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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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the hamas movement in iran faced a wave of protests among the countries of the region. from the evacuation of the airport and the suspension of the flights of 15 airlines around the world to tel aviv until the zionist military is ready, this terror operation is a political achievement and result. we are worried and
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our isolation has intensified and in the shadow of the lack of strategy we are facing the prospect of shooting and destruction .
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the fire of insult and distortion of the opponent will not be true. you are the viewer of today's world. continue. look at the world according to the picture.
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lebanon's hizbollah has chosen yahya senwar in a message he considered the message of hamas's stand and unity in front of the zionist enemy and emphasized that the election of sanwar from the heart of gaza under siege proves that the enemy's goals
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to destroy the leaders and officials have failed . the islamic jihad movement is also a quick choice. jadid considered hamas as a decisive message to the zionist enemy, and emphasized that the successful negotiations of hamas members after the assassination of martyr haniyeh, despite the continuation of the war, is a decisive message of strong unity against the zionist regime, which, despite the genocide in gaza, has not been able to frame the structure of this movement. harm palestinian resistance committees also announced the election of yahya sanwar is a big blow to the evil plots of the zionist occupation regime, part of the punishment and response to the assassination of martyr ismail haliyeh. the fatah intafazeh movement, while welcoming the election
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of senwar, emphasized that he is a revolutionary figure that nothing but the language of resistance can restore the land and rights of the palestinian people. the mujahideen movement also announced that by choosing senwar, the hamas movement maintained its unity after the loss of martyr haniyeh and in the shadow of the current sensitive situation of the palestinian nation. the al-ahrar movement also emphasized that senwar's election carries the message of the hamas movement that the battle is stormy al-aqsa is a strategic and sovereign decision. jibril rajoub, secretary of the center committee. fatah movement considered yahya sanwar as a pragmatic and humane personality, realistic and logical and said: choosing sanwar is a logical and expected response to the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh. after announcing the election
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of sanwar as the head of the hamas movement, the minister of foreign affairs of the zionist regime announced: yahya sanwar must be quickly removed and erased from the map of this organization. and in the rest of the world today , we will deal with various reactions that have occurred in these few days after the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh. different authorities of different countries. the acting minister of foreign affairs also had a conversation with the british foreign minister, who criticized the silence of the europeans against the zionist regime and
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considered their inaction to be the reason for the repetition of the crimes of this regime, mr. bagheri stated that no country , including iran, is ready for national security. and the totality does not appease itself, he added: that after the crime of the zionist regime in the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, the european parties, by inaction and not even condemning this act , ruined the first opportunity for diplomacy, the british foreign minister also in the conversation telfani demanded iran's restraint and said that the action against ismail is a step backwards on the path of ceasefire. at the same time as the zionist minister of finance announced that it is moral to kill 2 million palestinians due to hunger, the
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united nations announced a sharp increase in malnutrition among children in gaza. stovich bridge, minister of finance of the zionist regime , in a conversation. referring to the non-release of the zionist prisoners in gaza, israel hume said that killing 2 million palestinians by starvation is a justified and moral act. meanwhile, the deputy spokesman of the secretary general of the united nations said: the number of children who died in gaza due to hunger they are suffering from severe malnutrition , it has increased by 300 compared to 3 months ago. farhan haq emphasized: 63% of buildings in gaza have been destroyed .
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the distortion of the opponent will not become the truth. secretary general
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of lebanon's hezbollah emphasized at the ceremony honoring martyr ismail haniyeh and fouad shaker that the response of the axis of resistance to the zionist regime will be definite, decisive and effective. seyyed hassan nasrallah said: zionists confess. they themselves are afraid of the response of the resistance. secretary general of hezbollah lebanese emphasized that the assassination of martyrs ismail haniyeh and fouad shekar in tehran and the southern suburbs of beirut brought political and field benefits to the zionist regime. it will not have, and this regime today, fearing to respond to these terror attacks, has joined the hands of the united states and western governments. the assassination of martyr haniyeh in tehran. although the.
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regarding the support for the establishment of a palestinian state in the west bank of the jordan river, the united states considered the obvious hypocrisy of washington, which supports the genocide in the gaza strip for the complete destruction of the palestinians' ideal of existence. seyyed hassan nasrallah stressed on the continuation of the battle to help gaza in lebanon, yemen and iraq and said: "the decision of a large-scale war is complicated for the enemy." and if netanyahu could easily decide on this, he would. he did not have an excuse. secretary-general referring to the zionists' confession of their fear of the response of the resistance axis to the terrorist attacks in
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tehran and the southern zahia of behrut, hezbollah said: this excruciating wait for the enemy is part of the battle and punishment. hezbollah, iran and yemen are required to respond to the enemy. the enemy is also waiting for this answer, which will be definite, strong and effective. they shamelessly invite us to calm down , while they have remained completely silent against the aggression of the zionist regime and did not condemn the assassination of martyr haniyeh in tehran. secretary general of hezbollah of lebanon emphasized. the decision of the resistance axis to respond to the zionist regime at any cost
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it will be seyyed mohammad hosseini of the southern suburbs of beirut broadcasting agency . i am talking about the same issue with mr. hakem amhz, political analyst . and he said that the fact that they are awaiting punishment is part of the punishment of the zionists. please explain about this strategy and its effect on the behavior of the zionists. thank you for being in this program, mr. seyyed hassan nasrallah spoke clearly about that no reply yet.
