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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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thank you, god bless you , it is the 9th of august and the 14th of august in tehran, the sunset is at 185:00 , the maghrib call to prayer is at 1914:00, and the sharia midnight will be at 23:23:00. with the performance of my colleague mr. s. hello, thank
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you mr. sadeghi. thank you very much for your efforts and all my colleagues are at your service in broadcasting the news . welcome to today 's economy table. but the guests of the program before introducing the guests and starting the conversation, i would like to thank the dear viewers of channel one. i say goodbye and invite you to stay with us on the khabar network if you are interested in this topic and conversation. greetings again, dear and respected companions.
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as i told you, today we are going to talk about the real estate and housing system, which is known as a suitable platform for collecting information in order to make correct policies in the field of housing. completing and launching this system is one of the important duties of the government, which is needed to complete it. that different organizations and institutions should cooperate to have their information by connecting them to this system. make it available until this system is completed, use it effectively to review the current state of the real estate and housing system today in the studio at the service of mr. javad sadat, the director general of the ministerial area, advisor to the minister of roads and urban development, and also mr. yaser dastmalchian, the secretary of the working group we are the market and control of the ministry of roads and urban development, and god willing, another dear guest during the program is mr. alireza nasari, a member of the majlis civil commission. mr.
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sadat will be added to our group. greetings, have a good time and welcome, in the name of god rahman al-rahim, i am your servant , i offer my greetings and respect. i thank the national media for their concern regarding the rental housing market . thank you, mr. desmuz, for the time being. greetings and welcome . and i have the courtesy and respect to serve you , your colleagues, dear viewers. i hope that the result will be a good conversation. it will benefit the people , god willing, we hope that it will be used by our dear viewers. well, mr. sadal, if you agree, let's start a question. we talked about the real estate and accommodation system, what is the system, what is its importance, what are its goals , what is its use, but in order for some viewers to be aware of the discussion , let's talk a little about the importance and use of the system.
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let's do it and please also provide the latest statistics that people have registered their information in the real estate and accommodation system. well, i am at your service. i agree with you that the real estate and accommodation system as the most important tool that can be used in the field of housing market policy in these years has always been a concern of me and various concerns. the islamic council is an important policymaker in this area of ​​the ministry of roads and cities. different organizations and institutions have, set up and follow up on the completion of the information of this system, i would like to tell you that it is the request of different organizations and institutions, and each of them has a goal, but the most important goal that we have been pursuing in these years is the effectiveness of information. this system is used to identify empty houses. in order to identify empty houses, it is necessary that different devices and the people themselves help us
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, so that we can present the information of this system to you and update it until today, when i am at your service. well, we have information on more than 75 million people in iran. iranians have been uploaded and identified in this system, for example, people go through their own information, for example , they have been collected in different devices to announce these, that is , we had nearly 400 million records, and out of these 400 million records, about 75 million iranians, their information has been identified from this 75 million iranians, nearly 11 million and 800 thousand nobles, and 11 million 800 thousand heads of households refer to this system, etc. i will tell you the information of their service , confirm their location and tell you, that is, you now you have the information of 75 million, but it has been confirmed , now it should be 11,800,000 guardians , now if we record the household coefficient of that s3
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, for example, around vosh, for example, maybe 30 million people whose information has been confirmed are in this system, so that means about 40 we can say that the system is completed. the pathology that we had in the new period, which was last year , now is around 34 million people, and a year ago, this number was around 34 million people. those let's emphasize more that, god willing, this information will be complete so that it can have its own effect. i will only say this point, maybe this criticism was always there that, sir, this real estate and accommodation system is still not efficient. yes, but according to the information provided by our colleagues in the ministry of roads and urban development's housing deputy, using this system , 182,000 housing units were put on the market, that is , 182,000 housing units that
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were previously declared vacant by people after 182,000 housing units were put on the market through the implementation and follow-up of the empty house tax law this shows that these housings are no longer empty. it means that if we can pursue this work through the different paths that i will explain below , this system can definitely play a very serious role in organizing the supply of units. well, what we pursued was perhaps the legal guarantees that are required for article 169. repeatedly , the direct taxes law and article 54, which is related to the real estate and housing system, did not have serious implementation guarantees . therefore, in the new law on the organization of the rental housing market, which was the last notification of the martyred president, this law, we tried in the article let's bring different types of executive guarantees and involve other agencies to help, for example, in one of the articles related to this
