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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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be honest, don't look at us in the country, a fair explanation of wealth is one of the goals of governments. yes, we have an opportunity through the exhibition. we help the growth of cheap travel. honorable, let's go to the news section at 7:00 a.m. we will be with you after the news. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning. today is the second day of the examination of the qualifications of the proposed ministers in the specialized commissions of the parliament. on the first day of the examination , 19 ministers were proposed to form the fourteenth government. they appeared in various parliament commissions and while announcing their programs, they also answered the questions of the delegates. youth and road and urban development
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presented their programs in the country's internal affairs commission . the proposed ministers of defense, health, country and justice explained their plans while attending the civil commission. the proposed ministers of foreign affairs, justice, defense and force attended the national security commission, and the programs of the proposed ministers of communication and science were reviewed in the cultural commission. the proposed minister of industry, mining and trade in industry and mines commission. attended the economic commission also hosted the proposed options for the ministries of economy, jihad, agriculture and information . the plans of the proposed ministers of labor, oil and education were reviewed in the presence of the proposed ministers in the social commission. the three proposed ministers of agricultural jihad, road and urban development, and cultural heritage were also guests of the agriculture commission. the judicial commission hosts the proposed ministers of justice, culture and education. and sports and youth, the proposed ministers
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of health, education and foreign affairs defended their programs in the health committee of the parliament. the proposed minister of labor went to the education commission and the proposed minister of economy attended the budget program commission. the parliament will hold its public meetings from saturday in order to review the competence and programs of the proposed cabinet. the directive to force teachers to continue serving after 30 years was struck down by the administrative court of justice. the administrative court of justice announced that the july 12 directive of the ministry of education, which was issued with the justification of solving the teacher shortage crisis and undermined the rights of educators on the verge of retirement , is illegal. the court of administrative justice to the ministry of education regarding the comparison of this circular with the seventh development plan warned and asked the ministry of education to implement the right
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to pension for teachers who have not completed 30 years of service and 60 years of age. continued news of the zionist regime's air strikes on the gaza strip in the last few hours, killing 42 palestinians. they testified that 30 of them were in khan yunus . 10 people were martyred in the air attack of the occupying regime on the town of absan in the east of khan yunus, and there is a possibility that the number of martyrs will increase. the zionist army also targeted the rafah city in the south of the gaza strip with airstrikes in the new round of attacks. as a result of these attacks, a large number they were martyred and wounded in the neighborhood of al-brahma and tale sultan. also , several people were martyred and wounded in the air attack of the zionist regime on palestinian homes in sheikh rizwan neighborhood of gaza city.
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zionist regime soldiers also kidnapped several people by attacking the sufin area in the city of ghlaklia on the bakhtari bank. the successful drone strikes of lebanon's hezbollah once again proved the inefficiency of the zionist regime's air defense, according to the al-mayadeen network , experts of the occupying regime. hizbullah is considered the most important challenge for the army of this regime in the occupied north of palestine. infiltration of drones from southern lebanon on saturday night occupied northern palestine and their success in hitting the designated targets once again raises the problem of air defense systems and more difficult questions about the level of efficiency of the layers of the zionist air defense system, which is one of the most advanced and expensive systems in the world. countering the possibility of an attack by
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hezbollah's avengers are on alert in response to the killing of fouadshakar. hezbollah's aerial attack on northern israel comes at a time when everyone in israel is waiting for a possible attack by hezbollah and possibly iran. the failure of the israeli army, the inability of the iron dome system to protect the northern settlers from missiles and drones. allah has led them to think about the worst and most pessimistic scenarios. many residents and even our journalists could not work this week for fear of a possible attack by iran and hezbollah. in fact, this week
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, israel's breath was completely arrested and everyone was waiting. people emptied all the stores of food and caps and prepared themselves for the worst situation . it's been a week since we got nauseous. we do not sleep at night. we emptied the stores of food items. there is not a single electric motor left in israel. we sleep long nights we don't have i dug a hole underground for myself. at the same time as the zionists are waiting for the day of reckoning to arrive, military experts speculate about israel's entry into the war. they warned that it is not in his favor at all. this is while the axis of resistance has gained achievements even before implementing its response. and the arrest of 193 criminals and thugs in the last 72 hours, the
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police commander of greater tehran says that some of these thugs had fled to other provinces after committing crimes. some people are sitting in the restaurant and some attacked the restaurant staff with sticks and sticks they do a person injures another person with a knife in a coffee shop, and a group fight erupts in a street in tehran. all these thugs were arrested after 3 days. although most of them say, they were wrongly arrested. they say they caught me, you shot me, the camera film. as a witness to the conflict, i said you should come, sheriff, i handcuffed you, i don't know, it was around 12 o'clock in the night, i
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went to the bar to sell goods as usual, about 10 minutes had passed when i saw about 10 people with guns and machetes. why did you come to them? we saw a gun dealer among them it was for sale. bring it to someone. let me sell it. from the smallest firearm, the colt king , to the largest weapon, this winchester that you see here is in this exhibition, and it all belongs to these evil defendants that we interviewed. again, this weapon cold from the alley. the most important thing is that you take it to get to something like this, the ax was imported from the west of my country. the smuggler who imported it, about 43 weapons were discovered from him. the usual thing is that whenever
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there is mischief somewhere, there is a fight, and people on both sides run away. or their hideouts in tehran. or it may take some time to find these outside of tehran, track them and access them, but the actions of my colleagues, i think that i have identified and collected 193 villains from the four provinces of the country. collected and introduced to judicial authorities. goriya suleimanzadeh of the sed and broadcasting news agency. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day . god bless you.
