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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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europe is getting better day by day, the people are becoming more aware , the people are seeing with their own eyes what disasters are taking place, but on the other hand, the leaders of this country who claim democracy are against the wishes of 70 to 80 percent of the people. 100 themselves, not only favoring, but killing facilities. they leave most of it in the hands of israel . the disaster we are in now is a humanitarian disaster and an international disaster , not only about gaza, mr. shajere. does in discussion killing is at its highest level in the discussion of torture.
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his highest rank and his strangest form and the fact that even polls are being conducted, in my opinion, maybe to justify this crime he is committing, actually leads me to the proposition that the main war seems to be a war of media and public opinion in a way that zionists at the beginning of the hamas war, in fact , the conflict that agha they accused hamas of having committed sexual assault without any document, without any reason, a lot of documentary evidence, a lot of the words they said at the beginning and they accused hamas, none of which had any document, but now this issue of sexual abuse is with the picture was published with the documents and even after that they are doing a poll for justification . not hearing the voice of oppressors
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in a way that changes the place of executioners and martyrs , as if it is the place of people . among other things, mr. netanyahu accused hamas of aggression in the congress. it seems that the main focus should be on public opinion discussion. okay, maybe this long introduction to my question can be summed up with this question: what can be done, that is, in terms of human rights. islamic in terms of the tools that you as the head of the islamic human rights commission you are in charge in london, what can be done to make the voice of this crime heard more, you see, we ordinary people and angie do not have such a loud voice, but the important thing is that we will never be suffocated, we will never be silenced, and we
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must reveal all these crimes. alhamdulillah, i must say that public opinion has really changed a lot , but this effect on the thoughts and actions of politicians has been very slight . possible. he has nothing else to do, which means that all his activities have not come to fruition he failed from the point of view of the military, from the point of view of public opinion, from the point of view of being able to destroy the so-called goals that he had, and to be able to conquer gaza, he failed, so the only thing he can do now is to start these disasters and try. tick make the war wider.
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because now he alone knows that he has failed . netanyahu has really failed from every angle and has no choice but to expand the war. so now there is a danger for humanity, for humanity. that if the governments of the grave western power. do not stand against such a person a person who is willing to do anything and has many fans. you announced the survey. they are very embarrassed to give a positive answer to this in public gatherings in the polls , but with all this, as you said , they have a majority.
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they support this barbaric tool, so i think we have to fight now, this very day after a letter i wrote to the british home secretary four days ago about these extreme right-wing demonstrations and that they are being strengthened by the zionists. financial reinforcements and other reinforcements can be received in a letter today a zionist in the house of commons, one of the zionist figures in the british house of commons, wrote to the times newspaper and condemned me to anti-semitism , when all the evidence is clear, even the times of israel announced that he had written an article that supports these extremists in england. they riot, they set fire to the police station
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, they attack the mosques, they are financially supported by the israelis, which is what i said. the document is clear and clear, but with all this, they spread mud all the time and attack people who want to be defenders of the rights and defenders of palestinians, but we today, we announced that we are not willing to compromise on this issue of humanity, so to speak.
