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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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it is in the field of international relations and security issues. it is not at all the case that with an assassination, we can say that the deterrence power of a country, not only the islamic republic, has decreased anywhere else . because a country with an area of ​​1,648,000 square kilometers, many things may happen with the many enemies we have, who is next to us? a group is there anyone today who can come here and logically argue that our deterrent power against america has decreased, how can our deterrent power against the zionist regime decrease with an assassination? therefore, we must be careful with a group of thugs and mobs with a flow. and
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we are facing a terrorist group. therefore, when we talk about deterrence, we must clarify that deterrence is defined as the balance of power between countries. not between a country and a terrorist movement , i would like to tell you that it is clear that from the beginning of its existence, its primary nucleus and seed has been with terror . so therefore, the issue of deterrence between the islamic republic of iran and the zionist regime after the assassination of martyr haniyeh is like two issues that have nothing to do with each other . therefore, in scientific matters, one of them is the issues of deterrence must exist . based on this, i would like to ask you if anyone has said that our deterrence has to do with the military power of the zionist regime.
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what has decreased is that we spread an article in the space, air and media and say that the deterrence power of the islamic republic has decreased . after all, there are four people who are teaching this in the universities. people understand this today. we, the general public, in these programs that we are talking about now, should understand this issue, in no way in any document of science. throughout history, since the first world war until now, when the issue of deterrence has been raised, carrying out an assassination in a land does not indicate a reduction . this is not the first article . islam and resistance, which you asked now, is effective , but it is something else that is a deterrent. another thing
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is that we do not have the issue of deterrence of the islamic republic in the framework of this punishment. if this was the case, we should have added our own tanks, cannons, airplanes, and missiles let's say that our deterrence has increased or decreased and we want to compensate. but this case, as it was discussed, dear mr. professor , i have many tools for the petitions that i presented to you. that exists , indicates that this issue will not be directly related to the issue of deterrence, which has a clear and transparent definition in scientific books. among different palestinian groups and even the axis of resistance in palestine, and now we see that
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we want to check what effects will be after the assassination of ismail haniyeh and of course the election of yahya sanwar, this election and of course the unifying spirit , well, we all know that considering the records that this great martyr had with the martyr of quds and the joint cooperation that he had with the martyr saparbaz haj qassem soleimani was almost a character who was accepted by the palestinian people, he was beloved by their hearts. it was between the people, and also that he was able to enjoy a position in the resistance front, which, despite the fact that many of these countries that are involved in the resistance front, have their own organizations and have a command. they are responsible, but all of them accept ismail haniyeh as a diplomat of the resistance hut and refer to him in different situations . his influence, his argument, and the fact that many
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of the world's leaders have admitted that mr. martyr tanieh is the martyr of quds. who has been successful in defending the palestinian nation and has been able to do great things, and the meetings he had with the supreme leader clearly show that he is not only in charge of the political office of hamas, but also someone who can be a unifier of unity from a very high position. well done, one more thing now, in confirmation of the discussions that mr. dr. saad al-hasani said, i would like to say that we cannot stop the terror. terrorism is a method that when a country is in desperation and has no other way, it engages in terror . new technological tools have come and work in this field, but what is important is that we ignore the effect of terror. what does it mean that the
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zionist regime he went and talked to mr. biden and got the green light to go assassinate the leaders of the resistance front and now. today , the leaders of hezbollah or hamas are being assassinated every day they assassinate and think of their witnesses. with their martyrdom and their physical removal, the front of the resistance is completely blurred. well, we neutralized it, which means that now it is like this that when a flag in the hands of a general falls to the ground, several thousand other flags are in different places. different things will be raised. we have to go after this matter to neutralize the effect of terrorism in the security and internal issues that we have, especially in the discussion of the command of the front line, that is , they will understand that if they hit mr. haniyeh , they will hit shaitaniyeh, they will hit someone else, they will hit others. knock on hezbollah's door
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nothing will happen, this front's strength and its action will become stronger and faster. it seems that this will give us the power of deterrence, which means that we will destroy the enemy's goal in order to strike the resistance with these attacks. and alhamdulillah, with this letter that mr. qaani wrote and gave it, it can almost be said that he made a mockery of that issue. hazrat imam used to say that if you kill us, we will live more, which means that this blood is victorious over the sword . our ashurai is coming. do you have a point, doctor? i wanted to complete the order of professor kanani let me start with this point that he himself pointed out that we are the spiritual children of hazrat imam, may god's mercy be upon him, who said that if khomeini
