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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers, we are at your service with the news section at 16:00. the president named national unity as one of the basic components in preparing the list of ministers proposed to the parliament. in separate meetings with the members of the assembly of representatives of west azarbaijan province and the parliament's industry and mines commission, mr. medeshian said: although this list may not be ideal for some people and they may criticize it, it
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is based on the 14th government's deep belief in collective wisdom, mutual understanding and interaction. prepared by all political currents . the president emphasized: the reason is that in the list the ministers even see the names of the people who voted for rival candidates in the elections, a deep belief in the necessity of national unity. the president is also a people person with the people and moving on the executive path. he considered justice to be one of the fundamental characteristics of the 14th government. the last day of the presence of the proposed ministers in the parliamentary commissions. the commission of internal affairs and councils of the parliament agreed with the programs proposed by the ministers of information as well as science, research and technology. abbas araghchi again attended the meeting of the national security commission this morning. the ministers proposed by the jihad of agriculture, niro and rahe also
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managed to get the support of the members of the agriculture commission. today, mr. ghalibaf attended the meetings of a number of commissions, and by stating some things , he was closely informed about the process of examining the plans of the proposed ministers. the commissions will host the members of the proposed cabinet until 20:00 today . 78 thousand iranian pilgrims. in the first 8 days of the month of travel , they entered iraq through land and air borders. the governor of ilam announced the news that the border of mehran is the most trafficked border of zahiran arbaeen hosseini, and said that since the beginning of the trip, 53 thousand people have entered iraq from the border of mehran. we have completed about 30% of our parking lot so far 70% of the parking lots
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are still waiting for azizan's car park. the roads to the mehran border, especially from the south side of dehlran to mehran and from the north side from shabab to mehran , the traffic is completely smooth, the roads are completely safe and under we are traffic control and road police. there is no bus problem from the other side of the border towards najaf and karbala. with the help of 300 buses from our own country , these loved ones moved to the other side towards najaf and karbala. the head of the central headquarters of arbaeen said that the borders of mehran with more than 430 thousand shy more than 243,000 craters. with more than 58 thousand pilgrims
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pilgrims accounted for the most traffic, and the borders of khosravi tamrchin and bashmagh are in the next ranks. well, to find out about the status of one of the arbaini borders of the country, we have a connection with bashmagh border in kurdistan province. hello mr. qadri, please tell us about the movement of zahiran and the facilities at the bashmaq border. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings and good time, i have a good time, your excellency and all dear viewers , i am with you right now at the international border of bashmagh marivan, the border of bashmagh marivan for the third year in a row is hosting the blessed pilgrims of aba abdallah al-hussein. it has taken on a special spiritual atmosphere from the border of bashmaq and kurdistan province, hosted by the people of marivan
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. whatever i say, i said little. in kurdistan province, more than 70 processions are considered blessed for dear pilgrims , and at the level of marivan city. and bashmagh border, as many as 26 processions are serving aziz mubarak pilgrims. in the city of marivan itself, as well as the bashmaq border , there are parking spaces for aziz mubarak's vehicles. last year, for the second year, marivan hosted more than 100,000 pilgrims. aziz crossed this border and this year the facilities and conditions for 500,000 pilgrims died. basmagh marivan has been prepared and the weather is almost good compared to other borders, 15 to 20 degrees here, the weather is cooler and my dear fellow citizens and dear pilgrims can definitely choose this route and this brotherhood and unity of shia and sunni
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here. my dear mr. sadeghi has taken another from the most difficult border point in the west of the province. i am with you in zestan, marivan city and bashmagh border. if you have any questions, i will be at your service and if there is a part , i will definitely be with you in the next parts of the news. marivan sent the arbaini procession from tebast in south khorasan to the milestones of this procession with 92 servants on their way to kazmin shadnawa.
