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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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the president announced the permission to employ 70,000 experienced and retired teachers. the problems of education to provide teachers in the new academic year were reduced. the programs of the ministers proposed by the 14th government are under the microscope of the specialized commissions of the parliament . it will have respectable decision makers.
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continued childishness of zionists in deir al-balah khan yunus and al-brij camp, the number of martyrs in gaza exceeded 40,000. the criminal world and muhammad's community should listen. this infant is the only survivor of his family and other members of his family have been martyred are where are the people of muhammad? the sharp reaction of some islamic countries to the attack of the zionist settlers on al-aqsa mosque am yisrael am yisrael hai.
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it has no place on the streets of britain? the police have the full support of the government in the most severe confrontation with rioters. o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their salvation. hello, dear viewers. to the news section 2.
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welcome four the president announced the decision of the supreme education council regarding the employment of 70,000 retired teachers in the academic year of 1402-1403. according to this notice, retired teachers with bachelor's degrees and above are recruited for full-time courses and all education levels are allowed, except for retirees with less than a bachelor's degree, only if there is no teacher with a bachelor's degree. now it is possible with the approval of the relevant working group in the large offices. with this action, a major part of the shortage of education teachers for the upcoming school year will be solved . the anti-cancer vaccine made by the specialists of our country has reached the second stage of the clinical trial. if this vaccine is confirmed to be safe and effective in treating patients.
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it is very effective for bladder, ovary and pancreas cancers. helping to treat treatment-resistant cancer patients using a new virus method the vaccine treatment we used is to help control the tumor cells of the measles virus. the mechanism of the effect of this vaccine is that when it enters the tumor cells, the virus itself can directly destroy and lyse the tumor cells , and that's the same with calling. the immune system helps the immune system and the body to control tumors. regarding the use of optimized viruses to treat all types of cancers, more than 400 clinical studies have been conducted in the world so far, but only the countries of america, china and japan permits the use of this method in west asia, iran is the first country that has entered the clinical trial stage of this treatment method. these viruses to. the specific form is defined for
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specific microbes of specific cancers and they destroy these tumors in a specific way. the safety of this treatment has been confirmed and. it is one of the principles that is considered in research. the use of virus to treat cancer in iran has successfully passed the preclinical stage and stage one clinical trial and now it is entering the second stage of clinical trial to check the safety of the method and the amount it is effective. the medicine did not cause any problems for the patient. four stages of injection were performed on the mass. in the next steps, when we compared its size, fortunately compared to before. it had not grown and its size and composition have improved compared to before . to prove the effectiveness of this treatment, the specialists of this plan first went to patients who did not respond to the usual treatment methods. they were patients who were desperate and no other treatment method was available for them and they were willing to
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participate in this study because their lifestyle was messed up. these are the results of flefur, we were seeing that with the treatment we are starting is very good. for more information about this type of cancer treatment, those interested can refer to the vaxogen system. the results of the second phase of the clinical trial of this anti-cancer vaccine will be determined in the next year and a half, and if it is effective, it will be added as an option to the treatment of cancer patients who are resistant to treatment. morteza azani of sed and cima news agency. iran's national robotics student returned to the country after winning the runner-up title of the world championship in pakand. in these competitions, china was first and romania was third. the process of choosing children starts from school
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it means that the children see a training course in school. after that, during the educational process , they participate in these domestic competitions, and the students who are able to qualify in these domestic competitions will be placed in more specialized courses and prepare themselves for the world competitions. this competition can help them to create motivation and to be in a challenge, they can measure their level of knowledge and with a horizon towards what is actually their ultimate goal, which is to find a way to move iran in the production of advanced technology from the contenders. this is the first vice president of the world president in the ceremony of honoring and introducing the scientific vice president of science, technology and economics, the president said: mr. aref, stating that in the last four decades , the youth of the country have moved forward , he emphasized the role of scientific vice presidents in advancing the country and training people for governance. the strategy
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we want to follow is that at the end of this course, god willing, there will be a few hundred people. let's hand over the experienced and capable young man to the country, let's hand him over to the government, then let's hand him over to whatever government it is. here too, it is necessary for me to give a general warning, of course, it won't cost you much. we really need to take youthfulness seriously in the selection of vice presidents and vice presidents in the selection of general managers, which may be one of the places that can train people for governance . young people should work well for two years and three years and be introduced here to accept responsibility. these days, the specialized commissions of the islamic council are the meeting places of the ministers proposed by the 14th government.