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was not among this ummah, they would have found their way. it is from the imams that we have reached this point with this educational method of resistance. that is , the islamic revolution has done this work, so definitely and certainly, regarding the replacement of noble martyrs like mr. haniyeh, i will say a few words about him, that the reality of the matter is that we have done their right before they died. in order to enter the stage of political responsibility , they study the religious and jurisprudence courses of sunnis for years. their own religion and being a scholar, in this regard, for 16 years
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, they performed friday prayers in one of the most crowded mosques in gaza. this was his spiritual and mystical position. he was truly a mystical person. he was really a person whose part i can't say for sure now, but i heard that he memorized the entire quran, but it is clear that he is quite adept at significant parts of the divine verses, both for memorizing them and for his interpretation, that is, i want to say that we should not think that mr. haniyeh was a small person, but what happens is well pointed out. what is happening is that in a short space of time, as i said, a person like mr. sanwar will be elected to your service
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. this is the issue of his deterrence. and others may be in your questions, very well, we are ready to come let's also talk about the ceasefire. this is the fear that has occurred in the existence of the zionist regime and netanyahu personally . these will strengthen your service. i can tell you that the resistance has started. mr. dr. seder al-hussein , i wanted to ask that since you mentioned the dimensions of yasnawar's personality, the zionist regime has been involved since the beginning of the war. he set a series of goals for himself , and now we see that not only has he not achieved them, after the assassination of ismail haniyeh, a resistance commander is elected from the heart of gaza , he has a series of messages. please explain, mr. doctor mentioning forgiveness shows this coordination and fusion between field and diplomacy. during these last 10 months, mr. sanwar
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, i would like to tell you directly that mr. zif mohammad zif, who is the military commander , is dragging the situation of the zionist regime into his own vortex . in this way, these two dignitaries were able to sit on the stage in the fire and smoke of the zionist regime's war machine. this incident that happened during the last 10 months has created great people among the people of gaza who can become the leaders of the history of the islamic world from now on. i would like to tell you about the situation that has arisen in the political sphere by mr. senwar, of course , i have never directly said this in any public media program , that's all. i used a key sentence in this regard
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, these words were that the field should decide, i meant mr. senwar's field today, that mr. senwar becoming the political leader and diplomacy of hamas are no longer watery plans that justice is in there is no superior hand of resistance to be seen in them, it is not audible at all. mr. haniyeh , according to his position, all these plans they could hear they participated in all these meetings that they want to raise in connection with these projects and they never said that we do not talk. that is , a key point that mr. shahid haniyeh has is that yes, we hear all the plans all the time. we are ready to talk for a just peace for a ceasefire, but from now on, these various plans
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from whoever wants to be should be based on the fact that the zionist regime has been in this situation for 10 months now, mr. doctor, continue the same line. badim, after the assassination of ismail haniyeh and the martyrdom of martyr arori, the first and second member of the hamas movement the regime thought that this body was weakened, but as everyone points out , it is not a resistance to an individual, it is an ideology, and with the martyrdom of a person, this tree continues its work, stronger than before, the way forward for the resistance in how will things go in palestine and gaza with the election of yahya senwar? it seems to me that all the facilities that the resistance front has at its disposal and... so far have shown that
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it has a very high power in the fight against the zionists, although all it has not been used, now hezbollah has entered a part of it, ansarullah has entered a part of it the branches of the islamic republic itself, only you were honest. this is the first time such an action has been taken. i think that he will bring all his power inside, especially in the west bank, and the west bank will likely enter a nationwide interphase several times more than gaza , and the entry of the west bank into the case the purpose of the actions of
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hash shaabi and ansarullah is that it seems that one of mr. yahya sanwar's ability is to push the front of the conflict towards the west bank. mr. doctor , let's go back to the third statement of the islamic revolutionary guard corps about the assassination of martyr haniyeh bakhsh. the issue that was mentioned about the role and complicity of america, which was mentioned that this assassination would not have been possible without the cooperation and complicity of america, what is the goal of america. since the beginning of the zionist regime's criminal acts of apartheid and genocide in gaza, the united states has been directly on the side of the zionist regime without any gap in time or place, perhaps in a program that you may have hosted.
