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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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i was there, i said i was very sad, i said , what did dad say the day before, one of his comrades was martyred , he says that dad came, he was hit by a mortar , my arm was hit by a bullet, he didn't act, if i didn't want to commit suicide , i would kill him with a fist, soon the basiji martyr's statue , dear mazloum mohsen hajji, would be destroyed. the square will be moved . i was at the media. i saw a video in the media.
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it is very true that god made mohsen dear, which means that god was looking for me, hasan, and was looking for an option to prove many things to us at this time, at this time, and now the proof is over for mohsen, because of him, what he had done became god's proof he used to say or let's pray, it's not a waste , we gave so many martyrs, it's good, now for themselves in that area
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where she gave her life and said, "sacrifice my life for zainab's army, my life, my life, my life for zainab's army, for all these qasim, for zainab, my life, my life, my life for zainab's servant, who gave his life and he used to say that zainab's head was sacrificed in the name of hawass, a model of self-sacrifice.
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the first time they are sent to syria, unfortunately , they are not martyred . let me speak, one should be sure, sir, the reason why i did not become a martyr was because my mother was not satisfied, that is , he goes to mashhad and says that i want to become a martyr to his wife. he comes to talk to her, she says pray for me to become a martyr , she comes to her parents, kisses their hands and says pray for me to become a martyr, the people goes, she says i want to become a martyr, she talks to her friend, she sends a message to pray for me to become a martyr. we asked god and he didn't give it to us . it was very interesting for me. and further, if my mother
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consented, i would have been martyred. but we installed it , if it becomes our part, open our mother's stable. that's why i tried to get their mother's consent in every possible way, until i have a photo of their mother and father. they are satisfied with them.
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and when mohsen left, everyone suddenly came to their senses. i can't see in front of my eyes. in a valley storm and in must august. heat saving air on the way.
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we are trying to keep even one name silent in the house of our beloved people, such as
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akbar ashhad an la ilaha illa allah.
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the graves of two iranian religious scholars are located in the newjieh mosque . emad al-din ghazwini and ahmad bukharai, who were imams of this mosque in the 19th century. the area of ​​newjieh mosque is about 6 thousand square meters. to make it, chinese and islamic cultural elements are used together. interesting the most existing phenomenon in this mosque, which attracts the attention of tourists,
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it is the combination of chinese, arabic and islamic atmosphere. prayer times are announced in arabic and chinese. the minbar and mihrab of the mosque are decorated with verses of the quran in arabic. the imam of the mosque prays in arabic and after reading the verses of the quran, he translates them into chinese. every day more than 20 people pray in this mosque. the number of people praying on fridays reaches more than a thousand people. according to official statistics,
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about 60 million people in china are muslims. against possible diseases of the priorities it is considered essential for every pilgrim to carry
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personal hygiene items such as soap, especially soap paste for hand washing, a personal toothbrush and body shampoo in a small container, a light towel and a light and compact bedding. it is recommended to wear suitable sunglasses as an obstacle in against fine dust and heat, to maintain eye health, it helps to use a suitable sunscreen and extend it every two hours to prevent sunburn. you should consider that continuous walking without taking into account the time of rest can be dangerous for your health and the children and elderly people who are with you, so with make sure to rest at appropriate intervals . daily washing of the nose with serum due to high dust and prevention of respiratory diseases. it is recommended to brush your teeth with healthy water such as bottled water or network water, spring water or do not use the river for drinking. to prevent the transmission of diseases from eating , it is very helpful to have a spoon, fork and personal glass with you.
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it is unsanitary to dip glasses and pitchers into containers with water and syrup inside them. also, avoid using ice that is stored or eaten in unsanitary conditions on the ground refrain do not eat open foods that are exposed to air and dust. do not eat vegetables and salads at all, and if you eat fruits , be sure to peel them. and finally, pay attention to the consumption of hot foods for more health. it is better than cold foods because the possibility of poisoning with them is less. cooked foods should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours and should not be heated more than once. so do not keep the cooked food for the next meals and do not consume it even after it is heated. if you have a special disease or are elderly, it is necessary to have one bring a copy of your medical record and insurance book with you. in the name of god
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, light, in the name of god, light, light, in the name of god, light upon light. i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that allah is the most high.
