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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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that is, it takes ambiguity and assassinations and strikes the infrastructure facilities, the united states does the same thing, it did the same thing in iraq, and this regime does not carry out operations directly, or the issues are related to how the united states intervenes. if iran responds that in my opinion the same thing will happen soon, the zionist regime will continue the same policy and its media and in fact the units it has and
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there are a large number of arabs who unfortunately cooperate for its benefit. they do and promote great power politics and false policies that iran cannot do do the resistance axis from bineh and spread such rumors, these policies will continue and the islamic republic of iran and the resistance axis should also respond with the same method to strengthen the military power and at the same time to the use of psychological warfare and to using the media correctly. i am very grateful to mr. najah mohammad ali, an expert on west asian issues, who was with the jahan today program from london. mr. najah mohammad ali emphasized that they expect iran to consider the strategy of positive ambiguity in response to the crimes of the zionist regime, expecting a clear military operation and in response to the fact that in their opinion
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what will be the future move of the zionist regime? it depends on the intervention of the united states . foreign media in foreign languages ​​say that the atmosphere is the same as it was a few months ago. space is space. it means these pictures published from the airports of the occupied territories. fear has forced the zionists to leave the occupied territories. the flights it has it can be canceled to israel itself, this shows more concerns here. challenging days are waiting for israel. this is a week-long wait for israel. it is part of the punishment that
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has been planned for them by iran and hezbollah after they faced these attacks again , this time more than before. a different form after ismail's assassination. in this way, they fell around the disaster. sometimes, from the way of iran's response, they say that this attack is possible from three sides: reza, directly from the islamic republic, from the lebanese and also, from the side of yemen, sometimes from the point of view of the zionists , israel's defense system is not flawless, and missiles can actually pass through this
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system if they cooperate. it empties the people here and the mediators who might be able to dissuade iran. iran's interim foreign minister had two very long talks with the jordanian foreign minister and the egyptian foreign minister. as diplomatic sources here tell me, it is the last effort before a storm. i am talking about being worried. there are and one there is also a sense of surrender here , which says that surrendering to iran's destiny is certain bloodlust. now they are waiting to see when and where. they say in a cloud language , they are scratching their heads as to what we should do. atefeh godini of sed and cima news agency. i am still talking with mr. sohail kesirenjad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, who is a guest in the studio. we heard
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the words of mr. najah mohammad ali emphasizing that there is probably a clear military operation , highlighting this clear keyword in his speech, it is expected that the resistance front will respond to the crime of the zionist regime, in your opinion, based on this the strategy that the zionist regime has in its agenda is to weaken, you used this term , to weaken and prevent a major war. in your opinion, iran's reaction led to this and the assassination of mr. haniyeh, which was the last example and case, what should happen? in mabam's strategy, the main characteristic was ambiguity and denial. that is , the israelis have always had the policy of ambiguity and denial from the very beginning. first of all, many times in the media announcement of their operations, they stated that according to foreign media, this operation was the work of israel, which means they never took responsibility for it themselves. most of the cases, except for the attack that
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happened in yemen some time ago or one or two other cases , the rest always have this policy. the fact that this policy of ambiguity is being pursued by israel and that we are leading it towards disambiguation means, firstly , it should be clear to all the people of the world what the actions of the israelis are, and secondly, we should completely turn this into a completely open confrontation in front of them. i have my legitimacy, that means you can see it now the support of the international public opinion, both in the operation of the honest promise and now. that the world demands this at all and everyone is sitting and waiting to watch iran's reaction. the next point is that iran must take unexpected steps because exactly the point in mabam is to measure iran's tolerance threshold, and if you are
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the threshold of tolerance show it in a completely measurable way in front of the israelis, it will make them advance their strategy, but here, if you disturb their calculation, it will cause them. that they have to behave in a different way the next thing is to disrupt the equation. well, we saw this in the wahda sadegh operation. when that attack was carried out , our military officials announced that if israel wants to carry out these actions again, we will behave differently, for example, we will act 10 times more aggressively. we will answer that this must become a valid limitation, that is, one step, two steps, like this step, step by step, these events are interconnected. it is important here, when these things happen, you have to show that valid threat, so that it will eventually lead to recognition for us. if this is not the case, then that it does not create complacency and the last point is that a strong media work has a great impact on
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mabam's results because, as i said , mabam's inseparable connection to the israelis was his media activities, which we should not take for granted, so you believed. iran's response is probably like this : unforeseen steps. it was interesting to me that it might not be a single step like the al-aqsa storm. we have questions and we will discuss but now we are in contact with mr. emad hamroni, an expert on west asian issues from paris. mr. hamroni, welcome . i am you, the question i asked the two experts of the program, from the beginning i want to ask , in your opinion , what will be the response of lebanon, the response of the lebanese resistance to this mabam strategy, and maybe it can be said, maybe it can be asked like
