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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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bismillah rahman raheem salaam , you will join us on the news section at 11 o'clock. in response to the british prime minister's phone call, the president criticized the silence of the international community regarding the unprecedented and anti-human crimes of the zionist regime, and said that punishing the aggressor is a way to stop it. it's crimes and aggression, mr. bezikian added, the support of the western countries to the zionist regime has endangered the security of the region and the world . the president also welcomed
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the improvement of relations between the two countries and the nuclear negotiations , and considered the fulfillment of all commitments as a condition for the success of these talks. british prime minister kerr starrer is also in this the conversation emphasized the necessity of ending the war in gaza and the quick start of providing aid to the people of this region , and demanded more assistance from iran in this field. the british prime minister, announcing his country's readiness to expand relations with the islamic republic of iran in the new period, expressed hope that the new ambassadors of the two countries will be appointed as soon as possible. start your mission. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized that iran is firm and determined in defending its sovereignty and national security and does not seek permission from anyone to use its recognized rights. in response to the statement of three european countries, france, germany and england, mr. kanani said: the statement of the heads of the three european countries was published while the indifference of the western countries and the zionist regime's support for all kinds of international crimes. this regime
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continues to commit genocide and war crimes against the defenseless palestinian nation and remains unpunished. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs stated that the zionist regime's anti-human crimes against the palestinian nation and its extraterritorial terrors take on new dimensions every day, and surprisingly , there is no reaction from western countries, including germany, france and england. england, germany and france yesterday in a joint statement without mentioning the fire. afrozi and the terrorist actions of the zionist regime in gaza and the west asian region have asked iran and its allies to refrain from attacks that increase tensions in the region. the zionist regime wants to displace 84% of the people of gaza. referring to the order of the israeli army a few days ago to evacuate the desired areas in the gaza strip, the deputy spokesman of the united nations said: this order is about 3005 km. the square
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covers about 84 of the gaza strip. farhan haq added: the continuous bombardment and crimes of the zionist regime in gaza continue to cause killing, injuries and displacement of palestinians. according to statistics in 10 last month, more than 16,000 children were martyred, 21,000 children went missing, and 17,000 children became orphans. i found that all the people survived, that's enough, all the people , the mothers and fathers, all the people survived, all the people survived , this is what you do, or the arabs, do this , you are going to die, neither the mass nor the child, the one who saved me.
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in the last 7 days, mehran border with more than 314,000 exits has had the largest share in sending pilgrims to arbaeen hosseini. this year, more than 3 million pilgrims from the border of mehran will go to iraq to attend the hosseini arbaeen ceremony with a heart and a shrine. here at the international border of mehran, one iran has gathered, where did you come from stanashti, jan qurban, welcome, qurban , mr. imam hossein qurban, who is also from qom, tehran, from shiraz, meshkin, tehran, the former shahriar of urmia, from rushd, from the holy city of mashhad. the princess of the central province.
