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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 4:30am-4:58am IRST

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if we are talking about the fact that the government should not be responsible and take charge of all the operations of the housing sector , this means that we are not going to build houses until the end of the day. it may not be bad to report my numbers and figures. today , as we are talking , about 41 thousand billion tomans and 420 thousand billion tomans of resources have entered into the national housing movement. the housing part of this 420 thousand billion tomans is about 30,35,000 billion tomanesh 40,000 billion tomanesh direct resources of the ministry and in fact the public sector and the government sector of these 380 thousand billion tomans, about 140 thousand billion tomans were from the banking sector, now with a few thousand billion errors in the statistics report, and
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2040 thousand billion tomans were the people's own resources. the people themselves, in fact, out of this 42 thousand or 415 thousand billion tomans, more than half of it, about 60% of those resources, were the people themselves. our effort is this , that is, the movement is not in agreement with us, sometimes we think that the government is sitting with resources. meli naft is paving, selling land and building buildings, no , it is not like that at all, we are the size of a pea people died in this mess. over time, as this operation becomes more popular, the share of the public sector will decrease, and god willing , the people will continue this movement . i would like to ask one more thing. we were at the same event. the supreme housing council was regular, which
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was held in a completely different way than before. these meetings were held monthly. we held 18 meetings of the supreme housing council in the 13th government. what was the effect of this regular holding? the reason it is the inconsistency of the sectors, in the same way, if an incident in the country becomes a general trend, it is the result of the coordination of the sector. the honorable minister of the country as the representative of the president and the governors were present in the meeting of this operation and this continuity in holding meetings and solving issues between the institutions, which in my opinion
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made this operation this achievement. see we are in this government for the first time. we formed the construction commission in the heart of the secretary of the government board secretariat, that is, with the efforts of the president and the efforts of the respected minister of urban development , these specialized commissions that you have summoned , dear secretary of the government board, in the form of specialized commissions he brings the issues to the table of the cabinet. previously, our civil and urban development department did not have an independent commission , so this is the process. it slows down the formation of the supreme housing council. for the first time , the law to organize the housing market is being promulgated by the president, and this amount of administrative arrangements in our ukrainian system has resulted in the reduction of inflation and the increase in the economy of the housing sector. so i think it was a really effective effort. i hope, god willing , what happened and this movement that has formed and today we are moving from a point of stagnation to a movement in progress.
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we are watching, god willing, in the 14th government , it will continue with the plan of the nobles . i think today the road is much smoother compared to 3 years ago, people's resources have come, various sectors are activated, and we have this possibility. i have already mentioned this possibility. we have to use the scarce resources this time. you see, in our country , we have resources at the disposal of the people, which are the possibility of direct investment. for example, a person has resources of 20 million tomans, 30 million tomans, 50 million tomans, 100 million tomans. we have provided a proper platform in the housing economy, this is no longer going to buy coins, it is not going to buy dollars, it is not going to buy cars, it is not going to be stored, today is the opportunity that, god willing, by using our people's resources, we will be able to turn around the operations of the national housing authority from about 400 dinars to 1000 billion. toman
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god willing, i will go back to the question that i asked in the first part and repeat the question in a different way, and that is the performance that you have expressed in a way, mr. you had that sometimes first many of these actions have been carried out in the last paragraph, you mentioned that the path is now smooth for the 14th government, we can know that it is giving a speed in the field of housing and the continuation of the activity of the housing agency and the supply of housing for the people from this point of view . when we can say that what has been done and the plans that were on the agenda are achievements. it presents itself much better and more concretely to the people. yes , you see, well, we have one and continuous plan in the housing operation, that is, the jahish law on housing production as a valid document in the government. the executive obliges us to
