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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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let's get hundreds more people, this is a good outcome for me and the kabir motor collection, kabir motor with 24-month photos and 36-month bank facilities. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with economic and market news from khabar network. the 16th international exhibition of iran's financial industry, stock exchange, bank and insurance will start tomorrow, friday. this exhibition as one of the important economic and financial events with more than two decades of history in the field of capital finance. investment and
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financial technologies are held in the country. the 16th edition of this exhibition with the presence of financial industry activists the interior and the presence of the second largest russian bank and some brics members will start working at the permanent location of the tehran international exhibition from tomorrow, the 19th to the 2nd of august. introducing the achievements of the country's financial industry and the synergy between domestic and foreign financial institutions , getting to know the companies. and iranian organizations with the latest technologies in the financial field, attracting domestic and foreign investment, developing a culture of financial literacy and establishing communication between iran's financial industry and foreign investors are among the goals of this exhibition. an official in the program and budget organization announced that the central bank will give quotas to banks 20 thousand billion tomans
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has been announced for factoring or financing of construction projects. of course, the factoring system in the organization of the program and budget is still not in use and it is going back and forth to get the necessary permits. factoring is the most innovative form of financing that facilitates the financing of priority government projects. so that these patients do not have to travel kilometers to reach a hospital. either the route of these roads should be short and of course smooth for the people , for example , we will use section d azad road, north tehran, due to necessity from south to north, or when the return will actually be accumulated, it will be used from north to south, or according to the annex of the 1403 budget law, so that part of the 2550 plans and 6 thousand half-finished projects will be completed. capital is needed. as the old saying goes
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, it is unleavened bread, and to solve this problem, it was approved here in the parliament in 2018. it was decided to finance construction projects with high physical progress with the law of maximum use of production capacity and state services and with a tool called factoring. the contractor and the bank have an understanding. this demand that the contractor has from the government is bought by the bank. here bank of the government means the year. the program organization will pay the bank's money in the second 6 months of the year when its resources are extended. the implementation of factoring or contract-based financing method in the private sector with the support of the ministry of economy and in the public sector with the support of the program and budget organization is 50 thousand billion tomans. the central bank has set aside the share of the program and budget organization from this credit of the central bank this year. 20
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hemat has been identified as the head of the credit and notified us of the credit, the banking network can use this mechanism. now after a delay of one last year, the officials of the program and budget organization say that the preparations for the implementation of the factory have been completed in this organization , but we are waiting for the security license and the afta license , which is the issue of production and exploitation of security issues, to get the license and issue a directive at the end of august. to start the process. contractors who are interested in entering this process. afta's strategic management center says that the program and budget organization has not taken any measures to test the security of the factoring system and also requested the issuing of a product security evaluation license to the technology organization. no information provided. somia mardani, sed and sima news agency. the executive of the wheat self-sufficiency plan of the ministry of jihad of agriculture said: according to the latest statistics
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, tazmini bought 10.830 million tons of wheat from farmers worth 190 thousand billion tomans until 7:00 am today, thursday august 18th. sohrabi added that so far 94 thousand billion tomans have been paid from the money of the farmers who have delivered their wheat to the government purchase centers and the payment of the remaining funds is being followed up by the program and budget organization and the ministry of agricultural jihad. this amount of guaranteed purchase compared to the same period of the year the last crop shows 17 growth. the director of planning and development of national petrochemical industry company announced the forecast of production of 83 million tons and export of 34 million tons of petrochemical products in 1403. according to the exporters of petrochemical products , if the sale of basic and primary products in this area is reduced
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and the final products are created by creating added value , the export value of petrochemical products will double and even more. selling crude and semi-crude in the petrochemical industry is a problem in the name of supplying basic and primary products to the world markets instead of exporting goods with added value. we have about 20 each year we have a billion dollar export in the petrochemical industry. i dare to say that this 20 billion dollars can be converted into 35 to 40 billion dollars in the downstream industries, when we move towards the completion of the value chain , well, both in terms of profitability and valuation , it has many advantages for the petrochemical industry of our country, and our approach is that to be in the field of providing technical knowledge, which is now needed by the country in the field of supply chain, we should not export even one cubic meter of gas and in fact one ton of oil, we