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how it was done in the past, how to answer how do you predict this report and from now on, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the basic elements and principles are solid, firstly superior and the superiority of technology and information that gives israel the opportunity to collect and analyze information about the activity and resistance with effectiveness and the second principles of political and media coverage so that the enemy
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takes a strategic political and media step. to justify sexual assaults. anti-iran, anti-lebanon, anti -syria, anti-iraq and anti-resistance in general and trying to present an image that he is defending himself. and in fact destroy the image of the resistance and say that it is the resistance that carries out terrorist operations and the third principle relies on regional and international alliances. it is international that tries to establish a basic partnership with arab countries such as the emirates of bahrain, jordan and egypt, and some african countries, as well as large countries such as the state. it has been able
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to carry out precise attacks inside lebanon, syria and inside iraq, and to carry out terrorist operations inside iran, and to assassinate some palestinian symbols and models in north africa, and these special operations that israel has carried out in a very smart way. he did it with advanced technology. first, he has managed to assassinate the leaders and field commanders of the resistance secondly, it has been able to target the land and sea routes through which weapons are transferred for the resistance of lebanon, iraq or yemen , and it has also attacked the factories means that israel has tried to reach
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the weapons manufacturing factories in southern lebanon, for example, or in syria or in iraq, or even inside palestine in gaza, and this strategy is actually implemented on the war in the middle of the war rather than the war. he wants to prevent the resistance because israel does not want to enter a big war. especially in lebanon, iraq , syria and this strategy is based on solid information. based on the advanced technology of stawar to achieve very precise targets to attack the resistance and national commanders as you have seen inside the lebanese and inside syria as well. inside the islamic republic of iran, well, considering that you
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mentioned that you had a description, one is that this strategy is intelligent, and that it is based on advanced technology, and that it relies on advanced technology . a big response should be done first on the 7th of october by the palestinian resistance. the palestinian resistance caused an earthquake by attacking cells and networks. essential means, in fact, the main elements of the zionist regime that tried to collect information and use this information against the islamic republic of iran, iraq, syria, lebanon, egypt. the palestinian resistance was able to infiltrate this network and
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obtain all its secrets and obtain its plans, which was a very, very heavy blow to the israeli enemy, for this reason the israeli army was actually attacked deep into it. secondly, the step taken by hezbollah hizbollah is doing it very smartly, when it entered the war of attrition, the target was information bases, weapons bases, weapons and energy reserves, which hezbollah was able to do. has infiltrated the israeli bases in terms of information and has been able to erode the military power and the system.
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direct war with the axis of resistance. thank you very much . they are calling for america to enter . i am saying goodbye to mr. maud hemmeroni, who was on the video program of jahan today from paris, and according to mr. hemmeroni's words , i ask you let me ask a question, pointing out that
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when i asked what should be the reaction to this strategy, i said that the storm and the details were a reaction and a response in itself, led to this and maybe the zionist regime was surprised and waited it didn't get hit from this area . what is your opinion on this matter, how did the zionist regime, which is now doing this smart and advanced technology strategy, become so vulnerable, especially in the field of storm operations? it worked because the zionist regime in the mabam strategy laid down the principle of using high-tech tools , for example, we saw it in the assassination of shahid fakhrizadeh or in many other assassinations, but the important thing i want to say, i want to say it from the words of an israeli expert, one of the professors tel aviv university he is a professor of political science at tel aviv university
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. in a meeting regarding this incident , we did not see the forest after enough trees, that is, enough strengthening of the axis of resistance by other elements, that is , they helped each other . using those high-tech tools, we were enjoying the fact that we were doing spot operations when the big picture was the one that resisted right. kurds and different fronts had acquired precision weapons, which can actually be said that the israelis have been doing this for more than 20 years. having mabam advance this side of the axis of resistance was advancing the unity of the fields for more than 20 years, which was exactly in line with their strategy. this
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was an important point. in my opinion, it was a correct diagnosis that they cannot do this on their own and that there is a need for coordination at the highest level, with intensity and in large numbers, that is, coordination between america and israel was seen almost every day, because the americans insisted that in advance coordinate the actions that israel wants to take, after all, israel he also needed to be supported by a superpower so that if there is a calculation error , they will not be able to correctly identify the threshold of iran's tolerance. for the american body to support them so that the war does not happen again, it means that a safety valve was considered here, naturally , it needed a lot of coordination, or the israelis did not like that in addition to being involved with the axis of resistance , they are also involved with another power, for example, russia. get involved because one of the lands where they were fighting was syria, and russia had a serious presence in syria and had interests, and it is strictly avoided.