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law, our agency and employees or managers who complain about connecting their information systems to the real estate and accommodation system. face there , it has become a task for the inspection organization to follow up on this complaint, which cannot be the manager of that complex, because until now there is a specific procedure as an executive guarantee that if a manager complains about connecting this system to their own systems to the real estate and accommodation system. can do this do it, of course, the connection of this system itself, because my information is not one-way, the same collections are also useful. for example, today we are witnessing that the central bank of the islamic republic of iran , alhamdulillah, is connected to the real estate and accommodation system , and it is doing its tests, god willing. he has been seriously using this capacity of this system for some time. i want
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to talk more about the benefits that have been added to the system by the law on organizing the land and housing market , but let us serve mr. desmchion, mr. desmchion, mr. sadad. that's one of the talking points benefits and regarding policy making, they know that through this system it is possible to follow up policy making in the field of housing, but there is another discussion regarding the regulation of crying, which means that if we have complete information , we can rent them in the field of land and housing market. let's do a good regulation. in this regard, please explain to the viewers what positive aspects the completion of this system can have in the field of land market and rental housing. he can use his bank resources allocate correctly. yes, now, for example, we have limited resources. we want to invest in a region a, but the information we have
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indicates that, sir, for example, this work should be done in region b. this will not be possible unless the systems have more complete information. finally, it is the same now. another amount has been recorded. if it is recorded at the same rate as it is going, god willing, the policy maker will be able to make more correct decisions. there are too many houses, so it's enough to invest in one area , don't invest again, this is one of them it is a work that has not been done until now , god willing, it will be done. another thing is that, in any case, when you produce housing, it should be included in the explanation, which is now due to the discussion of regulating the market, which is one of the duties of this working group. when a house is built and then it is not sold, or it goes into the hands of, for example, disruptors or those who have speculative installments, we can
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control this process. in any case , we must note that the issue of housing is an investment and i don't know that it is not speculation at all. our goal is that mr. capital goods called we don't have housing, the investor wants to invest in the markets that are defined for him to be productive, be productive, this is because you know that after all, land is something that can be exported and imported, which is not. we have a limited thing and a population. look now , when, for example, about 182,000 houses are offered according to one rule, now if we wanted to build these 182,000 houses , first of all, how much material would have to go, yes, and then how quickly it was offered, after all, the speed of construction is a process. it might take two or three years but today's supply is the will of the market itself, now the
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real estate trading companies are one of the issues, sir , after all, whatever houses have been bought or sold, even those that are empty will not be offered anymore , so a contract will not be arranged. after all , a transaction has been done in the same way, now it is either buying and selling or renting, just another one of the issues that we have seen in this law, which is a very progressive law . here we have added an article to article 54 in article 2 of tabsir 5 the tax law says that 100% of the income from the tax on vacant houses identified by the municipalities means that we have given the responsibility to the municipalities . it is deposited into the accounts of the municipalities of the cities where the tax is located in the form of the industrial budget. that is now, as the frontline of this story, when the municipalities identify the empty houses
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, i will introduce them to the ministry of roads and urban development . using these systems, we will find out whether the house is empty or not, if the information is correct. okay, the tax organization, the tax organization of the party is either going to pay the tax or it is supplying it he offered that if he pays any tax, this tax will go straight into the accounts of the municipalities. now, what are the municipalities doing here again? it means that the industrial budget is tied to this issue of the municipality. we said that it will be added to the industrial budget. this means that this income will go into the industrial budget of the municipality. row 21, article 55 of the municipalities law dated 1334 is deposited, which means that if someone has an empty house somewhere and does not want to sell it, he wants to pay the tax. this the tax comes again in the same cycle for
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the worn-out tissues, which today another producer causes an increase in the unit inside this is another issue in the same market and regulation discussion is that in any case, when there is a system and the contracts that are being registered in the system to be clear, now we realize that this house is empty anyway. look, i rented a property from you as a tenant. in the first year, we registered it in the system. in the second year, based on a routine that is known to be wrong, the policy maker makes a mistake. now, i am asking the people not to renew it behind the papers, we have given access to people so that they can express their contracts for free . there is no need to register for this , according to article 18 of the housing transition law, which your
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excellency informed, so when this registration comes, it will be renewed, i will find out if the house that you currently have as a policy maker last year is empty this year. or, for example, someone else has moved in, this helps as well, and from my side, we came again and gave assignments for the respected landlords to register their contracts and now, one of the issues is that they are not going to register the contract and it causes our data to be incomplete or sometimes it leads the policy maker wrongly. we have come to article 6 of the same organizing law, which the society mentioned that this issue is very important, that is , i request the national media to work on this issue , that the respected promoters should pay attention to the fact that the law has changed its procedure and came into effect on the 13th of june from 134. as it is now in this form, in
