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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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mesh went to the field. thank you very much for your companion . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their death. i wish you a good day . i invite you, dear citizens of ajman , to accompany us on the news of this hour. president in separate meetings with the members of the assembly of representatives of west azarbaijan province and the mining industry commission of the islamic council of al-wefaq.
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he considered nationalism to be one of the basic components in the preparation of the list of proposed ministers and said that although this list may not be ideal for some people and criticize it, it is based on the fourteenth government's deep belief in collective wisdom. and consensus and interaction with all political currents has been prepared. mr. bizikian added that the reason why even the names of people who voted for rival candidates in the elections can be seen in the list of ministers is a deep belief in necessity. it is a national consensus. the president said that being of the people and with the people and moving in the direction of justice are the basic features of the 14th government. mr. mezikian also considered the development of interactions with all the countries of the world, especially the neighbors, as one of the priorities of the government's foreign policy for the country's progress, and he said that the condition for success in interacting with the world is to create harmony and internal unity. last day of attendance
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proposed ministers in the parliament commissions, the internal affairs commission and the councils of the parliament agreed with the plans of the ministers proposed for information, as well as science, research and technology. abbas araghchi again attended the meeting of the national security commission this morning. the ministers proposed by the jihad of agriculture, niro and rahe also managed to get the support of the members of the agriculture commission. mr. ghali also today , he attended the meetings of a number of commissions, and by giving some information , he was closely informed about the process of examining the plans of the proposed ministers. the commissions will host the members of the proposed cabinet until 20:00 today was according to the minister of energy, the contract for the construction of 11,000 mw renewable power plant with private sector investment has been signed. mr. m. the renewable power plant
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has been started and a contract has been signed for the construction of 1500 mw wind power plant. the minister of energy said that more than 1,382 megawatts have been added to the country's power plant capacity, and the production management capacity of the country's power plants has reached 93,000 megawatts. according to mehrabian, in the last 3 years, iran's electricity is 45.7 terawatt hours. there has been an increase in production, which has placed iran in the seventh place in the world. the general manager of energy affairs for customers of the electricity industry said with the approximate decrease in air temperature in some parts of the country , the country's electricity consumption has decreased by about a thousand megawatts, but the average increase in electricity consumption is still two. it is equal to previous years.
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on this basis, i am talking with the general manager of intelligence and new technologies of tavanir company, mr. ahmadi , who is with us. hello, mr. ahmadi , i would like to ask how much electricity consumption demand was and how to monitor high consumption subscribers ? in the name of god, i offer my greetings and respect to you and the dear viewers. i have to tell you that yesterday at 2:15 p.m the installation of 781 megawatts was aborted due to the demand for electric energy consumption. this amount shows an increase of about 10,000 megawatts compared to wednesday last year on the same date, which was 68,938 megawatts. this increase is an unprecedented increase in history. in the electricity industry, this increase
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is unique for this time of the year. in our opinion, the reason for this could be several points, and i request that dear viewers pay attention to these points. first, the discussion of lowering the temperature has happened in some places , a decrease of 1 to 2 degrees, but in many parts of the country, we are still talking about increasing the temperature. we have the temperature and our temperature is stable. another issue that i have to tell you is the issue of consumption stickiness. there are many places where the temperature has dropped by one or two degrees, but still this issue of stickiness of consumption has caused us to record these numbers in the electric energy demand. to do therefore , consumption management is still the first word these days and its continuation is very necessary. our colleagues have a 24-hour monitoring of the electricity network information and explain the information using the capabilities of
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smart meters as well as face-to-face consultations with high-consumption subscribers. subscribers who if they don't follow the consumption pattern, they will be dealt with . yes, mr. ahmadi pointed out. i think you could give a brief explanation about the stickiness of electricity consumption. yes, i can tell you that consumption habits cause that sometimes , despite the fact that the temperature decreases, but if the temperature set for the cooler does not change , we will have the same temperature, especially in such areas of the country. there is more, which means that with the decrease in temperature, we still have the same amount of consumption as before. yes, thank you very much , if the compatriots know this, they can do better manage their consumption optimally. mr. ahmadi is with us the general manager of intelligentization and new technologies of tavanir company, with whom we
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are saying goodbye. dispatch of arbaini procession from tabas in khorasan in januar to the milestones of this procession with 92 servants. it means that they say that it's hot here , you'll be bothered. the heat is really enjoyable. serving the visitors is really enjoyable. now, if you ask god, i'll dream of cooking. inshallah , i'll be at the procession 's cultural pavilion. thank you for
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your presence, counseling and guidance as far as the facilities we have there, we will have 10 devices for you. the truck , along with one bus and five passenger cars, that is 92 people , is the servant of azam kazemin. the service that they provide to the pilgrims of imam hussain will be more favored by the prophet himself. the service will start from 25 august and will continue until arbaeen. he will have aba abdullah al-hussein (peace be upon him) in arbaeen al-husseini in the city of kazmin. vahidullah tv news agency tus golshan.