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should turn everything here into added value , but this process requires that we can to have financial partnerships with the world's largest companies , completing the value chain of this industry is a solution to be able to obtain a license. let's do this and it requires that both academic units and industrial units have good interaction with each other . we mostly sell methanol in raw form . it will be suitable for the country. now one of the most important issues is to prevent the sale and burning of hydrogen in raw form so that we can export it. propane that we used to sell 87,000 tons of raw material per year, and the added value was not that high and there was no profit margin for us . it is converted into propylene in the pddh unit, and after the propylene unit , it goes to the monetary unit of propylene, which also adds value
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. again, this chain we did not stop it, we continue to pay attention to the active downstream industries. another solution is to monitor all the value chains. and we have defined the value chain in 5 value chains, which are ethylene, methanol, propylene, ammonia chain, and aromatic chain, and god willing, it will continue to develop in the coming years. petrochemical exporters believe that completing and improving the chain of petrochemical products and producing final products is their goal for export and higher valuation. mohammad ali qaimi, sed and broadcasting news agency. the eight-month delay of iran khodro to deliver dual-fuel vehicles to the applicants, while this self-driving group excused the lack of tanks , the tank manufacturers say they have the ability to produce all kinds of gas tanks, but khodros must
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fulfill its obligations. a lot of 6 tomans 12 according to the approval of the supreme energy council in 2019. let's say that if it enters our fuel basket we can manage it too , there is no gas problem to make this happen. we can actually replace gasoline in a way because the green variety itself helps to reduce consumption.
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iran khodro first announced the supply of a 100-liter gas tank as the reason for the delay in the delivery of dual-fuel engines . we went to the tank manufacturers. we have the production of tanks for all car manufacturers, we are a manufacturer that if our liquidity is not secured , we cannot supply them on time. the next problems, but when we follow the story from them and we can produce it, the main part that has prevented us in these years has been the price issues and actually the support that the organizations, especially in the taxi sector, have to give to the taxi drivers in order to be able to sell the car. in fact, the delivery of taxi drivers is now the reluctance of khodros to deliver dual-fuel cars for about 8 months, which
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has kept the applicants waiting for the completion of the contract. his started and the price of a barrel of oil brent and the united states are in the range of 78 and 75 dollars, respectively. today and the third session in a row , the price indices increased, which according to the analyst was caused by a more than expected decrease in the reserves of crude oil in the united states. according to the report of the american energy institute, on wednesday, crude oil reserves decreased by more than 3 million barrels, which is the sixth weekly decrease of the opec. some experts also believe that with the intensification of tension in west asia and the limited supply and reduction of the production of the sharara oil field in libya due to the protests , the supply of oil is potentially threatened. support for rising prices. also weakness china's economy remains a very important factor of pressure on
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the oil market. the report of the american federal government shows that the number of homeless people in this country has reached its highest level. according to nbc, the number of homeless people in america has increased by 12% this year compared to last year.
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kokar and hajji means from the people of hojjat, reason and guidance, and how well he deserves his name. you are very welcome from all over the world. most of his work was in cultural work . there is very little in our life that the mouth of the person who comes here should be sweet. now, what does he want to sing
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? what does he want to do cultural work? now a sky is the opportunity to fly high, but the story is that it is the size of a pigeon. the story is that the size of a pigeon is mohsen hajji, an unknown charity, that's why we didn't know him much. he was a worthy son for his parents. mohsen is better known in the sky than on the earth, mr. mohsen was not from the earth , what i am saying is not a slogan for the sake of shabash prayer the way he behaved with others because of the way he behaved with children, mohsen loves ahl al-bayt
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. and god falls in love with him, as he desires. try to live in such a way that god will love you, if god loves you, you have bought a good door. and with this love, mohsen becomes the defender of the shrine. hello, my dear brother, the proud martyr. 27 july 1396 mohsen , the defender of the shrine, is sent to syria for the second time. in his first mission, more in and lazgiya has had operations against isis, but this time he is going to go near the border with iraq with his comrades-in-arms 16 august 2016, al-tanaf, border region between syria and iraq , when mohsen was captured behind a trench next to the half-life bodies of some of his comrades, resisting and fighting against daesh.
