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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, my dear compatriots , greetings and welcome to this news section. in the fifth meeting of the economic council, the approaches and policies of the country's budget for the year 1404 were examined and the action plan to increase crude oil production was approved. in this meeting, the first vice president said: "choosing the private sector in the country's economic administration is a duty and obligation, and the opinions of private sector activists should be used in the economic decision-making meetings of the government." in this meeting , the request of the ministry of oil regarding the plan
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to increase crude oil production by 250,000 barrels per day in 34 oil fields of the country was approved. to according to the secretary of the registration and dispatch committee of the arbaeen headquarters , the average age of arbaeen pilgrims this year is 38 years old. among them, there are many people who have stepped on this path in memory of the martyrs. crazy and simple , i am coming back from the border of mehran with a road. the path of this walk is an epistemological exercise to know ourselves. this is the path of knowledge. how many years have you been walking this path with your heart? i can't speak
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. i've become airy at all , hab al-hussein's love, they are all together when we are under the same flag, we are all brothers and sisters, the flag what is the flag of imam hasina, the flag that we do not die under the burden of oppression, the novelty of the path is enjoyable for those who step on the path of knowledge for the first time. mr. mohammad hossein, how old are you, my son? are you healthy and happy? are you happy now? yes who did you come with? my dad and mom how many times have you? the first time here you can see one of the temporary crossings in the picture, which apparently they are following exactly. with the passport in hand, they are going towards karbala. hello sir did you come with your children? for arbaeen ceremony. it is not difficult for you with this child, not love
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it makes everything easy for imam hussein . what does this walk mean? it is a movement for the emergence of the imam of the time. god willing, on whose behalf are you going to karbala? my prayer is that, god willing, gaza will be freed soon and the people of gaza will be saved from israel , my martyred sister forever. salman ma's book has reached its third edition at the same time as salwar farsi commemoration day. mr. reza asadi kashani , the author of the work, announced that the second volume of this book
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will be published soon. the book salman ma kari is published by surah mehr. these days on the bookshelf there is a book called salman ma, a book about persian salman, whose name is enough to take us to the forefront of islam and introduce us to iranians who had not yet converted to islam. he traveled to different lands and it was during these trips that he met the prophet and accepted islam. he belonged to a class that had a clear material future, but because of this. the rightist movement
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put itself in the path of events to discover the truth. the character that the salman farsi series portrays. it is also under construction. our salman book is now the product of this view. a book whose name is first of all it refers to his position. he was forbidden to the prophet, that is, he became a member of the prophet's family. a narrative in three chapters about a character who chooses islam after much searching. in order to reach the truth of religion, it has gone beyond everything. he was displaced in syria, iraq, hijaz, and... he went from one religion to another and finally became a muslim, yes, by someone who we don't think is the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace. the last lines of salman ma's book may be the muslim story of all of us. as we read, my birthday was not the day i was born from my mother's lap. there was a time when
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i entered the lap of islam. so i am a child of islam read miterra labafi of radio and television news agency. specialists of a knowledge-based company managed to develop an anti-war video game by using new technologies such as artificial intelligence. this game has won awards in international festivals . recreating a shocking war scene in the form of a technological video game. we put the main idea of ​​the game on. innocent people who get involved in war, and the story is about a father and daughter who are now involved in a war in their country, and now all the concern of this father is to be able to get his daughter to a safe place, when he is out of knowledge.