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greetings to you, dear compatriots, who have joined our group from now on. good morning . thank you very much for choosing today's reporter to watch on the eve of seyyed and saler's arbaeen. we are the martyrs of imam hussain (peace be upon him) and the procession of arbaeen pilgrims has also started from the borders of our country. now, in addition to the fact that the borders of our country are active and the pilgrims are going back and forth by air, as well as a sea line for interested pilgrims, and alat aliat has been set up. became. the sea section has started its first route since yesterday, and apparently , in addition to
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using the land routes, they can also use the air and sea routes to go to the shrines and pilgrimages of the martyrs of abu abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him , but in this section, we have the morning program. hello the reporter wants to pay special attention to the road department and in our studio the spokesman of the country's arbaeen road department. we are in the studio together with mr. gholizadeh to talk more about this issue and see how the situation is. mr. gholizadeh. good morning. you and all your dear viewers are at your service, mr. ghalizadeh . what's up with you? now, i want to ask for the part that is very specialized for you, tehran province road administration, in addition to the fact that you are the spokesperson of the road administration. it is your responsibility. of course, i
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am at your service in tehran province and i am doing my duty. we would like to inform you that every year when the time of arbaeen hosseini's great procession arrives, all the government agencies have plans to provide better services to the pilgrims in their agenda. considering that this march has been held for many years, every year we try to use the experiences of the previous year and make up for the shortcomings and deficiencies that exist for the next year. we had a collection in the past the road administration of the country has put special measures on its agenda for better organization and providing better services to the dear ones. the variety of services provided by the road administration is very wide, especially in the case of arba'in. however, the infrastructure of any development is also the road administration in
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the main sector that is doing its duty in this regard is to improve the safety and quality level of the transportation roads, especially to the six terminals that exist at the exit borders towards the country of iraq , fortunately with the measures taken during the last year. it was thought and special orders that the honorable chairman organization in this regard. good credits were considered for this issue, which almost today we can say that mehran is the busiest exit border of our country, from the distance between tehran and mehran , it has been completely improved, it has four lanes , its high-accident points have been removed, and this year's traffic jam is no longer in the length of this route does not exist and the compatriots can easily use this route and reach the border of mehran in the field of infrastructure. the border crossings are also the responsibility of the country's highway organization, this responsibility is also due to the fact that
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we are developing these infrastructures every year. it has been done. good things have happened this year. more than 15 thousand square meters of new awnings have been installed . mahbash air conditioning systems, water coolers and all the necessities that are needed for the comfort of pilgrims at the border terminals have been thought out. this year, the weather has its own heat and time. arbaeen has been placed , it is almost the peak of heat , in fact, more credits were considered for this facility so that more people can use the set of credits that in the highways sector are the same as the country's roads in the field of infrastructure leading to borders as well as border terminals. considered more than 2400 billions of tomans, all of which are actually just to improve control. the passage and comfort of our pilgrims , we don't have any traffic junctions on these routes
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leading to the borders, most of our routes are leading to the border of mehran, fortunately this year, the four-lane route and the removal of traffic junctions have been solved. it is planned to be improved and passable for people , the roads are all asphalt, because a few days ago , one of our colleagues was reporting that the road from khorramshahr to ahvaz is somewhat uneven, and it is still paved and the asphalt that needs to be poured has not been done. see , our priority in the discussion of arbaeen is the roads leading to the borders, and everything is on the agenda to make asphalt in the places that need to be covered , cover operations with protective layers, and in places where staining is possible. the matter has been resolved with staining, now this must be done in a special way , because it was now one of the accident-prone areas, considering that you also mentioned that we are now in the accident-prone areas on the routes leading to these six borders that you mentioned, how is our situation? thanks to
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the events that have happened, almost most of the places are full of incidents. it is connected in the routes leading to the borders, the rest is in the next year's plan of the organization , what is our public genius? well, you see, over the past years, due to the cruel sanctions , the state of entering the fleet or the production of the public transport fleet has actually been interrupted. in the last four or five years, no fleet has entered the country, although this year, with the measures that the government board thought, there are facilities it was considered that now the number is very limited. about 30 devices of the device that the government board had actually issued a license for entered the country and were added to the cycle with the planning that has been done. god willing, i think that by the end of the year, a better and more significant number will be added to this collection, but considering
