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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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his name mohsin means benefactor and hajji means from the people of hojjat, reason and guidance, and he deserves his name very well . you are very welcome from awad jihadi . it can almost be said that he spent about 70% of his life and time doing this , he was very little with us, he was in our lives very little, he is a real man , what should he do now, what does he want to build, what does he want to do cultural work, what does he want to work to teach and i'm not talking about work, it's about the service that can be delivered, thank you again. very good now
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the sky is the opportunity to fly high, but the story is that it is the size of a pigeon. the story is that the size of a pigeon is mohsen hajji, an unknown charity, that's why we did n't know him much. . it is not a poem because of his night prayers because of his behavior towards others because of his behavior towards children mohsen is in love with ahl al-bayt . try to live in such a way that god will love you.
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mohsen, the defender of the shrine, will be sent to syria for the second time . in his first mission , he had operations against isis in aleppo and lazgiya, but this time he is going to go to the border with iraq with his brothers.
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a little later, the news comes that isis martyred mohsen for the crime of defending the shrine of hazrat zainab, peace be upon her, and fighting with isis bloodsuckers. yes, august 18. his martyrdom is also like his master hossein bin ali biser, the martyr of biser, who knows what has happened to the divine head of zahra, may she soon reach her mother, now mohsen has captivated everyone with that deep peace and his beautiful smile and has made the virtual space
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conquered august 19, 1396 general qassem soleimani, commander of the quds force, to the people of iran, especially the family of martyr hajji. they will take it with a firm decision, which is to uproot the evil tree of wahhabism and terrorism from the islamic world. islamic world to the last person. we will not stand down.
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week of september 1396. the body of the martyred defender of mohsen hajji's shrine during the exchange between the resistance forces and the terrorist group. delivering the ascension of the shahs of tadmar it goes to syria and finally on october 3rd, 2016, after waiting for a long time, the holy body of martyr mohsen hajji arrived in tehran .
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the sincerity of this young man and the pure intention of this young man and the timely movement of this young man and the need of the society for this kind of martyrdom is not the reason that the almighty god made the name of this young man your martyr. i love you to the mother. to my wife, to my father, to all the survivors, god bless you all and give you all the success to be able to fulfill your duties. may god bless us as well. appreciating the martyrs, an hour later, mohsen's body
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is brought to the capital like a shining gem. tehran has not seen such spirituality and bravery for a long time. the memory of the martyr's head, with a separate heart, is sad, sad, sad, sad. goli has said that he
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was killed on october 6, 1396. the people of najaf abad are impatient with their mohsen. the ground of the karbala plain is trembling . what is the connection between the revolutionary and intelligent youth of iran who are zealous in defending islam and the motherland? they didn't sing and what sacrifices they didn't make. on october 11, 2016, the family of the proud martyr hajji went to meet the leader of the revolution. the leader's words are full of admiration for the youth of najafabadi. hajji is a
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distinguished and brilliant name throughout his country. this is thanks to the struggle of this young man of yours and his oppressed martyrdom . be your example, ali, always follow the example of amir al-mu'minin, in short, be very careful of yourself, ali, sir, i always remember you, i am always on your side, if i become a martyr, god willing, i will always follow you in your life, i will not miss your father's shadow. you can pray for everyone here that no one regrets dying. the lord of the hearts of our lovers, you are alive because you are alive
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because your head is on the lap of hossein, our eyes are thirsty to see hossein.
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the graves of two iranian religious scholars are located in the newjieh mosque
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. emad al-din ghazwini and ahmad bukharai, who were imams of this mosque in the 19th century. the area of ​​newjieh mosque is about 6 thousand square meters. to make it from chinese and islamic cultural elements. used side by side, the most interesting phenomenon in this mosque that attracts the attention of tourists is the combination of chinese, arabic and islamic atmosphere. prayer times
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are announced in arabic and chinese. the pulpit of the mosque is decorated with verses of the quran in arabic. the imam of the mosque prays in arabic and after reading the verses of the quran, he translates them into chinese. every day more than 20 people pray in this mosque. the number of people praying on fridays reaches more than a thousand people. according to official statistics, about 60 million people in china are muslims.
