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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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and today, wednesday, august 24th, 9 safar and august 14th, zohr will be in tehran at 12:00 and maghrib azan will be at 19:00. thank you very much for your attention and companionship with this news section. goodbye. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the news of the capital market. three important actions with
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the central bank was announced to support the stock exchange in the meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange. mr. farzin learned about the new measures of the central bank to support the stock market and shareholders by taking the necessary measures to finance and accelerate the development plans of listed companies. gave after the emergency meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange, which was held last night, the head of the central bank said that the guarantee of 360 thousand billion tomans or the amount of financing bonds by the operating banks. it was considered for the issuance of riyal financing bonds for development projects and provision of working capital of listed companies. according to mr. farzin, the issuance of 2 billion euros of currency sukuk bonds for the development plans of listed companies , especially in the field of petrochemicals and mining , is one of the other support programs of this bank for the stock market. the head of the central bank also said that half a billion euros in foreign currency loans for listed companies that are in cross income and plans
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to have quick returns was allocated so that by granting this roof, listed companies can increase their exports. the stock market was in the red and 87 of the market symbols were negative. the withdrawal of money in the glass hall has reached its 13th day . until the glass dollar ended the trading on tuesday again with a decrease, and the total and weight indices moved on the negative side of the fluctuation range. 87 of the market symbols were red on this day . million 99184 units stood up to again from the psychological limit of 2 million units should be removed, the price of trading stocks in the average stock market was also decreasing and
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the equal weight index was at 63,245 units with a drop of 1,253 units, equivalent to 2%. on this day, 3 billion and 890 million stocks and financial bonds were sold at 12,000 units. the value of transactions reached 3,326 billion tomans , the value of transactions reached 1,713 billion tomans, the symbols of nouri and fars family steel had the most negative impact on red. the overall index was overshadowed and the symbols of webank, defara, mellat and afog mande were further reduced in the overall index. on tuesday net change of legal ownership to real for the 13th it became negative for consecutive days and 435 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market. the largest outflow of real money took place from the groups of stock funds, chemical products and basic metals. the largest inflow of real money
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was allocated to the group of manufacturing electrical devices, water transportation and manufacturing communication devices. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 90 symbols were positive and 62 symbols were negative. also, 30 symbols faced buying queues and 527 symbols faced selling queues. the total value of buying queues is 52 billion tomans, the total value of selling queues is 1500 billion tomans. ghazal arab gol news agency radio proposed ministerial programs. economic and financial affairs regarding the improvement of the economy and capital market were presented to the parliament. mr. hemti has mentioned structural reforms in the macroeconomics, such as removing mandatory pricing and stopping government intervention in the capital market, among his important goals. mr. hemti also explained his announcement plan to the parliament to increase the transparency, speed, efficiency and depth of the capital and debt market and support good shareholders. winning and
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attracting foreign investors to the capital market is one of the priorities of its plan. turning the country's capital market into an important factor in establishing economic registration. increasing the capital market's share in stable and cheap financing for production activities is one of mr. hemti's plans. the daily value of the holders of different portfolios of equity shares in today's package of 60 seconds with equity shares. trading 8% of adalat portfolio shares in the positive range on 23rd of august , out of 36 stocks in the adalat portfolio, 33 symbols were traded in the same direction as the downward trend of the stock market in the negative range and only 3 symbols were traded in the positive range. with this trading process of the equity portfolio. the value of the shareholders' portfolio of 490 thousand tomans to 6382 thousand tomans, the value of the shareholders' portfolio of 530 thousand tomans to 685 thousand tomans and
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the shareholders' portfolio of 1 million tomans reached 13 million 970 thousand tomans. maryam fadaei, sed and sima news agency. registration of the historical quota limit in commodity exchange option transactions the head of the financial instruments development department of the commodity exchange said: more than one million gold option contracts were registered on monday, august 22, which is a historical quota. referring to the significant increase in the volume of trades and open positions in option contracts, ms. fuladifar said that the total number of re-option positions reached more than 5,600,000 positions yesterday. according to fuladifar mesh bazar. it is very high and it is expected more genealogies should be registered this year. the head of the commodity exchange financial instruments development department also announced the launch of the silver bullion deposit certificate and its future contract in the near future. about 4,965 tons