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and there is no way forward, no way forward, so mr. shajareh , for me, you see the connection between the palestinian issue and the zionist regime with this new wave of islam, which i can almost say has started in england for about a week to 10 days, and that you can see the support of the zionist regime . yes, you can see that it is very clear that all these leaders have a very clear relationship with israel. as i told you, even the times of israel wrote an article and revealed this, mr. yes, you have made your point. yes
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, this issue is not something that is hidden, it is very clear and clear, and the reason why they are doing this, for example, one of the leaders of these soldiers came back and said that we have come to protest in the street, to riot , to riot. because hamas and the supporters of palestine recorded our streets, the people who came to the streets were ordinary people, the majority of people in england, america, and europe are in favor of peace and against the war and say this is the war. it should be stopped and for this to come to the street , they say very clearly that they are making a crowd because of that put pressure on the supporters of palestine, mr. shajareh , you mentioned that you wrote a letter to the prime minister
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of england, not to the minister of interior and 44 and the minister of interior and 44 different police chiefs in the uk . i want to know how much there is hope that writing these things will be effective. you see , saying that the right is a tradition of zainabi and the right is very powerful is very cutting. within the last two or three days, it was very clear that had an effect at the same time, we presented letters
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to all mosques and islamic centers in england, which they each wrote to their mps, to their municipalities, and to the police. write to their region and press for a revision to take these riots and effects on society seriously. i come to the conversation that you had almost at the beginning of our conversation and you said that if the struggle is weak but continuous and continuous , there is hope that it will be effective 100. i believe that the truth will finally win . are we getting this right? or not, but the truth will prevail, this is a divine thing, god
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promised us that the truth will prevail in the last days, but we must be with the truth for our own hereafter, and that we have a partnership in shaping a future society in a way. . that humanity is more important in its origin. i am very grateful to mr. masoud shajra, the head of the islamic human rights commission in london, who, at the end of your speech , made us think about a human duty . i bid you farewell. good bye.
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the world continues today with some news and reports has acting minister of foreign affairs, after attending the extraordinary meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation in jeddah, said: islamic countries are of one voice regarding the recognition of iran's inherent right to defend itself against the zionist regime's crime in the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh. tunisia is actually one. a little distance, in fact, an all-round support among the islamic countries in the region, both in condemning the zionist regime and in fact giving political legitimacy to the right of reply. it is as if the islamic republic of iran can attract this terrorist aggression.
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there was almost one voice in this field, another voice against us we did not hear this in this context. no way no way. it was the same in bilateral meetings. in the bilateral meetings, the opposite parties from different countries that i met yesterday on the sidelines of the meeting also emphasized and supported this point. the decree of the people of palestine and especially the people of gaza and in fact emphasizing that efforts should be made to end the crime and genocide of the zionists in gaza as soon as possible. i emphasized without any conditions that the islamic republic of iran has the right to defend and protect do it from national security with all its value the government of melish reza considered the reaction and response legitimate. do what the islamic republic of iran has in mind. next, let's go to
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iraq. let's see a report on the full readiness of iraqi security and service agencies to serve the arbaeen hosseini pilgrims. the iraqi government announced the allocation of 4 billion dollars in order to prepare facilities for pilgrims and also agreed to the arrival of 200 ambulances from iran. the crossings for arbaeen pilgrims should be rebuilt to
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solve the problems faced by pilgrims in the past years. to provide the best possible services to iranian pilgrims in long and short term plans we planned the period. in the short-term plan , it was decided to eliminate all the deficiencies of the past years at the border crossings with iran. in the long-term plan, we decided to cover all the holy cities of iraq. to be connected in a single way and for the implementation of this 3-year plan , we have spent more than 4 billion dollars for the greater comfort of this year's arbaeen pilgrims of iran's joint security committees. iraq's border crossings have multiplied . we have a direct relationship with the minister of interior of iran and together with him we have monitored all the border crossings of the two countries in terms of security so that , god willing, all arbaeen pilgrims can go without any worries. enter iraq the ministry of health of iraq has also announced that the iranian red crescent is allowed to import dozens of
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ambulances equipped with advanced medical facilities into iraq. where mehran and khosravi crossings are located, it will start next week. jalal khalidi of iraq's diyala province radio and television news agency and news from japan
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, the anniversary ceremony of the american atomic attack on nagasaki will be held tomorrow. the presence of representatives of more than 100 countries will be held without the presence of the zionist ambassador . the mayor of nagasaki has announced that the zionist ambassador has not been invited to this event. group 7 members sent a letter not to invite the ambassador the zionist regime protested to participate in this ceremony . the united states and three european countries, england, france and italy, also announced in response to this action : ambassador. they will not participate in this ceremony . the head of the nagasaki atomic attack survivors council said in response to the absence of the ambassadors of these countries in this ceremony, if they do not want to participate, it will not be a problem. the mayor of nagasaki also said that the reason for not inviting the zionist regime was that the ceremony would be held in a peaceful atmosphere. this decision
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was not made for political reasons, but with the motivation to hold the ceremony peacefully and magnificently. ceremony the atomic attack on hiroshima took place two days ago. the invitation of the ambassador of the zionist regime to the ceremony of the anniversary of the atomic attack on hiroshima caused the protest of the japanese people . the atomic attack on nagasaki happened 3 days before the attack on hiroshima in 1945. the atomic attack on hiroshima and 3 days later on nagasaki killed 110 to 2010 thousand people.
