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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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and not teenagers. but today is friday, august 19, four journeys and august 9. azan for noon in tehran at 12 o'clock. and 10 minutes and maghrib azan at 19:00 . it will be 20 minutes. goodbye adina, god bless you.
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i am really very happy that i got another chance to serve my dear colleagues in the presidential institution , dear ones who with their efforts and efforts provide the foundation for the success of the governments . i say special thanks to the good people of our country for participating in the elections. i thank all the people of the country whether those who participated in the elections and
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voted for mr. dr. bezikian, or the dear ones who participated in the elections and voted for another candidate , or the good people of our country who did not participate in the elections because of their demands or criticisms and complaints, we are today. we are proud to serve all the people of the country. the atmosphere of the country demanded that the government , in line with its missions, which are the demands of the people, to answer the problems and issues that the good people of our country have in the field of livelihood, problems and social issues and other problems, so that it can
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use all its powers to name its name. government of national unity let it be said that the point that mr. dr. mezikian made in his talks in the debates and the meetings he had with the people, i think they generally accepted that everything mr. mezikian says is based on his beliefs. the fact is that the personality traits of dr. mezikian, his ethics , his commitment, his honesty, naturally do not bring anything to the people of our country. dr. mezikian wants to do whatever he says, so the title of the government , the slogan of the government, the name of the government of national unity, means using all the facilities of all powers. hey, to answer and
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address the problems and issues of the country and me once another of the country's elites are people who have mastered the problems of prominent figures who are present in universities and research centers to help their own government with constructive suggestions. in order to solve the problem , it can be said that we all know the problems, what we need is a national consensus , how to respond to the problems, how to deal with the problems, so that , god willing, we can be accountable to the people. we want to have in other words, we want to do what we said
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or, god willing, do more than what we say and promises therefore, the strategy of the 14th government, god willing , is action, and then the report. for this reason, naturally , we expect all the good and faithful people of our country to allow the government to do the work and report the results, which naturally should be done gradually and monthly. in the future , people should feel the process of solving problems. we accept this . it is naturally hidden in the government's plans in the selection of colleagues. in the government of national unity, the approach of the government and the ministers, god willing, will not change. we
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do not change originality. we use originality. we say it together, so whoever believes it, look the government plans the government. dear mr. doctors, many times we can raise the reasons of our cooperation , but in cases where cooperation is not ready for some reason or feeling, because really , the country does not give us the opportunity for a period of time to justify a new cooperation in relation to the plans of the people. they do not give people heavy and rightful and long-standing demands . naturally, changes are aimed at improving efficiency, but we sincerely
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thank the efforts of all the governments so far , who are working hard to the best of their ability. and let us have enthusiasm and this cabinet will be able to implement the government's plans with good and enthusiastic colleagues. your role in the organization is unique in relation to the success of the government and the success of the president. anyway, i was proud to serve once again. i was in the organization and during that time i understand your key role in all fields, whether it is in establishing coordination with the institutions, following up on the affairs of the institutions, or following up on the plans of the president and the promises that were made, and
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you played a key role in responding to the demands of the people, in any case, the people in a popular and islamic system have the right to the highest position of this key position and perhaps the last position that people refer to should not disappoint people. every request does not necessarily have a positive answer, but we must respond to every request with respect and sincerity , we have no right to be aggressive, we have no right to misbehave. your request is not practical or today we
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cannot respond, this is our right, but they do not have the right to listen aggressively. i am only saying this as a reminder. you obey, the attitude of the post-revolution governments was generally like this, but ours i am really more sensitive. i was in your institution for four years as your servant. dear people i know here, you believe that i am really sensitive about these issues. especially the presence of my dear brother, mr. dr. qaim mogha, has greatly strengthened this view and more than what we were following, god willing, will follow. my request , dear brothers and sisters, is to position yourself in the institution as the main headquarters of the government, which maybe i can say is the main headquarters of the government. indeed, the government is expected to
