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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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it has been a very small number that the growth that we are witnessing now, which has almost reached 4356 million dollars , shows our exports to these countries in terms of percentage and proportion. we want to discuss today's economics table that basically, despite the fact that the market of these countries it is a prosperous and commercial market, obviously only for brazil. i was following up and checking before the program . brazil itself trades something like 450 to 500 billion dollars, our share is very small. we want to talk about what basically happened that we were able to make this growth more important than that in the layers let's take a deeper look at why the number of our exports to these countries is so low, and more specifically, for example , because of brazil, which i told you about , we have more imports. we can make more use of these markets that i have presented to you. if you are interested, join us all the way to the bottom of the economy table and watch this conversation . please follow us on khabar. thank you.
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well, i gave you a short introduction and we got to know a little bit about the topic that we want to talk about today let's talk about it. let's look at the statistics in more detail. we can see that our business situation is clear. looking together , in the first four months of 1403 compared to the same period in 1402, you can see that our first trading partner and the most country we were able to export to was brazil, where we were able to send 127 million dollars in the first 4 months of 1403. let's export this number for this period how long was the year 1402 that it grew so much in the year 1402, we were able
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to export in the first four months of the year. this is what caused us to experience a growth of 12,000 percent, of course, in this statistic, we have a total of 737 in these 5 countries, the export growth was negative for a number of countries, for example, the second country is venezuela, which decreased by 53 percent. despite all the talk and emphasis we have been hearing for the past few years, we have heard about trade with this country in terms of political alignment , etc. for example, in the first four months of the year, you can see that we had no exports at all to cuba, but in the first four months of 1403, this number reached 686 thousand dollars. the numbers are not many numbers, but well. reaching these numbers from zero is a significant number. another point that we talk about more in the program is that these are the official customs statistics. we
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also have some unofficial exports of other materials, which we will talk about together, please. let's see , those five countries are the first, from argentina and brazil and chile are the ones that we looked at . these are the rest of the 14 to 15 latin american countries that we trade with. the statistics show that except for the one or two countries that i told you about, the rest of the trade was not very favorable in the first year of 1400, 1400. for example, where do you have changes in this percentage, you see a series of countries minus 49, minus 73, minus 100. where was the percentage for? guatemala is not a very big country, but anyway, in our export basket, we have to check and see what happened when we exported to these countries in 1402, 1403 at all. this did not happen to the rest of the countries. how many other countries do we have this minus 100 in the export area of ​​those lower countries, el salvador, uruguay and venezuela , as i said minus 53, in general, what we exported was 4, and sorry, 136 million dollars, and it weighed 436,000 kilos. .
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let's take a look at the last picture. let's see what items we exported the most. one of the traders i was talking to said that in the past years alone, he exported $30 million worth of carpets to brazil per year. this is one of the reasons why exports do not reach, for example our export countries have decreased. you can see that if we are petrochemicals, for example , ores, which has a share of 126 million. we have nothing to say in the field of non-oil exports and other products, despite the fact that we have billions of dollars in imports from these countries, like brazil , the main commodities of which, of course, i don't know, are soybeans and cornmeal. and the rest of the things we are importing, we exported a series of copper coils , we exported tractors, components and parts of engines and air vehicles, which in total is the number that i told you, let's go, first of all , let's see a report of mine
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. latin america is a region with a distance of more than 12 thousand kilometers. from iran, which has significant business interests with our country. we started exporting to latin america several decades ago . we had the biggest project of exporting engineering fundi services to venezuela . according to the customs report, in the first four months of this year, iran's trade with latin america was 136 million dollars compared to the period. similar to last year , it has increased by 680. urea components and parts of air vehicle engines, agricultural tractors have been the most exported products of our country to this region. the countries of this region
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are one of the virgin lands for establishing extraterritorial cultivation due to their agricultural talent. we are a water scarce country. and we should make optimal use of this water. definitely a part of strategic cultivation. it must be done in iran, but we are importing an important part from argentina, brazil, and uruguay in time even in guyana , we used to import from latin america. well, if we grow it ourselves , we will have an added value. the climate there is considered to be a tropical region , so the plants we need or the products we need can be found there. we need especially corn. soybeans can be cultivated there, solving the problem of transporting goods, especially sea transportation, and also creating joint banks to facilitate monetary transactions are among the things that businessmen need. bank managers