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in line with increasing the supporting role of the al-aqsa storm battle, the islamic resistance of iraq is ready to play a more central role in order to face any developments that the region is currently witnessing. will be following the recent developments in the region, especially the assassination of ismail haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement , fouad shakar, one of the senior commanders of the lebanese hezbollah, as well as the us attacks on the popular mobilization forces in iraq and the determination of the response of the various fronts of resistance to israel, the islamic resistance of iraq has also increased the level of preparedness
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is playing a central role to deal with these developments and participate in an all-out war against israel. the resistance is ready and has all kinds of weapons and equipment that it has not used so far, that is, the islamic resistance of iraq has all its military capacity and ability to confront and the attack on america's interests has not been used because american soldiers are present on the territory of iraq , so the main priority of the islamic resistance of iraq is the interests of the united states on the territory of this country and next to it joining the operations of the front
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, all these factors have made the islamic resistance of iraq play an effective role in supporting have palestinian resistance . when the resistance attacks could target israel's positions in the mediterranean sea, the city of haifa and the depth of the zionist regime's soil, the future attacks of the resistance can be very surprising and beyond the imagination of the enemy. ok, conventional resistance weapons will be very effective in action and in the field and the capacity and ability of the islamic resistance of iraq, along with other resistance fronts, can be part of the attack targeting the positions of the zionist regime. according to observers and experts, the coordination and convergence between
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the islamic resistance front of iraq and other fronts of the al-aqsa storm battle has a great impact. the rapid expansion of joint military tactics and operations against israel and the united states has resulted in the victory of the cause of the palestinian nation. the statements of some officials of the islamic resistance about the escalation of tensions in the region show that the islamic resistance is not one of the normal parties in this battle, but one of the main parties and partners in the operation. support for the battle of al-aqsa storm. and also has this preparation than in any war.
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he is active in the islamic revolutionary guards corps, but at the same time that the iranian forces left for syria to defend the shrine, he also left for syria . 3 years after his presence in the syrian front , he is entrusted with an important mission. a mission that was never repeated after that. i would like to point out a difference between our front line and iraq. iraq war 8 years of sacred defense and resistance front, see the enemy we faced in iraq, our children who will be martyred and we in the operation. we had a retreat and as a rule, some of our martyrs remained , the iraqis buried them there
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, they buried our martyrs and stayed. those operational calcs go, they knew exactly where the martyrs were and they found them with the calcs , they found them with operational plans. it was clear that the difference between
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my marriage, which i told you, i would like to achieve happiness by marrying you, and happiness is the same as martyrdom. let's go, let's go, say that our father is leaving. the spread of his pictures made isis sensitive to hajjaji's name, and in the virtual space where the status of martyr hajjaji is blooming and spreading, in general, in iran and in countries outside of iran, daesh think that for example, there is a character, he has a title , they are burying the remains of this dear martyr's body , they say that maybe it will be needed later, it is indicated
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that he will return his body, the body that was the first and last excuse for the exchange, the only exchange that took place was this body. hajji was a martyr because he was supposed to be sent from the area of ​​the border of syria and qalamoun lebanon is there. being under siege, they reached an agreement with hezbollah to evacuate, and one of iran's conditions was that if they were to be called empty, they must hand over hajji . there are also two lebanese martyrs who must be handed over. he also handed over this and one of the bases of our exchange where it is going to be done was hajji arrangement, the exchange was done 25 days after the martyrdom. now he was ready to return to his homeland, the body that
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was once your father , i don't know of any other mention for this boy, the strength of your heart and the day of compatriots for these people of sarakia, sada and siim news agency. we cannot live without dharma.
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if there is no electricity, it will shut down completely and all the power will be turned off. in general, everything is cult.
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ii. electricity consumption
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago . if you wanted to buy something, you had to leave a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the market. each market is one-way at night. i said that here all the specialized markets were gathered. it was good. we came to serai afsariye. it was good. we came to sarai iran. . big iranian house , the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices and long-term bookings and without advance payment in big iranian house in the cities of qom , isfahan, and the only branch in tehran, in sirah afsariyah, mr. aren't you looking for long-term contracts with lower fees?
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don't you want all the appliances you buy to be original ? don't you want everything you buy to be at a low price ? aren't you looking for a place that has long-term features and comfortable conditions ? specialized in household appliances , where, where, where, city of household appliances, city of household appliances. a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square in front of tehran at the head of the household appliances city.
2:00 pm
demonstrating the power of the irgc by adding a large number of anti-destructive cruise missiles and new types of drones the combat structure of the navy, missiles with high explosive power and undetectable, a missile whose specialty is the destruction of this type of floats, the accuracy of weapons in the navy today, the speed of operation of the system and vessels


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