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i ask the reason and motivation of their trip. the answers are almost the same as the rhythm of their steps. the weather is hot, but the love of imam hussain is hotter than that. a pleasure full of light among the people, to get a little more light, my feet are tired , so that with my heart, this hamdali and ittihad wants to say that islam is not the religion of a thousand years ago , it is the religion even now and it will remain until eternity and doomsday . it was the parts of iran, this time it has hosted pilgrims as usual in recent years . we came with the invitation of the martyrs. may imam hussain accept and provide us with the things we need in this world and the next, god willing, this is the place of martyrs. they have reached mehran, imam hussain
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gave his blood because of this prayer, 72 of his children were martyred because of this prayer. sir, i am always you. yes, you are alive. how old are you? 19 years. i think it's the tenth time, my wife is the second time, my son is the second time, my brother is the third time. but some are also the first to appear. the first time so you are considered the first seer. how are you feeling? i am very happy according to officials, last year more than 3 million arbaini pilgrims passed through the international border of mehran and according to predictions of this increase this year finds this is the last point of the iranian border and the path of love continues on the other side of the border. maryam armonpour, mehran border terminal news agency. well, to find out about the traffic situation of the zahirans at
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the shalamcheh border, i will talk to our reporter at this border, mrs. nefer. greetings to you. thank you for the traffic situation and service on the second full day. how are the weather conditions at the shalamcheh border? greetings to you and the audience. 9 days left for arbaeen hosseini . here at the second busiest border of our country, the shalamcheh border, witness the smooth traffic and the easy passage of pilgrims through the 48 gates here at the shalamcheh border to enter. and we are prepared to leave iraq, so the temperature is close to 50 degrees. it is celsius and we have seen the increase in humidity in the last few days . fortunately, the pilgrims manage their travel time , that is, they either travel in the late hours of the night or in the early hours of the morning, so that they do not face such heat
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. a canopy has been provided here at the border of sharmcheh so that our pilgrims can experience an easier journey from the beginning of the month of travel until today. 300,000 men from shalamcheh and chazaba in khuzestan province made their journey we are witnessing this. many pilgrims are returning to the country . they had started their journey earlier and the average stay in pilgrimage cities is about 3-4 days. the statistics show an increase of 11 arbaeen trips compared to last year. many pilgrims also travel in their personal cars. they are going to the border zero point and a good and good tradition that we have seen since last year is that many pilgrims have a car, that is , they travel with their own vehicles, their neighbors bring their relatives and fellow citizens here with them. 90,000 square meter stop at the border
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shlamcheh has been prepared, apparently they can park their cars, complete their journey , return and go on the roads with their cars. they are given the opportunity to stop and rest and then go on their journey on the roads so that god forbid they don't get into trouble . it is thank you very much my colleague, mrs. nafer, who was with us from the border of sharmcheh , and special thanks for being with us, dear viewers.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time. welcome to the football magazine program. let's see what ways there are so that such a financial mess is not seen in football. welcome, sir. hello, and i have a courtesy call on behalf of the martyrs and sediqin.
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i would like to congratulate more than 40,000 martyrs of gaza and more than 167 journalists who were martyred in this valley and on journalist's day belatedly, and i would like to express my gratitude to the supreme leader, who today, with your words, has blessed the sports community. it is necessary to inspect them and hope that these benefits are excellent. it has to be followed and my sport can excel, and let's get to the topic that we haven't looked into for a while , let's see where it will go in the space of transfers and strange figures that have been raised and it seems that it is not true that we are all looking for the federation to come and do something. who are active and working in 16 premier league clubs , who supervises because now
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these figures and the numbers that are in the transfer season it has been moved and it can be moved. how will it be monitored ? i would like to tell you that i have an idea before we discuss the additional order . there have been contracts and dealings with the mafia without iran. this program has made you aware , it has set a flag, many good things have happened , many great struggles have been carried out by the zorbat apparatus, but in my opinion, my personal opinion, based on my experiences, is that the fight against corruption, according to azizi from our friends from the media were in a meeting today. he said that this was my visit. i was hospitalized he had said for three days: that the fight against corruption is much better than catching flies, that is, we