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article 6 of this law, article 2 of the landlord and tenant relations law approved in 1976 is amended as follows: article d became like this. lease contracts must specify the duration of the rental amount, the loan amount, and be registered in the country's electronic registration of documents or real estate transactions. previously, you wrote a contract , so to speak, there were four signatures, i.e. the lessor and the lessee , 2 witnesses to the contract were valid, but from now on, as a registered phrase. it is added that after the approval of the lessor, the lessee and 2 people trusted by the parties as witnesses, they should act on the identification code , if this action is not taken now, the contract has not been issued, it is not valid and it cannot be reached in court cases, so the lessor tomorrow that he did not come to register this contract, and now for
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various reasons that i will explain in the rest of the program , he wants to go for an eviction order tomorrow. for now , i think that the incentives and support bases for people to be promoted in this system and to cooperate in this process should be discussed. let's talk to him that this can help a lot to strengthen the saudi trend that you mentioned, mr. sadad, we were talking about the fact that the real estate and housing system had some weaknesses. supervision and executive guarantee and these things, you have seen some material things in the law on organizing the land market, housing, and rent prices did you see that he can complete this ? you said one of them is that you brought supervisory agencies such as the inspection organization to work, and if an administrative agency does not cooperate anyway, you can introduce it to the inspection and violations. another issue is the judicial branch of the
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sana system and adding the names of those agencies. which was not included in the previous draft of the previous law, and you said that it was added in this regard, please explain to the viewers , well, as i said, we are trying to complete the information of this system, one with the help of the people themselves, which is our experience. last year, we had almost 8 registrations for foster education millions of heads of households came to us, and there was no need for them to take the affidavit or house document for registration, which they use for example in a certain area and for other services that people have . we ask people to follow up with concern and confirm their information , often the information in the system is up to date , and the people who refer only need to make a confirmation that this is my latest information and after that according to the movement of the government towards the smart electronic government, often, for example, you can get a passport or get your service, for example.
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driver's license now that you are visiting , that is the operator's last information. i would like to ask you if this is the address or not. well, if it is like this, and the people themselves can help, the dignitaries who applied for the time of their presence in that government agency to get that service, their need is greatly reduced, that is, after the information and address code. they are confirming a post, the time is very short, so the first route we took is now , from my part, mr. desmalchian pointed out that my real estate consultants should help us in completing the information of this system, dear landlords. help in information in completing this information, our system will move you forward, god willing, we can have more of this information. one of the very good things that happened in the law on organizing the real estate market was the addition of some notes to the frequent article 169 of the law on direct taxes and article 54 of the law
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on direct taxes. why are the houses empty? what is the use of such and such? well, in this law , the municipalities have worked to complete it. one of our most important requests is that alhamdulillah, this happened , the tax affairs organization changed its approach to these regulatory taxes, well , maybe last year around this time, the number that was announced in relation to the tax on houses was very surprising. today i am at your service. for the tax year, if i'm not mistaken, 1,400 , 1,401 of the 120,000 empty houses that we introduced to the tax administration, for that period , around 1,100 cases were reviewed, so the 100 cases that were reviewed amounted to 150 billion tomans. considered the most important thing apart from the number that was received
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is the regulation so that the person who owns the property and has no blood can try to supply this unit . if he can help us in the direction of implementation. this tax law will remove the tax on empty houses and focus on the organization of that tax. of course , there are some difficulties. this model of regulatory taxes is different from other models , but the whole world is moving in this direction. that i say your service has started to see if the tax affairs organization in the country is really the basis of the implementation of this tax law on empty houses, that is the part of organization and regulation. it happens spontaneously, it is definitely for their own benefit , it is also for their benefit, it is also for the benefit of the system, and it is also for the benefit of the people in these systems. why was the ministry of energy not operational
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? it will help a lot to complete the system, but the interesting thing is that until now the ministry of energy has not implemented this law . i called them, invited them to come to the program, explain their problems, what are their obstacles, that anyway, they do not cooperate with the implementation of this law , unfortunately, they are not responsive and do not accept the trouble. dear mr. niro, personally, in relation to this matter, spending time with our colleagues in two meetings , what it looks like and solving these issues has a series of social dimensions around it, and the friends in that meeting may have thought that maybe those social dimensions work can prevent that
