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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen , hello, welcome to the world. today, i invite you to join us in this program for about an hour. tonight , i will discuss the strategy of mabam, a hebrew term that was translated into persian by safarai during the wars, from the experts of the program. iran's reaction
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to the assassination of mr. haniyeh, how should we see pictures from palestine during the last night before starting the case tonight.
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we are in al-rama, we are reading books , we are sitting, we are sitting, we are sitting in our tent, we are not in the tent, we are not in it, we are talking about it. where are the mystics going, or uncle hina, do you go ? god, we are the mystics. al-husseer and ta'ala , let's
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start the world's first case today, which is a relatively detailed case, but first let's see a report. about the strategy that we are going to talk about, mabam's strategy that maybe we have heard less. on april 13, 1403, f- 35 fighters of the zionist regime from the occupied golan in the south western syrian rebels targeted the building of the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack on the diplomat's place 3 months ago. and the
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second consultation of the iranian embassy in damascus was carried out by martyr seyyed razi mousavi and his companions. this time line shows the attacks of zionists on iranian bases in syria during the last 3 years with an average of 36 attacks per year in the strategic framework called mabam or the strategic safari between wars based on sabotage and terror inside iran. and outside its borders to remove senior commanders and figures who are trying to fill the hand of resistance against the zionists are al-aqsa storm operation was one of those attacks that took the zionists out of the illusion of winning, and this is the zionists' own admission. two months after the al-aqsa storm, a professor at tel aviv university wrote in an article: "we became enamored with the strategy of mabam
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and ignored the strengthening of hezbollah and hamas, and this is another confession of an expert on foreign and security policy of the zionist regime, busy with the illusion of our prevention." we are maintaining the status quo, but iran, hamas and hezbollah are learning to adapt and improve conditions for the next round of conflicts. mabam was not a successful strategy according to the zionists themselves. hezbollah every another wonderful burden for them. hamas is still standing after 10 months of war. resistance in iraq and yemen is based on projectiles and missiles, and iran is taking revenge on the zionist regime. it is for the blood shed with this strategy. saeed zanganeh of sed and sima news agency , i am having a conversation with mr. sohail kasirenjad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, who is a guest on the world today program , mr. kathirenjad
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. this is a strategy that is less talked about, but these days it seems to be heard a little in the media in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello to you, dear viewers, we can say that maban's strategy is the best strategy of the zionist regime in at least the last two decades, and in almost all security decisions, the heads of the zionist regime cast this shadow and most of their activities. in the area under this strategy, we are defined as an abbreviated phrase. in hebrew , it is an abbreviation of a phrase that means a safari between the wars . it means that we had some wars with the axis of resistance, the peak of which was the 33-day war in 2006. at that time, it was a very intense war and fate
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sazi is also imagined in the future, and that war is a war that may change the geopolitics of the region. now, we mean now. the imagined zionist regime, both the zionist regime and the westerners, even inside the region, naturally, the fate of the zionist regime will be determined by that war, and after all, the voices that oppose the zionist regime and the removal of the zionist regime are among the voices that have been heard for decades now. islamic nations, well, this will be decisive for the israelis, they say that when such a war is going to happen , what stage should we be in now? let's arrange our armies and forces in different places, like in the past wars, when they arrive at the battlefield , they arrange the forces in different directions until the war starts
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. the war wanted to start , we have thought of a series of preparations before , now these preparations are summarized. let's say that the axis of resistance is weakened before it enters the war, that is , it starts the final war with israel in a weakened form. we cannot prevent this war because it is the axis of resistance and the people of the region do not have a good relationship with israel and they are trying their best to prevent israel from being involved.
