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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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after you buy, you won't regret it. after buying , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good night, welcome to this news section , the opening of the patient. this hospital, which is equipped with an air ambulance , has departments of internal pediatric surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, imaging, and a laboratory. we are the first country that has generally provided these conditions that our dear people can use. the parts that are related to the sea , i.e. those who do qavas in the sea, god forbid, will have problems, will be transferred here quickly. we used to have
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hospitals that were usually deep inside the barracks or inside the organizational houses, so that there were no people being able to access these came after the supreme commander-in-chief's order, and they are mostly built in a place where people can easily access the second bank. big russia will be present at the 16th iran financial industry exhibition, which will be held from august 19th to august 22nd at tehran international exhibition. mr. sepasdar, a member of the policy council of the financial industry exhibition, announced this news and said that some brics member countries have also announced their readiness to participate in this major financial event of iran. there is a very hot news about the presence of a russian bank. the second largest russian bank for the first time
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in the exhibition after two decades in the financial industry exhibition, this will definitely be a sign of the will to develop relations. exhibitions of the financial industry or related to the financial industry in the world follow the mission of knowledge transfer very well, and the promotion of financial literacy is always one of the important pillars of the goals. exhibitions are important. following this mission, this exhibition has been able to be a forum and a place to promote financial literacy. the success of danesh baniyan in producing a sonography device based on artificial intelligence for early detection of cancers is one of the features of this danesh banyan product, which domestic and foreign markets are developed. an
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iranian knowledge-based company, focusing on new technologies, has started to manufacture sonography devices , which are among the most widely used devices for imaging body tissues. since 2016 , we have invested a lot in artificial methods. we managed to find a newer generation of these devices that uses parallel processing in these devices to create the image. to introduce that they can use this capability to make better diagnoses on time and help doctors in measuring in a shorter time. the use of artificial intelligence and analysis the analysis of images in this sonography device provides accurate information to doctors. we train our artificial intelligence networks from a huge amount of data that is validated by experts in various fields. we used some
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artificial intelligence programs, our device does not have similar foreign samples, including the measurement of the body length of the fetus, known as the sirel parameter, the measurement of the feet of the fetus and the dimensions of the kidneys, according to the officials of this company , the largest share of iran's imports in the field of medical equipment until before it was dedicated to sonography devices that now with the localization of this device annually, at least 30 million dollars of foreign currency leave the country. it can be avoided. today , it is offered to iranian consumers at a price 10-15% lower than its foreign counterparts, while after-sales service is one of the most important items that you have seen in an era when many countries are willing to provide services or if the goods were not sent to iran, what problems would be created for the consumers of foreign goods , because of the production of this product inside, these problems have also been reduced . the foundations with
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their unique positions in the articles of prestigious international magazines has been printed ultrasound and echocardiography devices due to the high technologies used in their production. they are produced in limited countries of the world. for several years, iran has joined the group of 10 countries that produce this advanced equipment, and in addition to supplying part of its domestic needs , it has also started exporting. morteza al-rasani of sed and sima news agency. since the beginning of this year , more than 116 million seedlings have been produced for the implementation of the plan to plant one billion trees. according to the deputy of forest affairs of the natural resources and watershed management organization , by the end of this year, the production of saplings for the implementation of the four-year plan to plant 1 billion trees will be about 250. reach million seedlings. mothers who plant trees in memory of their children along with the city's residents , i would like to thank all the martyrs or students
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who set up a nursery in their school to have clean air and land. by creating small seedlings, they want to have a share in the greenery of our country. the women of the village, the children and the men of all the houses in our village have nine conditions. all these efforts are for the implementation of a popular plan, the plan to plant one billion trees. environmental problems and problems that plague the planet and among other things, it is a necessity in our own country. in 1402, 237 million seedlings were produced, and this amount of seedlings is about 180. 90 million saplings were planted, including wood cultivation, green spaces, forest enrichment, preventing the spread of deserts, kurd nursery is one of the largest nurseries in the country, and this year, in the implementation of the plan , one billion trees were planted, all kinds of forest saplings , pastures and green spaces are produced in it. contracts