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it will be really enjoyable to serve in bezwar. if god wills, we will go to the temple to cook. inshallah , i will be at the service of the pilgrims at the cultural pavilion of mokab , where daily congregational prayers and supplications will be held . we will have 10 trucks along with one bus and five cars, that is, 92 imam hossein is one way and one way to be noticed by the ahl al-bayt. it is love and interest that they can do this by serving the pilgrims of imam hussain, and most of all , the service will start from august 25th
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and will continue until arbaeen. pilgrims of agha aba abdullah al -hussein (peace be upon him) in arbaeen hussain. he said: a guarantee of 360 thousand billion tomans was considered for the issuance of financing bonds by the operating banks for the development plans and provision of working capital of listed companies. issuance of 2 billion euros
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of currency bonds for the development plans of companies stock exchange, especially in the field of petrochemicals and mining , is one of the other support programs of the central bank of the stock market. the head of the bank. markazi also said: a half billion euro foreign currency loan was allocated for listed companies that have horizontal income and quick-return projects so that these companies can increase their exports. the payment of horizontal obligations resulting from exports in 2017 was extended. the trade development organization announced that the deadline for payment of obligations due to the return of width from the export of 2017 in rials has been extended until the end of december. before the expiration of the seal deadline for the payment of the foreign currency obligation of the issuers had been the rate of fulfilling foreign exchange obligations this year for production units
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is 550 tomans per euro and 750 tomans for non-production units. general manager of intelligence office. and the new technologies of tawanir announced the reduction of 1000 megawatts of electricity consumption in shaban yesterday at the same time as the approximate decrease in air temperature in different parts of the country. according to mr. ahmad, yesterday , the demand for electricity consumption reached 781 megawatts, which has increased by 10,000 megawatts compared to last year. the discussion of temperature reduction in some places a temperature drop of 1 to 2 degrees has happened, but in
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many parts of the country, we are still talking about temperature reduction and temperature increase, and our temperature is stable . there is another issue that i have to tell you about consumption stickiness. there are many places where the temperature drop is one or two. degree has happened, but still this issue of stickiness of consumption has caused us to record these numbers in the electrical energy demand habits. consumption causes that sometimes, despite the fact that the temperature decreases, but the temperature that is set for the cooler does not change, we will have the same temperature in the room, especially in there are more in the southern regions of the country, which means that with the decrease in temperature, we still have the same amount of consumption as before. today , it will rain for areas of the northern part of the country. scattered and for the eastern band
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, it has predicted wind blowing and a decrease in air quality. greetings and respect for your presence dear compatriots. for today, wednesday, in the northern parts of our country, to some extent in the provinces of mazandaran, golestan, parts of north khorasan, and on thursday, in addition to these provinces, in the entire coast of the caspian sea, in the central alborz highlands, we will have an increase in rainfall and during how many days the future too. monsoon currents have increased in the south of sistan baluchistan, parts of hormozgan, south and southeast of fars province, and we can see the rain in these areas as well. in terms of temperature , we expect that the temperature will drop from thursday on the shores of the caspian sea, and this temperature drop will happen in the entire northern half of our country during the next friday to sunday, and it will cause the temperature to drop in the northern parts of the country. let's go to the regions, in terms of the phenomenon of wind, there are also strong winds in the
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northeast, east, southeast, the center of alborz slopes to the southwest of our country, sometimes dust and quality reduction. it is with the air that the zionist regime has martyred 2,100 children of shir in 10 months of encroachment on the gaza strip. mosoum center announced to the european mediterranean human rights watch the martyrdom of this number of milk-loving children. it is scary and unprecedented in the history of modern wars. during this period, the zionist regime massacred about 40,000 palestinians, 17,000 of whom are children. the situation of the zionist regime in gaza has also led to the injury of more than 91 thousand people. 70% of the houses and infrastructures in the gaza strip were destroyed or severely damaged in the war. and the arrest of members of the dreaded gang
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armed robberies of homes in tehran, the police commander of tehran said that the members of this long-standing gang , whose pictures were published in cyberspace, in their latest crime , robbed several houses in tehran with combat firearms. detectives greater tehran has been made aware and in the next few days the details of the crimes committed by this group of accused will be fully informed. thank you very much for being with us.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers, dear compatriots , hello, have a good evening , welcome to the news of the stock exchange, the director of stock exchange supervision from insuring the baskets of shareholders under 500 million tomans from the fund. he announced the stabilization of the capital market. according to mr. masoumi khanqah, a part of this 500 million tomans will be insured by 52 large stock and non-stock issuers by issuing physical bonds, and a part will be insured by the stabilization fund. mr. masoumi khangah said about the details of the release of these bonds that a shareholder who has a few shares of large companies and a few shares of small companies in his stock portfolio, the shares of large companies will be owned by that company and the shares of small companies will be owned by the insurance stabilization fund. will be the head of the stock exchange organization announced
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the measures of the central bank to financially support the stock market will start from today, based on providing the necessary resources from the development and stabilization funds. mr. eshghi also said that in last night's meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange, it was decided to change the fluctuation range by monitoring the market and the resulting risk to change the fluctuation range before the start of the market on saturday, august 27, and inform the public of investors. the chairman of the stock exchange organization thanks the guardian council for the final approval of the law. he also said in the amendment of sin clause of note 6 of the budget law of 1403: considering the reduction of the tax rate in 1402 and its positive effects for stock exchange companies and institutions. it is necessary for financial institutions to make the necessary clarifications. the capital market indicators were increasing on wednesday, with the release of news related
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to the support of the capital market, about 60% of the indicators were in the positive range. the total index recorded a positive return of 35 percent. 7 thousand units increase and 1 million 998 was recorded for the total index, the weight and the index reached 6330 with 111 positive returns and 690
