemented. the result of those plans and strategies was that we can claim that the organization of government numbers in these 3 years, it had an effective field presence in the market. after all , it is sometimes mentioned in tv programs, my people can refer to this so-called, that we are present in the market compared to the past, well, it has increased a lot in the field of intelligentization and so-called use of my new systems.
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i can say that this is the official statistic that the responsible institutions have officially announced to us our rank in terms of smartness and the use of new systems in our work process. we had the 87th rank overall, now it is the 13th rank, no, no, what did you do in the field of sexual harassment? first of all , the judicial management system of our case was updated. it has become smart. in the past , it was not possible for people to directly access the penal services , that is, if someone wanted to file a complaint. relative to the field if he has the authority to punish, he must have entered this cycle through the support organization or correctional chamber or another institution. we have now
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created the 135 system or the electronic complaint registration system. people can directly refer to this system and register their complaints electronically for free. immediately after filing a complaint, it is submitted to the branch and the branch enters the proceedings. the so-called service window of our smart service unit was one of the devices that we tested 100 times in this course. as
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