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he wanted to open another front besides the axis of resistance. so he kept asking for it from day to day and he wanted to give them this assurance that i don't want to hit your goals, i have nothing to do with you . but with all these characteristics, we saw that the firm support of the us for israel could not be successful against this strategy. but let's see a report about that the islamic resistance movement of palestine, hamas , has chosen the architect of the al-aqsa storm as the head of its political office . in fact, this report refers to the choice of mr. sanwar. this report is a report of al-mayadini network, which mentions the widespread acceptance
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of this choice by various domestic and foreign currents. it was created and resistance. the selection of yahya sanwar as the successor of martyr ismail haniyeh is an unprecedented operation by institutions that have targeted israel this time. according to the zionist settlers, the israeli has not slept well for 10 months . these days, israel is punished from two sides face to face first, waiting for the response of the resistance and the iranians, and the other. the election of the al-aqsa storm commander and the designer and planner of this operation as the head of the political office of hamas. this issue is a two-way punishment for israel. hamas appoints a person whom israel is very worried about as the head of its political bureau, so that your friends and enemies
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did not expect such a choice. the agreement is about the storm in particular. with this choice, resistance and standing against the enemy is strengthened. today, controversies and the discussions are over. because the hamas movement has made a decision that is interpreted in the framework of strengthening the legitimacy of this movement. yahya senvar is the desired figure. yahya senwar is the number one person wanted by the zionist regime. therefore, his election as the head of the political office of hamas creates the belief that the resistance is redrawing the path in the region at the height of the battle with the enemy. so the relationships inside.
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you are still the viewer of today's world and we have almost reached the final part of the conversation with mr. sohail kesirinejad, an expert on west asian issues . that the strategy with mabom is 20 years old and anyway it has had ups and downs
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. it starts in the early 1380s, of course , at that time it was not called the mabam strategy, which means that the method had not yet been given a specific name. at that time, my characteristic at that time was that the attacks were mostly carried out inside iran, for example , a few attacks against it was that the main performer at that time was massad, after i almost came to you in the 1390s, the story of the war in syria is taking shape , isis is occupying a large part of syria there , taking it under its control, and also in iraq, syria and iraq are asking iran to help them . the presence of iran in syria and iraq is actually one of a kind. well, the iranian side had come next to their borders and the distance between them had become very small. two
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, it was repelling the danger that was seriously threatening syria and iraq, so they had to prevent iran from trying to destroy isis because of this. they used this opportunity and of course made changes in their own structure. the army entered this first this is the case, that is, the strategy of mabam is on the agenda of the army, even creating a new department under the title of the depth command in the army, in the general staff of the israeli army , in the sense that it wants to strike iran in the depth of the enemy, that is, in the territory of syria and iraq . dad, this takes shape at this point, then we come to the end of the 90s, that is, almost from the time of the martyrdom of sardar soleimani. when, of course , the assassination of martyr soleimani can also be included in this strategy, it means that the israelis are very afraid of doing this themselves , but it is very important to help the americans who
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read, do this, because it would cause such a terror, it would cause iran to go to war with israel again, what they did not want to happen, but anyway, in order to be able to stay in syria at this point when iran had completely defeated isis. you had reached the highest level. changing the structure of the entire headquarters means creating a deputy named as the deputy of strategy and the third ring , the third ring, which is iran in the israeli security literature , and someone who was the intelligence commander of the israeli air force and he was acting in these years , putting him as the commander here and then i'll be assassinated martyr soleimani happened, and the next stage, which we can call the attack of the honest promise, means the honest promise, because he changed the equation and said that from now on
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, after 20 years of the zionist regime, i am very grateful to you, mr. sohail kasirenjad, an expert on the issues of our zionist regime. program
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hey, we just pulled in 33 uh along with a strike team of oes. um, harry, do you want to see the kidney? this little thing is going to cure your kidney failure, my friend, harry, okay, this
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is the kidney. wow all right okay and this little thing which is the one which is going to just get this lymphatic sir yeah because it's he's going today what's your date of birth here this is your heart here and you go down and this is the main um blood
3:00 am
get a gold vote for entering the contest. we reached 3 o'clock, dear viewers, the speaker of the islamic council said that the full implementation of the seventh plan will bring economic stability
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