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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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the ruins had become like a ghost town. he is one of the survivors of the city that lost their lives with the american atomic bomb. 79 years have passed since then. the japanese hold a ceremony every year on the anniversary of the atomic bomb dropping on nakazaki. this year, more than 100 countries were invited. the japanese , however, announced that the representative of the zionist regime will not be admitted to the ceremony. america, england, france and italy along with the zionist regime. they said: he will not attend the ceremony without the zionists. america is the only country that used atomic bomb. in the last 8 decades, never in the memorial ceremony the victims of the polling with the atomic bomb did not ask the japanese for an evening. the bettor nagasaki explained the reason why the ambassador of the zionist regime was not invited.
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if the united states, england, france and italy do not participate, it is not a problem, because the invitation of the ambassador of the zionist regime will be met with the protest of the japanese people. the people of hiroshima. kazaki compares the killing of nearly 40,000 people in gaza by american bombs to the massacre in their own cities. sanazo kahini of radio and television news agency. the mayor of london said that following the actions of extremist groups, he as a english muslim
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it does not feel safe. sadiq khan said that recently due to the violence of extremists who specifically target immigrants and muslims, his sense of danger has doubled and he is worried for his children. since last week, england has witnessed the spread of violence by extremists against muslims and their property . while about 500 people have been arrested in recent riots, the british government fears more riots in days. the end of the week is ready. with the spread of riots in england , the third meeting of the government of this country was held in the last week under the chairmanship of the prime minister. so far the decisions of this meeting have not been announced, but official news sources say that in this meeting, the decisive action of the police against the rioters and the issuance of heavy sentences for those who attack the police or public places and people have been emphasized. at the same time, the british government announced that publication of content in cyberspace that
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incites riots is dealt with seriously. on the 10th day of widespread unrest in england , while the racists in this country announced that they will attack dozens of immigration counseling institutes, refugee settlement centers, and charitable and islamic organizations. the police announced the investigation of the role of networks social in the spread of riots in this country. it has started, i am not connected to the internet and i don't watch tv anymore. in my opinion, social networks are very dangerous and i am especially worried about my teenagers and young people who no longer communicate with each other in the real world . the problem is that human achievements are not used properly and it connects rioters together . media experts believe that the owners of social networks have left the field of virtual space.
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they have prepared for spreading lies, spreading rumors and spreading hatred and violence against different sections of muslim people and they only care about more money. this is terrible that social networks are pouring gasoline on the fire of racist riots in this country. the role of social networks in organizing and spreading these riots is frightening, the owners of these networks should be held accountable . the extreme rightists announced on social networks that in the coming days they will hold demonstrations in more parts of england and attack more centers related to immigrants and refugees. the attacks that have led to the destruction of muslim immigrants' property and the looting of their stores in recent days. these days, most stores and
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shops in england are afraid of riots and looting they close after dark, and it disappeared due to the fear of non-white employees. the delivery of public and healthcare services to the government has been disrupted and has led to the cancellation of hundreds of patient examinations and surgeries . after a few months of protesting against the policies of the former prime minister of bangladesh, which led to his resignation and leaving bangladesh, the protesting students demanded the acceptance of the head of the interim government from muhammad yunus . 84-year-old mohammad yunus as the head of government
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170 million people of bangladesh took the oath of office. he is an economist, banker and winner of the nobel peace prize. he is a social entrepreneur who
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received the nobel peace prize in 206 for his activities in the field of food markets, which led to the reduction of poverty in bangladesh. 1983 became a global breakthrough in poverty alleviation through micro-loans. after a few months, students protested against the policies of the former prime minister of bangladesh, which led to his resignation and leaving the country. students the protestors demanded the acceptance of the head of the interim government of this country by muhammad yunus, and he agreed. we have gained our independence for the second time and we must keep it. experts believe that yunus will face
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challenges in order to establish an opinion in the society and also to strengthen the trust between the people and the government. it reduces the joint to a noticeable extent. based on these data, the divorce statistics among couples who experience a relationship before marriage they did twice more than other groups. his name is justin bieber, a 30-year-old songwriter and musician whose romantic songs are among the best-selling music in history. justin entered the world of music at the age of 13.
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friends experiences and reality to not have sex again until i'm married, the piece of knowing that i will never be used, i will never be played, and youtures can be actually a topic
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that is 30 years old it raises millions of people. female, the more partners that you have before you get married, the more that's going to affect your sexuality.