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that we were only able to add 30 from last year to this year, it is hoped that a lot will happen by the end of the year. yes, see this. the road organization is not a decision-maker, there is an issue between its departments, that is, customs, the ministry is on the side , there is the central bank, and a part of it is the responsibility of the road organization and the ministry of roads and urban development to follow up and demand coordination. yes , this is the issue anyway. except for the tasks of the road organization, every effort has been made to coordinate these activities it can be done because the government board actually issued the approval that was issued almost in ardi behesht month and we have done our best for these few months . it will take a fleet and , god willing, we will be able to modernize the public transport fleet , but this has been made public, how many do we have in the
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public fleet? how much can be used, about 8 thousand. only it can be traveled on long routes, the others also provide services on short routes, but because we need a fleet that can actually travel long routes during arbaeen, about 8,000 vehicles can be used in this, with the prediction of the pilgrims who are going and how responsive will mian be? look, our forecast is that we need about 900 vehicles for the peak of our round-trip , but we have tried our best to use other capacities to compensate for this shortage , including the fleet that goes directly to najaf ashraf from mashrafe. through the iraqi fleet of this work we are carrying out a part of the fleet that was in the field of other devices as a service of moving and returning, etc., and this is also organized so that , god willing, we will be able to move this collection that you are referring to , the thousand devices that you are missing, during the days of arbaeen. or we still have a deficiency in all our efforts, part of it is compensated from that place
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, part of it is from the place, in fact, you organize the round trip management of the trip that we do for the fleet . see us online this year our policy in the road organization was that about 70% of our ticket supply should be completely electronic and online. fortunately , we were active in this field as well. we in the tehran province department have tried our best to facilitate people's access to these systems. prepare the tickets based on the forecasts we had in the province of iran. for example, we forecast about 300 vehicles for today, which should only go to the mehran border, that is, for the mehran border , the situation is still good. the closer we get to arbaeen, the volume of trips will increase. it must be the same because the weather in the apparent heat
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, they try to travel in a shorter period of time, and this pressure is transferred to the days actually closer to arbaeen . in fact, until last night , when we were present in the finals, the ticket is easily available, available to the public, 70% of the capacity, sometimes in some places, the fleet is still low , for example, the error related to isfahan, my colleagues report here, they say that sometimes there is a shortage of fleet. they are there so that they can go back to their own province. look at us. returning is a separate issue . returning is a 72-hour courier, that's all. the people who want to leave in 10-15 days to return to the situation. in return, there are special conditions, in our special conditions, our priority, based on the policy of the honorable head of the organization, is to devote all our capacity to the borders, especially the border of mehran. and almost all the buses that exist in the country are sent to the border of mehran for the return of zahedi. there are also other capacities that are available
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. god willing, we can have a better arrangement for them, so let's not skip the issue of tickets let me tell you that we are now selling 70% electronically because tehran is a transportation hub and those who cannot find tickets in other parts of the country can go to tehran. they tell us that from tehran, we are forced to offer about 30% in person at our end to meet this part of the travel needs, so the 70% that is sold in the fleet from our fleet is sold on the sites again. it is charged, which means that considering the fact that the buses operate in a round-trip manner and the bus is also a means of transportation. the mechanic has a breakdown, god forbid, there is an accident , there is a delay, and these are our plans for our regular services. the electronic way of the store and the planning for the services that we open in a special way is on a daily basis, so today , thank god, we did not have any problems. compatriots , don't worry, if
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they refer to a system, and the additional capacity is definitely for that day, for that hour. the service will be opened again , they can use our reservation system, which is on the sales sites, and register as soon as the new service is created, all messages will be approved. the prices are approved by us in stanandeh. at all, of course, we board the bus with our compatriots after getting a ticket and will not have any financial relationship with the drivers. thank you very much, mr. ghalizadeh, the head of the passenger transport department, the spokesperson of the arbaeen rahay headquarters, for coming to the studio of the sabgahi program. hello, reporter. dear fellow countrymen, let us pay our respects to seyyed and salar shahidan. hello, sir. kalan is facing rotun. i am reading ziaratnameh here
