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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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you are watching the 5 o'clock news section of khabar network. the amount of electricity consumption in the country has reached 80 thousand megawatts after passing from 79 thousand megawatts. the managing director of tawanir, emphasizing on the continuation of the hot weather , asked his compatriots to save electricity consumption during peak hours. even today, it seems that the record of consumption exceeds 79,000 megawatts , and we moved the record by 28 days compared to last year, and compared to last year, our record was higher. therefore, this record is unprecedented in terms of the amount our growth over the past 10 years has been around 4.7% this year for the first time we are experiencing a growth of 8 and a half percent , there is a very large number of more than 8 million and 24 thousand stomach owners. businesses
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did their tax homework. according to the director general of the audit office of the tax affairs organization, the declared tax on materials was 57 thousand billion tomans, which is an increase of 83 compared to the previous year. 401 in this case, about 7 million and 357 thousand mines. the fact that they acted in the same way last year and we witnessed the growth of the number this year also, the declared amount that these miners had last year was about 31 hemats, that is, 31 hemats of declaration was compared to 57 hemats of tax declaration, mr. rahimi. he also said that about 90 percent of the declared taxes belonged to about 10 percent of miners and many
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miners were exempted from paying taxes. the trial 24/3 system started working. the director of the business environment improvement center announced this news and said that this system can prevent the creation of tools in the field of business. with one click , report the obstacles to your economic activity for follow-up. every hour of shabab finding a problem here, say that the official we put behind 243 has the duty to follow up the last year's regulations 24 and 30 of the law on improving the business environment. all the regulations of the country's business sector must be announced to the economic activists one week before the official notification by the authorities to the opinion of the producer organizations and economic activists. it can be accepted and
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then announced. there is no regulation according to article 3 that creates rights or obligations for economic operators , and economic regulations must be implemented before being published in that portal. it must be published in that portal first, within 15 days of this publication. let it pass and now, to implement these regulations, an online system has been set up 24 hours a day . go to 2430 and tell me which directive is changing. did how did you find out what is necessary for your business ? if you would like to introduce yourself . currently, this system is working on a trial basis and has been able to monitor the complaints of traders about the increase in the circulars of the ministry of cement. this is the recent story that the activists of the country's importers, not only the importers of the manufacturing companies that import raw materials, equipment and parts for their production line. in
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this way, they informed us that import and export regulations are changing suddenly, and we followed up , according to the head of the center for the improvement of human and work environment. the 243 system will be officially implemented after the agreement with the judiciary. zahra taicheng of sed and sima news agency. according to the law of the 7th plan, the banking network must submit its capital increase plan to the central bank 2 months after this law comes into force. when bank loans are not returned, the custom is that they compensate from the pocket of the central bank. no one knows how much each bank borrows from the central bank . it is confidential and one of the main factors of inflation. when banks they know that the central bank
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will compensate their losses, naturally, every person who is in the bank according to the situation that can happen, this education and obligations are available in the first step. related persons are placed by themselves. an issue that was also brought to the recent election debates. the main cause of this inflation is money printing. money printing is formed either with the budget deficit or with those obligations that the banks make, which in fact aggravate inflation. in the world, banks use the capital adequacy index to curb borrowing. this index means that in the same proportion as the bank loans go to foreclosure , the capital of the shareholders should also be liquidated, that is, you should as a banker, bring money from your own pocket, if money is fueled by other people's money, depositors' money is fueled by the government's money, your own money is also fueled according to the latest regulations of the central bank, the capital adequacy index for
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each bank should not be less than 8%, but the average capital adequacy has decreased. the entire banking network is 8%, 7%, 6 %, and 5%, not zero. no, it is negative 20%, which means that the number is a critical number. now, the law of the 7th plan has designed a round trip, increasing the capital of the shareholders of the banks, within two months of the implementation of this law, they are required to present the capital increase plan in the aforementioned general meeting. in fact, this issue should be raised and the legal process of capital increase should be started, a program that
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transfers all the powers of the ordinary and extraordinary assemblies to the central bank as the supervisory authority, and it is the central bank itself that can act by depriving the current shareholders of the bank. the central bank is expected to increase capital in the stock market. in order to bring the banking system to 8% capital adequacy, 570 thousand billion tomans of capital is needed , which according to the 7th plan must be provided by the end of 2008. planting a goat produced by artificial pollination . the presence of tomato hybrids is supposed to be in the market. we move the physiological state of the plant towards our desired growth. a grain production company says it has decided to use modern farming methods
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to grow its weights. now we are in the production phase of the first test hybrids. the correction phase of many of these lines is almost finished. or obtained from several different types of plants. how many times we take its own seed , put its own pollen on its own pistil, take its own seed. the import amount of safi vegetable seeds in the country is about 100 million annually there are dollars. the development of this project can produce up to 25% of this amount in the future. in this project, 6 products are being researched and developed. we can make this promise that by the year 1405, god willing, we will introduce a variety of cultivars. the whole complex of 9 hectares, 3 hectares of indoor flower cultivation and 5 hectares of outdoor cultivation , is the badr melon improvement project, and we have started the badr cucumber outdoor improvement project in two years.
