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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful, i greet the viewers of arjund khabar khemet network . 19 from tehran network. the month
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of muharram and travel means that hussain, my dear, we are by your side and for your love and in your name and in the name of your karbala, he does something romantic every moment . is the program i closed my eyes and i see the corner of love. the breeze ashagi is broadcast every night at 23:30 on nasim network. poetry reading of eulogies and prayers from
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the topics of this program are yazid, son of freed slaves, know that despite all the blood you have shed, you will never be able to erase our name and memory , hour, hour, 24 hours, one minute, one minute, one minute, our world in this one minute. it changes at 24:10 on mondays. it is broadcasted on wednesdays at 16:00 on talk radio. the person who has come to be part of a media group, the message he is producing, must have an organizational structure in both behavioral and organizational areas. ok media and its functions are the subject of this program. marjan sadeghzadeh, radio and television news agency. martyr president, books and tourism. it is one of
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the topics that special pages are designed for on tv. in these pages , related video content is loaded, television and a special section, the section of special pages. on the special page of martyr gohor, from videos to documentaries and other visual content .
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on this page, some of the productions of the oj media art organization are displayed.
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i will tell you majid vashghani from iran here. book lovers can also book and library page. look at them as guests . the special page of the police is considered as one of the other special pages of the television. sahar zwanati, sed and broadcasting news agency. foreign travelers and iranians living in other countries recount their experiences in sinbad. this program is broadcast every week on channel two. sinbad travel a program story based on the experiences of traveling the world abroad, today we boarded the sanbaz ship and here i am in canada, kenya, nayirudi, here in sweden, i am laden
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, in japan, here is the beautiful city of oxford in america , in sinbad, the audience is living with the lifestyle of iranians. they get to know each other outside.
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for foreign tourists, the correct view of iranians towards foreign countries has been formed . the first season has aired fifty or so episodes , and now we are in the second season. so what has changed now, that is , what experience has come from the first season and now in the second season. yes, we changed the studio in the second season, and actually the events that happen inside the studio have changed, the guest model. it has changed to some extent, a series of playbacks and items that were intended for the program have changed. it was season one, we tried to strengthen the ones that were successful in season one and
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introduce and produce a series of new playbacks, new items . we say that now, for example, a foreigner is inside iran, and for example, there is a very high probability that it has happened many times , and they are surprised by what they see or the experiences of iranians abroad. see now that this subject, which is not very new in appearance, but looks new according to the season's experience that i am sharing , almost all the guests and assistants we had who were in the program, whether in the studio or in other items, always say that when we wanted to enter iran , we had an idea about iran. when we entered, it was completely different, both in terms of culture and the structure of the streets of the city. well, it
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was very important for us that our audience should know that foreigners who enter iran or even iranians who have lived abroad for many years. there are when you enter iran. the idea created for them there is very different with the reality that exists, in the same way , when we talk to iranians, the idea they have of other countries, the idea that when we, for example, study and research about each country, because our program is about one or two parts about one country. the research that can be done with the videos we have, when we see it, we see the reality that is there. maybe it is very different from the reality that iran has in our minds , both in terms of good and bad, and sanbad has always tried to be realistic, not to be negative, not to be positive, to be aware of the events.
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show the audience the real conditions that exist in other countries , as well as the real conditions that exist inside iran , and we think that this is true. the hits are less said. this is my second point that we are trying not to just say, we are trying to be documentary, we are trying to show with video. our effort is to use the personal experiences of those people who lived there and faced all those realities and now they are talking about an experience, so i think that this is not really repetitive, it is attractive and this it has content for an audience that wants to hear, an audience that wants to understand the realities of onor , so what actually happens in front of the camera is completely documented, that is, it is foreign. it's not like someone played in front of your camera, not at all, even we often
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insist that what's going to happen in the studio or what's going to happen in our item with one of the foreign guests or even iranians living abroad is completely unknown, that is, they don't know. that they are going to be asked, they don't know what is going to happen because we really want the same thing if you agree to watch some parts of the program, colleagues , play the video. hello sanbat, hello sanbat, hello sanbat.
