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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 10:00am-10:30am IRST

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that our current developments, i really predict that things will happen to the detriment of the regime itself . thank you very much, mr. mossadeghpour, be with us , dear viewers, let's see the news segment at 10 o'clock, god willing, after the news, i will be with you with a special continuation of the program. good morning, dear compatriots, at 10:00 another part of the news, the gaza rescue organization, referring to the massacre of palestinians in this morning's attack by the zionist regime on al-tabain madrasa, announced that the bodies of many martyrs cannot be identified . according to my medical history, all the martyrs
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the announcement of this organization is that the condition of many injured people is serious. the civil defense organization of the gaza strip also condemned the massacre of palestinian refugees in the zionist regime's attack on the school of tabayin and called for the reaction of the international community to the crimes of the occupying jerusalem regime. this organization kills palestinians. he questioned the people in the school of tabeen about the third great tragedy and massacre after the killing of mamadani and mawasi khanyoun and considered america as a partner and responsible for this horrible crime. this morning, the zionist regime attacked the gaza camp while the palestinian refugees were offering morning prayers. according to the announcement the civil defense organization of the gaza war has so far removed the bodies of 100 martyrs from under the rubble. due to the severity of the attack , accurate statistics were destroyed. not yet determined. in this
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crime, several families have been massacred and hundreds of people have been injured. according to the witnesses, the intensity of the attack was such that the bodies of the martyrs were scattered in pieces and the bodies of most of the worshipers were burned in the fire. now i am talking to the reporter to learn about the developments in gaza. gaza broadcasting news agency , mr. nezal aliyan aliyan, hello , i would like to ask you to report on the developments in gaza. i am talking to you today, a large number of bodies of martyrs and wounded were brought here due to this barbaric aggression of the zionist regime, the situation here today is very bad. and the rescue forces and
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medical forces in this area had serious problems in handling and saving the lives of the wounded. the zionist regime targeted the worshipers in the tabein school in the middle of gaza this morning. this attack was so brutal that it was difficult to identify the bodies of the wounded martyrs. is done the zionists continue their attacks and a large number of martyrs and bodies of martyrs are being transferred here from the hospital. i'm sorry, i'm sorry, this situation here is very bad, there is no medicine, there is no food, the hospital is about to be closed, the situation is very complicated, the number of martyrs' bodies is high. that were transferred here
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are very, very many and it is not possible to deal with them in any way. we are in a situation where many residents and families of the martyrs also came here and made the situation more complicated, and in fact the situation is not normal at all, meanwhile in the regions. in the same area that was targeted , there were thousands of people living around this area, which caused them to be in a very bad situation may they have misfortune. yes, thank you very much. thank you , mr. aliyon, for your report. until the next communication , i will say goodbye to you.