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can this law be implemented correctly, mr. sadat? see, when something becomes a law in our country, it should be fully implemented . these talks are from before the law was approved, and naturally, our legislators and our honorable representatives in the parliament saw these issues. when the law naturally needs to be implemented, now i will say this is the point that we had, i will say how many proposals have even gone to the honorable minister of energy to set up a meeting. it was not mentioned in the previous law maybe it was a responsibility for them that we took the names of these devices in this new law so that they no longer have any responsibility for that honorable manager. a number of organizations, like the ministry of energy, as i said, have held expert meetings , and in one of the meetings of the supreme housing council, where shahid raisi was present, it was really one of the topics
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that was investigated after that meeting . we hope, god willing, the ministry of energy will soon if we enter this path, we think that there will be positive effects for the goals set by the ministry of energy, especially in the discussion of reducing energy consumption. i have this field to organize the land market with this law, which naturally
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you see, anyway, this law will be written when it wanted to be. the opinion of the elite community has been taken up a lot in the guardian council, the assessment assembly in the civil commission. one of the issues i would like to point out in general is that if our goal was to reduce taxes and this law , we would not include a series of tax discounts in article 1 of this law. i mean, exactly, we came and said, sir , open your law, article 1 is a tax discount, the same thing that you mentioned, sir, i want to say. first of all, what the tax affairs organization itself says taxes, for example, transfer of rent, etc., or taxes on empty houses, are not numerical at all. in all the taxes
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we receive, the coefficient is very small. however , we want to complete our system to collect taxes so that this branch is not created. now, as you pointed out, for example, we introduced 500,000 units , and then it reached, for example, so many cases to be processed, and then , for example, 150 billion tax credits . our goal in this work is leverage for supply, not for provincial taxes. well, this is a point you can see in the same article when i went to the field , i asked the owners of the real estate trading companies and the lessors, why don't you register your contracts? they say that because of the tax , before this law, we have a law. article 53, note 11, mentions that in tehran, up to a total of 150 meters and in the cities, up to 200 meters is exempt
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from tax, that is, if, for example, i am in my city, then i have to draw a conclusion. the main story is information. many people do not know the exact address. i now have the exact address. i will say note 11, article 53 , dear viewers. market regulation and control of the ministry of roads and there are 150 houses in tehran in tehran and 200 meters in other places. 200 meters in other places . it is registered in the real estate system. there is no tax . there is no tax. there is no tax. there is no tax . do n't worry. to be informed, i say that this has already happened, we said to put it in public view, so if i want to give an example now , because the phrase has a total, it means that if i have three houses in the city, it will be 80 meters. now
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we have come here and added, for example, we said, sir, if you rent a residential unit to a family with three children most of the households covered by the relief committee or the welfare organization or the lower income bracket are exempted by 100, that is, if i have two units of 3 to 80 meters in size, which is exempt at all, one of them is 80 meters for three children. should i tell your presence that it will be exempt according to this, or we said that if the contract is 2 years, 70 exemptions for 3 years, 100 exemptions, so i emphasize that the goal is not provincial tax at all , not according to your attention, it is not a matter of tax collection at all, it is more a matter of regulation. and for help in policy making , you got in touch with mr. alireza nasari, a member of the construction commission of the majlis, mr. nasari. hello, good time
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yes greetings , dear mr. seifi, dear guests, mr. sadad, advisor to the honorable minister ravosh shahri, and mr. dedpanchian , secretary of market regulation, dear mr. nasari , dear guests, regarding the laws and, in any case , what are the provisions in the law for this system? we want to talk a little about the supervision issue, which is the duty of this ministry. the force and discussion of the police force and the rest of the institutions in the completion of the real estate system, as a member of the parliament , you are now responsible for the implementation of the real estate and housing system. now, both in the legal dimension and in the regulatory dimension, what has happened that can help to complete the system? yes, well, i would like to say one thing about this system
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. what is wrong with this system ? there is a fundamental problem, my friends . we always start from the end . we have planned everything, the law has been approved, the system has been prepared, but the correct and timely notification has not been done. the target community that wants to use this system and we will take the path in a direction that is misunderstood and other issues cause the main goal to be sidelined , friends. pointing out that the purpose of collecting taxes is not the purpose of organizing a market that is chaotic. dear people , mainly because of them, this system was set up and defined. they are renters, who are facing outrageous prices because of this chaotic market. empty houses should be rented so that when the supply is high, the demand
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will be equal. hopefully, that price balance will not be disturbed, and the benefit will actually be taken by the loved ones who may be less welcoming now. i think with the programs that are now like this table economic, a good program, the economic table and similar programs with a series of educational files for our dear people all over the country should be justified as to what is the main purpose of this system. i think, as always , our people will accompany us. as now the supervisors on the implementation of this law that we expected devices like


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