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a few brief news about the opening of the genetic community center of royan research institute, according to the head of the faculty of basic sciences and modern technologies, this center will operate with two axes of diagnosis and research in the fields of genetics, biotechnology and modern methods of gene-based therapy. reduction of 5 to 10
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announcement of the final results of the 10th grade khordad grade 10th grade exams of 1403 students by referring to the window of the electronic services unit of the ministry of education. view your academic records. fethullah taheri, an actor in the guise of cinema and theater television died at the age of 73. the late taheri played a role in the television series "azim darser" kahr and "ashti" three-in-four defendants escaped and had the films "sad maabar" and "muhammad rasoolullah" in his artistic portfolio. and the opening of iran's home appliances exhibition at tehran international exhibitions. in this
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round of the exhibition, the latest achievements of scientists in the field of household appliances have been presented. deputy general industry of the ministry of semit said: this year , it is targeted to produce 20 million devices of all kinds of household appliances. it has been a growing trend. in the first four months of this year compared to the same period, we in the field we had 9% growth in production and 11% growth in export . tomorrow is saturday, the 20th of august, the 5th of safar, and the 10th of august is the sharia midnight tonight at 23:23, the morning call to prayer tomorrow in tehran is at
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3:46 and the sunrise is at 5:20. be a part of the news tonight , my colleague mrs. emami is with you , please say hello, mr. zahourian , i greet you, god bless you, i say hello to all my hardworking colleagues in broadcasting the news of sima, and i say hello and good time to the esteemed viewers of the national media who watch us in special news talk tonight. as you have seen and heard in the news, sardar qaani , commander of the irgc quds force , emphasized in a letter to mr. sanwar an hour ago that there is no doubt that the blood of martyred haniyeh will have an impact on the harsh punishment of the zionist regime at the hands of the islamic republic of iran. senwar is a personality with a proud history in the leadership and jihadist dimension, and hamas added by choosing a leader. once again, logic proved that
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he will give the proud flag of hamas to the person who has the most influence in the field, mujahid fi sabilullah, in a special interview tonight. we will talk about the different aspects of the letter of the quds force commander of the islamic revolutionary guard corps to the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement . international affairs expert and mr. dr. hossein kanani moghadam, west asia expert , allow me to thank the esteemed viewers of yak sima channel for their support up to this point and invite the beginning of the conversation and reports of this program on the khabar network with us be with
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thank you very much for accompanying us , there are two distinguished guests in the studio, mr. sadral hosseini, mr. dr. kanaan moghadam, mr. sadral hosseini. i am at your service, thank you very much, mr. dr. kanani moghadam , welcome to the weeja news talk studio, in the name of allah , rahman, raheem. let's look at the dimensions of the issues mentioned in this letter in general, let's have an overview of the most important issues raised in it in brief, with the name and memory of god almighty, well, actually, after the martyrdom of haniyeh, with a very short time, which of course
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was not expected that with this short time... or mr. sanwar should be elected, the fact of the matter was that the opinions and views of the analysts were such that it is possible that other people and not people who are inside gaza like mr. sanwar yahya sanwar should be elected, but this election was necessary that a commander congratulate the leader of the resistance. and mr. sardar qaani, this important work and message issuing a very important message in this regard and congratulating mr. yahya sanwar to the group of hamas , congratulating both the speed of action in this task and
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choosing a completely jihadist and political figure with a proven track record, which indicates the greatest influence of mujahid. in the name of god, yes. referring to his jihadi direction and his political direction and his background, i have to tell you that mr. yahya sanwar is a person who was born in khan yunis from a young age and engaged in jihadi activities. being in prison for more than 20 years is their own time they learned the hebrew language in the best way. many of the topics and issues that are necessary to analyze the actions of the zionist regime in the prison, they were able to find them by reading various books, and a book related to what happened called khawar, cell, city and prison
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turned their own notes into a book. and at the time of freedom, i announced that i did not for a moment regret my past actions, nor for a moment would i stop supporting the people of gaza, supporting the palestinian resistance movement against the zionist regime, well, during these 10 months, mr. sanwar the fact that these bombings are in the gaza region and the severity of the zionist regime's actions are closely related to the fact that the hamas leader is in gaza and has no way out of that region these days. his choice definitely and definitely has significant consequences and messages that are conveyed to him in the program. mr. dr. kenan moghadam , since the publication of sardar qaani's letter to yahya sanwar , we can see that this letter
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has had wide media coverage, now it has different dimensions, it certainly has messages for both friends and enemies. zionist regime and its allies, let's talk about this message and of course the reflections, well, a few parts of the letter he said that it can be analyzed, first of all , the unity of the field, which one of the very good commanders of martyr hajj qassem soleimani died in the past operations, such as saif al-quds or the storm of al -aqsa itself, happened here, the unity between the field and diplomacy was formed, that is, yahya senwar to the title of field commander came and the political responsibility that our honorable martyr mr. ismail haniyeh took over and now we have a unity of commanders. this is a very
