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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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torture by zionist soldiers on palestinian prisoners now the un reporter has announced that the zionist soldiers use artificial drowning methods in their detention centers and also sexually assault palestinian prisoners. much has been used about here . welcome to hell they say: this is a torture camp. i tried to dissuade the soldiers from doing this inhuman act by saying that i am an israeli citizen. but they said you should get naked like everyone else. sari horiye ahl haifa, 53 years old and a lawyer. because he had criticized the food war on his facebook.
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he was imprisoned for 10 days. it has narratives of obscene and inhuman behavior of zionists, only one sentence of which can be broadcast. i could hear the palestinian prisoners being tortured. ebrahim salem , another prisoner freed from the zionists , repeated the same words. many people know him by this photo. an image that made a lot of noise in cyberspace.
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it shows israeli soldiers assaulting a male prisoner. our horror report from israel begins with this video. with a video that social networks went hand in hand with the phrase "welcome to hell". fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. to investigate this further, we want to go to central canada to talk with the jews . hello mr. kats. hello to you mr. kath , more and more reports are being published every day that palestinian youths are subjected to all kinds of torture in the prisons of the zionist regime, including artificial drowning, throwing stones and even sexual assaults. evaluator
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what do you think of such violence that israel is doing freely in addition to its genocide against the palestinians? it is not a new issue that the israelis are committing against the palestinians, we can trace the roots, but this incident.
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in fact, we should worship the country and preserve the country we established in any way, and in fact, the same things that the nazis did and the jews criticized, now they are doing the same things and their own goals. putting work at the head and justifying any means with it, well, we saw it in prisons . sexual assaults and the use of dogs to
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harass and frighten the prisoners. many other methods are possible. institutions such as the red cross are not allowed to enter the prisons, they are never allowed to conduct an independent inspection, and we have palestinian prisoners, the most recent of whom
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have been in prison since last october, and they were subjected to various tortures. without an official accusation and clear and official evidence of their violations , they were arrested and now they are being subjected to various tortures, so no one should be surprised by the depth of these measures and these deprivations that are created for the prisoners in prisoners in israeli prisons these events of how many
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therefore, with these issues that i have told you to serve as an example, you can see that this torture and abuse is being done systematically, and with that said, any level of inhumane behavior and brutality is on our side.
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the one who plays the role of b outside of this story. how do you see the countries and actors in committing such crimes and tortures, do you point the finger of blame only at israel, or are there other countries and actors who, for example, by their silence , have normalized israel's war crimes to such an extent.
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well, being very silent in front of the zionist projects that israel was implementing, our silence we must understand that the reasons for the establishment of israel are the reasons for this issue. actually, at that time , england, france, and later america, they were because i wanted to.
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let's say that in the past few decades, western governments have always come to israel. giving them a complete freedom of action, so to speak, giving them a blank check to do whatever they want with complete responsibility, and they can destroy as many people as they want, and always cover their crimes, try to hide them, including their crimes in gaza and that apartheid regime.
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as a main goal, i follow divan. in a separate decision, the international criminal court issued a verdict regarding the apartheid regime of israel . in fact, it issued a verdict regarding the war crimes they committed, but even though the reality was reflected in that court. reflected again western governments.
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we are nearing the end of our program. thank you for accepting our invitation to participate in this conversation
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at the end of the world we will see the picture.
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ladies and gentlemen, the victory ceremony for the women's marathon an olympic champion cifan representative
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south africa's tourism sector is on the way back to pre-corona levels. in 2023 , according to the data of the world travel and tourism council, this country registered about 8.5 million international arrivals, which is a 48% increase compared to 57 million arrivals in 2022. durban is doing the same thing to attract tourism. it already did and of course even more than ever we are looking to find out how more airlines can fly direct to durban. the governor of kwazulu has taken an initiative in this regard. tourism of this area and many other actors have a prominent role due to commercial transactions. but we
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are looking at these kinds of proposals to see how we can airlines . get more to the airport because that 's what needs to be done. the ceo of the tourism trade council of south africa spoke about the economic impact of tourism at a meeting organized by se tourist on august 6 in collaboration with the sector and the tourism trade council of south africa. he said that the share of tourism in the gdp is expected to be until the end of this year.