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78 thousand iranian pilgrims arrived in the first eight days of the month from land and air borders. they became the country of iraq. the head of arba'in central headquarters said that mehran borders with more than 430 thousand shalamcheh with more than 243 thousand and kadabah with more than 58 thousand pilgrims accounted for the most traffic of pilgrims, and khosravi tamrchin wagh borders are in the next ranks. but to find out about the status of the busiest arbaini border , we are in contact with the governor of ilam at the border of mehran. mr. bahraminin. hello, i would like to ask you to tell us about the traffic of pilgrims and what percentage of the car stops at mehran border are now full. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i
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wish to greet and have a good day, at the service of your excellency, ms. mirsane, and also to all dear listeners and viewers. we mentioned the amount of pilgrims who visited atbat aliat mashraf from the border of mehran from the beginning of the trip to 12 o'clock. at night, we had 533,000 pilgrims reluctant to cross the mehran border, and from the first moments of the morning until 12:00 noon, we had 13,000 reluctant pilgrims at the nehran border. let us be aware of the condition of the roads and the condition of the parking lots in the city and the arbain parking lot. we were placed by a helicopter and the parking lots
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were monitored. so far, about 30% of our parking lots have been completed, and 70% of the parking lots are still waiting for azizan khodro park. transportation routes to the border of mehran, especially from the south of dehlran to mehran and from on the north side, from the shabab side to mehran, the traffic is completely smooth, the roads are completely safe and under the control of the traffic police and the road police. alhamdulillah, everything is ready to receive our dear pilgrims at the border of mehran, with all the facilities. we have the information of canopies, sprinklers, cool water, jetfans and
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places that the pilgrims need to rest. on the border side, fortunately, our dear friend and brother country, iraq. dear everyone, everyone is working. in terms of real-time passports , their passports will be stamped within 3 seconds, and there is no problem with the bus from the other side of the border to najaf and karbala. with 300 buses from our own country, these loved ones have moved to on the other side towards najaf and karbala yes, thank you very much . mr. bahram niaz, the governor of iran , thank you. god bless you. we will say goodbye to you
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, but we will go to shalamcheh border and i will talk with my colleague at this border terminal in khuzestan province , mr. mrs. mahmoudi. in the name of allah , the merciful. greetings and courtesy to you and all the esteemed viewers of the khabar channel and my dear compatriots, the traffic at the shalamcheh border is safe and smooth . it is the same as the previous one. as you can see in the picture behind me , even though it is 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the traffic is still there. khuzestan klan highway department deputy chief of road administration announced that 30 road patrols
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will continue on the roads leading to shlamcheh from august 27th to september 5th, and cars will be inspected technically so that the traffic of visitors can be smooth and easy. in another direction , arbaeen hosseini headquarters advised the pilgrims not to postpone the pilgrimage until the last days. shorten the length of stay and also do not walk in the peak of heat. and then continue on their way, and pilgrims have also been asked to wear cool clothes, glasses,
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hats , etc., to have a good pilgrimage. shalamcheh, well, we are following the news, the deputy of the civil aviation organization's airport and aviation supervision office said that all the tickets for arbaeen flights will be available until the end of today, wednesday. . super flights get the possibility of selling tickets will have the airlines were supposed to be full according to the notification of the civil aviation organization. offer to travelers in august. but the head of the airline association says, this is not possible and the supply continues. about you , if i leave 30,000 seats , they will crash the system. in the joint inspection of the inspectors of the airline organization and the consumer rights protection organization,