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they are in a state of readiness and alert and are waiting for an answer. they have many worries. and shelters opened in the occupied territories and transportation in talavid and the whole.
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and saying that hezbollah can destroy the zionist factories located in the north of the occupied territories within an hour or even half an hour , in your opinion, seyed hassan nasrallah, referring to the factories of the zionist regime, wanted to be part of the operation. choosing the blood of fouad shekar or referring to the zionist factories may have another reason. the last few years mr. seyed hasan nasrallah unveiled a map of israel's sensitive, strategic and economic facilities in a very limited geographical area, which
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was 20 kilometers wide and 120 kilometers long.
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this hint of mr. seyed creates a state of deterrence in front of israel in the sense that the axis of resistance can respond to any response of the zionist regime in the most severe way possible, and compared to the past, in the highest state, the zionists
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are expecting operations these days. one is iran's attack and the other is hezbollah's attack in his opinion. can they respond to two attacks? first , the israelis are waiting for a fourfold answer the double no means that they are not only waiting for the response of iran and hezbollah, but they are also waiting for the response of yemen.
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they respond to the resistance together, but in my opinion, the targets will be at the level of terror inside the occupied territories, and sensitive military, security, and economic positions will be targeted, as well as oil centers inside the occupied territories. thank you. dear mr. hakem amhz, an analyst of political issues from beirut. with us, the west should immediately stop supporting the zionists. in response to the phone call of the french president, the president said:
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the zionist regime with its criminal and terrorist actions against the people of gaza, as well as the assassination of the martyr haniyeh, as an official guest of iran , is looking to start a fire in the region. mr. mezikian also criticized the passive behavior of the country. in front of the zionist regime's terrorist actions, he said: if america and western countries claim to prevent war in the region, they should immediately stop selling weapons and supporting this regime and force it to stop the genocide and attacks on gaza and accept a ceasefire. in response to the president of france, who expressed concern about the escalation of inflammation in the region following the assassination of the head of hamas's political office, the president demanded restraint from iran and said:
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avoiding war and trying to establish world peace and security is one of iran's fundamental principles, but within the framework of international treaties and laws , we will never remain silent in the face of encroachment on our interests and security. in a telephone conversation with the british foreign minister, the acting minister of foreign affairs criticized the silence of the europeans against the crimes of the zionist regime and considered their inaction to be the reason for the repetition of the crimes of this regime. mr. bagheri stated that no country , including iran , will compromise against national security and the integrity of its currency. he did not add: after the zionist regime's crime in martyring ismail by being passive and not even condemning this action, the european parties ruined the first opportunity for diplomacy
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. in this telephone conversation, the british foreign minister demanded iran's restraint and said: action against ismail haliyeh is a step backwards on the path of ceasefire in gaza. to. accordingly , we have reached the end of the world today, the 17th of august, together with all my colleagues in this section, i will leave your presence. have a good night and god bless you.
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i used the word "graphics" in the economics table, it was just a week or two ago, i think instead of i said on the highway, i remember that it was a section. it's very good that your report went back to the whistle i gave. which cultural word of your field of work do you no longer use and say its persian equivalent? one of them was the same protocol that i said . we do not use genre for movies , movie type. we do not use screen, public display. it was an invoice that now we almost have enough room for ourselves, let's say the bill. we used the word series a lot and after the standard language reports from the collection we use tv instead of josh. we used to say parliament or sada's parliamentary affairs reporter.
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we are the ones who changed it to the parliamentary affairs reporter. they used the phase too much . our guests also used it. finally, we tried to correct ourselves. we should use the persian word phase . previously, i used to say that the product code, but well , now with this process that has happened, we know that the id of the product is not okay, so much care is not okay, really everything is okay now, i mean, well, later. anyway, sometimes they will be the subject and we are afraid let's say something, then you make us the subject , you show us the twenty-thirty . it fell into
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it is better to pay attention to these points from wherever we are going to buy a washing machine . what does the consumer price of the remaining cash mean? let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now calculate the remaining cash if we pay 20% in advance. it can be 4 million tomans now we have to subtract these 4 million from the consumer price , that is, 20 minus 4 is our debt.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program. it is a football program , but we cannot miss the good day of iranian sports . we won a gold and a bronze today in wrestling and taekwondo . congratulations, god willing, this trend will continue in the coming days, especially tomorrow, when there are two finalists. we are going to continue. let's go to the domestic news about iranian football and see what news there is. the vice president of the football federation cleared the first shipment of video assistant referee system equipment from genrk of the country informed. one of these devices is transported to the province.


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