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according to the judgment of the editor and the editorial board of the program, when the topic of that program means the country that is actually going to be listed. the characteristic is based on the countries where the program is going to be implemented, according to
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the connections that have been made, according to the experience of the first season, we made a lot of efforts in the first season to be able to find our same subject. but now, i said that according to the experience of the first season , we were able to find some places where we can invite our guests . many of our guests and the subjects we have in the program are from hostels, from hotels, that is, people who are completely normal and real travelers of that country, not from, for example , an organization or an organization or because of, for example, more work to really come around. yes, they are exactly tourists. many of them may be among the general public of that country and not very special people. i have tried this model from these points that i mentioned people should be selected, whether it is for the studio itself or
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for items that use foreign guests , and iranians abroad, how about iranians abroad, we also have channels . becoming iranian means returning or traveling now to return again. we communicate with many iranians who are currently living abroad. i believe that we have a section in the program called selfies, where iranians who are in our subject countries send us exclusive reports from that country, according to the format that we put it at their disposal, they take it, and one of the most attractive parts of us, because it is completely real , all the events that are described in the picture, he said that this is the scene of the key murder, and at the same time , there is a car of mr. brenna from texas, who is, for example , one of your friends. he is inside iran now , of course, but for example, he cooperates with us whenever he is there, when he is inside iran, mr. awadbegi
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, to what extent do you go to countries that are less partial, and some of our countries are partial, but latin american countries, african countries, we have a lot of these countries are in the same program in season one we were actually planning for the second season, and our effort is to tell the unsaid of even those countries that are perhaps very famous and many people think that they have very detailed information about them, and the countries
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that are less known about them. it has been said about the lifestyle , about social events , but that subject, because we have something that i have to do for our program, or a person who was a resident of that country, a guest of his program, or an iranian who lived in that country for a few years, not as a trip. okay, and he is back, that's why some people are okay our hands are tied in the drawers, but i said that our effort is to cover the countries that have been less discussed, the less talked about
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, considering that we can have the guest and the subject, well, we have less than two minutes now, mr. ozbeigi. . considering the experience of the first season and the fact that you are currently producing the second season of rome , do you think that if you want to make a change in the program, what would you like to see? first of all, i would like to say that we, sinbad, are a team of 30-40 people from the editorial board of the subject finder group. the ideation team , the production team, the directing team, these 30 or 40 people they are trying to produce the sinbad program. we have always thought and tried to be able to have an attractive and entertaining program and at the same time a documentary program with content. many times when we want to present the content, we have to pull back somewhere. that charm and thing . sometimes, in order to have that charm , we have to tone down a bit of our content
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, but our best effort is to be able to achieve that reality. the things that i mentioned are available in other countries and inside iran . we can present to the audience, whether iranian or foreign, something that i think can be done now do you want to make our program a little better or is it about the subjects, that is, if we can get hold of the subjects from different countries , we have some points for this , but it is really difficult for some countries , especially in this country. conditions to find now tourists or subjects who
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. greetings to you, dear viewers. stay with us with the special continuation of the khabar network program and the conclusion of the conversation with dr. asghar zaraei, an expert. discuss issues west asia, mr. dhareh, one of the topics that always comes up is the ceasefire talks, which in the previous section, when we were mr. wali and mr. khame ian were also in our group in a video and referring to the issue of the ceasefire in recent months, especially every time the discussion of ceasefire has been raised and there have been hopes that it will reach a certain point and reach an end, observing such behavior from the side. we were zionists who , instead of helping the ceasefire come to fruition , commit a new crime. in the name of god , i will say hello again. look, these ceasefire plans that
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are being proposed are more of a deception plan. what the leaders of the criminal and terrorist gangs of the jaliz sinsi regime followed and are doing is actually genocide and the elimination of this barrier and the elimination of hamas, any kind of fire. the kind of agreement that will happen, which is proposed , is actually a way out for this criminal gang ruling the fake scientist regime, and the post-ceasefire era will actually be a very, very unstable and worrying era for this criminal gang . this is more of an effort. to deceive the public opinion and divert the public opinion to some kind of crimes that this regime is doing in the gaza strip, you should see at the height of these discussions regarding the actual ceasefire , qatar, jordan, egypt and some other countries are mediating. you can see that these crimes are happening, so basically, the regime that
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is looking for a ceasefire or an agreement should at least have a light and show signs to the other party that this desire exists, but we see that the jeristi regime basically has no will to reach this point, it is simply playing with the public opinion of the world. this is a deviation, a so-called turning point from the news and crimes that are happening in the gaza strip. he tries to focus on other issues. you can see that the jaoist regime, well, in different periods , as you mentioned, in the same 10 months , they went and sat down for negotiations in egypt and qatar , but they did not get any results, and day by day the severity of the crime of kidnapping increased. so this too. it's another deception plan and definitely , the jewish regime is following its own policies and strategies, and the ridiculous circus that
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happened in the us congress three weeks ago, during the trip that this criminal gang led by mr. netanyahu took a trip to the us and attended the congress. 567 minutes of speaking there and a very , very funny show there. it was reported that the heads of the american congress and the officials of the white house clapped their hands and cheered for him in that meeting by clapping and standing for the unprecedented lies that came from the mouth of a fascist, liar and terrorist. the type of support is full-fledged. i said in the previous discussion, in the first part , i said that at the same time as this crime is happening, the plane and the so-called. that american super-heavy transport plane lands at bangorin airport , bringing a new batch of bombs and weapons to the regime he executes fake politicians and helps 500 million.
