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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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urbanization by the banks is not as much as it should and perhaps is not taken into account, now it has fundamental problems, we don't want to get into it , it is a constant complaint that the late president also yes , it is not the issue of today and yesterday, while in developed countries 80% their facilities are like switzerland, the netherlands, and developed countries whose housing problems have been solved . there are 80 bank accounts in the housing sector. if we look at it that way , we should not be afraid. at another time with presence bank representatives and, god willing, our colleagues, yes , this is a moustafa issue, but the point here is that today, we are making this happen, in addition to the fact that we have thought of arrangements to pay it, which means that the amounts have come into the bank sources. furnished,
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paid, scored. in addition to this , arrangements have been made for the applicant sector , which means that if the first round of resources were paid in a way that, as you said, the details were high, the figure would be such that the person would say, "thank you for giving me this loan, but i can't repay it." show me this figure became big in the next round. now, for example for example, now the loans are for example 5 years old, 10 years old , with melli, the loan is 20 years old, that is, us. we came and extended the payment period, a part of the problem was solved, we saw that the society still does not have enough power , in the next round, we increased the loan with the help of the central bank and the personal support of the honorable chairman of the central bank. he finally bought it , he spent everything he had, he used up his savings, his resources and his support have decreased. now let's reduce the amount. in the long term, when this is already a house, he won't pay for rent , he won't pay for the purchase of a house. in fact look at the national issue, we
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have a problem, we are going away from our discussion a little bit , but maybe it is worth saying that when we say bank, you are a business, you just have to look at your profit , the other bank remembers that it is primarily based on resources. national and the capacity to create the money that the central bank makes available to it works. it must be committed to the development of my country. it should be to my production. he doesn't look to be able to return it sooner, maybe in the short term it will return your resources in the long run if you reduce the growth of the country's economy , you will also see a favor in a bank if these resources enter the housing sector instead of the working capital sector instead of the service sector or other areas. due to the fact that
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it has been implemented in accordance with international standards, in the next round, this will enter the industry sector, when i mentioned the reforms before, when we give education , we give it to the housing sector, we don't give it to the individual, we give it to the contractor who is building, the contractor who gets this money. again, he doesn't put it in his pocket, he gives it to the rebar and hardware company he owns. what happens is that the resources enter the industrial sector. it is true that in the first sector, you gave this to housing, but in the second round, it goes from housing to industry, to services , to paint, and the resources go there , to services, to other sectors, so you the next round of this event will take place in capital circulation. with this consideration, i think that if the banking system actually goes a little more along with the national housing movement, we will not have a problem with housing. and fines have also been imposed on a bank that invests 20 % of its resources in the housing sector. don't
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the amount that has violated 20% of this number is subject to tax. this amount of tax in the first round, which the tax organization found out, is 57 thousand billion tomans. well, we would like the banks to take this fine instead of paying it. if these fines are not paid , of course, with this stage of the application , the diagnosis was made today, and of course, after
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i say, sir, whatever money you have, bring 20 to the alcoholic department, it is not the responsibility of the head of the room anymore . 20 to the housing department, i hope so let it be a matter of action.
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enter into the purchase operation to control the increase in its price for the applicant and if there is inflation in the country , despite our wishes, this inflation will be experienced in the field that i mentioned, we entered the cement field last year and entered the steel field, a large volume of steel was purchased this steel is in the hands of projects that are operated in a safe manner or in a completed manner. today, it is being handed over, that is , a project that has been cut off has nothing to do with the price of steel. i take a high and finish us instead of if we impose today's steel price on
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him, we will deliver steel to him at last year's price . even if it is a non-governmental organization, a man is actually a self-owner or a private cooperative , we have given this award to them in order to move towards the development of technologies and to move the housing sector forward from this traditional process. this award is for them. we also mentioned that each of the cooperatives that use new technologies in the country have technology the students use it. we are willing to deliver the steel to them at last year's price.
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there are things on the way to work, such as braking the work or making the movement slower , administrative processes, for example, legal issues, or , for example, property disputes in the land, and other things that you may complete, your excellency , what did you do for these and how did you overcome these obstacles? the most important issue we had in this regard, i think , was our coordination with the banking system, which i said in the previous section , let's not repeat it. and the resources have come and we hope, god willing, with this legal capacity, this will get better as soon as possible. one of the
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things you mentioned is the legal knot in the hearts of the cooperatives. when the government started its work, there were 1240,000 housing units , i think 250,000 housing units were left. since the beginning of the government in 1400, we have completed 130,000 housing units in egypt and delivered half of them, almost more than half. yes, there are about 100,000 left , this is the remaining amount, whatever we have. the issue of the government decreases the power of the government in solving the problem why is it because the issue became legal at one time , that is, cooperatives were formed at that point, now the right members for you are not selected or not committed
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, their motivation is low, they get tired, abandoning cooperatives, they get stuck and become legal, some people give money, the expected results are their own. not experiencing. some people leave this section, i think it is the most important issue, which is naturally beyond the capacity of the ministry of roads and urban development, and should be helped to solve it. the country's legal capacity, the country's judicial system , dispute resolution councils, of course, should be expressed with the help of this, the closer we are to the end of this project we will have more issues. probably, how long will it take us to finish if there is no legal obstacle, at the rate we are progressing , i think within the next year we will have nothing , because almost most of it is over . if there is no legal obstacle, but if there is no legal obstacle to have
