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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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civilian sheedy said the plane crashed shortly after takeoff from the airport south of santiago. well , dear viewers, as i informed you at the beginning of the news, the zionist regime caused hundreds of deaths and dozens of injuries in an area in the gaza strip by attacking a school, and i am talking about this with mr. noorani, an expert on west asia, mr. noorani, hello this brutal attack on you took place at the same time as the morning prayer , what is the reason why the zionist regime chose this time for its attack?
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in tehran, the same massacre that happened in aftab school this morning. in the middle of the city, these show that netanya and the current of the american zionist lobby, which supports you in the united states , is looking for the war to continue, and in the end, they will achieve the goals they set for it, but what seems to happen when these killings continue in this way. iran does not only not achieve their own goals, but more and more for the people of the world for public opinion. the world
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is becoming clear that this criminal and zionist regime, which actually has the full support of the americans behind them, is looking for oil extraction in the case, they are looking for the palestinian land and its name. destroy palestine and i am sure that they will never succeed with this killing and the things they are doing, nourani, an expert on west asian issues. following the election of yahya sanwar as the new head of the political office of the palestinian islamic resistance movement after the criminal act of the zionist regime in the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh in tehran, the spokesman of the qassam battalions of the military wing of hamas announced in a message that the qassam battalions pledged allegiance to mujahid commander yahya sanwar and he declares his full readiness to implement his decisions. abu obeidah emphasized : senwar's election as the head of the political office
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hamas and the succession of our martyred leader, mujahid ismail haniyeh, are proof of the unity and strength of the palestinian islamic resistance movement. on tuesday, hamas elected the head of this movement in the gaza strip, yahya sanwar, the mastermind of the al-aqsa storm operation, as the new head of hamas's political bureau and to replace martyr haniyeh . in the past 48 hours, hezbollah has targeted the positions of the zionist army with all kinds of heavy weapons in 17 operations. well, we will go with my colleague who is stationed on the border of lebanon with occupied palestine. mr. azimzadeh . zionist soldiers entered by mr. sad. dear viewers, hello
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, have a good time. in the last 48 hours, the heaviest damage was inflicted on the command headquarters of the 769th brigade of the zionist regime in kiryat shemone barracks in the kiryat shemone military town, which was hit by dozens of katyusha grad missiles, and then less than an hour later. hezbollah targeted that area with heavy warhead missiles. moments ago, hezbollah issued a statement behind my back. at a distance of about 3-4 thousand meters, you can see the smoke that you have now, caused by hezbollah mortars hitting the heavy shells of hezbollah mortars. malikieh base, the zionist military, channel 12 of the zionist regime, while confirming that hezbollah's blood-splitting bullets hit the malikieh base, announced that the malikieh base, as well as
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the surrounding area and the cover around it, were set on fire by hezbollah in another statement that was issued moments ago. kurd with its own guided missiles equipment. the espionage targeted the zionist military in the malikiya base in the northwest of the occupied territories . hezbollah emphasized in its statement that the espionage equipment of the zionist military was completely destroyed in that base. regime fighters the zionists attacked tir harfa in southwest lebanon from this morning until now. the artillery of the zionist regime also uses prohibited phosphorus bombs. there have been attacks on itron, the aggressor drones of the zionist military also attacked the majdal salam area in the southwest of lebanon with two missiles. in these
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attacks of the zionist military, no one was martyred or injured. lebanon. two american software companies are merging some of their services to better help the american intelligence apparatus and the zionist regime do microsoft announced that they will share their cloud space and artificial intelligence with palantir. palantir's clients are the zionist regime, the us immigration and customs enforcement. earlier, it was announced that the american company amazon provided its cloud space to the zionist regime to collect and store information about the people of gaza. the cloud space is a tool for storing information that users can
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receive and manage this information anytime they connect to the internet. in this report , it is emphasized that google and microsoft are also tools during the zionist regime's attack on gaza, artificial ears were provided to this regime. instagram has been blocked in turkey for a week. the authorities of turkey and several other countries have raised several complaints about the double standards of facebook and instagram's meta owner in the past few days. identify give us their address and information. we are called by an organization related to the us foreign ministry . the basis of the call is that he has taken photos of several people. he claims that they are senior officials of the irgc cyber ​​command. whether these photos and names are real or not , complete information is not available. but history
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calls like this remind many people of terrorist operations. calling with the characteristics of a terrorist operation while reposting it on social networks. many instagram posts with claims such as the fight against terrorism are quickly deleted by the meta owner of this social network. an example is the commemorative photo of the irgc commander with reporters two or three days ago. it didn't even take a few minutes for instagram to delete it. a larger example was experienced by users of several countries on instagram just a few days ago . the first global trend of virtual space in meta it is censored. delete image. this action drew a lot of criticism towards meta, the owner of facebook and instagram. in response to the removal of his condolence message, the prime minister of malaysia wrote on the facebook platform that this is a clear message for meta to stop being a coward and
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stop being a toy of the oppressive israeli regime, and turkey too. instagram was closed for 57 million turkish users, and the president of this country called the removal of images of palestinian martyrs fascism and dictatorship. beshr also wrote a report about censorship on the platforms of meta company, such as that only in the months of october and november, more than 1005 contents were supported. palestine has been removed from instagram and facebook , while anti-palestinian or anti-islamic content has not been removed from meta platforms, for example, a user commented. he published himself and wrote: turn gaza into a parking lot. after reporting this comment and checking instagram, this user sukub sent a message that this comment has not been edited because it does not violate any of our policies. human rights watch called this report meta's broken promises.