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of products with an approximate value of 698 billion tomans were traded in the commodity exchange on tuesday. in the hall of industrial products. about 15,560 tons of all kinds of goods were sold. the volume of transactions in cement hall reached 120,684 tons. the petrochemical and petroleum products hall has also experienced the transaction of about 7260 tons of polymer and chemical materials. about 115,000 tons in the auction hall and 26,275 tons in the export hall tons of products, including sponge iron, bloom, acetic acid and non-traded. and that the iran energy exchange today hosts the supply of various products in the subgroup of oil, gas and other energy carriers. 30,000 tons of light oil, 12,000 tons of natural gas and 12,000 tons of raffinate are offered in the international hall. more than 8,24,000 barrels of kerosene,
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heavy carbon, and heavy cut are among the other export supplies of the energy exchange. the inner hall is also the supply of 4 thousand tons of pentane cutting. and 2000 tons of gasoline . in this hall, 12 million liters of kerosene are also supplied. end of capital market news, god saver maintaining security in public and even private transportation lines and fleets is a topic that made the specialists of a knowledge-based company in sharif university of technology think
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to produce a new generation of car tracking system using artificial intelligence, for example, in places where the antenna. there are places where it is not necessary for gps data to be readable in terms of security. we are doing something there so that the accuracy of product tracking does not decrease. the technological product can be produced for all types of public and personal transportation . it is in the form of a hardware and software fabric and can meet many of his needs cover the fleet in the field of mobile transport and smart activity. the fleets that this product can cover are from the smallest fleet of electric scooters, electric bicycles to passenger cars and trucks, and according to the needs that came to us from the market and the studies we had
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, we decided to produce such a product. to do and develop, the main characteristic of our manager is that it is a fabric and in the form of hardware and software, that is, the hard part as well. we developed our own software. we produced four models of hardware products according to the needs that exist in the country development software system. we gave it to be able to meet the local needs of the country. the product is developed natively and solve the need of fleet monitoring to a great extent. for example, the section of electric scooters or electric bicycles or electric motors that are available in a shared form can be seen in different cities, they have their own voltage level requirements and so on. which should be installed in such a way that it is not visible , they need a very small size, momentary tracking and
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monitoring of the engine temperature is formed with this technological product. this radio is based on the ability to faraji has more bandwidth, and this bandwidth provides us with a series of features , such as oil pressure, speed, the amperes that are in the car, the features of the sensors that are inside the car, a technological product with a lower cost than the foreign model. it has been produced and domesticated. its foreign examples are from european countries, such as china. if we want to provide the smallest tracking even now in the domestic market, the road costs are from 2 million tomans and above, but our economic tracker, which is being sold commercially, is 40% of this amount. it is lower. according to danesh banyan company officials. the product was produced at the request of the public transport fleet and has now been commercialized.
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mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency.
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skin diseases are running rampant, we've been seeing horrifying. images of children covered in these blister-like oozing skin infections, doctors are not even entirely sure what it is, there aren't enough toilets, sewage and waste is running out in the open, piles of garbage are collecting, you have cholera, you now have polio that was detected, you have diarrhea, you have hepatitis a, you don't have ability to shower, people are begging, begging for hygiene kits, which no organization has really... been able to get into gaza in any sort of significant uh
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number in months right now, people don't even have a bar of soap to be able to clean off with, at best, if they're close enough to the sea, they're washing off in the sea with salt water, i mean it it is completely and totally unlivable, this is not in any way shaper form, even anything that resembles, remotely resembles what can be called a human existence. the situation in talavid and other cities. it is not normal in the occupied territories as the zionist media say. factories are limited or stopped. there is a hypothesis that haifa will be one of the targets of iran and hezbollah's attacks. factories within 40 kilometers of the border have been asked to stop their activities . haifa port, which is one of the vital highways
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of the zionists, exports millions of dollars of goods to other countries from this port every year. now it is completely empty. this is the beautiful port of haifa this port is empty. no ship anchors in this port . not a civilian ship, not even a military ship. there are no workers here. as the reporter of zionist channel 11 says, foreign travelers are no longer willing to travel to israel. thousands of israelis are stranded in foreign airports. the number of stranded passengers is more than 20.
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as the zionist officials say, the situation is from iran's strategy of attrition and prolonging the war , so that israel enters an attrition war little by little . it will act harmoniously, but the important question is why we played in iran's playground. netanyahu did exactly what he did by giving the initiative to iran. prolonging the war is only for the benefit of iran.