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should put a structure to fight against corruption , we should not let it happen, we should not let it happen , the society will be harmed. he got one million tomans as a gift and divided it among his four friends . i kiss him who did this and lives in the basement with 11 million tomans of salary. he showed it outside the ged . mr. rozbani had prepared his report. karblast said, "you can see our program . i don't have a tv at home. i don't have it. where should i put it in my heart? this person is doing the honor while i don't have a tv." let him be depressed , if he says that i am getting paid so much , i will take a billion, i will deliver so that the humanity of my job is not stained
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, then we are our sport, as i said, it is training , fighting, fighting, ugly, asceticism, bravery , and so on. come on, just yesterday we were seeing each other , my dear friend, i don't know according to what factors. we, who are not football players, are gentlemen, alhamdulillah from rozi when mr. gol came, mrs. gol was told that mr. gol should come and receive the prize of his ladies. on the one hand, there is nothing wrong with it . there was a momentary mistake in the program of the best of the year that was broadcast live yesterday . with 4 indirect margins, out of respect for his national service, you leave my margin next to him. tell us why this gentleman should not be. this gentleman should be. he should write in his newspaper tomorrow. sir
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, we took three of the best . god forbid, my four children are thugs, god forbid, i gave them bad bread a bad kid, in a house , they get a big hand first, in a club, they get the manager who you paid well, and now they get it. why was the program interrupted for a month and there was a discussion about the olympics? again, god has blessed the football magazine . respected managers of the political vice-president, there is room for me to congratulate these sports honors, but with the shepherd's efforts of the friends of sima, this program was very well manifested. this program came back to follow up . and there is no internal supervision for the players,
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we don't have the joy of club managers, are there managers of football clubs? for some time now, it seems that they are not friends, and may their shadow last, when mr. aziz mohammadi was there, there was an organization, some meetings were called a football union, which was originally the association of managers of country clubs. in your field of football, when you say football union , a consortium is a group of how many unions are there , the union of judges, coaches, players. and even i believe, contrary to the statement of that expert, that even the spectators in germany, today's spectators of leverkusen are playing with bekhem, two days ago. if they buy the tickets of the managing director , their audience, who are their capital , will ok their tickets, then they will go to them because it is their capital , because it is their source of income. now you said
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that we want to have a union, which means it is better to have one . i'm not angry. i'm very relaxed. he wants me to laugh . this is not the story at all. the party is throwing his hat . the referee is leaving. their referees' union is taking the party away. he's disqualifying the party for 6 sessions. he says that the judge is the authority of god. you disrespected us. the limit is the limit, if for anything. let's see now the border limit, mr. mokhbar, in the previous government
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, may the soul of shaheed raisi and his martyrs be happy , declare good examples of management, sir, do not move anyone until the honorable new president, whom we congratulate as a sport to him and his accompanying delegation for we are serving this system because our supreme leader has suspended them and the parliament has appointed him . i want to tell you that he said, sir, don't move now. esteghlal club, the wise man, why didn't he pay attention to the new managing director ? he asked for a vote from the parliament and the meeting of the managing director he put himself in the press club of esteghlal police, and so-and -so, the new ceo says that this player, whom i will tell you last year, for example , cost 500 million, how did you pay 47 billion for this ?
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you gave holdingo, he brought nice money, he won't hurt his hand , he has reached our club, we thank him, because his opposite side is in the rival team, the bank's role with them is still unclear. let's follow the law, i say again as a sport for the first time i played the program, and the criteria for the selections must be correct, the selection of players for the club in qatar, which was growing, the coach says , i want such and such a player. he goes to ashgah and does his work . they have a 21-member board, half plus one person must confirm . mr. iraqi, after he gave his medical examination , the coach asked him if that technical committee is real. i am now a very sweet friend of mine. the first one over the head of my patient came a few years ago. mr. mahmoud khani
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, i would like to say according to which example did you put them in the technical committee? then mohammad khakpour should sit outside, hamid stili should sit outside, that one should sit outside sir let's not come to the technical committee, let's say, my friend, whoever wants to make me cry, let's solve my challenges , yes, let's not go there, let's not take the result, sir. i used to watch the whole olympics. god, one day i was always disgusted. for 52 years, we couldn't go to the olympics in football. gentlemen are sleeping , there is one month left, he says mr. hashemi does not accept this coach, he says mr. federation does not accept, so why should we not go to two african teams that do not have the facilities one thousandth of us, nor the oil under our feet. they don't have so much soil, they don't have so many mines, they don't have so much talent, they go to egypt and that the moroccan team is ranked by god, i was crying