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promises to establish equal politics around the world, which according to human rights watch are being systematically broken. al jazeera in a similar report, there are examples from the appointment of zionist officials on the platforms of meta company and the headlines of facebook's double standards against fatima's freedom of expression. atomic nagasaki in japan, the organizers of this ceremony prevented the representative of the zionist regime from attending this ceremony. the representatives of the main supporters of the zionist regime, the united states and england, also refused to attend this ceremony. in 1945, hiroshima and nagasaki in japan were targeted by american atomic bombs three days apart, and about 20,000 people lost their lives in this genocide. when i came to myself
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, i was shocked by the people whose clothes were in pieces it was torn. the skin of their heads and faces had fallen off and their flesh remained. the city had become a ruin like a ghost town. he is one of the survivors of the city that was bombed by the american atomic bomb.
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they protested at the ceremony of the victims of the american atomic bomb in hiroshima. the head of the nagasaki atomic attack survivors council said: "if the united states, england, france and italy do not participate, there is no problem, because the invitation of the ambassador of the zionist regime will be met with the protest of the japanese people." the people of hiroshima and nagasaki, now the day of victory and the killing of nearly 40,000 people of gaza with american bombs. they compare with a ratio in their own cities. sanazo kahini of radio and television news agency. the
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commemoration ceremony of martyr ismail haniyeh was held by the quranic community in masla, tehran. those present at this ceremony recited verses from kalam noor in memory of qari martyr ismail haniyeh.
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koranic or that the spiritual and koranic resistance of the people of gaza has messed up the world in any case, this is the power, said the reciters present at this gathering of martyr haniyeh, in addition to excelling in reciting the verses of the koran. he also had a special spiritual feeling, beyond the fact that now the discussions, now the technical rules of the tajweed and these things
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are taken into consideration. it was very spiritual , it had a sense of mysticism in it, that noble verse called "basmillah, rahman, rahim , wala tasban al-dhi", in my opinion, was one of those verses that is very close to the hearts of all people and my servant. tahsibn those who were killed in the cause of allah are the dead, but they are resurrected.
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other countries also travel long distances to join this roaring river. in every corner of this shrine, everyone shouts love for hussain in their mother tongue. foreign pilgrims who may not have been together at the same time, but they were full of love and devotion to the lord and leader of the martyrs. i live in southern lebanon. yesterday we were in najaf and today we came to karbala we have been here for a week. i come to karbala every year because of imam hussain (peace be upon him). wherever your name is, my heart is full of rain. bahrain we
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came from bahrain for the arbaeen ceremony to participate in this walk. i ask the great god to bring the advent of imam zaman. his long visit to imam hussain from iran, wherever he came, god bless him. we came a long way, we traveled for almost three days, four days , we arrived here, it is the love of hossein
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that we came here, this common feeling can be seen in the tearful eyes and burning hearts of all of them. between al-haramain, karbala mu'ala, yazidi installation of sed and sima news agency. specialists of a successful knowledge-based company. they were able to design and produce all kinds of electrical circuits used in household appliances. the possibility of remote control and display of device control panel settings in farsi language is one of the advantages of this knowledge-based product. trying to make
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the country self-sufficient by producing electric circuits in line with the solution production needs of equipment factories. we were able to localize many electronic circuits of domestic brands with the efforts of the experts who are in this collection, and we were able to solve one of the problems facing this industry, one of the most important features of these electrical circuits. we are producing 8 products in the field of washing and dishwashing, of which we produced two products for the first time in iran, an electronic circuit sample for cordless washing machines, and a sample for dishwashers, and for the convenience of our customers, all our products are displayed in farsi language. and the
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high point of this product is installing the software on the phone companion to control the washing machine remotely. the high quality of these electrical circuits has caused the products of this knowledge-based company to be exported to some neighboring countries in addition to meeting the needs of the domestic market. we have been doing our research for more than 8 years to research this goal, and now by producing a high-quality product, in addition to meeting the domestic needs of the country, we were even able to export it to neighboring countries. before this. an important part of the need for electric circuits of the country's industrial units was supplied from china, and with the localization of this domestic product, the need for imports has been eliminated. according to officials of this company. by internalizing and producing this product inside, in addition to preventing the outflow of foreign currency, daneshbandian company
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aims to save more than 80% of foreign exchange. was published this work deals with the role of air defense heroes known during the holy defense era. there was a strategic part in the downing of regime fighters. now the memories of this base and its soldiers and commanders are going to be narrated in this book.
