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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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this is not the case, mr. salabadi says that they will provide 6 billion dollars in 2019 through nimai market, etc., which is one of the monetary bases, so the central bank has also increased the monetary base because of the financial indiscipline that we in the space of the banks themselves, we see a lack of transparency , for example, even regarding the so-called dealings. if we check with our delinquent banks during the time of mr. hemti or the tools that were at his disposal, we see that this did not happen . presenting a report that was presented, its powerpoint at the disposal of the representatives
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is almost divided in the graphs on which the graphs are drawn on the basis of entry into jcpoa, exit from jcpoa, exit of mr. trump, continuation of sanctions. so what does this mean? it means that in the next 4 years, if we are in the service of mr. hemmati, all issues will be brought back to the jcpoa, and now either ms. haris or mr. nastalah will give the indicators . mr. doctor, see friends in the debates, mr. zarif believed that during the era of mr. raisi, not only sanctions yes, it has not decreased, but the number and type of sanctions have increased. we accept this, mr. now the question is that the sanctions that have not been lifted
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are written in mr. matti's graph as the continuation of sanctions, but i was just reading the report of the ministry of oil today. fourth, in july , we sold an average of 1,700,000 barrels of oil per day, which with gas condensate is 1,800,000 barrels, and we were able to earn more than ten billion dollars a month. let's collect our oil. when did this happen, at the same time when gentlemen say that the sanctions have not decreased? in my field, we are liquidity, mr. doctor, or in the field of liquidity, i am the last sentence, or in the field of liquidity, where friends believe that liquidity and the monetary base are the most important factors of inflation.
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it was in general words, they should now say that for the next 4 years, are they going to continue the same previous policies, what about the width of their policy , which almost doubled by two and a half times, their time is clearly about these issues in the program. those who have now presented their program in the program commission i read it exactly, and this afternoon , i got a chance to watch the program inside the commission. a
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minister of economy, the economic leader of the country, do you have a plan or not, mr. yes, they presented a plan, but not a plan for all the discussions, not the same issues that you just mentioned that i have two or three intentions that we say no, sanctions have had no effect, and finally, this so-called performance product minister , let's just start, mr. dr. qavani, who is presenting the program . i have a question for mr. dr. zanganeh , what was the figure that i put in the budget last year to ensure the supply of basic goods. how much in practice?
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how much has been achieved in practice, 42, nearly 19 billion dollars, that is, if the policy of the central bank in the so-called these few years, which was actually managed by the head of the central bank, kalram, which actually brought us back to that vicious cycle of 420 and finally no 420 where did it start 420 from that time, mr. hemti, and the month before mr. hemti, before mr. hemti, it was a special name, so to speak, i will tell you the exact date. in fact, these resources are to be converted into wealth
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generators to help the private sector to create employment is for creating new companies, which is actually an important issue. people, one of the important issues of people is unemployment or going to use the resources of the central bank , which actually has an effect on the production of the so-called liquidity and inflation, so that the inflation is kept at this average of 40%. in fact, the view is that we whether we should control this low price or not, we should control the high price . the plan that they gave today in the commission was that we should definitely control the price from above. let's control that we can do this so to speak and the distance between the preferred price and the market price it should be close, why today we are the exporters of pistachios, the exporters of carpets, we once had a market of one billion dollars in the export of carpets, why today
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it has reached less than 100 million dollars. the so-called pistachio exporter or our carpet exporter has to supply the raw material at the prices of, for example, 60 thousand tomans, and then he has to bring the export width to the price of let's say 44 thousand tomans , will he find an incentive for this work or not? imports are encouraged. now there are people who import clothes it should be said that they are using this preferential supply. it is not a general thing. incidentally, this is one of the clear programs of the 14th government
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. it is the price of the goods that people consume at their table. at least 60 thousand tomans , this is multiplied by the distance. 2,850 to 60,000 tomans, what kind of rent did we create? i have their opinion, i am saying that it is not my opinion. by the way , they raised it in the commission today, your excellency. we really want this rent due to several prices we can remove this rent, we can finally make the atmosphere more transparent. finally, the 14th government is trying
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to have a look in the government, for example , to make this economic polyphony in the government the cause of rent and corruption. currents finally, all kinds of events that have happened in the so-called past that soured the nation's palate and finally had a negative impact on unemployment , inflation, income distribution, and the gini coefficient, which affect it , finally, the government must be able to achieve its goals.