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build one million housing units annually. if we do n't want to continue this work, we have to go and reject the bill again and change or modify this, so this operation is continuous. and there is no end to it at the moment , considering that our country is a vast country with a large population, the population is growing, and naturally, we need to add the natural depreciation rate of the previous houses to it. we are taking this matter forward, it seems that if god willing this operation will continue, along with it, the resources department if people and capital are added to the topic, i think it will become automatic. we will be able to witness this process soon. my point is that the same number of one million housing units that you mentioned may not have been built in 14001, for example, but now
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with the conditions that you have created, this space is available. it has become a requirement of the government to build one million housing units . we have actually started the year of one million so far. naturally , new licenses should be issued continuously. let the projects be handed over and we will move forward, that is, we are almost at a balance today, the number of projects that should have been started according to the law has been started and , god willing, we will eventually reach a point where yes , god willing, we will reach a point where we will supply one million a year, that is, year one. let's deliver a million, god willing. god willing, when do you think this will happen? i think we should move forward at this speed. we will reach balance at the end of next year, because now 1 million major projects are delivered in 18 months, and the project means the 2 million that are currently in the process of being built, if we want. if the project takes 18 months, we will finish it in 9 months. we don't have these two million
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in our workshops, naturally, unless there is a disruption . if this operation is supported and continues, i think that these parts will be exploited at the right time, god willing, we will also help . now, let me tell you right here in parentheses, by the way, my next question is about financial resources, and i wanted to address it. we are now in the department of completing the units, and now i have a report on the operation of the fund let me say right here that we support several departments , one of the most important of which is public services , that is, before, people in the national movement department in mehr housing used to complain that you built the building for us, my child, the school is not available, the medical center is not here. the police station was not foreseen by the movement and before that the national action project had the prediction that the superstructure operation would be carried out in parallel with the construction of housing
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, we will build a school. well, the movement of the national housing fund in this regard, the amount of 7 thousand billion tomans in different projects of a hundred projects he paid in the country and this is our public service sector, infrastructure transfer is one it was one of the other important issues that we had paid little attention to in our previous experiences, the building had gone up, it had been built, the electricity was still a workshop , the ministry of energy had not yet come to work, or the speed was not in sync with the progress of the project, today it is almost 100 billion tomans 970 we gave billions of tomans for only one-third share of our ministry of roads and urban development for the transfer of water and electricity . i also told about the completion of the unit that was left in advance. something positive happened here let's pay attention to it. previously, projects that reached an acceptable level of progress. and now, for whatever
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reason, the applicants and members of that project could not complete their submissions. due to interruption. the price of the applicant would increase, that is, they would say to the person, sir, the project is almost finished, you will owe 50 million, sit at home, he would say, i don't have a million, it will come in 6 months. saying no, you have to give 100 million now, because they definitely don't have 10 million, in the next term, this number will be higher, and this would lead to a series of projects . well, i said, for example, we had a project for 10 years. it was not finished yet. we finished it after you completed these long-term projects. what happened to the people ? what happened to the people? how did they receive the national housing fund? i would like to say that some of these applicants are in accordance with the appointment. he had brought his own resources with the ministry of home affairs. on that day, i told him that we did not have an example
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. we gave an example to those who did not have an education. we rejected half-built projects. that decision gave us the possibility that a project that is 70% progressed and, as the famous saying goes, needs ya ya ali to finish it, and now, finally , for whatever reason, people's contributions are not enough. the fund would come and provide the resources to the contractor , we would negotiate, we would contract, we would agree, sir, for how long, 50 days , 60 days, 40 days, how much would this amount be? i think there are more than 50 sites now with tolerance and each site has 80 units 20 units of 400 units, we have projects of this type. we had paid and the project was completed, the beggar comes , he can't bear the stress of the price increase, he says
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, sir, the figure we announced to you is the same, he says , i say i have a house, i gave him 100 million, i sat down , he gave me the money, he says, bring the same money to you, sit down this time. it's all blood, it's all blood . how many of these cases have this happened? i became a housewife. we paid approximately 2000 billion tomans in this operation . this is 2000 billion tomans.