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schools are the same excuses he used before to destroy hospitals and it has been proven to be false. killing people in taba'in school. it is the third major tragedy and massacre of the zionist regime in the past year. zionists attacked al-momadani hospital last year, about 500 they had martyred a palestinian. more than 90 palestinians were massacred in the rain of al-mawazi khanyounes camp in early june. now , more than 100 people were martyred in the attack on tabein school in gaza city where the refugees were living. these schools are mainly under the supervision of the united nations. america provides 3 billion and 500 million dollars for the purchase of weapons and military equipment to the zionist regime. cnn reported that this aid is part of the 14 billion dollar aid that was approved by the us congress a few months ago. despite the
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international protests of the last 10 months against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza, white house officials have repeatedly emphasized the financial and military support of the united states to this regime. this is despite the fact that nearly 40,000 philistines have been killed in the gaza war with western weapons, especially american ones. while the zionist regime in its latest crime has massacred more than 100 palestinian children, women and the elderly in the ruins of the taba'in school in gaza city , the united nations is still without any practical action regarding the continuation of the disastrous situation of the people of gaza and the consequences of preventing the regime. the zionist only warned of aid. literally gives the un security council over it has been 300 days that he has been unable to change this situation due to the influence of america. more than 10 months have passed since the start of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza, and
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the killings, crimes and attacks of this regime on the defenseless people of gaza, their displacement, disease, lack of water and food, and that's it. residential buildings in gaza have also been completely destroyed. food insecurity is also at its highest level in gaza, and recently polio has spread in gaza . this un official says that the ability of this organization to meet the countless needs
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of the people of gaza in the field of providing water, food, tents, clothes, sanitary items, medicine and medical equipment is great. it is insignificant and... the zionist regime continues to prevent aid from outside gaza. the regional director of the united nations world food program strongly criticizes these conditions. we don't have enough open crossings for humanitarian aid shipments to gaza. all crossings must be opened. we are not giving enough food rations to the people of gaza. because we don't have enough food and workers in gaza. although the field reports and the comments of un regional officials indicate the continued disastrous situation of the people of gaza , here at the un it has been a while since even
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those fruitless meetings of the security council are not news about the situation in gaza, and it is rare to see an official statement about the situation in gaza. ali rajabi sada vasi news agency. we, the united nations security council of new york, thank you for your attention until the next sections. greetings, dear viewers, stay with us with the special continuation of the khabar program. following the recent crime committed by the zionists early today and at the same time as the dawn prayer in gaza, in the massacre of palestinians who were performing the morning prayer in a school in gaza, but mr. dr.
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asghar zaraei, an expert on west asian issues, in the studio khabar network is with us. greetings , welcome to you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, i will serve you , dear colleagues and viewers. khabar network program, greetings and good time, mr. dhareh , let us have an analysis of the recent crime committed by the zionists. we must say that this action is brutal and criminal. what was their goal? i want to say that the main accused in these crimes is the united states of america. why do you see that in the same situation that this is happening, in the morning this very night, one of the largest shipments of weapons from the united states was transported to the top by a plane? the heavy weight of america is landing at bangrin airport , the amount of weapons and aid sent from america alone, and then countries like england , france, germany and others. who are helping, well , these are the main partners in these crimes
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, the criminal regime and the murderous and terrorist gang, in fact , the ignorance regime was based on terror and crime from the beginning , before the formation of this regime, now i don't want to go back too far, the six jewish terrorist groups that the hagana ashtar irgun harut and the like discussed the issue of terror and destruction of the fields and houses of the palestinians, finally the british government, especially in the years the period between world war i and world war ii provided the background for the formation of this regime of these terrorist groups and this criminal gang that hazrat agha said , until after world war ii on may 14, 1948, this criminal regime and this criminal gang gradually invaded this land. becoming the ruler and with the support of the united states of america and the same criminals who are actually the main accused in these crimes , being behind this regime and these crimes during these 7 years. it has continued, there is nothing that is specific to today and yesterday, from deira yasin, from qana