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make the plan come true. the goal of the plan is for us to be able to rush let's raise the economy, with proper foreign investment, we can lower the unemployment rate. i would like to say one thing, mr. dr. zanganeh, because he became angry , i can't use any of the programs. people don't understand anything. let's talk. he is an expert. the program became a debate. i left it. they are at the disposal of friends, wherever we talk. you see a point that is important and helps clarify public opinion at that moment. please see because people are viewers and they like to know how sensitive and accurate their representatives are. i didn't want the atmosphere of the debate to be like this, but the name of mr. when hemti comes, what does it mean? 55% inflation means the stock market crash and people becoming miserable means rent increases. as for the percentage that i mentioned and his coming as the economic commander of the government
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, because the minister of economy is the economic commander, we must have one voice and one commander in the government team. basically , i will speak for 5 minutes, you will speak for 5 minutes , and you
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should talk about the things that are correct. in fact, i will remove the rents caused by multiple rates. we cannot accuse the proposed minister of saying that we are talking to him. the wrong width of 4:20 was started during the time of mr. rouhani's government on the 17th of august or july. now, mr. jahangiri has a problem with me. mr. jahangiri came and said that for the first 25 days, he said on 20 of farvardin. august, there is a doubt that i came on the 16th of august and said no, we only have an offer for 25 products. mr. hemti, when was he appointed in august 97 they are interesting. in 2009, at the very beginning, when
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it was attributed, i said that i disagree with the width of 420. well, that is what mr. qavami said, but during these years , 97, 98, 99, you see how much the width of 420 has increased. we spent 500,000 billion tomans only on because of the 420 width difference. and the market width, which reached 12 tomans and 15 tomans, we gave rent to mr. hemti , he was the head of the central bank, but before mr. hemti's authority, after mr. hemti's arrival, it started before him , and it was not controlled at all. mr. raisi came and said that we want to delete this proposal mr. qavami says that they want to remove the width of 420 single rate. let's do it in november 1400, mr. hemti will give an interview and tweet
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, expressing concern about the removal of 420. one of the things we have against mr. hemti is that mr. hemti is the head of the central bank, but he is a political activist, that is , in the past 3 years, he has been interviewing the head. a political party has made an inventory against the government, and today we have been answered that
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if it is against us, why during the last 3 years, it is even interesting to know that in the 2019 budget , we wanted to close mrs. emami in the parliament, if you remember the 2019 budget in general. in the assembly that is the 11th parliament rejected the overall budget of 1400 because the width of 420 by mr. rouhani's government. he had brought the budget again, we said, sir , remove the 4200 width, or give it to the people, all the rent in your pocket, some rand eaters are interesting, mr. rouhani, on the order of mr. hemti, write a letter to the supreme leader that the government wants to remove the 420 width from the budget. and if it is removed, it will become known that the representatives
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will agree to a number once, i think it will be 10. it was billion dollars or 11 billion dollars. in 1400, mr. rouhani's government spent 18 billion dollars 420 consumed. i ask dear people, did the price of meat and raw materials for example go down? do farmers have enough feed? we lost our livestock in the last 3 years. these last 4-5 years in the time of 420. what we are saying is that if mr. hemti comes to the planning and budget commission with 4.200 today, he will say that we should remove this, we should have a single rate, so why are they writing and protesting in 2019, now, let us close the discussion. people should know that we should collect something. now you say that sir, i said that it should be collected, so why the year 1400?