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thank you for your companionship with today's world. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . we arrived at your service before the start of the football magazine program. this is why nahid kiani's match against his south korean opponent is being held, and for now, what has happened is 5 one. aqaba and so far, nahid kiani has succeeded in
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making history and has done a great job by participating in the finals of the olympic competitions in taekwondo. she is the first iranian girl to reach the finals in the olympics and this is a great thing that she has managed to do so far. the current result may be due to the lack of experience of nahid kiani, who has not had the experience of the olympic finals , and so far i can say that he has done a great job to reach the olympic finals. let me tell you a little bit about nahid kiani's opponent. he is a tough opponent.
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in the finals, he managed to defeat the chinese opponent, who was the color of a world, that is, he was at the top of the world federation rankings, and made it to the final match . this was a great job he did , so he is a very difficult opponent for nahid kiani , but nahid is also in the end. he has many capabilities that he has shown in competitions so far. the final seconds and congratulations to nayed kiani who made it this far. this is a great honor for the sports community of our country , especially for taekwondo, where we had one person in the final and he won the silver medal of this course. from to win the olympic games for women's single fundraiser , one bronze medal, one medal is not decided, it's a women's job
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, unfortunately, nahid kiani could not overcome her tough opponent, i say, after all, the competition at the olympics is very high, she has done a great job so far and showed that she can be an iranian girl. to qualify for the olympic competition. she can reach the finals and even be one step away from gold. the silver she won is unprecedented in the history of iranian sports, and she is the first person to win the olympic silver medal as a girl for our country. it is a great work that he has done we congratulate the sports community of our country and god willing, this trend will continue and our other girls will be successful in other fields as well, so that they will be able to raise our flag and play our country's anthem in the olympic competitions for the next time. they will
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come, i think we can stop the program now , we will be with you with the football magazine program and we will talk about tonight's wrestling as well as the competition of nahid kiani aziz and then the football magazine program will follow its own section in a few minutes with football magazine will be with you. if there is no electricity, we cannot
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live in hormuz because of the heat. if there is no electricity, nishaba will be completely shut down and all the power will be idle. in general, everything must have electricity . if there is no electricity, everything is ruined here. because we work with a refrigerator, our scales are completely electric.
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people come here to have fun and we urgently need a burqa for us. southerners, because we are by the sea , the temperature is very high, about 50 degrees, and life was difficult for me. the children are all in one room . i don't have to turn on a chlorine in each room and my electricity consumption will increase. let's set the temperature of our chlorine to 25 degrees. consume less. a lot of things it is important and how much we can reduce the electricity consumption of each house and do something that we can see under the wind. for example
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, they use energy-saving lamps here , the most important thing for children to study is electricity. if there is no electricity, we cannot write our homework, out of respect for our children, so use electricity properly. washland's prize draw festival, a new house , congratulations. the first prize is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials, and so on. 10
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gentlemen, are you looking for long-term photos with less fees , a year of monthly salary, washland is a land full of prizes. don't you want all the accessories you buy to be original? don't you want everything you buy to be at a low price ? aren't we looking for a place that has both long-term specials and comfortable conditions? i mean , aren't
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you looking for a discount? fajah laqina saroukh han and saroukh madrasa, the second of the two schools , that is, two schools without displaced persons and civilians, and children, that is, during the regular hours of the children. the cutting of meat, injustice , this is the time, we are fighting, this is the time, it is time to work hard, i swear by god , it is enough
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, young people, step by step, step by step, o teacher , there is no god but god. something


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