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he is doing part of the transfers there. this should be developed. a ship that wants to go to venezuela, for example , sima. yes, we saw and heard the report of our colleagues . here in the studio, mr. gharibi , the former ambassador of iran to brazil, is also present, the head of the chamber. iran and brazil, which we will discuss with each other, while saying hello to god , i would like to mention to both the guests of the program that we
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invited its officials from the trade development organization to attend the program, but for whatever reason, they did not agree until now. not being present in today's economic desk program naturally, until the end of the program, which will be in about 45 minutes, this is an opportunity for them, if they want to respond to the explanations and points mentioned by the guests of the program, this is an opportunity for them to come on the program line and present their own explanations, mr. gharibi amar. we saw together the report of the introduction of the rome program and we heard what your interpretation is of these statistics that have come and in any case the growth that we are witnessing . some statistics should be seen from both sides that is, when we compare the statistics of the brazilian side, for example, with the statistics of the iranian customs , if we see the two sides together, maybe a more realistic picture will be obtained, but
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as you mentioned, our trade has been fluctuating. and in fact, depending on the interactions of the market, the volume of our exports will increase or decrease, for example, in situations where brazil may need more urea, or markets may be in turmoil, or prices may increase, such as what actually happened this year. 99 and 1400 happened, so our exports increased becomes significant and reaches over one billion dollars, but then due to these price fluctuations , it may decrease. my main reason is that we do not have a strategy to maintain the market, that is, in fact , we postpone this to what happens in the relations between the two countries. if the commercial side happens this month, when we mention the name, do you mean the government or the private sector? well , this is one of our problems, that is, we , the producers of petrochemicals, who
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are our main exporters, look at it as a sale, and our sale is in the form of a tender. any party that participates can buy it, but if we look at the production to have a trader means that our producer has a plan to import 10 million tons of brazilian urea fertilizer from this market. it is not possible to do and maintain this number in the form of traditional methods of sales and that you, for example , bid for your bar, will a businessman come. in a year
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, for example, india will be a priority for our businessmen , brazil may be a series. now, what is the problem? the problem is that after a while, when you are not present in a market, you lose that market. the market strategy of maintaining the market should be the most important goal of our producers and exporters in this field. we have some problems, and maybe one of the ways is to encourage our private sector and our private sector businessmen to enter this field , support them, apply supportive policies so that they can take the goods to distant markets. and protect the market and provide basic goods against the export and import of products which is part of our food intention.
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iran's joint brazil, how much do the numbers we saw together correspond to the capacity of the parties we are talking about, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful ? let me go back a little and talk about brazil for a few minutes. then let's go back to the statistics. brazil is one of the countries in south america or latin america that has the most trade with our country. we have been importing more from brazil for about 20 years now. and now most of the basic goods we are importing from this country, now in the form of news. the statistics we have, because they are not very official, are between 6 and 8 billion dollars. we only
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have the import of basic goods, the reason why it is not clear is because our ships do not enter our ports directly, and apart from some of our current ships that the other ships in other ports cross-staff the goods as well . and we can't really state this statistic accurately, but it is between 6 and 8 billion dollars . brazil has a trade balance of about 500 billion dollars from exports and imports, which is about 280 billion dollars. it has imports, and our country's share is about 100 million dollars or less in these few years, of course, and the same as now. this year, we saw that most of it was urea , that is, 126 million dollars of
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our export products were urea, while the chamber of commerce was established since it was established, that is, i think it has been four or five years since we established a chamber representative in the city of saham paalud. it is a good cooperation that when we had dr. gharib as our ambassador in brazil, fortunately for a few years. well, our export figures were much better, but our figures have decreased much more since the previous year. the highest export record how long did we wait? we had 1 billion and 300 million dollars to open urea, we had to check it informally with exports. it was because of the problems that were raised, well, our ambassador was working hard, we planned the programs in such a way that we had meetings with the authorities and solved the problems. since its establishment, iran chamber of brazil has tried to
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solve a series of problems that we have for exporters in brazil , that is, we thought that most of the problems are due to this, and one of the major problems that we have is that rights the import of goods in brazil is high above 100, while the import duty of the brazilian goods we import is 1-2%. we have always requested that brazil have a measure for entry rights because the trade balance between the two countries is extremely positive. and reduce iranian goods, the same thing he did with neighboring countries, but this has not happened until today, but if we are going to just say that brazil will come and solve our problem, then of course, no, we should import its own goods. to influence iran, which is certainly