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all 19 proposed ministers attend not only their specialized commissions but also all 13 specialized commissions of the parliament and are accountable to the representatives by presenting their programs. this is the islamic council the representatives are busy these days, now i think you are going to the national security commission , right? until 8:00 pm, we just had our second meeting, a meeting at 6:30 in the morning. my story is that 19 ministers proposed by the 14th government should be in 13 commissions. there is a health commission,
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do you accept all the service work? we promise that we will do this, then they will stay the same and not change . first, i am the general director of legal affairs. becoming the ministry of science and then answering the questions raised and their plans. all these applications that serve friends and dear ones, i give with the assumption of continuation and continuation of what we say as our limitation. many issues should be analyzed in real macroeconomics . we told the members of the parliament that if you were given an offer and asked to vote for a certain minister, would you agree? whatever promise
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is made but is not effective, we will not vote for it, but this year, the parliament made a new decision, and it restricted the entry of the proposed ministers' companions to the baharestan building. the proposed minister should come with two people . one with mr. hosseini he was with a friend, sir, it's not me, he's coming here, he said , mr. fyazi, you, for example , vote for this . whatever the honorable representatives decide, what is your opinion? we
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have left it to god. we hope that the government and the government delegation will vote with one hand. the number that you said, hosseini bai of the islamic council of the islamic council's news agency , wrote in his personal space about some criticisms of the list of ministers proposed to the parliament. the people are the great capital of the government and their attention and sensitivity in the selection of cabinet members. it is valuable. mr doctors also asked the critics to give a chance to the list of proposed ministers and criticize the cabinet based on its performance. in this message, mr. mezikian said that at the stage of choosing and reviewing the cabinet , we consulted many experts and tried to establish the best possible situation with the existing capacities with the approach of consensus and empathy. head of the judiciary . he emphasized the readiness of the food system to help the 14th government. mr. mohsen yezhii
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said in the meeting with the first vice president: "cohesion and unity of forces as much as possible is necessary to overcome the problems and advance the affairs of the country." the head of the judiciary added in in the conditions of economic war, we should not neglect the advancement of economic programs and improvement of livelihood. mr. mohsen yezhei also pointed to the formation of joint working groups of the judiciary and the 13th government and demanded the continuation of the activities of these working groups. in the first meeting of the supreme steering council of the 7th development program of the country headed by the first vice president, three executive directives were approved. the first vice president emphasized on the accurate and correct implementation of the 7th plan and said: if there are any problems in the plan, they will be resolved with the cooperation of the parliament. mr. aref pointing out that the supervision of realization the objectives of the 7th plan have been entrusted to the supreme steering council of the 7th development plan, he added, adding
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that this council is trying to compile, approve and promulgate an important part of relevant decrees and regulations, especially those that are key, in the shortest possible time . but these days , they travel with their children to every heat in the south-west of the country
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, so we have so much fever to reach his pilgrimage. from far away in hormozgan province, the heat is intense . now we have walked for 20 hours to reach here . i came with my son last year and i regretted it why didn't i come in the previous years, this year, thank god , other children were brought to rome from the desire, he said that this family. and a father who whispers the story of karbala to his children step by step on the way to heaven. our family , we all went alone before. this year , we decided to come together
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, whatever god wants. yes, god willing , he will go to his own love in the crossing of shlamche chesh, where you will see mothers and fathers who have made their children their imams. let's introduce all the children to seyyed al-shohada, peace be upon him, children from now until, god willing, after they grow up, god willing, they should bring the little one along with others. i saw a mother with her children who was in karbala but her eyes were on another part of the world. these are the enemies of islam.
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this year's arbaeen walk has informed the pilgrims who travel with their own cars and in the parking lots especially on the border of mehran, sharmcheh and chazaba , they must make a short detour after returning. as for the pilgrims, with the agreement of the country of iraq, traffic from all
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borders is 24 hours. a warning: pilgrims arbaeen is one of the official ticket materials. they prepare and give a private card number, don't be sure because most of these are frauds. 15 round-the-clock pharmacies are located on the arbaeen route, according to the deputy director of development of management and resources of the food and drug organization, in addition to the 24-hour pharmacies, there are 21 pharmacies during the day for arbaeen pilgrims service route. we have provided about 250 items of medicines that have been approved in the pharmacopoeia for these round-the-clock pharmacies , and we have also provided about 150 items of medical supplies and equipment. 700 hajj and pilgrimage brokers to guide and help those who find them they went to iraq. have each other's phone so that
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they can announce their position to their fellow passengers. they have started towards karbala muala. the flags of arbaeen hosseini members on the road of nasiriyah, iraq. the name of the procession is ahbab vazharast, we are from the people of nasiriyah. every year we wait for these days to come so that we can
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welcome the pilgrims of imam hussain (peace be upon him). of course, we serve hosseini pilgrims and when we hear that someone is planning to visit them , we give our whole lives to him. everyone tries to
