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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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it didn't happen, and the agents of the trade development organization were issued as trustees only because we were not rejected, because you mentioned what other things we had before carpets, that is, before 1997 , we exported a lot of raisins, we exported a lot of mail, and hand-woven carpets , handicrafts, and a series of other things. i have seen the statistics of the industrial machines that are available now, but like this tractor, the statistics have come down. he used to go to brazil, it was known that even saffron and our traders had worked, but this contractor who came, unfortunately, because the goods coming to brazil were not sold immediately or by traders, for example, faj. our sales are sold for 24 months in installments, but our government says that after three months, you should return your offer. well, other friends, stop their exports. these countries that we
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are talking about, except for the ones mentioned by mr. amarian, what are the other things that we can export from here? mr. amrian peymansapari, you refer to this as something else you can add, you see , we have a problem, it is a structural problem, except for these three countries that you mentioned in your report, cuba , venezuela, and nicaragua. the rest of the economies in this region are completely private, that is, in brazil, the government has absolutely no control over the economy, and it is the private sector and private sector organizations that work. they have 40 billion dollars in annual production, or for example, the automobile association and automobile sectors is a large association that
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has 7 major automobile manufacturers in the market. the association coordinates, the government's role is really minimal. well, now we also have a country that is the opposite of the three countries i mentioned. by the way, the government 's role is very limited. if we look at latin america , we must be careful where we are looking at the areas where the private sector is. we need parties who can work with the private sector in brazil, for example, argentina or chile. let 's strengthen them, let's stop them, solve their problems , why didn't you do this in places like this ? look, in general, the structure of the private sector in our country is not a very strong structure. i am against any of these associations that i told you about, and in brazil , for example, they have a very high position for themselves and play a role. we rarely see these organizations play a role in our society. we always see the government. there are related sectors of the government that
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are gaining influence in these sectors . we need to strengthen our private sector and encourage organizations to enter this market. the private sector and the fact that it should be strengthened, obviously you should see what happens in the private sector, a very good thing from the private sector his representative here says that i got into this problem because of contracting. you say that because our private sector is not strong , he has established an office in the most important commercial city of brazil and even south america. it was a big step. interact with each other and move forward in the form of organizations. for example
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, let's look now and see how many importers of basic goods we have, from meat to other products, for example, soybeans, corn. there has never been a time when these have come together in an organization, for example, the association of corn importers, the association of soybean importers, these bayan, as an actor , should sit in front of the other side's private sector organizations and make long-term plans in the market such as brazil and latin america. one-time activities such as you sell or buy one item at a time may be finished in a short period of time, for example. he will provide for our businessmen for a long time, but it will not work for the long-term business of our country. we need a business that is regular and continuous, and the role of our market in that country is clear, as well as the role of the market of foreign parties in our country. the same point
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you mention when you are in line what did you do? first of all , we were in regular contact with the private sector almost daily. there was not a day when we had a video conference with one of the great things that was done and is still going on, which is that iranian companies opened their doors to the big trade fairs in brazil. exhibitions. there are places where businessmen from different countries see each other, talk to each other , introduce their products. in the field of construction stones, in the field of healthcare and medicine, our companies participate in these exhibitions in the form of a pavilion, in the form of the private sector,
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to introduce themselves, to know their capacities. in the format steel in the same way, in the form of a mine, a large mining delegation came to the exhibition with the help of the chamber of commerce. brazil mine participates and these communications and contacts are still ongoing. these should continue and we will reach a stable and continuous relationship with the aim of maintaining our market and expanding this market. you see, you see this first , see this, the contract is the government's policy-making department , which the government is actually a mechanism that does this. he can take it away, but transportation and this is not like this. when we talk to transportation companies, they also expect that there will be a certain amount of predictable business so that they can set up permanent transportation lines
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, but i i want to say that the distance between china and brazil is not a challenge. it is much more than the distance between iran and brazil. china and brazil had 3 billion dollars of trade interaction in 2000, now it has reached 170 billion dollars, that is, after 23 years, it has reached 170 billion dollars. this shows that the mere fact is not an obstacle, it is not a challenge. now i have examples i also want to compare how much business can be beneficial in this area of ​​business. mr. amrian, you are the contractor. mr. gharibi , i mention most of the activities of the private sector, as it has not been present in a coherent and sustainable manner with a plan. apart from contracting, what other challenges caused