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, we want to name all the events that have happened. these crimes have continued a trend. genocide is the essence of this criminal regime and it is a terrorist gang . look at the middle of a region . find accommodation under the title of an area that is in the morning during prayer time. they deliberately hit this place in the middle of the morning, at the right time. this shows exactly that they are looking for assassinations, they are looking to destroy the generation of the palestinian nation. hamas evacuating people from gaza and freeing their captives did not come true. today , despite all these atrocities and mass migrations from the south to the north, from the north to the south, you see
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them leaving this area with all their strength, their ability, and their lives. they are supporting the resistance . this is very important to see. when you see that these people, at the very least, the report that was being given just now was to limit and stop the minimum aid that was given to the region from one of the two crossings that were opened. he entered, again, this is a crime that has been committed and the regime is fake. therefore, the purpose and basis of this the criminal actions by the fake zionist regime are actually genocide, which is the correct title and the exact title of what is happening, and the goal of the sexual regime is to force the remnants of this population to move from these areas and force them to flee, even though the route of their escape blocked in fact, you can see that sometimes the interviews that are aired by some of the military officers of the zionist regime
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admit that we killed how many children and how many women we killed, and they are proud that they are committing genocide, the exact interpretation of his holiness sir, for this criminal gang and terrorist gang it really shows the nature of this regime, and you can see that the circles of international assemblies, which we will definitely discuss more, are completely silent. i am only watching these crimes and no practical and deterrent action is taking place on the part of the community circles . al-mayadeen network has announced that mohammad hassan abu saadah, the head of the endowment of gaza city , was martyred in the early morning crime of the zionist regime in the bombing of taba'in school in gaza. the spokesman of the ansarullah movement also said the brutal crime of the criminal israeli regime against the palestinian refugees. during the morning prayer inside a school in gaza with the full support of the united states has been provided, mohammad abd salam
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added, "we strongly condemn this fascist crime of the zionist regime, as well as the continued full support of the united states to israel in the continuation of its genocidal crimes against civilians in ghazra." it is also a crime for islamic jihad to target the worshipers in taba'in madrasa in gaza. he called a full-scale war. islamic jihad emphasized that the zionist enemy's excuses for destroying schools are the same excuses it used to destroy hospitals . and it has been proven to be false, the killing of people in taba'in school is the third tragedy and massacre in the past one year , the zionists had martyred about 500 palestinians in an attack on a hospital last year. in early
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june, more than 90 palestinians were massacred in benbaran camp of al-mawazi khan yunus. now in the attack on the city's school. where the refugees live, more than 100 martyrs , these schools are mainly under the supervision of the united nations. this is the same issue in these schools we should know that it is under the supervision of the united nations , see that it is one of the institutions on the list that was created with the support of the united nations and many of the member countries of the united nations actually provide the necessary power and support to this international organization to provide aid and assistance. it was established and formed for the refugees, and it is one of the institutions that in palestine in the occupied territories can actually provide good help to the refugees, but what
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happened in the previous discussion was the inaction and inaction of the institutions, especially the united nations. security , which is actually completely under the control of the government united states of america, england and france . these inactions have caused the ignorant zionist regime to not consider any red lines for itself, and all the covenants have crossed the red lines and agreements, and there is no need for an excuse at all. as he pointed out , al-mohammadani joined the service, which is the same crime that the morning. wherever he feels like, he can destroy a large crowd by firing a few missiles . he does not consider any red line for himself. he knows that no institution in the system will create an obstacle and a barrier for these crimes for the scientific regime and even support is also possible. you see, in the last 24 hours
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, another terrorist act happened. the basis of this regime, which violates the embargo of other countries, one day to syria, one day to lebanon, one day to yemen, one day in tehran, even commits that crime. he does not show mercy to the diplomatic centers and prominent political figures of the world, such as martyr mujahid kabir ismail haniyeh, he also has a political pass in one place in another country , so this regime does not adhere to any rules and principles, and i will mention again that the
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criminal gang and terrorist who rules these occupied lands. today on all criminals white history. they once claimed the holocaust , which was a false legend in the history of the second world war, but today you see a real holocaust and a real genocide and a very , very horrible crime being carried out by this ignorant regime and this terrorist gang, and this is happening now. that international institutions and international assemblies are generally observers and spectators and do not take any deterrent measures, even the organization.
