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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear and respected watchers. i am at your service one morning. with the news of this hour, the anti-cancer vaccine made by the specialists of our country reached the second stage of clinical trial. this vaccine will be used in the case of confirmation of safety and efficacy simultaneously with common treatment methods to help treat patients with bladder, ovarian and pancreatic cancers. helping to treat cancer patients resistant to treatment using a new method of viral therapy. the vaccine that we
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used to help control tumor cells is the measles virus. the mechanism of this vaccine is as follows it is true that when it enters the tumor cells , the virus itself can directly destroy the tumor cells and kill them, and by calling the immune system towards the tumor cells , it helps the immune system and the body to control the tumors . the use of optimized viruses to treat all types of cancers has been conducted in more than 400 clinical studies in the world, but only the united states, china and japan have issued a license to use this treatment method. in the west asian region, iran is the first country that has entered the clinical trial stage of this treatment method. these viruses to the specific form is defined for specific microbes, specific cancers and they destroy these tumors in a specific way. the safety of this treatment has been confirmed, and it is one of the principles that is considered in research. the use of viruses
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for cancer treatment in iran has successfully passed the prediagnostic stage and the stage of a clinical trial and is now entering the the second stage of the clinical trial is to check the safety of the method and its effectiveness . we were comparing, fortunately, it has not grown compared to before. and its size and composition have improved compared to before. to prove the effectiveness of this treatment, the specialists of this plan first went to patients who did not respond to the usual treatment methods. they were patients who were desperate and no other treatment method was available for them and they were willing to participate in this study because their lifestyle was messed up. these results of flefur we could see that it decreased very well with the treatment we started. this anti-cancer vaccine
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will finally be determined in the next year and a half if it is effective, it will be an option added to the treatment of cancer patients who are resistant to treatment. morteza azzani, radio and television news agency. the knowledge bases of our country were able to localize the fully automatic talking cardiac defibrillator in the country. any normal person can save a patient's life with the help of this device. this device receives the heart waves and after analyzing it, it shows whether the patient needs a shock or not, then it provides a whistle guide along with the patient for the process of artificial respiration or cardiac massage. this device with about a third of the price of foreign samples and power. more than that
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it is used in places such as airports, stadiums, trains, places of pilgrimage, etc., and prevents up to 70% of deaths. all people are covered by bank validation. while announcing this news, the minister of economy, while visiting the iranian validation company, said the trial implementation of the new validation model in chaharbank: from the end of september , all. the country will receive its accreditation based on the new model that covers the population from 30% to 100% of the population . from approx 17 years ago, the parliament considered a cure for him.
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whether it is a real person or a legal person , based on the past behavior of this person, we actually want to predict the future behavior of this person. but the non-cooperation of some institutions caused a small part of the people to have a credit rating. we have a credit score for only 30% of real persons. for legal entities, this situation is much worse. we have about 10% of legal entities for them now. now it has turned on another heel . i am here to thank faraja for the information related to the field of cars. and traffic accidents, providing the judiciary with information on financial convictions , the tax administration , providing tax-related information to various banking departments and the central bank , providing information on bounced checks, etc., and the same
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cooperation . it caused the number of validation items to increase from 18 items to 70 items in the validation report. found and the test phase of the new validation model will start from today. thank you friends for taking the trouble to report validation . all other people can credit rating have both the development of population coverage is almost 100% and the accuracy increases . this test phase is currently in 4 banks. and it will be implemented in the entire banking network in a month. we hope that from the end of september, after one month , this new model will be implemented for the entire country's banking network.
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thank you for your attention.