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us to not be able to reach the same capacities that both of you mentioned at the beginning of the program that we can do business with this country? mr. dr. gharibi is talking about the time when we do not have these problems in the country, that is, we, our merchants, our producers, like other countries , will not have cash handling problems, nor will they have contracting problems, nor will they have banking problems. let's do something . dr. gharibi's speech is correct. then he should come in with a strong organization, but now our main problem is that it is a production. our supplier can't get up so easily, pay 300,400 million tomans for his plane fare, pay for his hotel, and then get up there in the exhibition, let's assume if he wants to transport his goods, he is not successful because of the others. look at what other countries are doing. let me
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take turkey as an example, which now has more than 2 billion dollars in exports. turkey will have a big public exhibition when there is a big public exhibition. he comes and spends a part of the exhibition space and gives it to his merchants in the form of lots, then the government does this , even the travel expenses, the hotel expenses, the transportation costs of their goods are paid to them, that is, the turkish merchants say at the exhibition that we have never since we are in turkey, we deliver the goods, but not anymore we will see that it is arranged for us here in qarfa , after 4 days or 5 days, when our merchants bring the goods themselves. they stay on the last day of the exhibition , what do they do? they have to sell cheaply and then come back to turkey or china or other countries . they don't sell at all. the government brings it and cuts it again . it doesn't allow the sale of that product at all, which has good reasons. but
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unfortunately not in our country, you say that first the coherence and coordination was established in the heart of the government, then it reached the private sector, exactly, but not in our country . no, unfortunately, it was 10-20 years ago i remember that the trade development organization used to do the work sometimes, but now we rarely see the costs being announced on paper, maybe now. they say yes, we pay the cost of transportation , we pay the cost of so-and-so, but no, right now, business delegations from experts say that the private sector should be the leader , that the government itself should come and do these activities for it, that is, the capacity should be in the private sector, rather than the government itself. let them come and provide these facilities and infrastructure. today, in my opinion , they should announce to every producer that we have an exhibition in a certain country, and we got a booth for you. bring your goods easily. they accept it, but if they are going to go every day, just sit
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in front of the director general, for example, the trade development organization , the problem of our country right now is that other countries , when a president said that dr. gharibi is right, the organizations are the strongest and when a problem occurs. i see that the head of an organization talks to the relevant minister exactly half an hour later and solves the problem in our country. in order to solve a problem, we , businessmen, producers , go up these stairs for a month or two. if the ministry of home affairs, of course, also, the ministry of home affairs won't open it after a month your problem will not be solved, you should go find an acquaintance , go see the minister, as soon as you see him now , we will talk for 5 minutes to 10 minutes, the problem will be solved , but we don't know why it was supposed to be solved just a month ago, it won't be solved, you must have 10-20 people make an entrance so that you can reach the minister of our houses , no one can enter from the front. yes , we have a central bank. whoever has a real problem can't land at all. tell him, sir
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, i have a problem. there is a letter for 6 months, and now he wants to inform the bank . he hasn't announced it in 6 months. there is only one phone call. he is an expert. takes off it is only responding. action is being taken. well, these are the problems of all producers. these problems are now past the problems of the sanctions that we have . are they the sanctions themselves? instead of this self-sanction that is in the country , all this causes that there are actually more mash producers, or these events, in my opinion , there is something to be done about iran's sanctions, because our producers, our traders, mashallah, are smart . they are doing it, but there is so much sanctions in their country, this cannot be solved, now i hope that the 14th government will really think about exporting from this bring the situation out of the government. contractualization or total
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export, now the media is entering the country with 20 million dollars, no more, 2 million people are unemployed in our villages, mr. gharibi, you seem to want to find a solution because you mentioned that now the private sector must be strengthened, the organizations must be stronger and more coherent. take action, if you want , first give solutions to the 14th government , which is now in place, specifically to solve these challenges, from the points you mentioned to the points that mr. amarian mentioned in the field of transportation infrastructure contracting. which one should be prioritized and what is more important? well, some of it is really related to governance and policy-making. in my opinion , we should facilitate our business