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not joining each other, not connecting with each other, what we have been talking about in recent years under the name of the unity of the fields, was what actually maba wanted not to happen, but it happened after almost two decades of mab's strategy. the next point was that, especially in the early stages, the zionist regime wanted iran not to become a nuclear power, and now. nuclear power is like this from their own point of view they suggested that iran should not acquire a nuclear bomb, in the event that iran did not really need a nuclear bomb, most of the nuclear technology in its civilian form was needed by iran for medical purposes, to produce electricity and the like, and
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naturally, if iran such a power would become a big change in the region. israel wanted this not to happen. iran should not become a nuclear power in the region . we moved forward a bit and changes happened in israel's conditions, adding other goals , such as the transfer of weapons. and advanced military technologies towards various components of the resistance axis take it, especially hezbollah, especially hamas, and now , next, the resistance forces in iraq, syria, and yemen. well, it was at this point that the resistance axis actually decided to change its missile strategy in lebanon, so that before that, lebanon's missile strategy this was to make the range of the missiles so that it would cover the entire occupied territories and then improve the quality a bit so that it would
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be possible to produce and store a large amount of missiles, which is a serious danger for israelis, mr. kathirnejad, let me stop here, so you mentioned about my mother to help me and weaken the resistance front in a short sentence, let's go to the next connection and come back to it. let him bleed and become weak, and then read now , let the israelis, with the help of the americans , be in a weakened form, because when he is strong , they cannot do anything with him. in the framework of this. weakening the resistance front, well, we still want it we will take your time to talk more about this matter
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, but now mr. najah mohammad ali, an expert on west asian issues , is a video guest of the jahan today program. mr. najah mohammad ali, welcome . i want to ask you a question about the same conversation i had with mr. paying attention to your experience in the issues of west asia, especially iraq and syria. how did it work in these two countries? iraq and syria? well, our communication has not been established with mr. najakh mohammad ali. i will continue the conversation with mr. kasrinnejad. i was planning to ask you the same question. well, in our report too we had assassinations. which the zionist regime did in syria, if we want
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to talk about it now with the example of assassinating the leaders of the resistance, how to implement it , see how many tools are used by the israelis to achieve this goal. one was a targeted terror tool, which means that they should not commit mass killings, and that reason was that if they wanted to deliver these blows in such a way that they were heavy, it would cause the other side to react , and that reaction might be out of control, that is, it could end up being the same. a war that was supposed to be prevented so, this was an important point, that is , they hit a drum and measure the reaction, that is, identifying the tolerance threshold is a key component in mabam, and if the smallest error occurs, mabam's entire strategy is wasted, something that has been hard for him for years. let's ask the main question whether these acts of these
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assassinations are interconnected or not separately and now they are being carried out without pre-determined planning. it means that if you pay attention , the blows that happen are very occasional point yes , it will follow a path gradually. for example, from now on, the second phase of the strategy will start from 2013. you can almost say that the first assassination of the prisoners among the iranian commanders is the assassination of shaheed shatari, who worked for many years in lebanon for reconstruction of lebanon, but when the war started in syria and isis took over a large part of syria , he traveled to syria several times to help the resistance axis. israelis have a deterrence equation with hezbollah, which means that they cannot
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assassinate in lebanon so easily, and they took this opportunity to become a martyr. using them in syria and bringing them to martyrdom there, as well as the next phase, almost 2 years later , martyring shahidullah again in the qonehitara region of syria. this is how it gradually came forward, so you want to say that there was a continuity, exactly a continuity with an orderly course, what is the goal? that one you are with us, mr. najah mohammad ali, i want to ask about the approach with mabam or the mabam strategy , according to your experience in west asian issues , especially iraq and syria , how do you think this mabam strategy was implemented in these two countries? i will serve you in the past period
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the time of the formation of the regime, especially in the recent period, i.e. almost in the last two decades, at least, this regime has actually taken the policy and strategy of maban and this has actually led to small wars to reach the big war in order to escape from the big war and the war. in fact, this regime starts small wars in which
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, in the form of a strategic summary of bamas, which carries out a secret and semi-secret operation in a gray area , in the recent period in syria, especially after the revolution, we saw the regime's so-called arab spring. zionists pursued this strategy in a special way in syria, especially in 2013 when the centers and the bases he claimed to be related to the islamic republic of iran's revolutionary guards were targeted, or the commanders of hezbollah in lebanon were targeted, or the bases that belonged to the syrian army were security apparatuses that were related to oil refineries, or the economy or all
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infrastructure facilities, this was in the form of a summary of the strategy, which is called mabam, also mabam strategy. or with bahrain or the emirates in the persian gulf region, which has abraham's agreements and wants to implement the same strategy there, and through these alliances, which are formed by many units.
