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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 10:30am-10:52am IRST

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the factories are working. they will open if we are going to buy foreign, but the factories will all be closed. the factories will work. if we are going to buy foreign , the factories will all be closed. they can work, the factories will start if we are going to buy foreign, but the factories will all be closed. the factories will work, if we are going to buy foreign, the factories will all be closed. the factories are working. if we are going to buy abroad, the factories will all be closed. the factories are working. if we are going to buy foreign, all the factories will be closed, the factories will work, if we are going to buy foreign, all the factories will be closed. the factories are working. they will open if
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we are going to buy foreign, but the factories will all be closed. the factories will work. if we are going to buy foreign , the factories will all be closed. they are working , the factories are opening, if we are going to buy foreign , the factories are all closed, they are working, the factories are opening, if we are going to buy foreign, which is the factory all are closed. the factories are working, they will open if we are going to buy foreign , but the factories will all be closed. the factories are working , if we are going to buy foreign, the factories will all be closed. they are working, the factories are open, if you are going to buy foreign, the factories will all be closed . the factories are working, if you are going to buy foreign, the factories will all be closed.
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we and because of the pollution that gas and diesel have, asbestos pollution, space pollution thank you very much, sir, the leak was found, here in the thermal power plants, more than 94% of the country's electricity is produced. here is the wet pump room where the auxiliary equipment of the steam unit is considered to be more than 55 degrees celsius of heat. there are workers who
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are working in these conditions and electricity that is hardly produced . working with more than 98% readiness on peak days and employees dying. give command very bad condition. according to the announcement of the ministry of energy, this year the average demand for summer electricity consumption is about 9. more than last year. a situation that pressures the conditions of power plants. puts our power plant also has substations and electrical equipment in these hot conditions, in addition to the heat of the load environment , it causes their temperature to rise, the possibility of their damage and failure increases, and it can lead to blackouts and power cuts, and it creates a lot of work for our colleagues. since the beginning of the year, the electricity production of thermal power plants has reached 140 million megawatt hours with a two percent increase compared to last year . the
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world health organization announced that 175,000 europeans die every year due to the heat and its complications . fueled by the heat of the air in europe, according to a report published last year, only 61,000 people died due to the increase in energy prices . according to this report, the number of casualties caused by the heat of the air has increased by 30% in recent years. the average temperature of the world last month registered 3 new records. in european countries, in some regions, including spain, the temperature is expected to reach 43 degrees. in france, where the temperature has reached 35 degrees, it has affected the performance of some olympic athletes. president's meetings with different groups. different representatives with two issues
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national and provincial president in these meetings , considering that the issue of introducing ministers to the parliament is ahead of the criteria for choosing the ministers of the new government and the interaction of the government and the parliament to solve the country's problems , the representatives of the provinces are also among the problems of the election constituencies. they said themselves. in a meeting with the members of the assembly of representatives of isfahan province, mr. bishikian listed professional expertise and commitment along with experience as the most important criteria for selecting managers and said: having relations and factional and party attitudes will not be a criterion in any way. in this meeting, 20 members of the isfahan provincial representative assembly discussed the issues of the province and his city said. they said, among others, the issue of supplying drinking water to the province, solving the problem of unemployment, organizing foreign media and paying attention to issues related to women. in his meeting with the assembly of representatives of hamedan province, the president
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emphasized the special importance of the 14th government in taking advantage of people's participation in the management of the country. the members of the assembly of governors' representatives also raised the concerns of their constituencies , including the need to complete half-finished plans. strengthening health tourism, setting up a special economic zone in hamadan province and also redefining deprived areas in order to distribute credits fairly. acting minister he left tehran for jeddah to participate in the emergency meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation . in this meeting, which is held at the request of the islamic republic of iran and at the level of the foreign ministers of the member countries , the continuation of the occupation regime's crimes against the palestinian people, including the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement, and the violation of iran's sovereignty will be discussed.
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before leaving for jeddah, the acting minister of foreign affairs had a telephone conversation with the foreign ministers of egypt and austria. mr. bagheri told the egyptian foreign minister that the zionist regime the main cause of instability in the region is the islamic republic of iran his decisive response will deal with the factor of insecurity and instability in the region. in the third telephone conversation with ali bagheri after the assassination of martyr tanieh, the egyptian foreign minister said: cairo has warned all european and american parties against the dangerous actions of the zionist regime and hopes that the tensions in the region will decrease. acting minister of foreign affairs also said to the foreign minister of austria: europe has blocked all diplomatic channels by not condemning the open aggression of the zionist regime and preventing the security council from making an effective and deterrent decision against this regime.
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yahya senwar as the new head of the political bureau of this the movement was elected to replace martyr ismail haniyeh. sanwar he is a palestinian military commander who joined the martyred azin qasan battalions in gaza since the beginning of the palestinian islamic resistance movement hamas. shahid ismail haniyeh introduces. yahya sanvar. yahya senwar, the son of khan yunis camp in gaza, was supposed to stay in the occupation prison for more than 25 years. zionists for him 45.