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have a share in relieving the fatigue of the journey and the thirst of the pilgrims in the hot weather of these days in iraq. we are on the way today we are reaching imam hussein. iranians, iraqis , pakistanis, bahrainis, and other loved ones who participate in this ceremony have in common the love of imam hasina. anyone who has the love of hossein in his heart today. he is walking beside us and on this path , even if he is not physically present , medical facilities and first aid services for pilgrims have been provided by the iraqi government. we have been stationed along the walking path since five days ago and are serving the pilgrims round the clock. alhamdulillah, we haven't had any problems so far. most people come to us to treat foot blisters they say that our colleagues are engaged in the service of iraqi processions from nasiriyah to the city of samavah and from there to najaf ashraf
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. nasser achiz, the chief reporter of nasiriyah broadcasting agency of iraq, the acting minister of foreign affairs , considered the assassination of martyr hani as a violation of the country's integrity and national security, and emphasized that retaliatory action in response to this assassination is iran's legitimate inherent right. at the commemoration ceremony of martyr ismail haniyeh, mr. bagheri added that the pure blood of this martyr led to the steps of resistance fighters islam becomes more stable in the path of realizing ideals. coinciding with the anniversary of the 33-day war and the victory of lebanon's hezbollah 18 years ago over the zionist regime in 206, which is named the day of islamic resistance. now here at the ministry of foreign affairs, the commemoration ceremony of martyr haniyeh
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was held with the presence of the country's officials, ambassadors and representatives of some islamic and non-islamic countries. islamic iran's acting minister of foreign affairs said that the blood of martyr haniyeh made the mission and cause of the palestinian nation stronger and stronger in the region and the world. mr. bagheri also said that iran is definitely in its position of rights and inherent rights legitimate use. it is the legitimate inherent right of the islamic republic of iran to take countermeasures against the zionists. the participants in this ceremony, while condemning the assassination of martyr haniyeh , considered iran's response to this crime as legitimate according to international laws. the presence of representatives and ambassadors of different countries in this ceremony shows that the zionist regime has become more isolated than before after the assassination of martyr haniyeh. the axis of resistance is at the peak of coordination, as well as most countries of the world, they give the right to iran and the axis of resistance to respond to haniyeh's assassination. yahya senvar's choice
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as the head of the political office of hamas , it was one of the other topics that all resistance representatives welcomed in this ceremony. yahya senwar is a prominent political figure of hamas. he is a person who has detailed information about what is happening in gaza. in my opinion, he is a smart choice who is also knowledgeable about the system. the axis of resistance compared to 18 years ago . today, we, the axis of resistance, can end the zionist regime. the resistance, which used to defend itself with stones, now has drones and we have allies and supporters from all five continents. therefore, the strength of the axis of resistance to 18 it is much more than last year. representatives of the resistance axis insisting that in the current situation and after the assassination of martyr haniyeh and the crime of the zionists in tabayin school, talking about a ceasefire is a complete lie. this criminal regime
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does not understand the language of negotiation. we were negotiating when our negotiator was assassinated. therefore, bloodlust is obligatory and this bloodlust is a service to humanity. the participants in this ceremony emphasized. the people of indian-controlled kashmir came to the streets despite the announced bans and demanded revenge for the blood of satan. the protest against the crimes of the zionist regime continues at the same time as the month of travel ceremony has tabash abbas took this photo after hearing the news. he saved the testimony of this resistance soldier on his cell phone screen. one of the kashmiri citizens who, like many
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, give breakfast.
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there will be no more like martyr haniyeh in this world, but i am sure that his blood will not be wasted, and we expect the authorities of the islamic republic to take revenge on those thousands of other martyrs in gaza. the message of revenge and request from the islamic republic of iran was due to the fact that martyr haniyeh was a guest of the iranians . according to the people, the hospitality of the zionists should not go unanswered. we support the islamic republic with all our being to avenge him. ismaili, whose martyrdom is defined as a resistance soldier in the minds of kashmiri muslims and youth today. a soldier who has now dared muslims to display symbols of palestine and this martyr in the city, even if it is considered a crime for them. since tuesday morning
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, more than 220 illegal zionist settlers have entered the courtyard of al-aqsa mosque and attacked this mosque . the islamic endowments department in occupied jerusalem announced the closure of al-maghrabah gate in al-aqsa mosque after the attack by the zionist residents. the zionist regime police does not allow the palestinian worshipers to enter al-aqsa mosque, while the settlers danced and pounded drums in the area of ​​this mosque . ben guer, minister of internal security of the zionist regime and a member of the knesset of the zionist regime from the likut party also accompanied the settlers in this attack. zionist attacks on
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the southern center of the gaza strip on tuesday, media sources also reported the bombings of al-mashirat and al-brij camps in the center of the gaza strip, including reports that the bombing of a residential building in al-borj resulted in the martyrdom of at least seven people from deir al-bala. also news it is reported that at least 4 people were martyred in the occupation regime's air attack on a residential building. it is said that two four-day-old babies and their mother and grandmother were martyred in this attack. a similar picture has been published of khan yunus, but this time it is the only survivor of a zionist attack from a family of their baby. in the night attack
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of zionists on khan yunis on the 11th. british special operation to control the riots, the british government announced that all the people who were involved in the attack on the police and public government places and the riots in the last two weeks in this country will be arrested.


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