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we encountered problems for buying arbaeen tickets. the joint patrol that started on august 20 and returned until the end. in addition to the amount determined by the airline company, is there a number from do you take passengers or not? it works, it opens with 2%, i got more than that, we are poor , father, i sit from morning till noon , i constantly refresh the site, one opens, two opens, i get this, i bought two, no problem, we wanted to see what the issue was. because the passenger's number must be there, there is a difference between delay and urgency. let me tell you that i used to be an employee of iran. those who claim to be connected with the airline and can get tickets and give private card numbers , don't trust them because most of them are frauds. airline companies say that their infrastructure
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is in trouble and they cannot sell tickets. we have mentioned this matter that we had once raised the necessary arrangements for your servers and sales facilities to be open to the public 24 hours a day. such a reason was far from our expectations. will be leila seki of radio and television news agency. pharmaceutical statistics of the country and transparency of information in the field of medicine. it became electronic , the head of the food and drug organization said, the capital of the market the country's medicine is 160 thousand billion tomans. the drug statistics became electronic and available to the public . the statistics have been published publicly and all people can enter
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and see the statistics through the portal that is written in the same section of the site. until now, access to drug statistics was not possible and there was no transparency. some statistics were the basis for drug smuggling. the drug statistics of 402, which contains very valuable and precious information for the pharmaceutical industry , for drug companies and distribution companies , god willing, will be available to the public now. based on this drug statistics , it has been determined that our pharmaceutical market is about 160 thousand billion tomans, of which 99% is related to manufactured drugs and 1% is related to imported drugs. the functions of this statistics are to identify drug shortages for necessary times. drug shortages are online in the information dashboards of the food and drug organization and
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others. nafanmon that drug companies, medical equipment companies and companies related to the production or import of milk and dry food and cosmetic food products they are hygienic and have separate benefits. through this electronic service, scientific companies also get more opportunities to produce domestically needed drugs. a special education is planned for them, through this they can see that imported drugs are more expensive. how can they produce it inside the country ? in this statistics, the illegal prescriptions show a high number in the field of drug consumption. amoxicillin 500mg capsule, ivig 5g vial and cefixime 400mg tablet have the largest share in our pharmaceutical market in 2014.
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to have according to the pharmaceutical statistics of the country, 215 companies were active in the field of drug production and 129 companies were active in the field of drug import. according to the drug statistics of 1402, 50% of the drugs used in the country were antibiotics. tayyab kargar news reporter of sed and sima. some more news. the european mediterranean human rights watch reported the martyrdom of 2,100 infants in the military aggression of the zionist regime in gaza. according to the report of this center, in the last 10 months, more than 17,000 palestinian children were martyred in the zionist attacks on gaza. yesterday, while the father of the newborn twins in gaza to receive their birth certificate to one the local administration went.