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let's start, first of all, we will make it. god's creation likes it, god likes it, and it is naturally more economical . sir, we have one minute. one thing i would like to say is that your order is based on the assumption that we have this legal issue. 50 meters to the house in a compact area reviving each other. we will turn it into the mentioned tower, and we will make it up to the mentioned tower. sometimes, for example , from this 50 to this, 2 of them, 3 of them, 5 of them
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do not come together, and this will get rights . a city is needed to solve this issue , we need legal capacities, a good thing has happened, god willing, with the help of legal capacity in the country , this issue can also lead to this path, god willing, after an expected period of time, nothing with a great social cause for the republic. iran is islamic, i hope this movement will continue in this way, we can improve the condition of the people
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, solve the economic problems and, god willing , reach the breaking point. thank you very much, mr. dr. esmaili. thank you for your presence in the travel program and greetings. lord, thank you. the almighty let us see the rest of iran, do they have forces or not and their systems? first of all, according to the military definition , iran is ahead of the fire in the whole of january in the ranking of the second country in the middle east . eastern region al-awsat iran is more of a country and turkey, they have airplanes
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routed to iran, if they are stronger than israel, they have the largest number of rockets. look at the size of the rockets. there are nine types of rockets with many targets . what are you saying to us about the missiles, the scent of the fin, the first type, 500 kilos, or dubek, located on the border of israel, 1,600 dahl , israel and egypt are close to our border, close to the border of italy, if the iranian missiles reach the border of italy , what are you thinking about? the nuclear forces are kalwa lah and we want to determine the forces of al-raqet al-balistiyah, qalwa them, and the destruction of the meeting, asan al-hawazi, if one of iran's most powerful forces, he is the one who
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destroyed his workshop in jabalia. he was also added to the group of unemployed people. the work is hard and the income is low, but anyway, using this innovative method, we resumed the work and we are doing it . if it wasn't for the deep faith of jesus and his father to continue living in this land , they would never have done such a thing. this innovation
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is the true manifestation of the proverb that says, necessity is the mother of invention. use solutions. work is the best way to deal with poverty and need. our workshop is completely destroyed. we brought this bike and restarted with a new look. because we don't have electricity or any other energy. these innovations are another positive sign among the severe hardships that exist in the ghazah strip, which is added to other provinces and the adventures of the people of ghazah. according to this, mahmoud delogh. a palestinian citizen tries to make a toy out of cans and garbage that has been dumped in the streets. people throw these strong ones in the streets after using them. that's why i decided to use them to make toys for children to have a little fun and play.
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neighbors want to see and say this toy in the hands of my children, and we made it for their children to have fun. in spite of the many living problems that the people of gaza have , there are many symbols of resistance and heroism in their daily lives. women and even children do such activities like men. they proved to the world that it does not fail. the occupying regime has deliberately tried economic activities. destroy in gaza. for this reason , 95% of companies, factories and workshops have that opportunity it has destroyed the jobs that provided for the heads of families. because of this, 80% of people have lost their sources of income, and some
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have gone to other jobs to support themselves, and the rest are dependent on anrova's assistance. this is the voice of the refugees who took shelter in the school of tabeen in gaza city. i can't talk about what happened beyond the description of about 100 palestinian refugees living in the school from the subjects of gaza city.
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it is painful that we collect the body parts of the martyrs from here and there. the pictures you see of zionist crimes are a stain on everyone's forehead there are those who are silent in front of the crime of zionists. some of the published images of the new massacre of zionists in gaza are so heartbreaking that they cannot be broadcast. relief forces and people due to the extent of destruction and number on top of the martyrs, the injured are unable to help. relief agencies of gaza city also announced that there is a possibility of an increase in the number of martyrs due to the density of people in the school. in the past 10 months, this is not the first time that the zionists have carried out massacres. at the end of october last year
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, the zionists attacked the hospital for the refugees helping more than 500 palestinians to martyrdom. in november last year , more than 400 palestinians were martyred and injured in the zionist attack on the jabalia camp. in june this year , more than 200 palestinians were martyred in the brutal zionist attack on the anusirat camp, and more than 100 more palestinians were martyred in the attack on the al-mawasi camp in khan yunis. early march last year. at the same time, when the palestinians gathered to receive food in al-rashid street in gaza, more than 150 of them were massacred by targeting the al-tabain school. a palestinian media activist pictures the latest massacre of palestinians at the hands of zionists he published and said to god, the pain is never bearable, even if his images
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have become normal for some people. take
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me, we say hello, we write , we register in the mahdi army, we send a message like god , we finish the work of israel this year, we say hello to beit al-maqdis , mahnes imam hussain, we have come to help the oppressed of the world and the media of gaza, we ourselves call the whole world, we are ready we are ready for the army. the end of time , our commander, means this storm of the 40th, come to our world we are all tofanzadeh, we are under this family tent
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, hey karbala, qadama al-arbaei karbala. al-arabeen movement, in the name of god, palestine is our destination. movement , in the name of god, palestine is our destination. see karbala , see the storm of al-ahra, see imam hosseinia's order.
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in the name of allah , our destination is palestine. on the road together we are on our way to karbala. together we are on our way to karbala. on the way to karbala, we cry with the children of gaza. for six months, we storm together with the mothers of gaza.
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he said that if it wasn't for the way of imam shahada, we would definitely be you we did not see this path, these steps that you take towards karbala on behalf of our dear leader , then the dear martyr raisi, the martyr sardar qassem soleimani, the martyr ismail haniyeh, the martyr amir abdullahi and all the martyrs of gaza. i really wanted to continue their path. martyr hajji martyr qasim soleimani on behalf of martyr abbas of the university and martyr mohammad abdoss , on behalf of this martyr, we wish them to accompany us on this path
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. greetings, welcome to nimrozi news. supreme leader of the revolution in response to the letter of the head of the national olympic committee from athletes, heads of the federation and coaches and i am grateful to the national olympic committee, who made the people happy and proud of the country in the sports scene in the recent competitions. the presence of 19 proposed ministers in the specialized commissions of the parliament of defense of the program and the answer:


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