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. i am surprised at the set of restrictions that exist for our traders. well , you see, circulars are constantly being produced , the numbers are constantly increasing and decreasing, that is, for example, a figure, if they set a tariff for now, this figure is very, very low, which is 6. the moon remains stable , it usually changes regularly and this change is positive a few years ago, we were supposed to have a free trade agreement with cuba and venezuela . none of the talks came to fruition. do you think that it is possible for this to happen on its own, or similar things that could have happened in brazil? this is one of the points i want to point out. in foreign relations , when we talk about trade, it is very important to look at the size of the countries. for example, even if we have preferential tariff trade with cuba, i don't
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know how useful it will be, that is, this capacity. we have to consider the trade of the countries or for example good luck or this year, now with venezuela, fortunately , good things have happened in recent years because both countries were under sanctions and were able to cooperate and cover each other in areas . this seems to be the statistics of four months of this year. a very good statistic in the 14th government in general is that the private sector is strengthened and the government is not a competitor of the private sector. this strengthening that you are referring to is a general concept, but it is more clear what exactly should happen, for example, what should the government do? make sure that the private sector is strengthened look, let me give a very practical example, let's assume that one of our petrochemical companies can
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have a business of one billion dollars a year. well, this petrochemical company of ours now prefers to put everything it produces to tender, and whoever comes will buy it and be able to export it for itself. for example, if we come to these businesses that have medium capacity, that means they do n't have the ability to provide, for example, 100 million dollars to petrochemicals for a period of 3 months and be able to take the load. take them to the destination market and then get their money from them. to take this period of time, for example, one month or two months , may not be very effective for our petrochemicals , but it can help a lot to strengthen our businessmen and be able to reach the target market in terms of quality and play a role in the target market. this is very important that you you take your gender to the ports of
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the target market, they leave a place there, or you enter the market yourself. you enter the market and sell your products to the final consumer . the difference is very big and really significant for our businessmen. in this way, we can strengthen our businessmen in a one-year period in different sectors. and these businessmen can play a role themselves and can continue the same role later , our producer is sure to produce as much as possible. our merchant is ready to buy, and our merchant can have the capacity to play a role in the target markets , just take the role of broker and middleman from this petrochemical and deliver it to the port of destination and the hand of a brazilian merchant , for example, instead of entering by himself. go to the market and start working with the final consumer in the market. thank you
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, mr. amerian. debt in the field of strengthening foreign trade. what should be done? now, because of the embargo problems, when the ship does not arrive, our traders, because of this problem, everyone who does what the traders or producers do, is forced to load the container through jab al-ali or other ports of the staff class. well, it costs a lot , if the government comes to do this in one piece, in my opinion , it is true that there will be no more ships, but the minimum is that it can assume that the countries of iraq for a 40-foot container for one route, for example, to brazil, which is 30 days to 35 days. 200 2500 dollars in production our suppliers are now paying 8 thousand dollars or more in the staff class, their gender is lost, the temperature is high and low, the quality is low
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. in my opinion, the government should supervise all these works in the ports, so that the ships that charter between them , because we have the shipping company of the islamic republic , they do it now, but not to all the ports of other countries. if the forwarding company supports the government now i will tell you how it will end the containers that are going to be delivered will be coordinated with that company and he will do the same. in business development, the trade development organization always announces that we pay half of the transportation costs as a support aid to exporters . the material cost we have is $4,000 and $3,000. he paid it directly to that company. do it now, will it be paid now, if it is not paid now, how much will it not be paid, the last time
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you see what i have , i am asking, i have not received it for a year or two now, but not that we are not saying now, they are just promising. for example, we will pay now if they announce it, they will say no, we will pay, but in the last program , when i was here on the special day, i said that most of the funds have not been received, now the funds that exist for the exhibition are scarce, what they give for the exhibitions, mr. konadzadeh, if i am wrong i don't want to mention in this program that the budget is not enough and it can't be done for all countries. since 2019, my company has been demanding more than 1 million dollars for the export license. the most important thing is that we have producers , so they spend all their money on production now if you want to say brazil, start
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, well, first, then there is the distance, they don't know the orange language, maybe they don't speak it, it's a little difficult for them, the government or the trade development organization, in my opinion, should come every year in the exhibition that is open to the public. it is necessary and he should do it himself , so that he does not have to worry about the producer , surely we will have very good contracts, and i myself, my company, remember me in 1979 through one of the companies that held an exhibition organized by the trade development organization in 1979 in brazil. shahralo organized it, and i participated there for the first time my work in these 25 years means that it became a springboard for me, maybe if it wasn't for that exhibition, i would never have gone and i would have done my work in a different way