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units increase in the total value of transactions. became less and at the end of the trading almost more than 60% of the symbols they were placed in the positive range, the set of buy orders was 1300 billion and the sale was 950 billion tomans. at the end of the transactions, the number of symbols that reached the buy page was 251 symbols and 258 symbols were also on the sell page, although with a fluctuation range that is still positive. and it is negative 1%. the purchase per capita was 32 million and the average sale per capita was 20 million tomans. we witnessed the power of buyers. stock funds have inflows of 169 billion. 30 billion of basic metals and 18 billion of chemical products have recorded the inflow of real people's money. in contrast
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, the most money is withdrawn from the mining group 11 billion was metal. food products 10 and. a multi-disciplinary industrial group that shows 6 billion inflows of money. two asset funds, kom and palash, ended their work at the high threshold of the fluctuation range, i.e. two percent, both positive. the head of the central bank said that three measures were approved in the meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange to support the stability of the capital market. mr. farzin pointed out that the purpose of these measures is to protect the shareholders. he said: guaranteeing 360 thousand billion tomans of financing bonds in operating banks for the issuance of riyal financing bonds for development projects and providing working capital. stock companies are one of these measures. according to mr. farzin, the issuance of 2 billion euros of currency sukuk bonds for the development plans of listed companies , especially in the field of petrochemicals and mining
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, is one of the other support programs of this bank for the stock market. the head of the central bank also said: "one and a half billion euros of foreign currency loans were allocated for stock exchange companies that have horizontal income and quick return projects , so that by granting this loan, stock exchange companies can increase their exports." the shares of automobile manufacturers are given only to domestic investors. this news and more in today's package of bahabazar news. babak ahmadi, head of iran's industrial development and modernization organization, shares of automobile manufacturers will be handed over to domestic investors . we will never hand over our parent industry to a foreign company. there is no agenda for handing over pars khodro separately from saipa. bahman abdullahi, a member of the supreme council of the stock exchange
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, said that next week, the stock market fluctuation range limit will be slightly increased from 1% daily. kala khabar website. export hall of iran commodity exchange on wednesday, august 24, hosted the 67th issue. the minister of energy signed the contract for the construction of about 11,000 megawatts of renewable power plants with the investment of the private sector electricity from power plants and distribution companies has increased from less than 1% to more than 60%. bahadur stock exchange co., ltd. is a major stock market specialized parent company. they were called to issue securities in order to protect the rights of the shareholders and preserve the value of the shares. international energy agency if
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opec+ goes ahead with its plan to increase supply, the situation of global oil markets will change from a supply shortage to a supply surplus. examining the programs proposed by the ministers of power and position. the 14th government in the commissions of the islamic council of ministers, mr. atsaf , proposed the position of gradual elimination and stopping the price he announced the establishment of directives in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises as one of his most important plans , as well as the sustainable supply of energy needed by industrial and mining production units and support for the creation and development of self-sufficient power plants in the industrial and civil sector as other work priorities. the proposed minister is a position in the 14th government. abbas aliabadi, the proposed minister of energy, also stated the gradual elimination of mandatory pricing from his most important programs in the 14th government. according to aliabadi, the transfer
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of government power plant exchanges to the energy exchange and the creation of a market for buying and selling fuel certificates in the capital market. his other important programs are supporting the capital market. also, the obligation of the producers of code widths to buy all their electricity from renewable energies at the export electricity rate in the green board of the exchange is one of the work priorities proposed by the minister of energy. 63 publishers held their meetings electronically. the central depository of securities and funds settlement announced that in july this year, 63 issuers of their shareholders' collection electronically through a unified portal. dima held electronic forums. this system, by using new technologies, without geographical restrictions, makes it possible to hold it in a hospital
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has provided shareholders. in order to participate in the electronic collection, the shareholders must be registered and authenticated in the sehjam system so that their access to the meeting is activated, and more than 500 tons of chemicals and polymers were displayed in the industrial hall, and in the petrochemical and oil products hall, 28,000 tons. it went on the board. in the export hall, 67,000 tons of non-concentrated iron ore and cathode copper were offered. the open auction hall also experienced the supply of 200,000 tons of all kinds of goods. we have reached the end of this news section. thank you for your support.
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the beautiful, sacred flag of our country and the caravan of the republic islamic iran. mother's milk and father's bread are wholesome . da points two points with one hand wrestle with one hand. we fought with one hand. man
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feels proud of being iranian. thank you, god, thank you for the first badal ban bach. shalah mobina iranian , one chapter, one chapter! andrib how much!
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here, all the specialty markets near me have been good. we came to sarai afsarieh. we came to sarai afsarieh. we came to sarai irani. the only tehran branch in sarai afsarieh. with unbelievable prices and long -term appointments, without prepayment. tehran in the officer's hall. it is very obvious that you should not buy a car without a steering wheel. you can't buy a bicycle without wheels. is it possible to not have a house at all? is it possible to have a guarantee instrument more than once a year ? high-quality tools should have a 24-month unconditional warranty. of course, with an
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unlimited number of times. this ac quality is guaranteed, 24 months unlimited warranty, sir , aren't you looking for long-term leases with lower fees, don't you want all the equipment you buy to be original, don't you want everything you buy to be at a low price, aren't you looking for a place that has long-term leases and comfortable conditions? ok i say aren't you looking for a discount? after azadi square, in front of tehran, head of household appliances city.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the program on the olympic line. one or two days have passed since the olympics, but it is still possible to talk about it , especially if it is about taekwondo, which has a brilliant presence in the games.


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