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against them and the fight against the bloodsuckers of daesh , they have been martyred in a heinous way. yes, on august 18, 1396, mohsen will achieve his wish. martyrdom, that too, like his teacher hossein bin ali biser. martyr besir he knows what has happened to you, elahi zahra. come soon now mohsen
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has captivated everyone with his deep calmness and beautiful smile and conquered the virtual space . august 19, 100 general qassem soleimani, commander of the army quds assures the people of iran, especially the family of martyr hajji ,
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that they will avenge this act with a firm decision to uproot the evil tree of wahhabism and terrorism from the islamic world. we are cursed from following this genealogy. and the destruction of this dangerous tumor in the body of the islamic world will not stop until the last person. haft shahrivar 1396, the martyred pickel of the defender of mohsen hajji shrine during the exchange between the resistance forces and the isis terrorist group was handed over to maraj al-shohada in tadmar city. syria, and finally on october 3, 1396, after waiting for a long time, matt's body was found.
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but there is a characteristic in this young man, god never works without wisdom. the sincerity of this young man and the pure intention of this young man and the timely movement of this young man and the need of the society for this kind of testimony. this has caused the almighty god to name this young man as your martyr. may the almighty god make him dear in the eyes of everyone. may god make you young. may god bless you , mother, wife, father, and all the survivors.
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may god bless you all and grant you all the success to be able to fulfill your duties. may god bless us as well. martyrs, ten o'clock appointment then mohsen's body is like a gem. derakhshan brings the capital to qoqa. tehran has not seen such spirituality and bravery for a long time. the memory of the martyr , the head of the young martyr of the nation, will go to esfaham on the same day. imam square of isfahan is full of people who are waiting for him. lipik either hossein, or hossein labik, or hossein goli has said that he was killed
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on october 6, 1396. the people of najaf abad are impatient with their mohsen. the earth of saman trembles, the earth of the plain of karbala trembles, and finally the pure body of mohsen hajji will be buried in a deposit until the day of resurrection. on the promised day, the earth will testify that the revolutionary and intelligent and zealous youth of iran did not sing epics and sacrifices in defense of islam and the motherland.
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on october 11, 2016, the family of the proud martyr hajji went to meet the leader of the revolution. the leader's words are full of admiration for the youth of najafabadi. hajji is an outstanding name. distinguished and brilliant throughout their country , this is thanks to the struggle of this young man of yours and his oppressed martyrdom. i named you ali. always take argo from amir al-mu'minin. in short, take care of yourself, ali sir, i always remember you, always i am above you. if i become a martyr, god willing , i will always follow you step by step in your life. i will not let you feel the lack of your father's shadow. here is a prayer for everyone. say that
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nothing from you is an example of the regret of dying in the hearts of our lovers. you are alive because you are alive because you are on your head.
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if there is no electricity, we who suffer from heat cannot live if there is no electricity. it just shuts down completely and all the power goes out. in general, everything needs electricity . if there is no electricity, everything here is ruined because
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we have to work with a refrigerator. our scales are completely broken, we can't attach shrimp if there is no electricity , consider a public space as a hospital
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. if there were no electricity, there would be many facilities. many people come here for recreation, and lighting is a very important thing in every house. make electricity so that we can also see under the wind of chlorine, for example , they use energy-saving lamps here, the most important thing for children to study is electricity, if there is no electricity, we cannot write our love, out of respect for our children, so use electricity properly.
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we will attack with the number of our problems . mehde ehdela andana andana andana nafla nafla nafla lashid lashid lashid nehjab.


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