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give a social cover to the government, the front of the government is the satisfaction of the people the government is satisfaction with the government and vice versa dissatisfaction. even one government official is considered to be dissatisfied with the government, and we believe that some of our dear compatriots who did not vote were due to non-response to their demands or irrational or sometimes violent actions that unfortunately happened to the people. we don't want to say that these are all opponents , they don't have opinions, they argue, they criticize the behavior and actions of their government men. inshallah, we hope that with your efforts , these compatriots
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will also feel more responsible and participate in all matters, even helping this government that they did not vote for. helping the government that in not participating in the elections , there are definitely some figures among these 50% of the elite who have opinions, we extend our helping hand to them as well, we want to use their experience and ability as our dear compatriots, so that we can, god willing, have a smooth and hopeful path. let's follow to respond to people's demands. i know that i need to sincerely thank mr. mansouri and his colleagues for their efforts in this field, whether in the field of the headship of the institution or the executive deputy, they really worked hard. friends, this change
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is naturally in line with the rapid continuation of the work and the promotion of the work, by no means the changes of the government, mr. doctors, are not aimed at negating individual efforts. we believe that all our ministers and all our colleagues should continue the previous work and improve things. wherever the process has been good, it is the same path and wherever it needs to be corrected or changed, god willing, we will follow it. anyway, i sincerely thank you for accepting the responsibility by our dear and honorable brother , dr. qaim pannah, who i am proud of. he has been serving them since the 70s when he was the deputy of the ministry of health. we used to see their vitality, which alhamdulillah has not changed at all, in other words, they
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are young, they are in the abacus you throw. for the youthfulness of the government, you consider him as one of the youths . i really need to define a young spirit with motivation and cheerfulness. i need to redefine him in his youth. and loyal to all the high values ​​of the revolution and islam, in my opinion , they are experts, experts, outstanding and pious believers in the values, for which we thank them both for accepting this responsibility and for mr. dr. mezikian , who chose a person with these qualifications. doing that
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we can in our institution and you as employees institution, we can use their abilities, their views, to solve our problems, so for us , they are a guardian in the institution and follow up on the demands of friends and colleagues in the institution. really, i can say that the employees of the institution are for reasons other than the most oppressed employees . the government is the fact that because the eyes of all the devices are towards these, in giving even extraordinary overtime bonuses, we always said that if we add you, all the devices will claim, so let the devices be added, you are the end of the line, this is the view you tolerated everyone , for which i thank you, god willing, dr. gibran they do a little bit and they help the side of the executive branch which is a very important issue. first of all, all the commitments of the previous government are our commitments. whether
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the financial burden of a promise made during a trip has been seen, whether it is valid or not is not today's issue. the president or the official has given the government's commitment to the people , then i request mr. doctor to fulfill the government's promises as a priority. i will follow the grave. we in the government are also at your service to help from the resources we don't have. whether it's half -finished or new, it's a trend of the previous government it has been respected for us and it is our own commitment . from now on, the style of travel, the style of people's commitment is out of the budget and out of the discussion program, so i
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request mr. doctor to come up with a proposal to reach a conclusion in the government first. with the assumption that every commitment we make must be implemented according to the plan. do we need to modify the mechanism? because we had a special mechanism in the last period, which i don't want to mention here now, the colleagues of the institution know. in any case, every government has its own executive mechanism, and i am asking the doctor for this for the future and how it will be applied to the provinces. should we help? is it in the format. whether it is due to the industrial budget and program or beyond that, from the resources available to the government, in any case, the problems of the provinces should be seen. i have to follow the priorities in the provinces according to the geographical areas of the problems and issues they have, god willing mr. doctor will also
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put forward a good strategy with the cooperation of the friends of the government secretariat, the executive body, god willing, in the government, which will be the basis of our movement in relation to the project. and the trips will be determined, hoping to god that the appointments we give will be implemented according to the plan. i will not give more than this tenure. dear honorable members of the government, i am very proud of you for doing a good job, because the executive branch is one of the hard-working departments for all institutions. we have good health and success, and i wish good health and success to my honorable brother, mr. dr. qaim maqam, and i promise him that all the facilities of the government will be at his disposal . let's do it and may god's mercy and blessings be upon him.
