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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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hello, at 2:700 hajj and pilgrimage agents of the country left for iraq in order to provide services to pilgrims during arbaeen days, especially guidance and finding the lost. students and benefactors stepped on this path. throughout the year , these loved ones are serving. especially in the season of arbaeen and arafah, when the crowd is much larger. it is a group of managers of hajj and pilgrimage caravans who have become a caravan this time. part of their mission is to serve pilgrims who need guidance. there
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is a bit of a problem of guiding the lost people in atbat, the children are doing everything there is relief, there is rescue, there is guidance, there are lost people, there are sick people. the hajj and pilgrimage organization is sending great forces from all provinces for this mission. in the whole country , there are 700 volunteers who are ready to serve these pilgrims. we organized them and sent them from different cities. now we are entering the service route between najaf city and karbala, the others are also coming gradually, god willing, in the next day or two, the entire capacity will be established. use and health recommendations that are on the way and during the operation, they can definitely be taken seriously so that , god willing, they will not see any harm from this passerby. the
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guides started their work from here, so that no one will lose their way , listen to our officers stationed there, and if they lose, how to find the phone. they should have each other so that they can announce their position to their fellow travelers. another recommended way is to use hamyar arbaeen software . and karbala will be the guide of pilgrims. ali kazemi, radio and television news agency. families only have until the 10th of september to register for the school service. and this deadline will not
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be extended, according to the managing director of the country's urban passenger transportation union, 520,000 people have registered in sepand system so far . we announced to the municipalities that they can upload the rates, even we created this infrastructure to determine the formula. they can upload the rate so that parents can get the approximate fare they have to pay by registering the origin and destination. the topography of the region is the most important label that is issued for each vehicle from sepand's student fleet monitoring system. it is installed on the authorized student transport fleet. when the school service
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is implemented, based on the coordination made with the respected traffic police, the traffic police agents will have the list of authorized drivers, and as a rule , they will definitely take the necessary legal action against those drivers who are not authorized. scientists created a revolution in air travel by producing hydrogen fuel. researchers at the swedish university of technology. they made a new type of heat exchange device that is optimized further construction can increase the distance sizes. heat exchangers are an important and vital part of the hydrogen aviation industry. these technological advances show that hydrogen fueled flights have the capacity to meet the needs of a large volume of passenger flights in the next few years. these engines pave the way for efficient flights for heavy aircraft
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. thank you for your company. in the name of god, hello ladies and gentlemen. to the world today, the 30th day of the war in gaza, like the previous days, had two images: the continuation of killings and the continuation of resistance we see the latest pictures from gaza.
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now, now, in the meantime, now, there is no god but god, muhammad, god, god, there is no god but god, there is no god but god, there is no god but god, there is no god but god
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, but the end of them will be the day when the eyes will be revealed, and their heads will not turn towards them.
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al-dar al-masina 150 94 allah the great descended on the land of tah.
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the first case of our program tonight is dedicated to the investigation of hezbollah's successful operation with drones in the past days. and the missiles that he was able to use easily in the occupied territories . these operations have caused the zionists to wait for a battle and an attack
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ayar is from the resistance front, worry about their defense. first, we see a report from lebanon's al-mayadeen network. penetration according to the penetration of drones from southern lebanon to northern occupied palestine on saturday night and their success in hitting the designated targets once again raised the problem of air defense systems and more difficult questions about the level of efficiency of the layers of the zionist regime's air defense system, which is one of the most advanced and expensive. systems in the world . bots are considered the most important challenge for the israeli army on the northern front. in particular, the entire security and military service to deal with the possibility of an attack by hezbollah's avengers the answer to the killing of faad shekar is being prepared.
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everyone in israel is waiting for a possible attack by hezbollah and possibly iran. the failure of the idf 's iron dome system to protect northern settlers from hezbollah's missiles and drones has left them thinking about the worst and most pessimistic scenarios. many residents and even our journalists could not work this week for fear of a possible attack by iran and hezbollah. in fact, this week , israel's breath was completely arrested and everyone was waiting. people have emptied all their stores of cash and food and prepared themselves for the worst situation they did it's been a week since we got a bad mood. we do not sleep at night. we emptied the stores of food items.