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we need time until we get a hybrid between our pure lines. the seed that was planted in 1400 , this year 40 million tons of tomato hybrid seeds will enter the market. managers of this collection say with the cooperation of officials in the product development portfolio , they can save up to 30 million dollars and create jobs for up to 10 thousand people. samia safari of ab tv news agency 1. watch the next part of the news at 6 o'clock. thank you.
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palestinian islamic resistance movement, yahya senwar ro as. the successor of martyr ismail haniyeh was chosen by yahya selmar from the beginning of the zionist regime's invasion of the gaza strip, when he was in charge of the leadership and command of the palestinian resistance against the occupiers. sanwar was previously the head of hamas in the gaza strip, and with the new decision of this movement that took place after the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, he became the head of the movement's political office. he took over hamas and this responsibility was handed over to him. san bar is 62 years old and was born in khan yunus district in the gaza strip. he has repeatedly emphasized that the zionist regime must be destroyed. supporters of palestine in the countries of the region chose yahya sanwar as a replacement for martyr ismail. he says , "welcome to tonight's program
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, we will talk about this choice and mr. senwa's personality dimensions with mr. mehdi shakibaei, an expert on west asian issues , and mr. alireza majidi, another expert on west asia, who are proud tonight and will present their analysis in a special news interview. they will, mr. shakibai hello, good evening. you are very welcome. please, i also want to say hello to your excellency . i also want to say hello to the dear viewers. today is august 17th. it's journalist's day . congratulations to your colleagues and all media people throughout our country . thank you very much for your friend. mr. magidi. good evening. i am also at your service . i have my greetings and courtesy to my dear viewers. i hope you have a good program. ok , have a nice conversation . i congratulate you all on the journalist's day again. we are very much at your service thank you, mr. shakibaei, mr. yahya senwar. he is the designer of al-aqsa storm operation and a character that
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the zionist regime is looking for him with a sniper rifle in the case and still did not succeed in finding him . it was not a surprise that mr. sedmar was chosen as his successor, mr. esmailgi. in fact, it can be said that both the surprise was surprising and the numerous messages. in fact , it was due to the expectation that due to the fact that periodic elections of the hamas movement are held every four years and due to the fact that the periodic elections now that both mr. ismail haine and mr. sanwar are there, until january, that is, december of this year , this wait would actually end, considering that
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our beloved palestinians are actually engaged in war in the west bank and gaza strip. the possibility and prediction was that they would allow this time to pass and by january, for example, the upcoming main elections would be held and a person would actually be elected as the head of the political office of hamas instead of ismail haniyeh. however, the hamas organization, whether political, military, or media, makes decisions in the long run almost less than a week, they come to the conclusion that they will choose their boss, the surprise is more because they chose someone who is in the battle and on the battlefield. and well , there are other concerns. now, mr. sanwar, as the head
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of the political office, i would like to inform you that hamas, as you said , has been on the scene since the beginning of the battle of storm al-aqsa on the 15th of october 1402 until today and is leading this battle . all his focus is actually on discussing the military aspect of this battle, and therefore, maybe. think less about being a political leader or the head of a political office let him act, but this shows that , first of all, within the structure of hamas, despite the fact that almost now we have entered the eleventh month of the battle of storm and al-aqsa , there is actually a unity and a disunity, and despite the conflict that is on the scene they were able to reach a maturity in the political arena that in less than a week they could choose the successor of mr. ismail haniyeh
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. from this point of view , it was really surprising. to choose during this almost less than 6 months until january analysts say this about the main election because it is a very heavy process. the election was a surprise because it happened in a short period of time, which is a case of the election of mr. sanbar. this process itself is one. it will take a year because you see the situation of hamas is such that it is actually three-fold, that is , hamas at one time when an incident happens , that is, finally, mr. haniyeh is martyred, which i should not say for a year, that is, the entire election. in previous years, the election process was such that elections were held in the west bank
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an election in the gaza strip and an election in hamas are out of the question.