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hard and painful message for the zionist regime to feel that the demonic attack wanted to create a vacuum. in the discussion of power the diplomacy of hamas has now become such that with this message mr. sanwar is not only managing hamas, but he is the command center between the field and diplomacy for the entire resistance front in the occupied territories . in my opinion, this is a very important point, and this message was completely clear to the enemies, because in the first days of the zionist regime, he said that we will kill him, we will assassinate him, and many times , of course, he is one of those who have been assassinated from seven to eight times. he
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survived and is a legend in this field well, those who follow the palestinian issues now feel that it is no longer a matter of negotiation and exchange. and the demands that the zionist regime had and the preconditions that it had have been put aside and archived, which means that mr. senwar as a field commander and diplomacy will follow the work with other and new methods . this is very difficult for them . the position he is taking says that we are ready to come to negotiate, discuss , discuss the ceasefire and exchange of resources. this shows their fear because they think with martyrdom shaitaniyeh, they can make equations with each other and
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there is nothing from hamas to be an equivalent power in the region , mr. dr. sadr al-husseini. which created unity in the islamic world, an important point is made by sardar aghaani, commander of the irgc quds force, as the supreme leader of the revolution said , we know it is our duty to avenge his blood for this bitter incident in the islamic republic of iran . by officials the senior leader of the islamic republic of iran was brought up many times . how do you see the certainty of the response and the voice of the islamic republic of iran in response to the assassination of martyr haniyeh? you see, there is a very important point that today
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is the seventh day of martyrdom of martyr haniyeh in tehran. no word, no speech, no analysis that this issue may be delayed or nullified, this issue of harsh revenge, this issue of bloodlust, this issue. this terrorist act has not escaped the lips of the responsible authorities in iran. all those things that are said outside of iran, numerous words, various analyzes and so on the topics are unreal. but a voice that exists inside the islamic republic for this punishment has crystallized in this letter. well, after a week passed, it was necessary for a senior official to take a decisive position in this regard, and in this part of the statement or letter, or in fact , the article written by sardar qaani, which you just
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read, a close examination shows that as i offered, not only during this one week, but for years to come, whenever the islamic republic decides to carry out this punishment, this punishment should not be taken off, and this issue must be it will definitely be done. but ms. emami, we should pay attention to this point as well. no different analysis, contents and issues either inside the country or abroad can have an impact on this decision. what has been decided in this regard will definitely be done, but the time, place, depth, level, and how and tools used in this regard will be determined by the senior officials of the islamic republic of iran.
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we are talking about senior officials of the islamic republic , which means that different parts of different areas of the fields different resistance groups will not have a role in this connection , this is not ruled out, so today there are various options at the disposal of the senior resistance officials so that they can carry out this severe punishment , so now, because of the last two or three days , several reporters have been in contact with the phones of the british authorities. having the officials of the countries of the region, having a trip that the respected acting minister of foreign affairs had to jeddah , where things took place, all those talks and questions from the reporters were related to how these words and statements can be effective, will this issue be delayed, will this issue be rush
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i would like to explain to you that no external factor except the decisions made by the respective respected officials in this regard will have an impact on this punishment . let's talk about the assassination of martyr taniyeh and in the middle of their talk , we will avoid the axis of resistance to the axis of unity. resistance in response to the crimes of the zionist regime and of course even the recent ones in the islamic republic in the territory of the islamic republic of iran , i.e. the assassination of martyr haniyeh, we see that after the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah, sayyid hassan nasrallah also emphasized these issues in his speeches, see this time the issue of revenge and bloodlust that the supreme leader raised in
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general. it will be resistance, each in the same way , with their own methods, with their own facilities, and even their own times. you saw seyyed mussiah, seyyed hassan nasrallah, in his speech , he started a psychological war, and he said that slowly, slowly, shuya, shuya means you should not think. for example, we are in a hurry to complete and finish the operation once, otherwise we will involve you in a psychological war and a war of attrition. the next point is that the resistance front ansarullah from bab al-mandab to the iraqi people's forces up to the west bank in gaza and the islamic republic of iran's own forces , the quds force, and the islamic revolutionary guard corps of the islamic republic of iran, they are
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definitely doing the work according to their own conditions and responsibility. in the islamic republic, the commander is in charge of how much , where, and how this should be done, and it is not like we want to impose on our officials what to do. to some extent, this is necessary let's say here because some insiders say that the resistance forces are proxies or proxies. it's not like that, they are independent. they are completely within their own responsibilities, their own power and what they can do. but they consider accepting the position of the supreme leader as the imam of the resistance and his command necessary for their followers. it's not like we think , for example, some people say that now these forces have not been found
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, whatever you do. if we tell them, they will say, "no, it's not like this . they each have their own responsibilities and act in relation to the existing issues." what we should mention here is that this time the discussion is a combined war, that is, you are only discussing missiles and drones, and this is not cyber wars, psychological wars , electronic wars, wars that can be effective in sea, air and land in all different dimensions.


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