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as a football player, well now mr. haqbardi, they worked, tried a lot, planned and overnight , this definitely did not happen for moroccan football . i didn't interrupt your words, but let's go back to our discussion because we got a bit away from the discussion about the union that you mentioned, so i say that now we have something, now the law must be changed, sir , let me say, we don't have the whole union, sir , no, i don't say we don't have it now, okay, that's it. it was your statement, register it, you register it, i have my say let me finish, sir, i'm not rude , don't come, don't come, i don't dare to say that there was a union where managers can now sit together, for example, the price of the game. they should determine, for example, the procedure for holding competitions and give help. i was supposed to have the football association, the association of football managers , do this. well, not now, there is supervision over the managers
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. now, the organization of that club itself has supervision if it wants, for example, now, due to the handing over of esteghlal and presplis. to the places where it has been done, or for example, the fan, which is private, or the textile, which is private , if they want it. your opinion can be monitored legally, where is my legal supervision carried out? if i tell you, one of my respected deputies is a member of the parliament's supervisory authority. in our field of work, there is also sports , so we are also great, it helps. our sport used to gather together
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. now how many years have you known about sardar mohammadi? how many years have you not known about how many years? we know that you see the supervision of the work of the regulatory authorities we ask the honorable speaker of the islamic council, mr. dr. qalibaf, to always support him , the honorable president. romon, the role of the parliament in monitoring the good implementation of anti-corruption, that is, the things that can be done in corruption, it used to be the principle of 90 for the big cause , now there is a faction to fight against corruption . if it is to be done , i will say that if it is to be done, now our vice president is a sportsman, our president is a sportsman, the minister of sports is coming, and now, god willing , let him vote, whoever is dear, whoever is beautiful, help.
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tell me, sir, how much did we buy this player ? the previous managers of one of the most popular clubs bought players for 13 billion. the second player was one tenth of that quality. he came by himself . the billion contract of that respectable manager, who has already earned my honor, closed it for him because he was the first to close this one . they also say this gentleman, come and make it clear, we bought this for so much. i appreciate your time thank you , we have reached the end of the program of a football magazine. have a good time, god bless you.
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the city of basra, if you want to pay a pilgrimage on foot to karbala, you will encounter streets full of processions, some of which are easy to receive, like the procession of muhammad and his servants. hossein, this was the women's resting place, and here was the kitchen of moke and his mother , who had become his home for 30 days. not all of us have a good financial situation. i came for a month on the way
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from basra to najaf. and i serve against the work that imam hussain created the world for the awakening of the muslims. we do nothing. i am poor, but thank god i have credit. people bring their gifts here and we present them to the pilgrims. i don't know where my interest in imam hussain started, like the children of this procession who they said that their lives are now .
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all of us are poor in front of what imam hussain did, no matter what we do, and he should accept it from us. the servants of basra said: there are no accurate statistics of the number of basra processions , because every family takes whatever they have at home and marches in one of the streets of this city. regardless of weak and strong services to zaher. fatemeh abdulvand, radio and television news agency, basra.
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think of a factory. if you have 80 million customers , you can easily produce high-consumption products such as nylon paper towels, trash bags, freezers, and disposable tablecloths , which are very popular. it used to be if you wanted to buy something. you should have wasted a lot of time to go and look around, then reach the market, the market is one-way. it's good, we came to sarai irani, the big iranian sarai , the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices and long-term contracts without prepayment , in the big iranian sarai in the cities of qom and wesfahan, and the only
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tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, with energy, they are aware of energy consumption, and the air conditioner they keep it at a comfortable temperature , try to use energy-efficient coke as much as possible, and use natural light and energy-saving lamps . and automatic car device and 450 billion tomans in cash prizes. for more information, dial star 15 21 square may you be energetic, you are a winner, excellent tea, excellent place , sofia tea, sofia tea, excellent tea, excellent place , excellent place, excellent place.
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in the name of god, hello, dear viewers , i am at your service with this news section. according to the announcement of the central bank, the payment facilities of the banks from the beginning of the year to the end of july increased by 20.6 percent compared to the same period last year and reached more than 1,695 thousand billion tomans. . according to the central bank, 24.7 % of the total payment facilities, including credit facilities , are less than 300 million tomans. also.


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