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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, i offer my greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers, followers of the khabar channel. i invite you to stay with us on the first page, as in this program we will have a look at the performance of the organization of schools and non-governmental centers of the ministry of education in the 13th government of mr. dr. ahmed mahmoudzadeh. the deputy minister of education and the head of the organization of non-governmental center schools are our guests. you are very welcome. well , in the name of allah , the most gracious , the most merciful. they play a role your excellency, to your colleagues and of course to the ministry of education , you are busy planning for the next academic year, and we have less than a month to tell you , when will the academic year start , god willing, from mehram.
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how many are there in the next school year? of course , you are reminded that the summer season is the planning season for education in all areas. it is true that perhaps from the external symbol, there is a feeling that the summer is closed for education, but most of the work in education is during this time. during the summer season, the summing up of the last school year is happening, so the analyzes that are happening especially in the fields of education, as well as preparation and
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setting the stage for entering the coming mehr , there is almost a two to three month opportunity for this. we also have a part of education and training in this area in non-government schools. about 18,000 schools, nearly two and a half million student population, now in the section of only schools , now in our centers , we have almost a statistic of 20,000 schools, where the activities related to reinforcement classes, entrance exams, language classes , now in different languages there are nearly one and a half million students in that area in the summer, this vacation opportunity is used. in addition to this extension , we also have people's participations, which are the schools, our board of trustees, our education councils, which provide the platform for educational activities in this summer opportunity for these types of schools, etc. we do
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and we help the public schools in the field of education councils, which are discussed with the presence of the assistant governor. it is based on education nurturing alone is not enough for education. in which department should everyone be present? in all the policies , planning and support that should happen , god willing, we can have a good program for the 17 million student population across the country. a part of this student population is happening in non-government schools, or now the tourism and tourism circuit is a part of our organizational activities and it is focused on all the educational processes and activities of the country. what is the difference between non-government schools that
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are take a look at extracurriculars and school administration by parents are mentioned in the board of directors, of course, in the document of fundamental transformation, the view of education and upbringing of schools in general is the board of directors, of course, not looking at the financial issues of the school administration. participation of families, participation of the neighborhood, participation of zinkhan in the administration of the school. now a part is happening there . most of today's topic, god willing, we are at your service . there are non-government schools that are fully prepared . do you have a plan
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? the schools for guests are moving forward. there is the issue of non-governmental schools and non-governmental centers before the new year, i.e. 1402 in az in february, we started a part of our infrastructure directive, for example , we had started the issue of tuition fees about seven or eight months before, and the process was completed in june. in the past , they have agreed on their tuition fees in the field of human resources, and their other issues are registrations. because we had pre-registration, well, due to the reception of some non-government schools , i would like to say that except for one of our cases, which is human resource empowerment training for the entry into mehr, which we planned for the first 15 days of september, has happened
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, we have done the rest of the preparations for entering mehr 140d 3, god willing, with the cooperation you mentioned, there are only questions in the following. we should have drawn and implemented the different areas that will become the roadmap for education and discussion of the fundamental transformation document, that is , what is the view of the transformation document on non-government schools, well, here, in almost a few paragraphs , the quantitative and qualitative recommendations of non-government schools have been mentioned. in the sixth program
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, about 16 of the students of the general schools assigned numerical development to us the country should study in non-government schools because, well, we looked at non-government schools in the country during this period. it was assigned to you. yes, well , i am at your service. our number is somewhat the same, of course , almost 15% of our students are in non-government schools. well, with this number , we are pursuing the development of technical and professional education this year. 3 special circulars have been sent for this issue, development in the discussion of the issue we are considering the second secondary school, quality development was also considered in the primary schools, which we
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are doing, god willing, based on both the fundamental transformation document, the implementation solutions and the road map that has been drawn for this, as well as the programs recommended by the sixth plan and in god willing , the seventh plan will take good steps for non- government schools. education and training as well as emphasis on support those that are included in the law of non-government schools , we have good supporting servants in the law. and the serious support of the founders was considered again . now, along with the founders of the teachers, we
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considered the support discussions in this law . we reached the number of 44 hours to 30 hours . we have considered improving their ability and increasing their knowledge and, finally, supplemental insurance for these, which should happen, and besides this, the issues related to the discussion of the issue of serious supervision of non-government schools and the conflict and interests, or the discussion of the issue of transparency in it is non-government schools that have been emphasized in the center , with the programs we have already started, we considered three types of programs in non-government schools. if there is an opportunity for