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the one we had in the nursery was approximately 1 million 500 thousand saplings. the species we have here are forest species, vegetable species, species such as khamra cedar. oh javad the same piece that you are looking at, we have 200,000, no more than 200,000 seedlings, and it took 3 months to reach this size. the seedlings are happy and growing fast, with nutrition and fertilization, and the condition of the seedlings in the last few months is very good. it is desirable and no quarantine pests and diseases will be transmitted. these stilts are three new and they are fast and growing seedlings that are used in the plan of wood cultivation . since the beginning of this year, the production of seedlings in 500 private and public nurseries in the country has reached 116 million seedlings. we had produced more than 150 million seedlings, but this year we are a bit behind, and god willing, we will be
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able to make up for this, and our plan is 130 million seedlings in the public sector and 120 million seedlings in the private sector, which are mainly for agriculture and... million seedlings and planted in different regions of the country. ahmad hamidi, sed and broadcasting news agency. and china built the world's first robotic whale shark. this five-meter smart fish can replicate the movements of a real whale shark with remarkable accuracy. specialists of china aerospace group. its space technology is claimed by the marine industry and the achievement of the type of production to take a step forward in modern marine technology. this smart robot can simulate diving rotation and even mouth movements . this water vehicle, which
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is equipped with advanced optical cameras, sensors and positioning systems, can perform tasks such as water quality monitoring, underwater land mapping , one of the topics that have been discussed in the
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last two and a half years during the transformational era of sada news agency. we discussed it together with our colleagues in the agricultural department of seda and sima news agency. this is the topic that i am presenting to you today, the discussion of watershed management plans and natural resources. you must have heard this famous saying that we need approximately 90 million hectares of watershed management at the rate we were traveling in the sixth plan, one million per year, experts say it will take us 90 years. therefore, in the last year or two, one of the important missions of the sada and sima news agency's agriculture group was devoted to the follow-up and demand for the implementation of important projects in the watershed area. it has about 420,000 hectares of operational operations, the commitment is about 700,000 hectares, which means almost progress.
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let's talk about issues related to watershed management , besides this issue of watershed management, considering the fires that we have witnessed in recent times , due to the warming of the air and these , we will discuss that issue and the discussion of planting a plan to plant one billion trees. mr. vahid will be accompanied by the head of the watershed management organization . we will talk with them, my colleagues and journalists who have been following up on the issues that i have presented to you in the past year. and our conversation with
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guests of the program, let's start, i invite you to go and see a report together, we will come back , we will start the economy table with its guests, god willing, according to the announcement of the crisis management organization, from march 27 of last year to the end of may this year, floods caused 320 billion tomans of damage to different parts of the country. according to the announcement of the natural resources organization, the damages can be reduced by 70% with watershed management. we all went to the watershed and told them to hit a hundred. not a hundred. he did not cure tuberculosis for us. every series of floods destroyed an area. nothing happened to this avesta in the watershed area. and according to what the watershed managers of the country say that the governments have carried out water management operations in only 33 million hectares of the 125 million hectares of the watershed in the last 3 decades . in order to increase the irrigation projects to 29 permanent decrees of the program, he authorized the natural resources organization to
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use the 50% capacity of non-governmental organizations, but the statistics indicate that this capacity remains locked. lack of trust and weak social responsibility give the least attention to the promotion sector under the excuse of lack of financial resources. mr. mirqasmi also said that using the capacity of local communities is 80% of the costs of implementing projects watershed it reduces the cost of work for each hectare by one-fifth. the approach is to use external contractors . currently, there is no significant amount of participation . the laws support the type of authoritarian government instead of democracy. as mr. tabatabaei yazdi says , government contracting in the laws related to watershed management and not giving authority to the private sector are other low participation of people in this sector. in the existing laws, the model
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of sustainable development of watershed society management is not followed. it cannot be expected to attract productive participation as the main actors of watershed based on article 9 of the executive regulations of the law amending note one of article 47 of the law on regulating part of the government's financial regulations, abkhiz can benefit from customary law. it can be imposed by the government. in this law , no solution was considered to facilitate people's participation. according to the announcement of the deputy director of watershed management of the natural resources and watershed management organization , the amount of people's participation in watershed management is 100,000 hectares per year. haratian, sed and broadcasting news agency. yes, we saw and heard my colleague's report together. mr. vahid, please let's start with an overview of what area of ​​the country is basically in need. which watershed management is my priority and how much work it is done, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i also