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so that they may find the answers to their questions by monitoring the iranian media. all iranian officials speak of iran's strong response. they tell from the exact answer. what does this exact answer mean? we don't know as you know, iranians and hezbollah work very calculatedly. perhaps the exact answer means to assassinate an israeli official. we do not know what they mean. they have a strong response too they say these are question marks. it has occupied our minds. we do not know when they will respond. we do not know what they say at the right time. when is the right time? is the right time today or tomorrow or two weeks from now? we don't know we do not know where they are aiming. kayhan newspaper said: haifa and tel aviv will be the targets of iran's attack. but the question
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arises as to which goals iran will target in haifa and tel aviv. the fear of the next stage of iran's response also added to the zionists' worries. last week we were afraid of all 9 million israelis we spoke to thousands of people in the north and south. i believe another week has passed and we are still living in fear. conditions mixed with fear and anxiety in the occupied territories. in the past 10 months, the reporter of the 12th tv channel of the zionist regime has been talking about its achievements for iran and hezbollah without even firing a single missile. if we look at the developments of recent days, all the people of israel are anxious and the economy has been damaged. this is an achievement that hezbollah and iran have achieved before firing a single missile. the problem with israel
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is that no one has made any decisions yet is mojtaba shah the israeli news agency sada and radio reported that iran may be using large missiles this time, which may be more effective than the missiles that were launched last april, of course , and iran has precision missiles, which means that in the last attack in april, they hit military bases, with israel's recognition of military bases. in the north and in the south, the base of nifatima is atmospheric, that is, it is one minute. in one of the planes' routes, this was an indication to the israelis that iran sent four rockets in a minute , i think, remind us that they hit the target , what about the israeli public opinion, sayyid rami. mansoura hel melo, for example, i want the continuation of the war, i reject iran, maybe it will come, and i and hezbollah also want the
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israeli people to move forward in this way, especially the gaza strip. and psychologically, but the israeli people on the northern front are the majority who occupy them, especially in the state of anticipation and waiting, and this is psychological, mental, economic, and social exhaustion for them , especially because it means all night, all night. the mahalat al-jariyah is delayed due to the state of anticipation and waiting, and this means exhaustion, and hasan nasrallah declares that this is part of the fight and punishment, glorifying the guardian. the ministry of foreign affairs congratulates the journalists who covered about 3 years of diplomacy in the 13th government. i congratulate
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the minister who called journalists the voice of diplomacy exactly one year ago on this day. in the diplomatic system, our work, our efforts, our activities without the presence of the media are completely incomplete and even better . foreign minister is a martyr who went through the ministry in such a way that they said his path should be continued. he was good, he was a very good negotiator , he had a good effort and activity, i saw his work closely, he was moving well, he was working well, this activity and effort should continue, god willing .
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by prioritizing the 13th government on the neighbors of africa, latin america and asian countries. it was eastern. this was well implemented. the other priority was the neighboring countries and the region. focusing more on the neighborhood and asian policy is the work, but this does not mean that we will ignore other parts of the world. at the same time, we believe that europe is only troika. not in europe. during his time many relations were resumed, such as saudi arabia and jordan, and other relations with neighbors were deepened. hossein abdullahian based on the experience of working with him , i am confident that his intention was to continuously strive to
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develop positive relations between iran and oman, as well as iran's relations with other neighboring countries. he was a good example of what a foreign minister can do to serve his country. and also to serve the country's foreign policy in the forward direction. bilateral meetings with japanese officials arrived in tokyo. the minister of foreign affairs of our country wants to carry out a mission to expand bilateral relations be it against the east or a pre -planned mission to defend the rights of the iranian nation
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against the west. in case of any use of force by the israeli regime and aggression against iran's interests , the islamic republic of iran will exercise its inherent right to give a clear and decisive response. and qawy will not hesitate for a moment to regret making this regime definitive and complete. operation vahad sadiq, which was truly a masterpiece. in coordination, legal work should be done well, countries should be justified, various warnings should be given, power should be sought, but according to the goals we had, we should not allow the innocent people to get hurt. in addition to diplomacy, he had a good reputation in morals. many diplomats and high-ranking officials of countries, even at levels above the position of foreign minister , were particularly interested. he talked and
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met with them. meetings with mr. dr. amir abdullahian usually left behind many protocols in terms of time. the minister of foreign affairs of iran always answers honestly and frankly and is always willing to answer any question . this is very valuable. of course, it is natural that the answers are not always what americans, british and israelis want to hear. taught as several units in the university , we are in different places, in different classes , the things that are said to us all the time are from the blows, from the injuries, from the fact that you think it is the end , as if you are nothing anymore, but in the class of mr. doctor, not to say that this is the view not having any criticism , by chance, they knew the criticism and weaknesses very well
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, but he and the whole attitude that they had towards iran was very honorable compared to the ministry of foreign affairs and the minister personally, they reached a level where every minister, every personality after him, god-willing, will be the leader of politics. he takes over the foreigner, he should be this level to comply with hosni sadat shabiri of sed and sima news agency.
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wow, i can't believe it, yes, that's how much. it was a week ago if you wanted to buy something, you had to leave a lot of time to go and look around, then reach the market, the market is one-way at night. in three ways, offices with unbelievable prices for long-term contracts and without advance
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payment in sarai. big iranian in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. we all know that when the air conditioner is serviced on time wash my filter tub on time. really, in terms of saving energy, when the weather is very hot , it is better to use panko dora klor instead of tendo klor. with energy, they are aware of what time to use high-consumption appliances. 300 automatic cars and 45 billion tomans cash prizes. for more information , dial the square star 21/15. you are a winner with energy . great tea, great place. sofia tea sophia tea is excellent tea. great place great place, great place
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, sofia's place . good morning, dear compatriots. and some other news. today is the third and last day of the presence of the ministers proposed by the government the fourteenth is in specialized commissions of the parliament. according to the schedule, today 12 commissions out of 13 specialized commissions of the parliament are hosting the proposed ministers. the spokesman of the speaker's board also stated that in the past two days.


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