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south africans can also travel in their own country. minister of tourism of south africa citing oxford economics forecasts, it is expected that the number of entries will reach 10.7 million by the end of 2024. so that the number of tourists exceeds the pre-pandemic period of 2019. the south african government aims to increase government revenues through this sector, which has a larger share than transport, mining and agriculture, and roughly matches the government's share of gdp. urethane money a polymer compound for
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the production of shoe soles that does not break during heating and shaping. this shoe now specifically consists of two layers, our middle layer and outer layer today, alhamdulillah, we not only supply the domestic market , and these raw materials are easily available to domestic producers, secondly, we easily export this product to neighboring markets , some of which are raw materials. that starts our factories that are productive, for example, in the matter of texon glue, there are many issues that are more than 20 types of materials that we use here , this is almost what we need to support these factories, but in the matter of polyurethane money, we now , we have almost reached self-sufficiency within the country, which
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had a high range, but only part of the raw materials to produce shoe soles that same. it is a raw material for compounding. for example , we produce polyurethane in iran, which we have to bring from abroad. isocyanate is not enough, so we have to bring it again from abroad. with the efforts of domestic experts , the production of raw materials has increased in the country. in the past years, this is the product was mainly imported from foreign countries, especially before the sanctions . after we were able to acquire the technical knowledge and internalize this product , almost the entire country was eliminated from importing 100 to 150 million dollars. annually from departure width the country has been prevented from deepening domestic production in the field of shoes. well, at first, 55
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% of our products were domestic raw materials. today, we have reached 70% . urethane, which used to be an importer in the past two years, now meets the domestic needs, and we have become an exporter. in the manufacture of some machines for the production of shoe soles or injection , in addition to meeting domestic needs, we have also been able to export. about 25 years ago, we localized this harat machine, previously imported from italy was entering. the machine makers of the shoe industry came to do what the machines they could do. we are now 50-60. the percentage of machines that i gather in my industry, we do not need foreigners for polyurethane machines, our activity is machine manufacturing, maybe 80% is in the shoe sector, 20% is in
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other sectors, in terms of understanding the money of urethane, so far we have been able to export to 11 countries. more than 800,900 of our production units are present in this same islamshahr, they use machines that are used in injection, all of iran. the press machines they use are iranian their products are affordable, and their prices, which you can see at the community level , are of very high quality and very low prices. they have met the needs of domestic exports by more than 90 million dollars last year. mehdi mohammadzade news agency. some villages in the southern provinces of the country
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are in need of drinking water, quality water. now for 3 years , almost 3 years, there is no piped water here, it's all tight, all tight, we get water, we have some water treatment devices. the existing water does not remove the permanent hardness of the water. the problem now. it has been fixed by the technologists of sharif university of technology. it is a substance. this substance is very useful in various industries, including water and waste water, in the water treatment industry. it also performs very well in the detergent industry as a hardener. the substance produced after water separation in the extra filter device reduces the hardness of water. what we are doing here is the synthesis of the materials , depending on the complexity of the work, it takes 24 hours to 72 hours for the synthesis and processing of the material . the consumption is provided to the operator of the apshim device
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and they are obliged to inject it into the device with a certain dosage to maintain the quality of water production , to increase the life of the device and to reduce the total cost of water production. now the technological product has replaced the imported samples. same device. the food ingredients like anti-scalates were all imported from which countries, including germany and countries like china, today we can produce these ingredients without the need to import them. it was dollars with a cost maybe 20-30 thousand tomans per kilogram is finished. we can have a base of materials from which we can produce more products. according to the officials of danesh company , 1 billion cubic meters of water are purified in the country every year, and 20% of the water volume is supposed to be purified by technological products. danesh banyan company should be supplied
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by mehbobe delangiz of sed and broadcasting news agency to manufacture and repair complex power plant equipment in the country. don't be tired. hello, don't be tired. thank you. hello, what were you doing? the parts that come from turbines come from power plants. sanblasso does something like 50,000 pieces , normally, in this company, they are being rebuilt from different turbines and different power plants of iranian expert forces. in knowledge-based companies , we have done these services inside the country for nearly 300 years. before this , the country's forces had to send these parts to
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european countries for reconstruction. we don't have the plans for most of these power plant parts, so they don't give us what we do, we take the parts from the power plant based on the analyzes we do in different laboratories , we identify the materials and then from the examples, we will take the plans of these and then we will start to reverse engineer the construction of these parts. currently, in the field of construction and repair of complex power plant equipment, there is almost no cost. there are not many gas turbines in the country, including blades, nozzles, and combustion cores. these parts work at high temperatures of nearly 100 degrees . the wear and tear of these blades is very high, and after one hour of operation, it is necessary to restore these parts. the production of some power plant parts may be even more expensive than importing them, but the price of some of our parts may be lower than
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the foreign price may be higher, but many dear people don't like this. when it is made several times , the amount made will decrease. an industry that saves 60% of foreign currency for the country every year . in mr. raisi's government, we built 269,000 pieces in the amount of about 36 hemats, which if we were to buy from abroad , we would have to pay about 57.6 hemats. now we are self-sufficient not only for internal needs. we have recently exchanged a series of contracts with the countries of iraq and syria . in this area, we were able to provide them with services and hot parts of gas cameras rebuild the countries. the region where we are the first country to have parts. these parts are sent to syria, iraq, and recently, the company
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of belarus requested us. of course, the breakers have a request from the 14th government. the problem that bothers the company is the lack of liquidity. these companies are usually knowledge-based companies . they don't have much infrastructure. according to the announcement of the thermal power company, in the last 8 years, 922,000 units of power plants have been built at a cost of about 46 hemet is made in the country, which in case of import is about 7. tina salehi of sed and sima news agency would have left the country four times darya fan should be.
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we don't have cookies to give to people.
3:00 am
we can use i and all my colleagues are trying day and night that even a single lam in the house of my dear people is silent. hello, at 3:00 am, seyyed kamel taghwenejad was assigned as the secretary of the government board by the decree of the first vice president. in mr. aref's decree, it is stated that he has the commitment of competence and valuable management experience by using the ability of managers, colleagues and internal experts.


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