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that mr. raisi's government in the first year of his office, that all presidents. following his popularity, he agreed that we should kill this cancer from the economy. mr. hemmati, why did you tweet, why did you oppose, why did you give an interview , why did you not come? they say that we should eliminate the 420-hour width and make it a single rate . what is their plan? they say that we don't have anyone who wants to be the minister of economy. no, let's give it a line. now, in order to make the so-called currency a single rate , the rent that we have, we will pay in 420, the same one. the line that mr. hemti clearly, for example, i will give an example, once the minister of economy says, sir
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, my plan is that, for example, i am saying that i want to remove 4 to 0 for inflation, or, for example, my plan. it is to remove this offer and in this way support the oppressed and weak classes . it is not clear what the plan is, so mr. doctor, therefore, i would like to see the plan to remove the rent from the offer. yes, i said, friends, in the previous parliament, 12 billion was put in the year 402. which has been used for nearly 19 billion dollars, that is, close to let it be said that 7 billion dollars from the resources of the national development fund and from the resources of the central bank, which actually results in the creation of money, the result is inflation , and the result is more unemployment, and finally, it is an indicator that it was a mistake that the clerical governments put mr. raisi, who is also my servant. these
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should be brought to a minimum. finally, they should be brought to the limit and the costs of these should be reduced to the lowest level that this program has provided . what are you telling us about the program that you are presenting now ? it is not related to the width, it is related to the banks regarding taxes in different areas, it has been a while since someone was introduced as the head of the central bank , he only gave his program in the territorial area, but the minister of economic and financial affairs, based on the first article of the definition of the first article , in the first article of the law , it is said that the duties of the ministry of economic and financial affairs he is responsible for regulating economic policies, and he should actually regulate what we are talking about, it is part of economic policies, mr. dr. qavami, i want to say that economic policies are both police policies and financial policies, that is, the side of the central bank, so this liquidity that is in the length of these years will increase
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it has been a deficit because of the uncertain budgets that have been approved in the past. it has caused liquidity to be created. consider this wheat . friends , why did our farmer's palate become bitter in the previous year? why can't they pay for wheat for two or three months, even though they finally delivered their wheat? because they don't see stable and correct resources in the budget. now there is pressure on the so-called government to take a line of credit and give it to the agricultural bank. the agricultural bank will pay the demands of the farmers after a few months or for example the resolution that happened some time ago. which increases the price of chemical fertilizers and finally the agricultural institutions, i want to say that this pressure that comes through the budget and then the government is forced to do what to do for them, use bank resources , create liquidity, create inflation and so on. finally
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, you have spoiled people's palates. obviously, mr. dr. qavami, the general idea is that we must definitely present the budget plan, the ministry of economy, the central bank of jihad kashwarzi, the minister of agriculture, and the minister of cooperation and welfare , the so-called seventh single-digit inflation plan at the end of the so-called 5-year period. therefore, the direction of the so-called minister of economy is to try to help
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the central bank and the economic team of the government, what happens is that we can control inflation every year . it is inflation control that can eliminate imbalances in pension funds, banks, and other sectors of the economy. this is one of the good efforts that you have made. program term. the trend of our construction budget has found a downward trend. the average duration of construction projects has increased from 4 years to 18 years . one of the reasons for the inflation of these construction projects is the main reason for your agreement with mr. hemti. to the limitations of the cabinet it is almost a crime to introduce 3 ministers from the government. he is shahid raisi, and finally , the so-called different capacities of the so-called country have been used, compared to when you look at the record of mr.
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dr. hemti among the proposed ministers, because of his executive experience in the central bank, in insurance, and in banks. in fact, the ministry of economy should be told that it wants an almost experienced person and finally. past experiences, the so-called risk conditions , the so-called presence of a person who has experience or has not been tested in the field of economics minimizes that risk, and we hope, god willing, the majlis too. indeed, the parliament will have a good interaction with the government and , god willing, it will help that, god willing, we will be able to appoint the government at the specified time, so that the so-called ministers will be elected, and the government , god willing, will start its work with strength from the government week , and the goals of the program of mr. dr. mr. hemti's laws
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he will have the ability to handle the priorities of the ministry of economy. you see, we know mr. hemti as a useful person. really, the hardworking people of the last 40 years are the revolution, but we are worried because they will answer these statements . but now we we don't have an answer, that is, now. we have not heard any so-called points about these wrong policies that they have had for 3 years, at least until now. i have their program. i have the powerpoint . i can put it on my channel. dear people, see that no special program is presented here. the second point is their interaction with qavas. as the supreme leader of the revolution said that the victory of mr. bizikian is the victory of the parliament, the victory of the judiciary, this is in the interaction of the interaction of mr. bizikian. ok , if he wants to continue with the same political activism that has been going on for the past 3 years , this is very dangerous in my opinion, minister of economy. as you
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can see in economic ministers and heads of central banks, they speak expertly and do not engage in political activism. if this activism must be defined, what really wants to happen, and the next point, we will talk about insurance and other issues, god willing. . my conclusion is that the economy minister is the first priority of the economy in a situation where people have economic problems, and the economy minister is supposed to be the economic leader and commander. the presentation of the body will surely act according to the city's task . thank you very much, mr. dr. zangir. and we checked mr. hemti's plans as the proposed minister of economy . thank you for being with us. good night and god bless you.
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o shabab abadwa or abu al-baskarta
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al-thaniyyah, the most high, the most merciful, the most merciful , the most merciful, the most merciful , the most merciful.
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salutations to palestine, my greetings to palestine, to yemen and the houthis to yemen and the houthis to yemen and the houthis to yemen and the houthis. allah is great, and praise be to allah, we are ready for the hour of baha'u
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in the field.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace, dear compatriots, greetings to you , good morning, iran considers it their right to respond to aggressors according to international standards. instead of supporting the zionist regime, the europeans should help end the sterilization in gaza. president in a telephone conversation with sadr.


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