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human resources and other fields , there would be a part about the quality of education and training, which would be a target setting in cooperation with other vice-departments, especially specialized vice-departments. we had done that, which we were following, of course, besides this , we are also looking for special work. if there is a chance, the creativity festival of non-government school credits is also a national language event, which, god willing , will serve you in the future. well, i would like to ask you one more issue, and then we will discuss the same issue of the festival regarding the ranking of non-government schools. there is and point. the tasks that the law on revision of non -government schools of the islamic council
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has mandated education, the question of ranking of non-government schools, of course , when did we become obligated? almost, education has been mandated since the promulgation of this law, which was promulgated in the last days of april this year. yes yes, yes, we have the opportunity to do this, of course , we were already following it , we were obliged by law, that is, the organization itself proposed it. it was to do this ranking of non-government schools in the area of ​​the quality of education and training , and the fact that this structure of non-government schools, fortunately , was assigned to the center for education means that we are almost in the middle of that opportunity. you know that the law has specified this for you. of course , we are currently setting up the mechanisms. we are in education. yes
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, god willing , if we reach the final conclusion and our undergraduate sessions continue, god willing, what help will this ranking and this clause provide? our opinion is that we may, for example , announce the city of non-government schools based on their ranking and let families know which school they enrolled in. what indicators does this school have in the field of hardware, in the field of software , or now the quality discussions of the educational quality nurturing and appropriate , enroll those students in this school. these ratings will be included in the database. because you said that you had already started it yourself. of course, because i said that the plan itself was from within the organization
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, we took some parts of the work forward, of course , we also have this view abroad, that in other places, this ranking has been formed for their non-government schools, and it is more result-oriented, that is, from experience others are also looking for it, of course, a visit has already happened, mostly the results of the ten axis of the topic of discussion of the ranking of the output of non-governmental teacher training. we are looking for the outside world, which is very much entering the spaces where documentation and discussion are just discussions. now, in the syrian part , the issue should not happen until the end of the six months that you mentioned . god willing, we are looking for this to happen. in the water section , you mentioned the afrino festival and the creativity and innovations that non-government schools have. let's see a report we will come back and talk about this festival . be with us. afrino festival
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ended its work by introducing and appreciating eight selected projects of initiatives and creativity of non-government schools . in this ceremony, the best and deserving managers were honored. education should be done in schools in such a way that the focus is on the teaching process and the learning process. let's start the business and let the student learn how to enter the job market. project-oriented programming education means that the student can the programming model can enter the job market may he somehow learn the skill of production and be able to put the structure he produces into the market . there is a system for learning the rule of waqf in the quran by means of three parts, a moving beacon and a guide, which are connected to each other and are electronic. in the form of this system
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, they can learn the rule of time . let's get to know the history of our country and prove it at the same time that our country has such a rich culture that it can play an effective role in the future in the field of graphics that we have in the school. the jury in this festival evaluated 620 designs in 6 stages . a network of innovative and repetitive creative works should be formed and this event is aimed at networking creativity, discussion, initiative and
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innovation summit of schools in the new academic year from the initiatives and experiences of the chosen ones. one year from the school floor, we started to identify this discussion, the initiatives of this creativity and these ideas of farakhani with the cooperation of the founders in various meetings , we communicated to all the schools close to approximately 6,300 projects were collected from all schools
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, and the process of evaluating and judging them can be done by school, region, and province. asmara should be present out of the 6 projects as the best project there, well, the evaluations reached the conclusion that we should be thankful and grateful . our festival, i said this, we identified that we should promote these works and these creative initiatives in
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the year of our other schools . the title that we had prepared is variety in educational and educational processes variety in educational processes variety in self-management variety in cooperation participation variety in the discussion of even exceptional educational spaces that the document of fundamental transformation refers a lot to the diversity of the learning environment that part of the process of education takes place inside the school. in other environments , all these plans will be accepted, or now, in the discussion of diversity, in the theoretical bases that happened, these judgments took shape. schools that have initiative. well, for our other schools, we are looking for a part of it. god willing
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, we are documenting these. these initiatives and these creations are intended for other schools that are government, so now we have two phases for this issue. it has been seen that this year 2 thousand schools we will find access to the desired school administration , especially in deprived areas on the outskirts of cities and towns. those who usually have basic problems, which , god willing, will start with 200 this year, and gradually we will reach 500. a part of these schools themselves requested. asking us to identify the weak schools and provide them with the programs that in management, in participation in education, in educational issues, to implement in this school