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hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam allah akbar allah akbar lai
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israeli military forces are fighting in gaza in the form of a street war from street to street and from house to house. this is the longest israel's war in recent decades. they say their goal is to destroy any traces of hamas. netanyahu's message is clear. we fight and we win. our goal is to destroy hamas. we want to win with all our strength. the destruction of hamas is near and israel has described the time of its realization as near, but the facts tell a very different picture. cnn, the enterprise research institute , the institute for the study of war, all reviewed thousands of documents allegedly from the israeli army, hamas. in our investigations, we found that hamas
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has grown significantly once again. look at the light of gaza. israeli officials believe that four hamas battalions are spread in the gaza strip. we analyzed 16 of these battalions in the central and northern areas of gaza , which witnessed the most attacks in the nine months of israel's attacks on gaza. our research shows that only two of these 16 battalions have been destroyed. the 9th battalion is weakened but still active . five battalions are now fully prepared for combat and are able to carry out operations against israeli forces. even while israel is using all of its military power , hamas has been able to use about half of its battalions restore it to some extent. hamas has announced that it is filling its ranks with new forces. hamas has announced that during the war, it was able to attract thousands of mujahid forces. a senior official of the israeli military base told cnn: israel
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agrees with this statement by hamas because wherever israeli forces enter, hamas forces attack and... this ping pong cannot continue forever because the israeli society and the society international is not made for such a situation. to clarify the issue , take a look at the situation in jabalia, where israel's problems are clearly visible is in december, israeli officials announced that three battalions stationed here were destroyed, but in may , less than 6 months after that date , israeli army officials said that more than 14,000 hamas fighters, including half of its leaders, including mohammad zaif, the senior commander of hamas, was killed
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or arrested, but hamas is still busy recruiting and reorganizing itself and rebirthing itself. the military experts we spoke to said that israel's intense bombing campaign in gaza has accelerated the process of recruitment for hamas from among civilians. colonel peter mansour the retired american army, who participated in the plan to increase the number of american troops in iraq in 2007 , talks about this. this plan is considered one of the most successful plans in the history of america to deal with militia forces. the fact that israeli soldiers are in gaza.
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when in iran sent 350 missiles and drones uh and the uh iron dome allegedly anyway knocked out 95% or something like that, but it was an analysis afterwards we had the
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professor ted posolon who said when you look at it actually many of the missiles were not intercepted and many of those that were designed to be shot down to try to avoid escalation, but he said that if iran had actually wanted to harm israel, they could have picked a lot different targets and caused a lot more damage and has bull out number one, the time of flight now is far less than they would have, they have more of these missiles, uh, there's some suggestion that the iron dome may not be very effective at all, and it could uh, israel could be seriously harmed by the hezbollah missiles. well, the iron dome is never performed to the level advertised. you, 90 plus percent intercepts, that's always been nonsense, so no, they're getting something in the neighborhood of 50 to 60% of what's out there, but keep in mind that... "everyone's missile arsenal or stocks are designed to exhaust the air defense capability, so you can run the israelis and for that matter us out of anti-missile
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missiles very quickly, doesn't take very long, and we are not disposing over hot manufacturing lines or or you know building missiles and rockets handover fist a day basis, so we we have limited supplies, the iranians and..." academic jihad was held in the presence of the minister of science and the head of academic jihad at the university of science and culture. simultaneously with the ceremony, the anniversary of the formation of academic jihad was celebrated from 5. a flagship project in the field technical and engineering sciences, agricultural medicine and
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human and social sciences were unveiled oocyte scenography is from a live animal and is still at the usual age of production it has not been reached and the purpose of this project is to obtain more eggs from the so-called genetically valuable species of livestock. it is used in laboratory and some cases in clinical conditions. which we had implemented in 1402 with the title of identifying examples and situations of conflicts of interest in four fields of foreign trade salam.
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pension funds and agriculture and livestock affairs, which the country's inspection organization was the employer of this plan. design and construction of drilling rigs for oil extraction. due to the importance of drilling sites in the oil industry system, we were able to generalize all types of drilling models and compile their knowledge. semi-industrial production. after our products were actually produced and approved by valid accreditations, we were able to get the permit and permission to enter the market of these products from the food organization, and for the discussion of commercialization and the entry of the products into the market, we have a
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transfer contract. we have contracted the technical knowledge of these products with the private sector. the academic jihad born of the islamic revolution is the purpose of its formation to transform science into techniques is in the current education, the university of science and technology , as a university affiliated to jihad , has been ranked first among non-profit universities in the country. it will have a bright future. but one problem that you see is the lack of credits and budget. fortunately , we have planned this for some time with the private sector, just like the slogan of the year, production leap with the participation of the people. and god willing, we will generate wealth, the most important thing the characteristic of academic jihad
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is that it plays a role in both the production of science and the consumption of science. the production of science creates authority. the consumption of science creates well-being, comfort and peace. in fact, the university of academic jihad has made all its efforts to produce both science and consumption. science, technology, innovation and technology should create the secret of my success. this is the production of the first detection of circulating cells. on the 4th anniversary of the academic jihad, five outstanding projects and model jihadists were honored by sed and sima news agency.
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get a golden whistle as soon as you enter the teleboyon race. hi, at 4 o'clock: the full readiness of the security system and iraqi services to serve arbaeen hosseini pilgrims the iraqi government announced the allocation of 4 billion dollars to prepare facilities to serve arbaeen hosseini pilgrims. the 20th of april is the city of my journey throughout the year


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