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doing this and is trying to reduce these 8 billion even to 10. billions, we need the government in our own country. our men should try to help with this 126 million dollars considering that brazil exports 2080 billion dollars, at least i will not offer petrochemicals now , 1 billion dollars out of this 280 billion dollars and we can export iranian goods because it is our carpet. until a few years ago, before 2017 , we exported 30 to 40 million dollars of iranian carpets annually . brazil, after that, suddenly in 2017, the issue of outsourcing came up , almost in every program we talk about trade between countries and the causes of trade decline. let's make it a fixed base. it is about contracting. you see , the problem of contracting for some goods like petrochemicals may not be a problem, but for handwoven carpets, the total export
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of which was 500 million dollars at that time, there were not many. unfortunately , it has cost 20 million dollars several times with the minister. i think it was fatemeh amin , we held meetings and said, "let us import a car in exchange for the export of our carpets, or import another product, and it will reach at least 500 million dollars, because hand-woven carpets, unlike other products, are about 2 million people directly and indirectly." they have direct they make a living, unfortunately, it didn't happen, and the same agents of the trade development organization as the simple trustee, only because we were not rejected, because you pointed out what other things can you see besides carpets. handicrafts and a series of industrial machines that are now available, i saw
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the statistics, but like the tractor, when the statistics came down, it was very good, it would fit in brazil. it was known that even saffron and our traders had worked, but this contract that came , unfortunately, because the goods that come to brazil are sold immediately. it didn't work either as merchants, for example, our sales were sold for 24 months, but our government says that after 3 months, you should return the leak, so friends , stop their exports. thank you, mr. gharibi , mr. amerian. basically, there are these countries where
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the economies in this region are completely private, that is , in brazil, the government has absolutely no control over the economy, and it is the private sector and private sector organizations that work. an institution that produces a total of 40 billion dollars per year they have, for example, the automobile and automobile sectors association is a large association that has 27 automobile dealers. the main ones who are in the market coordinate with this association. the government's role is really minimal. well, now we also have a country that is the opposite of the three countries i mentioned. by the way, the government plays a very large role. at least if we look at latin america, we must be aware that where are we looking at the parts that are in the private sector? we should
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strengthen the parties that can work with the private sector in brazil, for example argentina or chile, and solve their problems in such places. why? you didn't do this. well, you see, in general , the structure of the private sector in our country is not very strong. in contrast to each of these associations that i told you about , and in brazil, for example, they have a very high position and play a role. we see very little of them in our society. for example, for these organizations to play a role, we always see that the government and related sectors of the government are emerging and have influence in these sectors. we need to strengthen our private sector and encourage organizations to enter your market. this is if you want to say something more precise and detailed because it refers you should talk about the weakness of the private sector and the fact that it should be strengthened . obviously, you should see what happens in the private sector. a very good thing happened in the private sector. its representative
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here says that i got into this problem because of contracting. you say that you should privatize the sector because you are not strong. since 1400 , we have had our chamber of commerce office in the city of sao paulo, so this is a move of our private sector to have an office. established in the most important commercial city of brazil and even south america, it was a big step, now the businessmen should interact with each other around this chamber of commerce and move forward in the form of organizations. for example, let's look now and see how many importers we have of basic goods, from meat to other products, for example, soybeans and corn. there has never been a time when these are gathered together in an organization. for example, the association of corn importers and the association of soybean importers , these are an actor
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, sit in front of the other side's private sector organizations and make long-term plans in a market such as the brazilian and latin american markets. or buy it and it will run out. this may be provided by that merchant in the short term. but for the long-term business of our country it doesn't work. we need a business that is regular and continuous, and that the role of our market in that country is clear, as well as the role of the market of foreign parties in our country. first of all , we were in regular contact with the private sector almost daily . if i want to name the associations, or different manufacturers of large holdings, together with mr. amarian, who is actually the head of the chamber of commerce
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, they helped a lot so that we could implement these programs. let's face it, in sao paulo itself, one of the great things that was done and is still going on is that iranian companies have opened their doors to the big trade fairs in brazil. the fairs are local. where businessmen from different countries see each other , talk to each other and introduce their products, we are in the field of building stones, in the field of healthcare and medicine, our companies are participating in these exhibitions in the form of pavilions, and they are introducing themselves in the form of the private sector. to identify their capacities in the form of steel, in the same way in the form of mining, a large mining delegation came there with the help of the chamber of commerce. in the mining exhibition. nazir participates and still these communications and contacts must continue and we reach a stable and continuous relationship with the aim of maintaining our market and