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the attention of the government and the emphasis of the ministry of economy the asset emphasized by the ministry of roads and urban development is not being taken into consideration by the banks as much as it should and maybe, now it has fundamental problems. finding 80% of their facilities, like switzerland, the netherlands, and developing countries, whose housing problems have been solved, 80
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% of their bank accounts are in the housing sector. in another time, with the presence of bank representatives and our colleagues, god willing, yes, it is a discussion, but the point here is that we are making this happen today , in addition to the fact that we have thought of arrangements for its payment, that is, the amounts have come into the banking resources, have been equipped, and have been paid . these arrangements have been designed for the applicant's side , which means that if the first round of resources were paid in a way that, as you said, the details were high, the amount would be such that the person would say, "thank you for giving me this loan, but i cannot pay the installment of this amount." he came in the next round of long-term head
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we did a part of the problem and it was solved. we saw that the society still doesn't have enough power. in the next round , we stepped up the loan with the help of the central bank and the support of the honorable chairman of the central bank . he has spent his money, his resources and his regrets have decreased. now let's reduce the amounts. in the long run, when this has become a house , he will not pay for rent, he will not pay for the purchase of housing . we will take more of the next installments. these are actually the help that has been given. i think, if god willing, some banking body the country god willing, he will look at the national issue and look at us one of the problems we have is getting away from our discussion , but maybe it is worth saying that when we say a bank, you are a business, you just have to look at your profit , the other bank remembers that it is primarily based on national resources and the capacity to create money at its disposal. the central bank provides it , it acts, it must be committed to the development of my country
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, it must take care of my production, it says, i only pay attention, i pay interest , i give loans in circulation, i give service loans. i'm going to give a loan to a business that can pay it back as soon as possible. it may return your resources in the short term. in the long term, if it grows. reduce the country's economy, you are also a bank , it would be nice if these resources enter the housing sector instead of the working capital sector, instead of the service sector or other areas, considering that it has been implemented in accordance with international standards, in the next round of this enter the industry sector. it enters the industry sector, yes, in the first sector, you gave this to housing, but in the second round, it goes from housing to industry, it goes to services, the person comes to paint and paint
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, and it goes there, it goes there, it goes to services, it goes to other sectors, so in the next round, this it happens that you go into capital circulation with this consideration, i think if the banking system is actually a bit more it should be accompanied by the national housing movement, we don't have a problem with housing. i have already mentioned that the law on the promotion of housing production for the management of the bank and to bring the banks together has also set rewards and fines for the bank that does not spend 20% of its resources in the housing sector to the extent that this 20% fine for the offending number. the tax status of this amount of tax in the first round , when the tax organization reached the assessment sheet, it is 57 thousand billion tomans, there will be a movement if these fines are not paid . handling let it be confirmed, let your tibet expand, this is our
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first round, the second round, that is, there is no return year, it is a fine that the national organization complies with the law. he is obliged to pay special attention to them . next year, this 57,57,000 billion tomans reached 90,000,000 billion tomans, which means that the total amount did not happen by chance . they can just change the route , it is not the duty of the room manager. once i told a person, sir , you have to pay a thousand tomans to you. he says that i have 200 tomans in total, i can't pay 1000 tomans , i will tell you, sir, whatever money you have, bring 20% ​​to the alcoholic department, this is not the responsibility of the room manager. you will send 20 to the housing department. i hope , god willing, this matter will be implemented. these fines will be removed from the banking system, and god willing, the movement will be able to continue its life in the best way possible with these financial resources. we also wanted to see the issue of inflation in the housing sector and the effects it has had on the economy
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. you see, one of our concerns and our duties is to control this issue today in different ways we are active in this area. the most obvious and the most significant thing that is assigned to us according to the housing production jump law is that the fund goes towards the basic goods that are used in the housing sector, namely steel, cement, rebar and cement. that the two main parts of housing construction should be included in the purchasing process in such a way as to control the price increase for the applicant and if there is inflation in the country against our wishes, this inflation should be managed in the area that i mentioned. in the past, we entered the field of cement and entered the field of steel