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there is not a single electric motor left in israel. we do not sleep for long nights. i dug a hole underground for myself. at the same time as the zionists are waiting for the day of reckoning to arrive, military experts have warned about israel entering into a war of attrition, which is not in its best interests. this is the axis of resistance. he has achieved achievements even before implementing his answer. now to get the latest information and more analysis on regarding the successful operations of hezbollah in recent days, we want to go to beirut, the capital of lebanon, to talk with mr. hossein pak, an expert on lebanese issues. hello mr. pak. hello , good night to you and all my fellow countrymen, god willing, may you be healthy . he hit the target successfully and the iron dome
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could not stop those missiles. on the other hand , israel's channel 14 announced that in recent days , more than 15 hezbollah drones penetrated deep into israel , and in the meantime, only one of those drones was intercepted. it seems that this situation has worried the authorities and residents of the occupied territories what do you think of the vulnerability of israel's defense when a full-scale attack is waiting for them? in the name of allah, the most merciful , i would like to inform you that after the enemy's foolish risk in targeting the southern suburbs of beirut. martyrdom of martyr seyyed fouad shekar, like other actions of the regime, this incident
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has produced negative results for the regime even before the great revenge of the resistance. what does it mean that after the regime committed this stupidity, the intensity of hezbollah's operations increased greatly, so that the occupied city of nahariya which is near the important city of acre , is routinely added to the circle of resistance targets you know that after seyyed fouad was martyred and hezbollah announced that it was going to react to this incident, the regime is on the highest level of alert. in the north of the occupied territories , the regime's air defense systems and missile defense systems are heavily damaged. ready state however , you can see that last night at 2 in the morning without
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warning sirens sounding outside the headquarters of the 146th division of the regime in jaatun in nahariya , rockets were rained by the resistance, the residents constantly show videos of the confrontation of the iron dome system with the resistance's missiles. . they record, you know, the operations hezbollah's missile operations mainly have two phases, the first phase is when rockets are fired to deplete the power of these systems, the settlers usually film this phase , they don't film the second phase when the missiles hit, but last night due to the complete inability of missile defense systems, they were forced
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to release scenes of hits in urban areas from the occupied city of nahariya in the north of the occupied territories. it is on the highest alert level, but more important than this is the attack on the main base of the regime's field forces, which is one the above base is regional. our viewers should know that the division of the zionist regime army is a regional division. the mahfat alon base is 20 kilometers deep in the occupied lands in the west of the lake. it is located in beria and after shahr sefat, and it is one of the most important bases of the zionist regime . after the martyrdom of seyyed fouad, a large number of endhari drones of the resistance were targeted without these drones being
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intercepted. carrying out maneuvers and operations is an important part of the logistics warehouses of the enemy's ground forces the above base is regional, which means that it is used by different parts of the regime army . it was destroyed in this attack and serious casualties were inflicted on the enemy . . today, interesting words were published by israel's minister of war, yova gallant, who said that on october 11 , that is, a few days after the al-akhasha storm, i wanted to attack lebanon, but at that time the cabinet did not respond positively to my request, but now i do not recommend this. drums beat and
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talk about absolute victory, but this war is an adventure this is what i meant by criticizing yao galant's words. in your opinion, what made yoa galant, who was the first supporter of the attack on lebanon, now say that he does not agree with this attack? it shows the operation in south lebanon . they said that one of the main reasons for starting the operation in south lebanon was that the enemy definitely had a plan to attack lebanon after the blow he received on october 7, i.e., the 15th of mehr, from the palestinian resistance fighters, and this operation the resistance apron was an obstacle in southern lebanon it created a basis for them, but why are we hearing this comment now? well, the zionist
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regime has received irreparable blows to its army in these 300 days and is now suffering from a severe lack of forces and weapons. stop creating weapons for the zionist regime. right now, the regime does not have the ability to continue the war. the main reason is that the regime and the minister of war announce it. he declares that it is not advisable to go to war with lebanon now. the extreme erosion and demoralization of the zionist army regime . the settlers' distrust of different political levels. the enemy's military is more important than them that they
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do not have the ability to deal with the resistance on the ground . in these 10 months, it became clear that hezbollah can disable the enemy's air superiority by targeting drones and fighters, and if this air superiority from if the regime's work in lebanon is destroyed , it will be very difficult. it is possible that the resistance fighters will be able to liberate a part of the occupied territories, and this is not an unlikely possibility at all. therefore , the most important reason is the lack of strength and military unity of the group. weapons means even you cannonballs merkava tanks missiles that fighters are used to bomb them . the regime is severely lacking now and cannot
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supply them as much as the war is being waged on several fronts, that's why we are witnessing these statements. mr. pak, we have another problem in these latest developments. there are shows and efforts that the western governments supporting the zionist regime are making to save this regime from the axis of resistance. their officials frequently, especially their foreign ministers , call our officials and request that iran and the resistance front not respond to the terrorist attack in tehran, beirut , or even france, germany, and england to come to the statement. issuing a subscription that repeats such requests again , what is your assessment of these last minute efforts to save the zionist regime? i want to answer this question. let me use a piece of the words of seyyed al-resistance in his recent speech . see, the western axis does not understand the meaning of honor