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. i remember this mr. qanazo , the organization through trade, their representatives were here, they made promises. in my report , to have regular shipping lines, after those regular airlines , to have regular and on-time flights , see how much this has been achieved in the case of south america, which has not been achieved at all, only venezuela. we even once requested that if you have a ship that is going to venezuela, it should come to brazil from the same port i think we have more than 400 or 500 takan every week . it is coming from brazil to iran. if there are ships that are for bulk now, they can work if they want. it is not very difficult to equip them with 500 takan. let them start transporting some routes where we have a lot of containers. how many years, but not doing something, i want your permission. if there is time, in our case , we have about 6 minutes
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. we should have your summation. first of all, it was planned to see that brazil is one of the countries that has very good agricultural lands . i think it was mr. gharibi himself . we held meetings with the minister of agriculture of the northern states there. our businessmen should buy about 15-20 %, our businessmen should have about 15 to 20% , let the rest be at their disposal with a lot of profit, with the help of brazil. the reason for this is that we don't have very good laws in the country, the most important problem we have now it is sent that the central bank has not made any agreement until today. thank you very much, mr. gharibi . let's have your summary. i remember that last year it was mentioned in my report. we
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had 356 cooperation documents with only venezuela. okay, between strengthening the trade between us and countries like venezuela and the rest of the countries whose statistics we have seen together here, i will definitely answer your excellency's question, but before that , let me tell you a little bit about transportation , and the islamic republic of iran owes a lot to businessmen. we give subsidies, which means we can't meet all conditions let's assume that we are special, but when we want , for example, to calculate the transportation of goods with an iranian merchant , we should work completely with conventional international prices . to some extent, our logistics companies and our transportation companies should have a protectionist view and as far as possible. they can help our businessmen to gain influence in the target market. this
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is the first part and the second part is the truth. i have a very negative view of these documents that are signed between the governments, that is, it is constantly announced that we have signed such and such a document with a certain country. but it is never said how many agree in the implementation of these documents. a some government departments, of course , i would like to point out that some government departments think that the number of documents that are signed is, for example, a success , but in my opinion, the results of those documents should be evaluated, which is a very important point, and the next point that again, i would like to point out that some documents are basic documents, for example, agreement. the preferential trade letter with brazil, if it works, this can really change the relations between the two sides , but if a memorandum of understanding
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is signed between the two parts. it can't make a lot of change , we have to go to the documents that make a change and they can fundamentally change the figures . thank you very much, mr. gharibi, mr. amerian . you have two minutes to summarize, except for your points about these preferential trade agreements, which, according to mr. gharibi, can create a transformation . what do you think, please see here. i hope that these agreements are not just for taking pictures for our government and that they only announce the statistics, that's really what it is. nothing will happen from that, in fact nothing you say means nothing now, not in my area, i haven't seen an agreement. it was done in brazil and we didn't see it. of course, you announced somewhere about our cuba, because maybe our export and import with cuba is not much. no matter how much we write an agreement
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, nothing will happen. for years, we have been trying to export our fruits, such as apples, pomegranates, kiwis, to brazil. now, i think we have been doing it for two years. you can see what has not been done in these two years you will get an answer, that is, we say that we have announced and we will announce, but not something that is obvious. brazil has not really been announced until now, if it had been, our first export would have started. look at the issue i said in 1997, it wasn't just the government. since 1997, we had this problem with the 12th government , the 13th government and we hope the 14th government. i mean what i said, yes, it's not just the 13th government. we had this contracting incident in the 12th government. thank you very much. from both the guests of the program, to all the good viewers of meiz ekotaz program, who, as always , accompanied us until this moment about the business of our country.
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we talked with the countries of latin america and discussed the challenges, threats and opportunities facing our country. thank you very much for accompanying us in this conversation . in this program, we would like to introduce karen model's oath shoe. karen model's oath shoe is very soft and light
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hi, at 2:700 hajj and pilgrimage brokers in the country in order to serve pilgrims during arbaeen days, especially guiding and finding lost people on their way to iraq. these servants voluntarily and benevolently stepped on this path. throughout the year, these loved ones are serving. especially in the season of arbaeen and during the season of arafah, the crowd appears to be much larger. it is the talk of a group of managers of hajj and pilgrimage caravans , who have become a caravan this time. part of
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their mission.


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