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we are talking about foundations. this is not limited to a high-tech product. a computer game can also be a confirmation of knowledge if it is creative and unique. so far, 71 computer games have received knowledge-based approval from the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy. the game is examined from various aspects, the technical part of the game is actually the technology and technologies used in the game, the design part. it is a game, which means game design, which is open from the aspects of design and in fact the implementation of game rules and sections. it is the art of the game, which is also from your artistic side different parts, including the visual part and the musical part of the game, are actually checked and finally a point is considered, and if the required point is obtained, the game is selected as a knowledge-based product. in order to implement the rules
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of the mechanics of this game, new technologies , including artificial intelligence, are used, which gives the user a more tangible experience of fighting enemies. an independent game is considered in the category. they are made more and with a limited budget. the efforts of the creators of this game in showing the effects of war on innocent people have been praised by foreign festivals. in total, he won or was nominated for an award in seven international festivals at the busan indie connect festival in south korea. it received two awards , one for the best narrative and the best game in terms of social impact. this game is in the final stages of preparation and will soon be released through game publishing platforms. morteza azani of sed
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and cima news agency. scientists made a glove to help weak hands. specialists of a swedish technology company developed this soft robotic glove for. rehabilitation and prevention of pressure in repetitive work. sensors in each glove send signals to the system it returns control to activate its motors. a small power box is also placed on the user's waist to apply custom settings via a mobile phone. the company is also working on an at-home empowerment glove for people who need help regaining their independence . thank you for your cooperation.
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greetings, politeness and respect for everyone. as i mentioned in the beginning of the news, the export statistics for the first four months of this year , i.e. until the end of july, compared to the same period, i.e. from 143 to 1401, in the first four months, our exports to latin american countries have grown by almost 700%. of course, if we look at this number as a percentage , it is a very large number, but if we look at the numbers , we can see that it was in the first four months of 1402. our export statistics are very small, the growth that we are witnessing now, which has reached almost 4356
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million dollars, our exports to these countries are increasing , and the ratio of attribution shows itself. the market of these countries is a prosperous and commercial market, obviously only for brazil before the program, i was following up and checking that brazil's trade is about 450 to 500 billion dollars, our share is our share. we want to talk a little bit about what basically happened that we were able to achieve this growth, more important to see in the deeper layers, why our export numbers to these countries are so low, and more specifically, for example , because of brazil, which i presented to you. we are mostly on the import side, what are the obstacles, what are the challenges, and what are the opportunities in front of our country, if we use it, we can use these markets that i have presented to you more clearly. today we are talking about exports with these countries that i mentioned to you, how are we looking at the definite export statistics to the first country in latin america, in the first 4 months of 1403 compared to the same period in 1402, you can see
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that the first our trading partner, the largest country we could export to is brazil, where we were able to export 127 million dollars in the first 4 months of 1403. we were able to export dollars in the first 4 months of the year. that's it it has caused us to experience a growth of 12,000%, of course, in this statistics, our growth, which is totaled to these 5 countries, is 70 , 37. export growth has been negative for a number of countries , for example, the second country is venezuela, which has decreased by 53%. our export statistics, in spite of all the talks and emphasis we have been hearing for the past few years , about trade with this country in terms of political alignment , etc. million dollars and has decreased , but still in the countries that are in the first five countries to which we exported to cuba, the situation
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is the opposite, for example, in the first four months of the year, you can see that we had no exports at all to cuba, but in the four months of 1403, this number reached 686 thousand dollars. note one thing that we will talk more about in the program is that these are the official customs statistics. we also have some unofficial exports of other materials. well, they were the first 5 countries , argentina, brazil, and chile we looked at the rest of the 14 to 15 latin american countries that we do business with . the statistics show that except for the one or two countries that i told you about, the rest of the trade in the first year of 1403 was not very favorable. like, where are you in this percentage ? there are changes here, you can see a series of countries negative 49, negative 73, negative 100, where was it for? guatemala is not a very big country, but anyway, in our export basket, we should go and check to see what happened when we exported to these countries in 1402. 1403