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. a large amount of steel was purchased and this steel is available the projects that are being completed in a short period of time are being handed over today, that is , a project that has been canceled has nothing to do with the price of steel , so naturally it will be built, because a project that is canceled is a project that says i will get a percentage of the overhead based on the price of steel and it will be finished. instead of imposing today's steel price on him, we will give him steel at last year's price. this award is for knowledge-based technologies, or in fact those areas that use new technology , even if it is a public institution. whether it is self-owned or private cooperatives we also gave them the prize in order to go
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towards the approval of the relevant institution, which is the road and urban development research center, if they have this capacity, we will give them steel at the last price. we will do this for cement as well, god willing, very well, in the direction we talked about, it started with 1400 and today we are 143. there are other things that i think within the next year, we won't have anything anymore , because almost most of them are gone. it is finished if there is no legal obstacle, but if there is a legal obstacle be out of our sight. your work will be removed. another part that you mentioned, the mahr housing, which you mentioned was left over from the previous governments, will be integrated into the
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national housing movement plan or not in some way attached to the national housing movement plan. it is possible to remove the movement of his projects , the characteristics of his site, mainly, we annexed the land to him , that is, when the statistics of the projects do not come, and the discussion is completely separate, we are aware of the year of one million. let's make it now, whether it's from nehdat or mahskan mahr, without wanting to change its name after all, the housing of mehr 96 has progressed, because of the 4 floors left on the ground, why should we go and re-register and start from scratch ? first of all, we will fix it. god's people like it, and god likes it. naturally, it's easier, sir. let 's give it a minute. one thing i want to say. your comment is related to the dilapidated context. we have this legal issue. when we say, for example
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, we will revive 50 houses of 50 meters in a compact area, it will be converted into a tower. when expected , there will be no worn-out tissue, and there is no need to worry about it. in the following years, it can be a large social body a great social capital for the islamic republic. let's make the people better, solve the economic problems and , god willing, we will reach the rising point. thank you very much , mr. dr. esmaili. thank you for your presence in the program
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. peace be upon you . thank you for your attention and companionship, dear viewers. until the next program, god bless you all. thank you. . the arbaeen ceremony with the presence of millions of pilgrims is the largest human gathering of muslims and maintaining health against possible diseases is one of the main priorities of every pilgrim. pilgrims use it, but in order to maintain your health, try to use bottled and sanitary water, packaged milk and buttermilk, and remember that drinking eight glasses of water and suitable liquids daily is very important. what
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foods are better? let's eat dry fruits and all kinds of roasted raw nuts without salt, which are a good source of protein and micronutrients. they can be used as healthy snacks. to prevent constipation , it is recommended to have fruits that have laxative properties, such as figs and plums. to prevent poisoning. from low-fat yogurt and use pasteurized, lemon or lemon juice with the food you like. consumption of buttermilk with a little mint and oregano helps to prevent intoxication and heatstroke. what foods should you not eat? it is not recommended to consume large amounts of coffee, tea, especially caffeinated drinks and energy drinks during the journey, because it causes dehydration. fatty and salty foods as much as possible, all kinds of canned and salted and pickled foods . do not eat sausages because they stimulate the immune system. non-pasteurized dairy products , especially cheese, butter and local milk in bulk they are, they can be dangerous. after the dairy that
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has. also use the health category . avoid eating salads and raw vegetables, but eating cooked vegetables such as potatoes, pumpkins and carrots along with food helps prevent constipation . in case of diarrhea , use light, low-volume and low-fat meals. fruits like apples, bananas are useful, but fruits like peaches and figs should not be consumed.
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hello, at 5:00 p.m. special attention of the 14th government to education. at the meeting on sunday, the government delegation emphasized the special attention of the government to education .
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the government's priority is fourteen. is mr. medicine from


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