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. what happened in tehran, the enemy made a big mistake and added that, like the attack on the embassy of the islamic republic of iran, he did not understand and will not understand the consequences. and... he will see what consequences this attack will have for him. the western axis , my dear viewers, must know the cost of supporting the regime zionism, whether political support or military support , has gone up because you see that every saturday in european capitals, we have a large number of demonstrations in support of palestine by different groups in france. parties win the parliamentary elections that raise the flag of palestine . in the united kingdom, the labor party wins in the elections that support palestine and
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the recognition of the palestinian state. palestine says that its words prevail in public opinion and it can win in the political arena cost of defense from the zionist regime, both politically and militarily , it has increased to such an extent for the westerners that if the regime receives another strong blow, they will suffer directly, and in my opinion, this begging and these messages and requests are more self-defense than defense. from the zionist regime and they are trying to minimize the consequences of this issue for themselves. in the previous operation, we saw that a large number of these countries tried to stop the rockets and drones of the followers of islam
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. this time they are asking about the consequences the next time they break, they should prevent it, that's why they try to issue messages and statements in this space, and make contacts, which in my opinion are useless, and instead of talking to the islamic republic of iran and the countries of resistance, they do this. they should control the madman who is sitting in telavio to end his stupidity . i have a final question for you, which i request you to answer briefly . doing something interesting, for example, saying that hamas and israel should go to doha or cairo on thursday resume indirect negotiations to end the war
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, then hamas caught them by surprise and released a statement saying that there is no need for new negotiations if the americans are really looking for an end to the war and implement the results of the previous negotiations . to influence iran's response. and what do you think of the resistance front? i would like to clarify two basic factors for the viewers here. first of all, what hamas is requesting to implement as a result of previous negotiations is completely a plan by the americans have proposed it under the title of biden's initiative, hamas is saying that if you, sir, are really honest about negotiations and you don't want negotiations. put a cover for these killings, you know that for 10 months now, the regime has been not only committing crimes behind the scenes of the negotiations, but also
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assassinating the negotiators in tehran, which means that the logic of the regime is that it shows this at the international level. who is willing to negotiate , but he comes in front of mr. ismail haniyeh and assassinates the person in charge of negotiations in tehran. the second important factor in the statement of the egyptian foreign ministry as one of the the most basic foundations of negotiations with qatar. and it is the united states that was issued after the school crime in the past few days. egypt announced that there is no real will in the political leaders of the zionist regime to reach an agreement. what we have said is not the comments of the resistance countries and iran. egypt is the mediator. his political activism is inclined towards the interests of the zionist regime
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, he is saying this, that is why the intelligence of the palestinian resistance made us understand by issuing a statement last night that the zionist regime has no desire for an agreement and a ceasefire . you were news sources reported a fire at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in ukraine. at the same time as the pictures of the fire in this power plant were published, russian sources announced that the ukrainian attacks with the latest drones were the cause of its damage. the zaporizhzhya power plant, which is the largest nuclear power plant in europe, was taken out of the hands of ukraine after the start of the war and was given to the russian forces. the former prime minister of bangladesh blamed america for the current crisis in his country and criticized it.
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america played a role in the downfall of its government because it surrendered the island of st. martin in the south of its country to washington he said that if i had given the sovereignty of this island to america, i would have stayed in power. saint martin island in the bay of bengal is one of the strategic areas and rich in energy resources. south korea uses trained dogs to ensure the absence of bugs in the equipment of olympic athletes. in recent years , the spread of bed bugs in france has added to the health problems of this country, so that last year it was announced that 11 % of houses in this country are infested with these insects. . south korean health officials have deployed trained dogs at seoul's incheon airport. novib association is an austrian non-governmental organization in 8 countries european from the x social network due to the illegal use of users' personal data to
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prepare the intelligence program. complained this organization had previously forced meta to back down with this issue, and now it plans to force the x social network to respect the rights of more than 60 million users in europe. facebook and instagram , the american social networks that faced complaints in 11 european countries, had to suspend the plan to use the personal data of their users . researchers at the institute of metals research in the chinese academy of sciences have discovered a material called natural graphene they have found samples taken from the moon. this material, which is in the form of two-dimensional plates with a thickness of one layer, is widely used in electronic and mechanical industries. scientists had previously found water and the youngest known moon rocks in the samples. and now the second case after numerous reports of torture by
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the military. the zionist on the palestinian asra now the un reporter has announced that the zionist soldiers are using artificial drowning methods in their detention centers as well as sexually assaulting the palestinian prisoners, of course the zionist soldiers they believe that their work is legitimate. virtual residents have used this phrase a lot here. welcome to hell. they say this is a torture camp . i tried to dissuade the soldiers from doing this inhuman act by telling them that i am an israeli citizen, but they said that you should be naked like everyone else. sarihourieh is 53 years old and a lawyer from haifa. for criticizing the war in gaza on his facebook.


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