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this has not happened at all in the rest of the countries this is negative 100. we have it in the export area of ​​the lower countries of el salvador, uruguay and venezuela, which i said is minus 53. in general, what we exported was 4d and excuse me, it was 136 million dollars , it weighed 436 thousand kilos , it was 1402 17 million dollars, and we saw a 700% growth . my last picture let's see together, let's see what items we exported more. one of the traders i was talking to said that in the past years alone, he used to export $30 million worth of carpets to brazil a year now. if you add up the whole country , the export may not reach 20 million dollars. this one of the reasons why, for example, our exports to these countries have decreased. you can see that if we petrochemicals means, for example, it is too early to get a share of 126 million dollars from this export , we have nothing to say in the field of non-oil exports and other products, despite the fact that we
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import billions of dollars from these countries. like brazil, of course, i don't know about basic commodities, soy and flour. in your presence , we have imported meat and other things , we have exported a series of copper coils, we have exported tractors, and components and parts of engines and air vehicles that in summary, let's go , first of all, let's see a report together. my colleague in the foreign trade group of sed and sima news agency has prepared for you . we will come back and start the conversation with the guests of the program. latin america is a region with a distance of more than 12 thousand kilometers from iran , which has significant commercial interests with the country. it has been commanded since a few decades ago, we started exporting to latin america , we had the largest project of exporting engineering services to venezuela, until this date , according to the customs report in the first four months, it has not been done yet. this year, iran's trade with latin america
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was 136 million dollars, which was an increase of 680 million dollars compared to the same period last year. urea, the components and parts of air vehicle engines, agricultural tractors, have been the most exported products of my country to this region. the countries of this region are one of the virgin lands for establishing extraterritorial cultivation due to their agricultural talent. we are a water-scarce country and we must make optimal use of this water. definitely, a part of strategic cultivation must be done in iran. but the important part. we are now importing from argentina. brazil, uruguay, at times even in guyana we imported from latin america. well, if we cultivate this ourselves, we will have an added value. the climatic conditions there, because it is considered to be a tropical region, the plants we need, or
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the products we need, especially corn, soybeans , can be grown there. fix the problem. establishing joint banks to satisfy monetary needs is one of the things that businessmen are interested in. we need a bank. fortunately , we have a bank. he is doing part of the transfers there. this should be developed. a ship that wants to go to venezuela, for example , will travel for 35 days, 40 days, 45 days. well, finally, the cost. there is a lot of talk about the operator or a line like this, it must reach a certain level of economic efficiency for this line to be able to survive. during the visit of the head of the 13th government in june of last year to three latin american countries, venezuela, nicaragua and cuba, more than 35 cooperation documents were signed for the development of economic relations and the commercial has been signed. zahra tizcheng
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of sed and sima news agency. yes, we saw the report of my colleague. the former ambassador of iran is present in brazil also, mr. amarian, the head of the joint chamber of iran and brazil, with whom we will talk , i would like to ask permission from the trade development organization, whose officials are guests of the program , to mention this point. if they don't agree to be present in today's economy desk program , they will naturally have the opportunity until the end of the program, which will be about 45 minutes, and if they want to answer the explanations and points mentioned by the program, they will have the opportunity to come on the line. their own program and explanations mr. gharibi's presentation, we saw the statistics together , we saw the introduction report of the rome program together and we heard what your interpretation is of these statistics that have come and in any case the growth that we are witnessing, well, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. your excellency, you mentioned that now
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some statistics should be seen from both sides, i.e. the brazilian statistics, for example, when we compare them with the iranian customs statistics , if we see both sides together, maybe a more realistic picture will be obtained. to hand come on, but as you mentioned, our business is suffering it is fluctuating and in fact depending on the interactions of the market, our export volume increases or decreases . in fact, the year 2009 and the year 1400 happened, so our exports will increase significantly and reach over one billion dollars , but then due to these price fluctuations, it may decrease. the main reason is that we
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do not have a strategy to maintain the market. in fact , we postpone this to what happens in relationships do you mean the government or the private sector? well , this is one of our problems, that is, we , our petrochemical producers, who are our main exporters, look at sales, and our sales are announced as tenders. i believe that any party that participates in the tender can buy it, but if we look at the producers and traders, it means that our producers plan to import 10 million tons of brazilian urea fertilizer from this market, and we can fill it up to 3 billion. let's fill up 3 million tenshu and see if we have the view of preserving the market we can actually