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offer my greetings and respect to your excellency . we congratulate you on the daily newspaper, god willing , we will be healthy. also, dear people of our country , i would like to inform you that in the country that your honorable reporter mentioned, about 90 million hectares are needed. for the implementation of pest control projects, we now have about 125 million hectares in our watershed areas, watershed work should be done. about 31-32 million hectares have been implemented so far, about 90 million hectares are left. it will be taken let's pay of course, various prioritizations have been done. unfortunately, some crises have alienated these issues in the country. among the topics related to soil erosion, topics related to droughts, climate change, and floods have caused some crises, and the complaints that our dear people have
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regarding flood issues are completely right , and finally, we have to overcome these crises in some way. pass by let's pass it or manage it . watersheds are somehow managed at the expense of the watershed, and the discussions related to soil erosion and flood control, the management of biological resources in the watershed, that's fine. as a leader, we have to deal with different priorities at the level of the country, well , it should be done in this field as usual. now that we are at your service, about 28 million to 30 million areses of the country are among our critical areas, in terms of floods and soil erosion, 30 million hectares. up to 30 million hectares are among our critical areas, which means one third of what should be considered among our priorities . which is done, of course, i will say that we should serve you during our child development programs let's take action to make it happen. now, the topics related
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to people's participation are definitely the same, because the watershed, which cannot be done without people's participation, definitely needs participation in this field. to have, of course, participation means that our operators share in the interests of mr. no. no cost to them, and in the same proportion as they do the work , the optimal interests of mr.'s area should definitely benefit from another problem that we have , well, some of our cities, well, locations. there is a flood . our rural areas are affected by floods, which now covers more than 40 million hectares of our watershed there are our cities and villages , there are our residential areas, which i have to address. of course, those important critical areas include these areas , of course, and there are other areas except our border areas, which are of particular importance, but the issue that the schedule is, yes, the issue that we will discuss now , the issue that we are facing now is that practically this situation that the world has faced and my country is not an exception to this case, the cases related to the extreme rainfalls, torrential rains, or rains,
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can cause floods, so the management of these issues is multi-faceted. and we all have to work together to be able to do it let's review in a way, you see, until now , we are at your service, about 31 million hectares of watershed management work has been done. we had considered the plan for the discussions related to watershed management , we looked at the seventh development plan based on the planning that manatabi organization had done in the form of a jihad program for watershed related issues that we can cover 90 million hectares during the execution plan. during 10 years, it was possible for the country that finally the plan that was announced and finally went to the parliament was to develop 20 million hectares during the seventh plan. we have to implement it, although our proposal for
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the 7th plan was 40 million hectares to implement, with the priority of the same areas that i told you are critical areas, urban areas, and
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article 29, which is the discussion of non-governmental organizations, by the way, we are among the organizations that we have presented at this time, i will explain to you. or the discussion of participation, which usually should be done in the field and i am working, you can mention it in the discussion of the budget, if you want to tell me how your allocation process was in the past year, of course, fortunately, we are in the seventh program, that is, for 1403. our conditions are relatively good compared to last year. well , our conditions are with the follow-ups that were done, the few programs that you worked hard on, the importance of the issue , and usually the sensitivity that was in different areas of floods and droughts, and the request that the people themselves made that now how many times the budget that we should have allocated to at least in the national debate has been communicated to the provinces in the form of the deprivation project, well , this is a very good move in the discussion of budgets related to the crisis, well
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, it has been discussed. of course, our budget allocation process has been notified now please help in the allocations so that we can get a good allocation. my work has started on a thousand hectares of operations that were carried out last year. how much budget was spent? of course, it was national. we had the acquisition of capital assets, well, in the form of the approvals that were announced , it was implemented at a cost of 400 or 300, not 400, but it cost 1,000 . it was only the public sector that you mentioned
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, it was about 1,000 contributions . how can you see the distribution? i think that i don't have the exact number right now , but it's around 1300 billion. contribute the exact number. i don't know the financial amount now, but about 100,000, as a rule, the models that are implementing collaborative projects are different models, a little more than you, i am less. mrs. hartian, hello , have a blessed day. please tell me that in all these follow-ups you had regarding the watershed plan, you have the most important issue that you think. what has caused the slowness of the implementation of watershed projects? the discussion of the rules of this law 29 in fact, the country's permanent decrees law is bound to, well
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, this actually allowed the natural meaning and the environmental organization of this law to attract the participation of the people in the form of 50%, but as it has been reviewed now and this is in the two years that i have worked as a report hereof. maybe about 10% of the people participate in this field. i think that there should be some discussion of the laws to ease the laws for the people. more work should be done . what is the cause of this problem with the people's participation, i.e. they don't have interest from the people or the ground for people's cooperation? it is not possible to see that during this time they realized that people are very good they are not familiar with the watershed, and forgiveness goes back to the discussion. promotion and culture promotion is an issue that should be done by manamah natural organization, but i think