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this regime, which is the custodian of the two holy mosques, is in the prisons of saudi arabia at their own expense and is carrying out these actions. there is no help whatsoever. the so-called saudi mufti declares that today any attack and conflict against the so-called as a desecration of the qur'an is used by such an interpretation . islamic world compared to. brothers of the same religion and their own race and their own language is really a gift, it is a disaster that cannot be put any name on it. you see that regimes like egypt, jordan, saudi arabia. and many of them are completely silent now, let's name it, and even in many places, regimes like the uae have information assistance. they are referring to the intelligence services of the fake regime or
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mahmoud abbas, who is an iranian by name, mirzaei haji haji mirzaei , and he was a jewish citizen of iran who immigrated , which was about 200 thousand iranian jews at the beginning of the revolution and before the revolution goes to the occupied lands and many of them are living there and are considered citizens. there are occupied territories. this person is betraying the interests of the palestinian nation and his countrymen as a compromising figure. this is one of those issues that is really a disaster and we see they are stabbing their own countrymen in the back , and their silence and their association with the jahrianist regime in the west bank has caused this gap and these differences to cause damage.
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we must say 500 teachers and principals in the educational space. a research scientist and a university professor and 9 thousand students were martyred. just in the last 10 months , i told you that the fake zionist regime does not adhere to any rules. genocide as a principle and destroying palestine is a demographic strategy of the jalali regime. bad and its establishment followed, and that was the increase of jewish citizens in the occupied territories advertisement and promotion and help and in. in fact , how much is the support of immigrant jewish families for the multiplication of a population such as the population of the jalil sinisi regime? today, when i announce the highest statistics, they say that
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the total number of jews in the world today is 10 million, it does not reach 20 million , because the reproduction of judaism actually happens through the mother. and basically , it's not like other divine religions that say they preach and promote their religion like christianity or islam so that it spreads. this population is also corrupt and distorted because of that current of thought which is said in the torah they have. the superior generation of the superior race and the blood of other human beings are allowed for them. in fact , if we go to see the jewish protocols , they have a rule for themselves that all god's creatures must be in the service and slaves of the jewish people, and these they are acting on this rule since you mentioned it, so far nearly 100 people have lost their jobs. kanan an rowa, who belongs to one of the organizations of the united nations , was martyred in these conflicts. you, the students and journalists , there are more than 150 journalists
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in the gaza strip and in this ten-month war crisis. martyrdom or other strata that anyway you see that the central kitchen of the united nations that came to help noor ghaza and the defenseless people who are there is directly targeting the car that has the logo. a new crime. and this is the continuation of the series of crimes that the israelis have been committing since the beginning of the occupation. you see, this regime is based on this
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genocidal and human killing crime . place of lands there was no narration , there was a video camera in these villages, but now that these tragedies are happening we see that based on the presence of the media camera and the progress we have made in the field of information, these crimes are not new to the regime. the point that is significant and important in this regard is that this gentleman.
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this is happening while in the past three days, in an all-out attack, in a psychological war, there is talk of the regime's readiness to negotiate a ceasefire agreement, to negotiate a solution to the gaza issue, which is now a joint statement by qatar, egypt, and the americans. that the americans are basically themselves involved, supporting themselves, and these crimes are just like that the recent statement was issued by hama a few minutes ago . basically, these crimes are being committed by the americans and with the full support of the americans. how can they mediate and solve
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the problem with this? it was obvious that they started this way with such haste and in order to prevent the attack of the islamic republic and the islamic resistance in the occupied territories because of the crimes that were committed by the regime in beirut and tehran . these are arranged during the last 10 months. they were negotiating and messing up the negotiating table, netanyahu's representative returning again and the israelis themselves admit that there is an extraordinary obstacle that these negotiations do not take place. very well , thank you very much, mr. khamiar. thank you for your explanations. stay with us from the broadcast of the khabar network.
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watch the news section at 10:30 and, god willing, i will be with you again after that with a special continuation of the program. great iranian sarai sarai. he opened a specialized and equipped digital store in an area of ​​over 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani, qom, all kinds of mobile phones and computers personal tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with incredible prices and long- term deals in a digital equipped house in the large iranian house of qom.
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excellent place. baffrin and beauty, the friend of god, the most gracious and the most merciful , the viewers of arjund, at your service. hello , i would like to say that we will start the 10:30-minute news segment with short news from takiye mellat radio and television programs until the 26th of august each.


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