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. let the site always be on my head, our meeting will be at the haram on friday night, my dear hossein. peace be upon you, or abu abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, let's go to the glass hall of khabar bar let's join my colleague, mr. kazami , mr. kaznia, hello, journalist, greetings again and
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with repeated devotion to your service. yes, one of the programs that we announced is the commissions of the islamic shura majlis, which are involved today in examining the competences of the cabinet, which the honorable chairman, mr. introducing our colleague mr. president. pish bahar is a reporter from the majlis area and from the public policy specialized group here in karama. mr. siari explained to us about today's meetings and commissions. hello god , please explain to the viewers about today's programs of the parliament and commissions. thank you, mr. kazemi. greetings to you and also greetings to the dear viewers . well, today is the second day of examining the qualifications and plans of the ministers proposed by the president in the specialized commissions of the parliament. well, yesterday was the first day. 12 hours of intensive meetings with both the representatives of specialized commissions and actually the proposed honorable ministers who come to participate in the commissions
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and announce their plans, and also the representatives have their own concerns and questions about the issues that may have been implemented in some way before. it was not their concern to get a promise that if, for example, you become a minister and to vote, you must do this, in fact , the meeting. in fact, the competence and programs of the ministers in the specialized commissions have a special procedure , that is, after the honorable president announced the names of 19 proposed ministers for 19 ministries to the speaker of the islamic council on sunday. it was read in the parliament and the announcement was received. since yesterday, the review work has started in such a way that each of the proposed ministers can appear twice in the specialized commissions and actually
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state their own plans, and if necessary, the representatives they hold an extra session for them, of course, this does not mean that, for example, the proposed ministers cannot be present in other commissions, in fact , they can be present in all the specialized commissions of the parliament. well, yesterday we witnessed that in two sessions in the morning and after that , it started at 8:00 am until 12:00 pm and at 131: 00 pm, these meetings continued until about 8:00 pm . it was good to have specialized commissions and also have meetings with some of the proposed ghazras and issues were raised in fact, it can be very good for the country in the continuation of the work and if a proposed minister can vote in the public arena, it will cause development and the problems that existed before or the existing plans and programs.
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very easily and based on those upstream documents, we can actually advance what we have in the seventh plan law and the other documents that exist will be reviewed in the commissions in a few days according to the law and based on what is in the regulations of the islamic council after in fact, names are given to the parliament by the president, and the parliament has a week to review them in specialized commissions of course, if needed, for example, how many. it would be great if they hold a meeting, not more than a week these days. well, i say that the meetings are very tight. it has been announced that the meetings of the specialized commissions will end by wednesday, and if they don't finish , because the commissions have to complete their own reports. regarding any proposed minister on the day , in fact, the confidence vote meeting, which, god willing, was announced
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, probably on saturday. in that meeting , in fact, the spokesperson of the commission will announce that the working procedure is that in the first meeting of the vote of confidence on the ministers, the president will be the first. your excellency comes and they have 2 and a half hours to announce the general plans of the government and then introduce individual ministers and defend the president in two parts . suggestion to the end. thank you very much very eloquent and complete explanations of mr. pishbarhoud from the specialized group of public policy. dear colleague, i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. kaznia, and also my respected colleague, mr. peshbahar. well, dear viewers, as promised before the news at 7 am i was my friends
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, our world runner-up medalists in the student robotics team. their flight has just landed at imam khomeini airport and they have come to the studio of sabgahi program, hello reporter, and we are their hosts. let them introduce themselves one by one. please introduce yourself as mr. radin khan. hello, i am a secretary, i am 10 years old , and today we went i mean, we came back from beijing with your medals and this is the silver medal that we brought back . we came second out of 28 countries . congratulations to you, princesa. i am from france. i am 11 years old. this is the first time i am going to our world championships we finished first and second in the data analysis league. well done . i congratulate you too, berdiya, hello, my name is berdiya jabarzadeh. i am 10 years old and
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we arrived at imam khomeini airport. these three first-class students are here on behalf of the 48 students of our team. i really liked that there was once a space where we could have our whole team. we really liked all 48 people to go because i think that all 48 people will win medals now.


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