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today's meeting is about the real estate and housing system, which is a suitable platform for gathering information for policy purposes. let's talk about the correct decisions in the field of housing. completing and launching this system is one of the important duties of the government to complete it it is necessary that various organizations and institutions should cooperate and
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make their information available by connecting them to this system so that this system can be used effectively to check the current state of the real estate and housing system today in the studio. we are at the service of mr. javad sadat, director general of the ministerial area, advisor to the minister of roads and urban development, as well as mr. yaser dastmalchian, secretary of the market regulation and control working group of the ministry of urban development, and god willing, during the program, another dear guest, mr. alireza nasari , a member of the majlis civil commission, will join us. hello mr. sadat, have a good time and welcome , in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. i am also at your service . i offer my greetings and respect. i would like to thank the national media for their concern regarding the rental housing market during this time. thank you, mr. desmoz. john, greetings and welcome, greetings , greetings and respect, to you, your colleagues , dear viewers, i hope that it will be a good conversation that
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will benefit the people, god willing , we hope that it will be used by our dear viewers. well, mr. sadad, if you agree, let's start with hazratali. this is our program many times now, the economy table program and the special news talk about the real estate and accommodation system , what is the system, what is its importance, what are its goals, what is its use , but in order for some viewers to be aware of the discussion , let's talk a little about the importance and use of the system and that please tell me the latest statistics of people registering their information in the real estate and housing system. i am at your service. kurdish has always been mentioned in
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the important policymaker of this field is the ministry of roads and urban development , which has various executive institutions and bodies, and the launch and follow-up of completing the information of this system is always at your service. i would like to tell you that the demands of different bodies and institutions and each of them have a goal , but the most important goal that maybe you these years we have been following the impact. this system is used to identify empty houses. in order to identify empty houses, it is necessary that different devices and people themselves help us, so that we can present the information of this system to you and update it until today, when i am at your service. well, we have the information. over out of 75 million iranian people have been loaded and identified in this system, for example, people have their own information, for example, they have been collected in different devices to announce this, that is. we had nearly 400 million records, and out of these 400 million records, about 75 million iranians
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, their information has been identified, of these 75 million iranians , about 11,800,000 nobles and 11,800,000 heads of households refer to this system and the information is at your service. i would like to confirm their location and present it to you, which means that you now have the information of 75 million. it has been established that they are in this system, so it means about 40, we can say that the system has been completed, the pathology that we had in the new period, which was last year, which is now around 3-4 million people . what measures have been taken to achieve this growth and how has this achievement been formed
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so that we can emphasize them more so that , god willing, this information will be complete so that it can have its own effect? that , sir, this real estate and accommodation system is still not working it should be efficient, but according to the information that our colleagues in the ministry of roads and urban development's deputy housing office have provided, using this system , 18,820 housing units were put on the market, that is , 182,000 housing units that were previously declared vacant by individuals. after that loading and the follow-ups that took place through the tax law on vacant houses, 182,000 housing units were put on the market, and the fact that these housing units are no longer empty shows that if we can use the various paths that i will explain below, we can do this. let's follow up , this system can definitely play a very serious role have a single organizer. to supply the units , well, what we followed
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was perhaps the legal guarantees, which did not have serious enforcement guarantees for article 169 of the direct taxes law and article 54, which is related to the real estate and accommodation system, so this law is included in the new law. the organization of the market of land, housing, rental, which was the last notification of the president of this law, we tried to bring executive guarantees in various articles, to involve other institutions in rome that would help , for example, the inspection of nele, for example, in one of the articles of this law. device and employees or managers who object to the connection of their information systems to the real estate and accommodation system , it has become a task for the inspection organization that this employee cannot mean the manager of that complex because until now there is no specific procedure as an executive guarantee that if a manager objects
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you can do this by connecting this system to their own systems, to the real estate and accommodation system, of course, the connection itself is yes, because the information is not one-way, the same collections are also useful, for example, it is connected to the real estate and accommodation system. he is doing his tests god willing , he will use this capacity of this system in a serious way from now on. i want to talk more about the benefits that have been added to the system due to the law on organizing the land and rental housing market, but let us serve mr. dastmalchion. mr. sadad's handkerchief, who were talking about one of the advantages of the policy discussion, they knew that through this system , we can follow up the policy discussion in the field of housing, but another discussion is the regulation of crying , that is, because if we provide our information in full we can have it in the market let's do a good regulation of land and housing rent . in this regard, please explain to the viewers