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expanding your market . pointing out the rest of the problems , you can see money transfer and these things, you can see them first , see this, the contract is a part of the government's policy making, and the government, in fact, the mechanism that put it in place, can take it away, but transportation and these things are not like this. we when with the transport companies as we speak, they also expect that there will be a certain amount of predictable business so that they can establish permanent continuous transportation lines , but i want to say that distance is not a problem, the distance between china and brazil is very large. it is more than the distance between iran and brazil. china and brazil had 3 billion dollars of trade interaction in 2000 , now it has reached 170 billion dollars, that is, after 23 years
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, it has reached 170 billion dollars. this shows that the same thing is not an obstacle, not a challenge. now i have other examples to compare how much business can be beneficial in this area of ​​business. mr. amrian mentioned contracting first . mr. gharibi , i attribute most of the activities of the private sector to the fact that he has not been present there in a coherent, stable and planned way . i see the most important challenge ahead of outsourcing and other points that indicate how much we accept this and except what other challenges of contracting caused us to not be able to reach the same capacities that both of you mentioned at the beginning of the program that we can do business with this country ? we do not have these problems in our country it means that we, our merchants, our producers , like other countries, do not have problems with carrying cash,
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nor problems with contracts. they should have an order, no , they should have a banking problem, then they should sit down and say yes, we want to do such and such a thing now. exactly what mr. dr. gharibi said, then the organization should enter in a strong way, but our main problem right now is that we don't have a producer that easily. you can get up, pay 300,400 million tomans for the plane fare , pay for the hotel, then get up there in the exhibition , even if we assume that he wants the product. even if he wins, he won't be successful because of these other countries let's take a look at the countries. let's take turkey as an example, which now has more than 2 billion dollars in exports. when there is a large public exhibition in the country of brizi , a part of the exhibition space will be spent in cash. the government provides the goods to its merchants, even the travel expenses
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, hotel expenses, and the transportation expenses of the goods are paid to them, that is, the turkish merchants said at the exhibition that since we are in turkey , we have been selling the goods, we will not see them again until we arrive here in karfa. after four days, five days of traders when they bring the goods themselves , they stay on the last day of the exhibition. no matter what they do, they have to sell the goods cheaply, then they return to turkey, china, or other countries. they don't sell at all . it doesn't allow the sale of that product at all, which has good reasons , it doesn't allow a market to be damaged, but not in our country, unfortunately, it means that first the coherence and coordination was created in the heart of the government, then it reached the private sector, exactly, but not in our country, it's not like that. unfortunately, now 10 years ago, i remember that the trade development organization sometimes did the work he used to pay, but now we see less
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. until the government itself comes and provides these facilities and infrastructure , today, in my opinion , they should announce to every producer that we have an exhibition in a certain country, we have got a booth for you, bring your goods , accept it easily. they do, but if they are supposed to go every day, just sit in front of the director general, for example , the trade development organization, the real problem of our country now is that other countries, when a president thanked mr. dr. every now and then, a problem occurs. i see the head of an organization
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talking to the relevant minister exactly half an hour later and solving the problem. producers, we will go up these stairs for a month or two. if the ministry of home affairs will of course let you, the ministry of home affairs wo n't let you. after a month, your problem won't be solved. we will talk for a minute and the problem will be solved, but we don't know why it was supposed to be solved a month ago. the minister of the ministry of our houses , no one can enter them from the front, a bank takes an expert, he only answers, he is taking action, well, these are the problems of all producers, these problems are now aside from the problems of sanctions that we have.
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the self-sanctions that exist in the country, all this causes the fact that more producers are actually sanctioned, or these events. in my opinion, iran can be sanctioned now, because our producers, our traders , mashallah, are smart . the country imposes so much sanctions on itself, it cannot be solved now, i hope when the 14th government comes in , they should really think about bringing exports out of this situation . our government now has many samples of carpets . it is like this. he says, sir, either give it to us or subcontract it , or bring it for export at all. now it has reached 20 million dollars. 2 million people are now unemployed in our villages, mr. gharibi , as you want to find a solution, because you mentioned that now the private sector must be strengthened , the organizations must act stronger and more coherently, if you want to provide solutions yourself, as
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someone who he has been working in this do you think that first of all, the resident of the 14th government, who has now come to work, specifically to solve these challenges, from the points you mentioned to the points that mr. ameri. in the field of transportation infrastructure contracting , which one should be prioritized and what should be prioritized? well, some of it is really related to the governance and policy - making sector. so much that sometimes i myself look at the set of restrictions that exist for


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