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it is given that all this is related to the military intelligence organization and its duty. psychological warfare is used to justify this operation and to create a kind of infamy and in fact to destroy hope among the nations of the region and to say that the great war is not in your favor, and this type of operation is called the bama strategy . mr. najah mohammad ali, your definition of mabam's strategy was that small wars lead to big wars. now i want to ask this question. measure this way what is the reaction and then they will take steps for the next step
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? i want to ask, considering this strategic strategy that small wars lead to big wars , what should be iran's response to the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh, and the message or the lesson that the zionist regime should learn? receive it. he doesn't want to get to the big war, he wants to escape from the conflict with the big war and the extensive war of the zionist regime, they know very well that he can't. alone, never enter into a big war with the islamic republic of iran and its allies, because they know very well that even its allies, if let this big war happen, the countries of the region with whom we said a few minutes ago have an alliance, the countries of the persian gulf region and jordan, these countries and the kingdom
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of saudi arabia, all of these are promoted as goals for the islamic republic of iran and its allies in the region, because the regime if the zionist wants to start a big war , a comprehensive war against
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in my opinion, iran will use its disturbing power, and although it will be limited, because iran does not want to undermine the policies of the new president in charge of medicine, who wants direct negotiations with the west and reopening, and wants that strengthen international and regional relations. mr. najah mohammadali, i want to ask as a last question and if you can give a short answer, i would be grateful for your prediction of the move. what is the future of the zionist regime based on this strategy? i believe that
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the zionist regime continues to follow the same strategy , that is, it takes ambiguity and assassinations, and the unsuspecting recipient strikes the infrastructure facilities. the issues are related to how america will intervene if iran responds, which i think to the same thing will happen soon, the zionist regime will continue the same policy. will give and his media and in fact the units he has and there are a large number of arabs who unfortunately
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cooperate and promote for his benefit. the resistance axis sees the great power politics and false policies that iran cannot do anything about and spreads such rumors, these policies will continue and the islamic republic of iran and the resistance axis must respond in the same way to strengthen their power. military and at the same time using psychological warfare and using the media in the right way. a lot thank you mr. najah mohammad ali for his work. the issues of west asia, who were with the program of the world today, mr. najah mohammad ali, stressed that they expect iran to consider the strategy of positive ambiguity in response to the crimes of the zionist regime , they expect a clear military operation and in response to what they think is the regime's future move. what zionism will be like depends on america's intervention
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. we are still discussing the same issue in the world today, but let's see a report that 9 days after the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh in tehran and after the announcement of iran's position that it is definitive revenge of the foreign media in the occupied territories due to fear and terror, they say that the space is the same space as it was a few months ago, the space is the same space, they mean these images published from the airports of the terror lands have forced the zionists to leave the occupied territories, the flights they have it can be canceled to israel itself. this is a sign of more worries . challenging days are waiting for israel . this one-week wait for israel is part of the punishment
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intended for them by iran and hezbollah. after facing god again, this time maybe even bigger with these attacks on their lives, this time it will be more than before and it will be different in terms of form. therefore, directly from the islamic republic of lebanon , as well as from yemen, sometimes from the weakness of the zionists , israel's defense system is not flawless, and missiles can actually pass through this system if they cooperate. hizbollah's failure to act and this is what hurts the hearts of the people here
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it empties. and mediators who might be able to dissuade iran. iran's interim foreign minister had two very long talks with the jordanian foreign minister and the egyptian foreign minister. as the diplomatic sources here tell me, the last efforts are before a storm. it is said that they are worried and there is a feeling of submission here, that of surrendering to destiny. iran says:
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a clear military operation highlighting this clear key word in their speech expects the resistance front to react to the crime of the zionist regime , according to your opinion, based on this strategy that the zionist regime has on its agenda, weaken it you used this interpretation of weakening and preventing a major war. in your opinion , iran's reaction led to this path and the assassination of mr. haniyeh, which was the latest example and case of what should be the characteristic of ambiguity and denial, that is, the israeli policy of ambiguity and denial. they have always from the very beginning, first of all, many times in the media announcement of their operations, they stated that according to foreign media, this operation was the work of israel, which means that they never took responsibility for most of the cases, except for the attack that you yemen happened some time ago or one or two other cases, others always have this policy. now
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