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what positive classes can complete this market distribution system. in your presence, i would like to say that one of the issues that politics is concerned about is to be able to allocate its bank resources correctly . yes, for example , we have limited resources. for example, this work should be done in region b. this will not be possible unless the information systems become more complete. about 40 to 50 have been registered and another amount, if it is registered at the same rate as it is going, the policymaker can make more correct decisions and see in which region, for example, there are too many tenants, too few houses, so if he invests there , it will be enough in one region. don't put it again. this
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is one of the tasks that has not been done until now , god willing, it will be done. another one is that , anyway, when you produce housing. it should have been included in my explanation that now, considering the issue of regulating the market, which is one of the duties of this working group, when the house is built and after it can't be supplied, or it goes into the hands of, for example, disruptors or, for example, those who have speculative installments, we can control this process . housing is a matter of investment and i don't know, it's not speculation . our goal is that, sir , we don't have a capital product called housing. the investor wants to invest in the markets that are defined for him to be productive. let him be productive here, because you know, after all, land is one thing. ca n't be exported or imported, we have a limited thing and a population
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, this work has been done now, look now when, for example, about 18,2000 houses are offered according to one rule, now if we wanted to build 182,000, first of all , how much material would have to go, yes, and then how quickly it was offered. after all, now the speed of construction is a process that maybe, for example, it will take two to three years , but today's supply is the will of the market itself, now real estate trading companies are one of their issues, sir , after all, whatever houses have been bought or sold , those that are empty will no longer be offered , so a contract. it can't be adjusted now, 182 thousand units, when it is released to the market, that means finally a transaction has been done in the same way, now it is either buying and selling or renting. it is another issue that we have seen in this law . it is a very progressive law. as shahid raisi said in the last notification, it is covered in article
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5. we added an article to article 54 of the taxes law, which states that 100% of the revenue from the tax on empty houses identified by cities, that is, we have given the responsibility to the municipalities , will be deposited into the accounts of the municipalities of the cities where the tax is collected in the form of an industrial budget. now the municipalities, anyway, as a front line of this the story: when empty houses are identified , i introduce them to the ministry of roads and urban development. we use these systems to find out whether this house is empty or not. if the information is correct, the tax organization of the party will either pay the tax or it will be supplied . municipalities , what are the municipalities doing here again? it means that the industrial budget is tied to this issue of the municipality.
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work will be done solely to revive worn-out structures and take necessary measures to build low-cost houses for unspecified people according to row 21, article 55 of the municipalities law approved in 1334, that is , if someone has an empty house somewhere and does not want to sell it. he wants to pay the tax, this tax will come again in the same cycle for the worn-out tissues, which today another producer causes an increase in the unit within this is another issue in the same market and regulation discussion is that in any case, when there is a system and the contracts it has it can be registered in the system. now we we will find out whether this house is empty anyway or not. look, as a tenant of your property, we registered it in
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the system in the second year, based on a routine that is known to be wrong. finally, put a policy to we are making mistakes, so to speak, we are renewing behind the papers . yes, we are now asking the people not to renew behind the papers. we have given people to register their contracts for free in the systems, there is no need to pay for this fee according to article 18 of the housing transition law , which your excellency is aware of, so when this registration comes. is it possible to extend it? i would like to know if the house that was in your possession as a politician last year , is there another vacant place this year, or if someone else has moved in? do it and one of the issues that they are not going to register the contract now, and it causes our data to be incomplete or
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sometimes to make wrong policies, we have come to article 6 of the same organizing law that the society said that this issue is very important, that is, i am asking the national media to work on this dear landlords, since the law has changed its procedure and came into force on 13/14, please note that it is now in this form, in article 6 of this law, article 2 of the landlord and tenant relations law approved in 1976 has been amended as follows. according to article d, this is the case that in all rental contracts, the duration of the rental amount and the loan amount must be specified and recorded in the electronic registration systems of documents or the registration of real estate transactions in the country . you used to write a contract. in other words, there would be four signatures, i.e. lessor and lessee, 2
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witnesses would be signed tomorrow. but from now on because the added wording of the registration says that after the approval of the lessor , the lessee and 2 persons trusted by the parties as witnesses, they should take the tracking code id. if this action is not done now, it is called a contract. and support for people to be promoted in this system in this process.