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that this part has been neglected a bit. having flood dams or the same watershed helps them to be aware of the dangers of floods , they are very welcome to actually participate in this matter. have, but they say that we are not very familiar with this issue and it is better to make more efforts in the field of creating culture and awareness among the people. are there legal grounds for their participation, so that they can invest and use it? i said, this is the same article 29 that i just mentioned, this is actually natural resources that can actually help in attracting 50% of people's participation , but so far 10%. has been successful in this area, i think the laws should help a little more in this direction. now, this was from the people's side, from the government officials' side, do you think that now the ministry of agriculture itself is discussing, now the budget planning organization
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thinks that the most important reason is the allocations. what is the slowness in this direction in the government departments in the implementation of plans we have a watershed, one of the issues is the issue of credits, but in any case, because people are not very familiar with this issue, it is better if natural resources are really more with the people in order to make people aware of the watershed and attract their participation . thank you very much, ms. haratian, reporter. the agricultural group of sedasm news agency, who was with us in this conversation, mr. vahid, please tell me about a few of the points that i have said, people are a little less aware of, or about a series of facilities that should be given in the field of laws and these, and what is your specific plan. from the capacities of public investments please use it more . please, i would like to say hello to mrs. aratian. we are grateful for the hard work you are doing in the natural resources department. see, article 29 does not have the same meaning as you say. article 29 refers to the organization. the natural resources and watershed management of the country and
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the musist organization have the permission and authority to act in the direction of the formation of non-governmental organizations and also to contract, which usually happens . in the resource sections, let me say that your service is clear let's see how many of these issues have been used to thank. article 29, we can have a contractor's view of it. we can have a people's development management view, which was compiled and communicated to the provinces in april. in order to manage natural areas , we should somehow use customary systems such as tribal people's organizations that are formed , mainly our users are in the form of customary systems. .
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it is to these dear ones that these discussions we are having are the foundation the formation of natural resources department funds is the basis for the failed cases of participation in the management of natural resources courses, which, in addition to the discussions related to the agreement of these friends, last year , if i want to give you statistics, only 300,000 were made in our biological department. in our science and medicine department in the department. or our marathi, these companies related to me are related to article 29. well, usually the work that the number of the number is good, because the watershed is only work related to the mechanical issues, which is not the clause of the year. regarding it is biological, it is biomechanical. well, just last year, i told you that more than 34,500,000 were spent in this sector by these people's organizations, our critics or our exploiters in this field.
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friends, saying that the cases related to the protection of water and rabbits are related to local knowledge , there are cases related to general knowledge, one of the tasks that we have in the regional organization is to use topics related to general knowledge. in the country where they are working on discussions related to resources and watershed management , there are matters related to general knowledge, such as the use of at your service, the use of social responsibilities. the different models that we have in the distribution of floods in different regions of the country, the satisfactions that we have , the very good water plan that is being carried out in the country will be implemented. it is not possible without the people's participation. another important issue that exists in the discussion of the laws is that we do not have any deficiencies in the law in the cases related to participation, because
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there are also cases related to article 29, and the article clearly states that the medical resources organization can in the direction of natural resources management, the projects should be managed by the users, so why is it not being implemented as it should? the plans of merte dariye, the manager, you are having a watershed discussion, why are 10% of the 50 percent realized, considering that
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the 40% that have not been realized, see what the reason is, perhaps one of the main obstacles in this field is that if you ask us now if we want, we can discuss the topic of water extraction watershed should we do something? do we have the permission to use the water from the year in the watershed or not? as a rule, according to the law that is in the watershed and the set of programs that the directives we have in this field, we ourselves are allowed to take water or allow the sea. we do not take water directly from the water, the amount of water that has been in the wells in the canals for years should be used . there is a point here that we must cooperate with the ministry of energy , and we must cooperate with them. what you say shows that the mechanism and rules and coordination needs to be corrected. you are right. we have included this issue in the watershed and watershed bill as a clause that if


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