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6th monday of shahr 96 at 23:00 when the command called and said tonight his name is saifullah haj hosseini, he has been active in the irgc for 45 years, but at the same time that iranian forces left for syria to defend the shrine, he also left in bahman 93 i became syria, that is, when almost 80-85 % of syria's territory is still occupied. 3 years after his presence in the syrian front, he is entrusted with an important mission. a mission that was never repeated after that. i would like to point out a difference between our front in the introduction line with iraq, the 8 years of the iraq war, and
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the resistance front, see the enemy we are fighting with in iraq. we were faced with our children being martyred and we retreated in the operation, and as a rule, some of our martyrs remain. that the commanders of our battalions, our commanders , were present in the operations, entered the area with those operational calcs, they knew exactly where the martyrs were, and they found them with the calcs
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, they found them with the operational maps. i said that i would like to achieve happiness by marrying you, and happiness is martyrdom bye bye we are going let's go tell dad he is going his pictures made isis sensitive to hajjaji's name and in the virtual space where the status of martyr hajjaji is flowered and spread all over
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iran and in countries outside of iran, isis is thought of they say, for example, there is a character, he has a title , almost this is the remains of the body of this dear martyr , and they say that maybe it will be necessary to refer to it later. he is supposed to return his body, the body that was the first and last excuse for the exchange. the only exchange that took place was the body of martyr hajji. this is because it was supposed to be sent from the border area syria and lebanon are under siege there, and they reach an agreement with hezbollah to evacuate, and one of iran's conditions there was that if they find khaan khali there, they must hand over ba hajji. there are two lebanese martyrs who must be handed over . there is also a lebanese prisoner who must also be handed over. this is one of the bases of our exchange where it was supposed to be done
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. the exchange was done 25 days after his body was martyred. now he was ready to go to return home i don't know any other mention of a body that was once a father for this boy, and a fellow countryman for these sarakia people.
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if there is no electricity, you cannot live in hormuz from the heat.
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in general, everything should have electricity . if there is no electricity, we are all ruined here because we ca n't work with refrigerators, our scales are completely electric. let's discuss if there is no electricity , consider a public space like a hospital. if there is no electricity, many facilities will be destroyed, many people will be wasted
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. because we are by the sea, the air is very hot, about 50 degrees, and life was difficult for us . i put the children all in one room, so i don't have to put them in each room, so i light a lamp and count the consumption. let's adjust the temperature of 25 degrees so that less electricity is consumed. lighting is very important. how much can we reduce electricity consumption by using one light bulb in every house, and do something about electricity consumption so that we can also see under the wind of chlorine, for example , they use energy-saving light bulbs here , the most important thing for children to study is electricity, if there is no electricity, we we can't write our homework out of respect for our children, so use electricity correctly.
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the only tehran branch in se. rah
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afsarieh with unbelievable prices and long -term appointments and without advance payment in a large iranian house the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only branch in tehran, in the three roads of the office, we know some ways with energy to make our blood bloodier and energy consumption to be lower. and they leave the cooler at a comfortable temperature, coke, we with energy, we know very well that it is wrong to use several high-consumption devices at the same time, that too during the peak hours of consumption . you can also enter one of the biggest draws in the history of iran with a 15% reduction in electricity consumption. bashi won 300 automatic cars and 450 billion. third, cash prizes, for
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more information, dial the square star 21/15 may you be energetic, you are a winner. good morning to you, dear and respected compatriots. the prime minister of iraq announced the allocation of 4 billion dollars for the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the zwar route and border crossings. the departure of pilgrims from the borders of mehran, shalamcheh and chadaba has increased by 17% since the first of muharram compared to last year. according to the general manager of the passenger transport office of the road organization.


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