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a book with the title of 16.4. it deals with the performance of the subashi defense site during the holy defense era. he narrated the first chapter like this. history of defense, defense in iran, defense in the world, defense in imposed war. this part is actually for the general audience. the book is written so that those who are not familiar with defense can relate to this book . in the second chapter, the author described this radar base as follows : the operations that the site has supported, the site's performance in the war of cities, tracking aircraft. enemy and help and guide our own planes to
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start the paris olympic games with a win in the name of god. on the fifteenth day of this games and in the weight of 65 kg freestyle wrestling, rahman amozad won 8-0 against american world champion alan redford in the round of 16. amouzad in the quarter finals, as you can see live, is on the sidelines.
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the great man wrestled valiantly. he defeated the european champion 11-0. don't be tired, brave man, may god give you strength.
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we congratulate rahman amouzad and our dear compatriots and mazandanis to khalil shahria for the victory of delux shirin mandane denavar. we also congratulate rahman amoudzadeh's victory. i would like to inform you that in 97 kilos, amir ali azarpira faced the title opponent. daresh ahmed tajudinov, a russian-born freelancer from bahrain. with a close result of 43, he gave up the results to stay in the table and wait for his opponent saud to the final match in taekwondo and in the positive weight of 80 kg, arin salimi won against nikita raflolovich of azstan in the period and advanced to the next round. salimi was in the quarter finals tonight, amirhossein zare azad will face mexican carlos sensores. our country's 125 kg weight class is going to be tough in the final match with genoptra shvili from georgia
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. türkiye is on the way the final match was tonight , ali davoudi was defeated in the 12 kg weightlifting category , but last night in the minus 80 kg taekwondo category, mehran hashdari and in the 86 kg freestyle wrestling, hassan yazdani brought two silver medals for the iran baramgan convoy. pride they returned to tehran last night in the cultural ship along with several other military athletes to the paris olympics. the third group of iranian sports heroes returned to the country with the enthusiastic welcome of the people. the broken flesh of the cultural work that brought two golds, one silver and one bronze from paris is on the shoulders of the people. became the results show that our loved ones
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fight very well and perform all their duties efficiently. the technical staff and the wrestling federation are satisfied with the planning of the technical staff and the result , although we could have achieved better results . saeed esmaili and mohammad hadi saravi they were the gold medalists of iran. we went to imam reza there a month before the olympic games and went on a pilgrimage , god willing.
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in this convoy , there were horizontal and vertical fast men. in rock climbing, reza alipour, who did not reach the olympic platform because of a few hundredths of a second , is on the verge of losing 6 hundredths of the gold, the soil under the feet of all my people. i am grateful for their kindness and i am sad that hassan taftian could not make it to the semi-finals. i was not able to advance to the semi-final stage, but on the other hand, i am happy that i participated in the olympic games for the third time for my country. may allah bless him and grant him peace, seyyed mahdipourhini , sed and radio agency, imam khomeini international airport, may allah bless him and grant him peace. today
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is saturday, the 20th of august, the fifth day of travel and the tenth of august in tehran. sunset will be at 1859 minutes, maghrib call to prayer will be at 1919 minutes, and sharia midnight will be at 23:23 hours. dear viewers, while saying goodbye, i invite you to be a viewer of the economic table program performed by my colleague, mr. bozor nsib , and greet you. as i mentioned at the beginning of your news, we want to talk about the economic indicators of the 13th government, its strengths and weaknesses, and ways to improve economic indicators. with the presence of experts
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, we will make a presentation for the 14th government of the government of mr. mezikian. if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this discussion . follow the economic desk on khabar. please, thank you . well, as you must have seen and heard in the news , the list of mr. mezikian's cabinet will be presented to the parliament tomorrow. can there, we can know exactly which of the ministers are on the proposal of mr. bizikian and are going to get their trust. so far, we know that mr. tayeb niam is the high adviser of the president. there is a budget. let 's take a look at the excuse that the cabinet list is going to go to the parliament tomorrow .


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