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i would like to tell you that the geography of palestine itself is chosen because of its political nature. the connections that should be made with the countries of the movement, and in fact the arab islamic and international governments , usually choose a person who is outside hamas, outside the geography of palestine, who can make those arrangements, so they are a person who is in in fact, having a political dimension means from the beginning of their activities in hamas, which started in the 80s of the 20th century. first of all , they have student activities in the field of universities a special closeness to the honorable martyr sheikh ahmed yassin , the spiritual leader of hamas, to learn from him, in fact , to learn the work in all areas of hamas, even in the field of sports, which means that
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he is also the representative of the hamas movement in, for example, sports centers in the university. this person also has a security sense, that is, from the beginning of his work in hamas to actually organizing a single group or security organization to track and pursue the zionist regime's spies in the gaza strip, and after that , when he was nearly 25 years old. that they were actually in the prisons of the zionist regime when he left neck in the military branch of hamas. azdin qassams are getting responsibility, that is, in the military field, in fact, they have a history, that is , they have all the military, political, security, and social fields of hamas as part of their principles, and now as someone who is at the head of hamas, all of these are supposed to be. to coordinate, especially that he is the standard bearer
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of the battle and al-aqsa storm means the one who is in the scene. the field of that battle is 306 and 7 days in which he directs and leads, and of course the message of other messages is also his choice, especially in the field of resistance, well, in a way, that diplomacy. and the field here has become unified, mr. majidi , you are right , what do you think about the election of mr. sanbar? now, the field of diplomacy has become one. the hamas movement raises this issue in regional cases of the difference between the political and military branches, but here we have seen that a person who is clearly a security and military person comes and takes political responsibility
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. this is one of the signs of hasheh. only a few people understand the information about storm operations and defects. making a way and being aware of the comprehensiveness of the work. in this sense, this would be the propaganda that the storm and the failures were the work of the hamas military wing battalions only. it was not the work of the entire organization. this choice showed that the whole organization supported this case because mr. sanwar was definitely either the first or the second designer of this operation. in addition to that , i want to emphasize one important point here. the main characteristic of mr. sanwar since he assumed the responsibility in ghazaleh was that he greatly strengthened hamas's information protection and had a lot of cleansing. cleaning means discovering networks spying on the related networks and repelling them all, and we are at the height of this in the storm itself, and in particular
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, they are close to israel's ears. i claim to be israel, but i have nothing to do with claiming sources. the absence and surprise of this information failure is very big . if they were claiming to have gained information in the war about the assassination of mr. haniyeh, then this choice happened to show that hamas, as a whole , is going in a direction that is not only damaging in terms of information. it is not acceptable that he can be in a superior position, and now that he is pointing out that he also has military, political and security experience, but since mr. sanwar is a military figure, what we see
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is that many consider him to be the martyr of ismail haniyeh of hamas compared to others. the satellites of the axis of resistance will go towards some divergence, but the election of mr. sanwar disappointed exactly this idea .