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maintain this number through a series of commercial operations, and maintaining this number cannot be done in the form of traditional methods of sales and that you, for example, bid on your bar whether a businessman wants to buy it for the brazilian market or not. this way, it fluctuates, which means that one year, for example, india will become a priority for our businessmen. one year, maybe brazil. now what is the problem? the problem is that after a while, when you are not present in a market , you will lose that market. maintaining the market should be the most important goal, in fact, the manufacturer and exporter it is our hope that we have some problems in this field, and maybe one of the ways is to encourage our private sector and private sector businessmen to enter this field
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, support them, and apply supportive policies. to be able to take the cargo to distant markets and maintain the market, and to provide the basic goods, which is part of our food security, against the export and import of products. thank you, mr. amel. as a private sector activist and head of the iran-brazil joint chamber, please tell me how much the numbers that we saw together correspond to the capacity of the parties we are talking about , in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful. i also say hello to my dear viewers and thank you, my friends . i would like to go back a little and talk about brazil for a few minutes, because mr. gharib explained. then let's go back to statistics. you see, brazil is one of the countries of south america or latin america that
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has the most trade relations with our country. we have been importing more with brazil for about 20 years now, and now that we have the most basic goods , we import from this country, now in the form of statistical news that we have between 6 and 8 billion dollars , because it is not official the other ships in other ports also carry the goods in a cross-staff manner, and we really cannot do this. let us be precise, but it is between 6 and 8 billion dollars, brazil's trade balance is about 500 billion dollars from exports, imports, which
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has about 280 billion dollars of imports, and our country's share is about 100 million dollars or less in this number. year, of course, and the way we saw the four months of this year, most of it was urea, that is, 126 million dollars of our export products were urea , while the chamber of commerce has been established for four or five years now. that we established a representative office in shahralo , the good cooperation we had when mr. dr. gharib was our ambassador in brazil, fortunately , in those few years , our export statistics were much better. how much urea did we have? one billion and 300 million dollars we were going to reach informally with exports.
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it was because of the problems that were raised, well , our ambassador worked hard , we planned the programs in such a way that we had meetings with the authorities and solved the problems. since its establishment, the iran-brazil chamber tried to solve a series of problems that we we have exporters in brazil to solve this, that is, we thought that most of the problem is because of this, and one of the major problems we have is that the import duties of goods in brazil are over 100 , while the import duties of brazilian goods that we enter it is 1 to 2 percent . we have always requested that because the trade balance between the two countries is extremely positive, brazil should take measures to reduce the import duties of some iranian goods
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, which is what it did with its neighboring countries , but until today, this is not the case. it didn't happen, but if we are going to just say that brazil will come and solve our problem, well, of course not, brazil should just stop importing its own goods to iran , which it is certainly doing and is trying to get this 8 billion even. our statesmen should try to reach 10 billion in our own country please help me with this 126 million dollars considering that brazil has 280 billion dollars in exports , at least i am not going to sell petrochemical now. 1 billion dollars out of this 280 billion dollars, we can export iranian goods because it is our handwoven carpet until a few years ago. before 1997 , we exported 30-40 million dollars of iranian carpets annually to brazil. after that, suddenly in
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1990, the issue of outsourcing came up. let's see that there is a fixed basis in the matter of contracting the contracting problem may not be a problem for some goods, such as petrochemicals, but for handwoven carpets, the total export of which was 500 million dollars at that time, it was not a large amount, unfortunately, it costs 20 million dollars to make it now. we held meetings several times with the minister, i think it was fatemeh amin, and we said let us import a car in exchange for the export of our carpets or import another product and it should reach at least 500 million dollars, because handwoven carpets, unlike other products, cost about 2 million dollars. people are making a living directly and indirectly, unfortunately, it did not work and these factors
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the trade development organization was appointed as the trustee only because we were not rejected because you mentioned what else you could do besides carpets. before carpets, that is, before 2017, we exported a lot of raisins, we exported a lot of pistachios , and hand-woven handicraft carpets and a series of industrial machines that it is now, i saw the statistics, but like the ina tractor, when the statistics came down, the raisins were very good . but this contract that came, unfortunately, because the goods coming to brazil were not sold immediately or by merchants, for example, our sales deadline is 24 months. they are selling, but our government says that after 3 months, you should return your offer. well, other friends , stop their exports. thank you, mr. gharibi , mr. amerian.


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