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, they themselves are successful in those schools, and implement them as well. we will provide them with video and support our other kurdish schools should enter both public and private schools and be able to take advantage of these capacities. the discussion days were monday, sunday and monday of last week. it was a very good show, managers and managers were also well attended. of course, four
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workshops were held there. the use of technology and digital is in schools, well, this had a good reflection, and education in non-government schools or in schools with general importance was one of the topics that again, it was well received. i think that both the festival itself and the implementation of these workshops for the first time of its kind . in the discussion about the transformation document, some questions were raised, and your excellency expressed some points . let's have a summary of the topic of the transformation industry, the solutions that are on the agenda of the cartoon, because what the transformation document specified about non-governmental schools is, finally, the main point of the transformation document is the foundation of this education. well,
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the indicators for education have been specified for this, whether in the field there is no difference between public schools and in the field of public schools, we are supposed to educate students at the level of the islamic revolution. 43 indicators have been proposed for this issue. in the 6 hours that have been stated for the creation of fundamental transformation, one of these indicators is an indicator. the areas related to scientific issues are educational, in other areas, social issues, biological discussions , educational discussions, religious, cultural and even sports are part of the hours that, well, we in education should have the necessary daily plans for this issue in the area of ​​discussing the topic of knowledge itself. at the level of the islamic revolution, about 30% of the indicators were determined a student born to islamic ethics, a lot of discussion. the entrepreneur's discussion of entering the unknown scientific fields, which the supreme leader is resistant to, in the form of 3 words of moral and scientific belief exercises, says that we
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in education, which you must have recalled from the roadmap of this document , had the position of a teacher for a few days in the big week. it was shown in the supreme council of the cultural revolution, which was announced to education in the past weeks, this road map for all fields of education. in the form of this road map, we are looking for this, god willing , with the cooperation of the specialized assistants of the school now we are designing the level , what are the features of this level school in terms of the document of fundamental transformation, we are discussing these features ourselves, and we are also looking for solutions on how to implement this document. how will it be from our tests to participate in the discussion of academic records, which is one of the points that is being maneuvered in many ways these days, and it is talked about the effect of this
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on the future of the students, the cultural and educational approaches that this festival has shown. we will have more success if we have a closed cultural discussion for each academic year with different genders we can achieve it . the types of programs have been seen in the roadmap of the fundamental transformation document. it seems to me that if we have a good start in the implementation of this document, which of course we will have more success, god willing, we want to address the issue of education, which again in the previous chapter, your excellency , you made a passing reference about the education of non- government schools, which according to their performance and exit are discussed and actions have been taken in the ministry of education in this field. let's see a report first and then come back, god willing i have a city issue from your excellency . stay with us. for the sixth time, how much did i tell you now? about
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40 tomans arbitrary increase in the tuition fees of some non-government schools, they say that you have to pay more , it is complete, complete, in some schools, the increase has reached 70%. what was the rate that they announced to you for a city, this year they said 100 to 120, how much was it last year, 70 between 90 and 120 saying about 70-80-90 % increase without food, without service, without clothes.
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we have to see the increase of that school compared to last year. education says that a ceiling is set for the tuition fees of each school, and the ceiling is increased arbitrarily. shahri, the reports of violations that reach our field in this regard are also followed up. every complaint that is registered in the field of schools, whether government or non-government, in the ministry of education, we will follow it up . families should not pay extra tuition fees.
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we are not the services they provide, but if a school at any level, anywhere , violates the tuition fees announced by the ministry of education, our action will be decisive. well, mr. mahmoudzadeh, let's talk about tuition fees first non-government schools are determined based on what indicators, a very important issue was mentioned, of course, tuition is one of the main challenges of non-government schools, this also has reasons regarding the first issue, that these legal protections that should be given to non-government schools usually happen in governments. it does not apply to article 10 of the law on establishment of non-government schools, article 11, article 12, article 19 of the law on education of non-government schools, articles 25 and 27 of the law on schools.
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from the financial needs of non-government schools, the banks of the central bank are obliged to provide loans. to be available to these loved ones. well, this did not happen at all in the past years, fortunately, we are doing this we started, of course, with a very small amount, but other materials have already been done. this support has not happened. it is not that you said that you started, but it says that the number is low, for example , the support that is not 35 to 50% is not the number that the central bank announced. kurd told us that the figure is 400 billion tomans. well, how much should it be? in addition to this figure
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, there is an institutional debate on how to deal with this issue. after all, nearly two and a half million of our student population is getting their education here. the important issue is education and other issues. we have to be persistent, that 's why we face challenges because we don't have this department we have tuition fees within ourselves, but of course , we try to take the people's ethnicity into account, and we somehow manage the income and expenses of these schools , which is very harmful for the families as well as for me.


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