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when he came out, the security service of hamas launched the season of glory and helped to launch the qassam battalions of the military wing of hamas, and then he became its leader and the head of the hamas movement in gaza. we will come to you with countless storms of borderless soldiers with a nation of millions standing behind you. and now he has become the number one man of hamas after the martyr ismail haniyeh. the quick election
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of senhwar as the new head of the political bureau by unanimous vote shows the dynamism of hamas. message. hamas has chosen someone as its leader who has been the trustee of the jihad fighting on the battlefield in gaza for more than 300 days. the main designer and mastermind. al-aqsa storm operation this time not only in gaza , as the highest official of hamas is standing against the zionists, a man who, according to the zionist analyst, he is the most dangerous person for the leadership of hamas, and now this verse has been repeated in the media of the islamic world. that if a great man leaves us , another great man will take his place, saeed zanganeh
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of lebanon's hezbollah broadcasting agency, in a message , considered the election of yahya senwar as a message of hamas's stand and unity against the zionist enemy, and emphasized that it was from the heart of the siege under the siege of ma'id that the enemy's goals to destroy the resistance leaders failed. the islamic jihad movement also considered the quick election of the new leader of hamas to be a message to the zionist enemy and emphasized the consultations the success of hamas members after the assassination of shaitaniyeh , despite the continuation of the war, is a decisive message of strong unity against the zionist regime, which, despite the genocide in gaza, has not been able to make a dent in the structure of this movement. the islamic resistance committees of palestine also announced that the election of yahya sanwar was a big blow to the evil plots. the fatah al-intafazah movement, while
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welcoming the election of senwar, emphasized that he is a revolutionary figure who knows nothing but the language of resistance, which is the only way to restore the land and rights of the palestinian people. the mujahideen movement also announced the hamas movement's unity with the election of senwar the absence of martyr haniyeh and in the shadow of sensitive circumstances. the palestinian nation maintained that the al-ahrar movement also emphasized that the election of senwar carries the message of the hamas movement that the battle of wolqsa is a strategic and sovereign decision. the secretary of the central committee of the movement, yahya sanwar , considered him to be a pragmatic person and a realistic and logical person and said: the election of sanwar is a logical and expected response to the assassination of martyr ismail heni. but the minister after announcing the election of sanwar as the head of the hamas movement, israel's foreign ministry announced
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that yahya sanwar should be quickly removed and erased from the organization's map . popular support for the election of yahya senwar the title of the head of the political office of the hamas movement. in the south of lebanon, people in the city of saida and the camp of palestinian refugees held a march with yahya senwar as the leader. the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement supported it. in jordan, people marched in the city of irbid while condemning the act of terror. the terrorist act of the zionist regime in the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh announced their support for yahya sanwar as the head of the new political bureau of the hamas movement.
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he considered preventing israel's victory over the resistance in gaza as the goal of the current battle. we
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are facing the prospect of a historic victory for the resistance israel's situation has become more difficult today. in hezbollah, america's claim about supporting the formation of a palestinian state in the west bank of the jordan river, the gaza strip , was washington's obvious hypocrisy, which is a genocide in the gaza strip for the complete destruction of the ideal of existence. the decision of extended war is complicated for the enemy. and if netanyahu could easily decide on this , he would not need an excuse. referring to the zionist's confession to the horror of the response of the resistance axis to the terrorist attacks in tehran and the southern part of beirut, the secretary general of hezbollah said: this waiting for opportunities for the enemy is part of the punishment battle. hezbollah
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iran and yemen are required to respond to the enemy. the enemy is also waiting for this. while they were completely silent against the aggression of the zionist regime and
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they broke the assassination of martyr haniyeh in the south of beirut, with the reaction of the crowd present in seyed al-shahhoddai complex. at the same time as the minister of finance of the zionist regime announced that it is moral to kill 2 million palestinians due to the un hunger strike, south beirut announced the sharp increase in malnutrition among children in gaza. the minister of finance of the zionist regime, smurtij, in a conversation with the israel hum newspaper, referring to the non-release of the
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zionist prisoners in gaza, said that the killing of two million a palestinian with hunger is a justified action. and it is moral. meanwhile, the deputy spokesperson of the un secretary general said: the number of children in gaza who are suffering from starvation due to starvation has increased by 300% compared to 3 months ago. farhan haq emphasized: 63% of buildings in gaza were destroyed. simultaneously with the first day of the month of travel, arbaeen operation 1403 officially started in iran in a ceremony with the presence of domestic and foreign guests, an operation that continues until the end of hosseini's arbaeen. the people of southern iraq
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took the flags of the members and went to karbala for a few days. although iranian arbaeen pilgrims also travel they started going to iraq for the journalist's life. when the lens is between the lips, it happens, every eye, a platform, every thought, a warm lamp, does not recognize us, our heart is not cold, it does not recognize us, and when the news
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is hot, the news is hot. there are enlightened journalists of the country, their cry on the scene is a thorn in the enemy's eye, on the road of insight , there is no fatigue. khas sarbaz, derra iran, the eye and ear correspondent of the meeting of sarzemin shah mai mizan. we will inform him about our guest's life. well,
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thank you very much for still being with us on the khabar network let's go together with you, esteemed viewers , to watch the news section 11 and listen after the news. god willing , we will be with you on the 17th of august 1403 with the continuation of the special salam correspondent program.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to the news section. welcome at 11 o'clock, the increase in registrations in the samah system for the arbaeen trip, the head of the central headquarters of arbaeen announced a 15% increase in the number of people registering in the samah system compared to last year, and said that more than one and a half million people registered in this system. mr. mir ahmadi said on the first day of safar.


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