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one point of view was that we should approach the rest of the axis of resistance and help the palestinian nation in this way. let's get close and in that way , we should get some economic concessions for the palestinian nation, in return for it , we should give concessions in the military field. this second view will go away , because mr. stenvar is a symbol of someone who supports the first view. in general, mr. shage, you think about the future of the gaza war and the issue of fire. just how effective can mr. senwan's election be? see , the assassination of mr. haniyeh by the zionist regime was actually to bring the negotiations to a standstill, that is, the same debate as you say, we see the entire
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palestinian scene in conflict. it had been several years he also had activities in the political field, the assassination of mr. haniyeh, which actually brought the ceasefire negotiations to a favorable point through the third mediator. when assassinated, their goal inside palestine is probably to weaken others, that is, all of them in recent years, especially in the last two decades , the assassination of all leaders. in 2004, the regime came and assassinated mr. sheikh ahmed yassino, two months after that. in march, if i'm not mistaken, in march 2004 , sheikh ahmad yasin nefer came. first, they assassinated the spiritual leader of hamas, 2 months after that , they assassinated the second leader of hamas, abdulaziz rentsi, with this hope. to actually weaken hamas, to force them
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to go towards the so-called divergence of the negotiations , like the fatah process in palestine, which is actually doing the negotiations there, but we see that not only this does not happen, but hamas is also taking the path of resistance. clipper and exactly one year after the assassination of mr. sheikh ahmed yassin , the palestinian resistance groups are doing something that the regime is forced to flee from the gaza strip after 37 years of occupation . hitting in tehran last year , the assassination of sheikh saleh arori, the second leader of hamas in lebanon, means the assassination of the second leader, the first leader, so probably the resistance groups of the palestinian authority will now sit in a corner or go to the direction of compromise , this question has come up a lot. this one week , but when you look at the history and the flow of the resistance
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, the people are the drivers of the engine, and the people want to see , now there are 300 and almost five or six days, there is resistance, once there was no protest, the people of the gaza strip protested. not joining resistance groups when this there is support, it is natural that you see a character like mr. sanwar is elected, who is a symbol of the peak of resistance, that is, he is a symbol of resistance, jihad, struggle , which means that he is the future approach. the hamas resistance group in the gaza strip, in the west bank and abroad will probably go towards fighting and jihad on this current conflict. at the beginning of the war, when there were always different mediators, every time there was supposed to be a compromise
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, so-called negotiations, a ceasefire. how many times? the united nations security council itself prevented negotiations from taking place and giving the zionist regime a chance to come and destroy and kill. well, the palestinian people know that the regime does not actually give up their rights through negotiations, but since 2008, when it we had the 22-day war in 2012 , we had the 12-day war in 2014, the 51st war is destructive, expropriation, and ultimately wants to destroy the cause of palestine. therefore, the palestinians themselves know that there is no other option for them but resistance. now if you can help in this scene according to the chains
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and chain support. the resistance can no longer advance the battlefield in such a way that the regime has shown that it will negotiate and accept a truce when it finds itself in a weak position, like in 206, what lebanon's hezbollah did to the regime, they came to finish the work of the lebanese. but the lebanese hezbollah resistance did something that imposed fire on them , so if something happens , the palestinians actually have the upper hand in the field of resistance. if you think so too, the result that can be seen in this progressive choice is one of the most serious analyzes that it is mentioned that netanyahu wanted to delay the ceasefire discussion and prolong the war in gaza by assassinating martyr ismail haniyeh. by the way, this incident helps to prevent this idea of ​​netanyahu from going forward, for many reasons, which i am sorry to mention, mr. doctor, but
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there are other things as well. can be raised nearly 3 months ago, hamas accepted the cairo plan and supported it, even the united states at least outwardly announced its support , netanyahu used to oppose it, now the situation has become such that, for example, a place like csis, for example, the research center of the center for strategic studies in the united states, says that he has come. even now, when it is possible netanyahu also agree to the ceasefire with the literature that i am translating now, i say agree, yes, the ceasefire can be realized in the framework that was proposed in cairo, not in cairo, that is, it was the idea of ​​the initiative of cairo, if that initiative comes, the contact will also agree to it. do you know what that initiative means? yes, it has four conditions and four problems. one of them is a permanent ceasefire. well, you didn't know. everyone said a temporary ceasefire against exchange. another issue was hamas saying:
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exchange all prisoners for the exchange of all prisoners. it means that all the zionists who are in the hands of hamas should be free, and all the palestinians will be free the regime would not accept this, the regime would eventually accept it one in 10. now, for example, it might be one in 40. then there is the release of prominent palestinian figures. these years should be brought up in exchange for a cease-fire for hamas without retreating from its principles and maintaining palestinian sovereignty in gaza. this is an important point . palestinian sovereignty remains in gaza. a cease-fire will happen because of netanyahu . data from 24


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