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the dollar that was strengthened recently, all of this is actually the main accuser of america , it is following the game that america is playing in the region, the game that actually refers to today is not yesterday's, we can point to at least 5 decades before the victory of the islamic revolution. the security of israel is a red line for us, and we will not allow the security, stability, and integrity of the currency of the occupied territories and the current regime. it doesn't matter to them whether they are republicans or democrats from all our facilities, you can see a powerful lobby called ipac. it was established in america in 1950 by the zionism that was in america, it is the jews, where this public affairs committee of america, israel , was formed during ipec, and since the same year in 1950, in fact, 2 billion dollars are only cash aid to the fake regime in
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europe. the jews of europe are actually important and the tools of the rulers and governance in europe and america are at the disposal of these two zionist lobbies, as you can see, the heads of european countries such as france , england, germany do not have the courage to take any action against the gia regime . immediately questioned and their regimes germany is undergoing transformation. since 1945 , after the peace treaty, it has been agreed that the maintenance and reconstruction of the navy of the jia regime will be paid from the pockets of the german citizens and the taxes that the germans pay, they are actually paying the expenses of the navy of the jia regime. the same is true of england, france, and the united states, as i said, ipec, with that organization that formed two billion years ago, this
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is the separation of arms aid and other aid to the regime. the main criminal in all these crimes are the united states and the white house, and the zionist jahdiyeh regime as a tool and a proxy for the goals and interests of the domination system, which is in the hands of the criminal and terrorist regime of america , is actually supported by them, and we must not forget that the enemy the main one is america and the main criminal. it is america, and this gang of terrorists and criminals who rule in the occupied territories today are actually the agents of the white house and the american intelligence agency and the like, and you should not expect that these crimes and this genocide will stop now unless you see a peace plan it was reported by mahmoud abbas and some other people that they were proposing a very, very dangerous post-ceasefire for that era, and that was the administration of
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the gaza strip. by a multi-nationalist force, which means eliminating hamas completely and the multi-national forces of bayan to take over the governance and administration of the gaza strip , which is against the oslo and oslo pacts 1 and 2, which in fact, in the oslo pacts 1 and 2, the israeli regime and the opposite parties and the government of palestine at the time , the government of mr. mahmoud abbas and others who were in those negotiations, agreed that the administration of the gaza strip would be under the control of hamas, and this agreement and that election which was done and mr. ismail haniyeh mujahid kabir shahid took over the responsibility of the prime minister's office and then again mr. mahmoud abbas and fayaz salam fayaz and others like him fueled this process and these differences and still mr. mahmoud abbas and the spectrum compromisers are looking for that if hamas and the jenisi regime succeed in destroying and taking over there, a flow of so-called
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multinational forces will rule there in the post-war era, which is the biggest and basically the independence of palestine and the issue of palestine. regression will go. very well, thank you very much, mr. dr. zere let's have the continuation of dr. zaraei's conversation on the news section at 11 o'clock, so god willing, the continuation of the program will also be presented to you. they do not see a ceasefire from this point of view . please tell me for a minute. today, there is a strong difference in the governing body of the jalali sainisani regime. mr. netanyahu's policies are opposite to mr. lapid's people like this are managed by the so-called prime minister.


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