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you have brought supervisory bodies such as the inspection organization to work, so that if an administrative body does not cooperate anyway, you can introduce them to the inspection and violations . another issue is the judicial branch of the sana system and adding the names of those bodies that were not in the previous draft of the previous law. you also said that in addition , please explain to the viewers in this regard as i said , we are trying to complete the information of this system in two ways , one is with our help. well, we had the experience of registering for education last year . we approached about 8 million heads of households, and there was no need for them to take the affidavit or house document to
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register, for example, in so-and-so. they use the region and for the rest of the services that people use, we request people to carefully follow up and confirm their information , often the information in the system is up-to-date and the people who refer only need a please confirm that this is my last information, and after that, considering the government's move towards an electronic smart government, i will often ask you to get a passport or a driver's license. now that you are visiting again , the operator will read your latest information to you, whether the address is this or not. well, if it is like this, and the people themselves, help the elders who are visiting the time of their presence in that government agency to get that service. they need it badly. shortened means a very short time after they confirm the information and address of the postal code so, the first path we took is now , mr. dastmalchian mentioned that
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real estate consultants help us. dear landlords, please help us in completing the information of this system. let us move forward as much as we can in completing this information. god willing, we will be able to have more of this information. from the comments to article 169 of the law on direct taxes , article 54 of the law on direct taxes was repeated, for example, municipalities are well informed. what is happening, the houses are empty, what is the use , so-and-so, well, in this new law, the municipality of rome brought the basis of work to be completed. one of our very important demands is that, alhamdulillah, this happened, changing the approach of the tax administration to these regulatory taxes. well, maybe this time last year, the number that was announced in relation to the tax on houses is very surprising, but
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it is a very small number. yes, this is the number that was announced , so today i am at your service for the tax year , if i am not mistaken, 1,400, 1,401 out of 120,000 empty houses that we introduced to the tax administration. for that period, around 1,100 cases were reviewed, well, the 1,100 cases that were reviewed were 150 billion tomans, and i could tell you that the tax should be taken into account. most importantly, apart from the number that was received, it was the regulation that the person who owns if he owns a property and his blood is empty, he can try to supply this unit. we are sure that, god willing, this is the right move that has started in the general tax organization in the new period. the organization should take that tax, of course, which is really difficult also, this model of regulatory taxes
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is different from other models, but the whole world is moving in this direction. today, we need special attention . the tax on empty houses will come, the organizational and regulatory part will happen on its own. it is definitely for their own benefit , and for their benefit, and for the benefit of the system, and for the benefit of the people in these systems, as discussed by the ministry of energy . the ministry of energy, including the devices that could be used with electricity bills and many more help to complete the system, but the interesting thing is that until now the ministry of energy has not implemented this law , it is considered a kind of abandonment of my dear colleagues who called and invited me to come to the program and explain their problems and what are the obstacles to implementing this. the law of non-cooperation
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was unfortunately not responsive. we had several meetings. i would like to point out that the respected minister of energy himself personally spent two meetings with our colleagues regarding this matter. what seems to be the reality of solving these issues also has a series of social dimensions around it, which your friends that at the meeting, perhaps their view was that the social aspects of the work could prevent this law from being properly implemented. you see , when something becomes a law in our country , it must be fully implemented. these talks are from before the law was passed. naturally , our legislators and our honorable representatives in the parliament saw these issues. when the law naturally needs to be implemented, now i say this. the one we had


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