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commanders and high-ranking officials of the regime after the operation of the 7th of october storm. recover al-aqsa , the americans were there in the command and control room, and to this day there are photos of them, of course, these photos were definitely intended to scare the resistance . there were several photos published in the cyber space, the distance between them is less than me and mr. k. this message was that the americans said that we are us. during all these days , america's logistical and informational assistance did not stop for a moment. i want it. let me say a word here, maybe you have heard less about this issue. we sometimes express a topic
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called the troika of europe. the english played a role no less than the americans. the french weren't less, the germans weren't less either, but those englishmen, considering their laziness and in fact the anger they have against the islamic ummah in different places, helped a lot in this direction, and of course , there were events in london that were actually a people slapping the government of their own men, that government was in a hurry, had to change and left. where power comes from means people supporting palestine, supporting gaza , supporting these events, the resistance that exists in gaza, and chanting against the zionist regime , which the british themselves said, in the history of england ,
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there has never been such a crowd in the form of a foreign demonstration. you must review these. in your mind , mubarak, because we are completely working with him. now we the americans in connection with this case that you said that we will see the third statement to the americans without any distance, just like the professor who said that one of the things that netanyahu did in the united states was to get permission to increase these assassinations. allow me to say that this technology is related to the level of assassinations. it is true that some experts are sure, and of course it may not be technically provable, but they are sure that this technology is american technology. now, whether they did the implementation themselves or their mossad agents did it, it is not clear yet, but i want i would like to tell you that in this
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crime that took place in the form of the assassination of martyr haniyeh, there is no distance and no separation between them. we didn't know that the americans immediately announced it or the internal conditions of that and that is a coincidence that had happened in this country of iran , it would have been heavy for the americans if they wanted to announce that we were directly present in this crime , we were present in this terrorist attack , because they are attacking the islamic republic and the resistance in the area daily. they are leaving, so in the internal conditions of america, they should have announced immediately that we did not know about this issue, but it is not possible for the regime to do this without the americans knowing . the white house should stop preaching the gospel
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i didn't know, we say we agree, but doesn't the pentagon agree, doesn't he know, doesn't the cia know, so when we say america, we mean the sovereignty of america, not its various institutions, mr. dr. kanani moghadam, a diplomatic guest of an official ceremony in the islamic republic of iran, is targeted for assassination, but a question that has been discussed in many circles and in many media, we got the answer of the analysts , why the islamic republic of iran and why tehran? see the zionist regime's efforts in this action that it has recently started as a solution to overcome the crisis that i said is a crisis against a crisis. looking for this to create a crisis somewhere, to change rome's playing field and to have restrictions on the other side so that it cannot respond, well
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, he was looking for the fact that finally, if they were to martyr tania in qatar, he might not have found these dimensions because the zionists were looking for this is their final attempt to bring america directly into the war with iran. well , if you make a calculation error and say that we will kill the leaders of the resistance, we will make them martyrs and the problem will be over, but in the discussion of why tehran is the heart of the resistance, it means that tehran is the heart of the resistance in the whole region. this exists, then the imam of al-muzazarah is also here, that is, the position of supreme leader is here as well. there is a center, they created a center in front of us, the same thing that dr. sadwal hosseini said, they
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have a command like centcom for the military operations they are coordinating, they have a joint command between mossad, cia and intelligence service. and the groups of terrorist groups that cooperate with them in different fields, and they have common decisions and a common commander, and they are working very precisely because they are doing what they are doing. it shows that they have already identified these goals and are implementing them. they thought that if they hit mr. haniyeh in tehran , they would give an answer to the honest promise that they could not, one, in front of our next operation, secondly, that iran would because of the conditions he has and the issues he has, and now the transfer of power and new elections, the new parliament and the new government board, and the problems that may exist for him in these fields , he is not able to answer. now
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show them this calculation error, that now all our officials from the executive branch, the president, the army commanders are the same. the irgc is all saying that we have to respond and this is actually not the reason why they came to tehran. we have two minutes to go. stopping such a crime by the zionist regime has two options or a decisive and regretful answer? the answer has been given by the senior officials and the message and above all the message of the supreme leader of the revolution. let me tell you about the subject of self-control, which i explained first. if the issue of self-restraint means forgetting this crime and this terrorism , it will definitely not happen. but if the concept. the concept is that we are at the right time and with the tools we will do this properly. we are in no rush for this issue, because of the events that
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happened in the occupied territories during the past week, the biggest earthquake and the biggest action at the moment happened in a soft way, when a large number of the world's most reputable airlines cut off their flights there, when the important airports there are full of passengers for reverse migration, when investments are stopped, when the conditions of the army are extremely tense and there is a significant desertion of their military forces. this is the biggest step that we have taken during these days, we have done it. if necessary , we will be patient until the right time comes. mr. doctor, thank you very much for coming. dear both of you, i will say goodbye to you in the special news talk studio tonight, and thank you for joining me , dear compatriots, with tonight's program. good night and god bless you.
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if there is no electricity, we cannot live in hormuz because of the heat.
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it will be completely shut down and the entire force will stop working. in general, everything should be electric. if there is no electricity here, our hair is all ruined because with let's work the refrigerator, our scales are completely electric, we can't connect the fish if there is no electricity , consider a public space like a hospital. if there was no electricity , there would be no facilities.
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we are in dire need of electricity here, for us southerners, because we are near the sea, the temperature is very high, around 50 degrees, and life was difficult for us , the children are all in one room, so that i don't have to turn on a chlorine in each room and the electricity consumption will increase. set the temperature to 25 degrees to consume less electricity. lighting is a very important thing in every house, how much can we reduce the electricity consumption and use electricity correctly, do what we do. we can also see the air conditioner under the wind, for example , they use the electricity here, the most important thing for
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the children to study is electricity. get a gold voice as soon as you enter the tellurion competition.
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6:00 am
islamic iran. in the name of allah, the merciful. o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjah, dear compatriots, hello to you, good saturday morning. the addition of a large number of new anti-destructive cruise missiles to the combat structure of the irgc navy. these cruise missiles are undetectable and have a high-explosive warhead. these types of long-range and medium-range missile systems.


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