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however, in the midst of the gaza war and four days after the school disaster, american subjects announced the sale of more warplanes to the zionist regime. it was approved. armored personnel carrier tank bullets are also included in this package. in the last 10 months, the us has sent more than a billion dollars worth of weapons to israel. according to the report of the stockholm international peace research institute , america
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is the supplier of 70% of the military weapons of the zionist regime. about 40,000 in the last 10 months palestinians were martyred in gaza. america justified the killing of palestinian civilians in tabayin school , civilians whom the zionists target every time with american bombs. there is clear evidence and records that hamas uses civilians as human shields and civilian infrastructure to hide itself. the spokesperson of the us state department is an ally of the zionists who calls the crimes of this mass killing machine justifiable. a mass killing machine that is targeted every time with an excuse. giving resistance fighters massacres civilians, for example, where the forces said hamas hid in the tunnels under shafa hospital and
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besieged this hospital for more than two weeks , but after they retreated, about 400 bodies were discovered in the nearby hospital, or in jabalia mawasi , schools where refugees are accommodated, or hospitals, the last one being the same school. in crimes using bombs gifted by the americans, which have so far killed nearly 40,000 people, 40,000 of whom 60% are children and women. the israelis' gbu 39 bombs from the american gbu 39 bombs in the attack on this the school used these explosive wave bombs they are severe and cause the human body to be fragmented . not only are they not blamed for these crimes, but they are also encouraged. where in the heart of the american congress is the support
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that, according to american lawyers , is a blank check to continue the genocide of the zionists in gaza? at the end of the international aid package in america , they drove around the cities on the hood of a war machine in the heat, and some of them were sent to the ruins in gaza with their hands tied as life shields
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to find, for example, the tunnels of hamas, and if an explosion occurred during these searches, this to be prisoners they are losing their lives , the leader of hamas said that this movement is in the present situation. it is through negotiations with the zionists that the occupying regime ends the war in the gaza strip. the american wall street journal reported that yahya senwar sent a message to egypt and qatar as arab mediators before the start of the new round of negotiations and emphasized that if the zionist regime is serious about the talks , it should stop all military operations in gaza. otherwise, hamas is not willing to negotiate. negotiations to stop the war in the gaza strip and release the prisoners from the beginning months of the zionist aggression it started, but due to the extravagance of the zionist side , it has not yet reached a conclusion. according to
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reports, the new course is set. this is the first round of negotiations after the appointment of yahya senwar as the successor of martyr ismail haniyeh. hamas has emphasized that the mediators should present a plan based on previous negotiations rather than starting new negotiations. well , dear and respected compatriots, we have reached 13:26 and the end of this news section. good day , god bless you.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings, good time, i have your presence, dear viewers of the khabar network, we expect that for today, wednesday, in parts of the beaches in the north of our country, in the provinces of ardabil, gilan , mazandaran, golestan, and to some extent in north khorasan, there will be an increase in rainfall in these areas. from thursday, in addition to rainfall in the coasts and northeast of the country, there will also be an increase in rainfall in the highlands of alborz, tehran, semnan provinces. in these areas, you also, for the next few days due to monsoon currents, mainly in the afternoon and early night in the south of sistan baluchistan province , parts of hormozgan province in the south and southeast of fars province, we will have an increase in rainfall. has been requested staying on the banks of rivers should be avoided . in other parts of our country, the sky
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was clear during this period. we are expecting cloudy weather from thursday, in addition to heavy rains on the coasts , the northern currents will help us to see a decrease in temperature on the northern coasts of our country from thursday. this decrease in temperature is gradually happening in the entire northern half of our country and we expect to have a decrease in temperature in all the northern parts of our country by next sunday, but the weather is still hot in the southern parts of our country. we request that necessary measures be taken in electricity consumption. the phenomenon of 120-day winds in the north-east , east-southeast of our country brings dust and dust in the central areas of the alborz slopes and sometimes in the south -west of the country, increasing the wind speed. can parts of the persian gulf are rough and turbulent. from thursday, the caspian sea
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is expected to be rough. marine activities should be limited. due to the approach of arbaeen hosseini and the movement of pilgrims from the western borders of our country towards the country of iraq, the weather conditions are better in the northwest regions, but in the west and southwest. in our country, the weather is warmer, sometimes we will have dust and ash and the quality of the air. thank you very much for your attention and support. have a good time and god bless you.
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i'm allowed to say one thing, if it's about flattery , we can indulge in his numerous meetings with saeed hajjarian now, next we'll indulge in the tweets that support his sedition , we'll indulge in the letter he wrote to prevent the russian vaccine having and even the supreme leader and we health doctors even considered the colleagues of health defenders to be complicit in killing people, while at that time all health defenders were preparing vaccines or being in the middle of the exercise to fight this disease, and at the same time, both the government and the parliament allocated a huge amount for the preparation of a foreign vaccine and a small amount for


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