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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, dear viewers, it is 3 in the morning. the head of the nursing organization announced the payment of arrears of nurses. nejatian said: with the follow-up of the nursing system organization and the ministry of health and the assistance of the program and budget organization, part of the nurses' arrears will be sent to the university of medical sciences. it has been paid, according to the statistics that we obtained , the nurses' labor in the country was delayed for about 8 months, and in the field of overtime , we were also facing a delay of about 4 months. part of the arrears of medical sciences universities is due to insurance and due to resources. it was common to universities of medical sciences paid in the next day or two. inshallah, the process
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of payment of installments will be started by universities of medical sciences. our prediction is that the average amount of arrears will decrease by 3 to 4 months . the deadline of the central bank to the banks to expedite the payment of avon's son's loan. the official representative of the central bank said in a meeting with the ceos of the banking network: from the beginning of the year until the 20th of august. one billion tomans of child-rearing loans have been paid to applicants, which is 4 thousand billion tomans less than the bank's debt. mr. abolhasani also said that the banks should provide education to 47 thousand people who submitted their documents to the network bank completed to pay by the end of august. according to the deputy official of central bank, by the end of august , 46,000 people will be reduced from the line of marriage loans. mr. abolhasani from the solution.
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the new teacher , the spokesperson of the ministry of education , announced that 59,000 students have entered schools, according to mr. farhadi, by employing teachers, buying services and creating incentives to continue the activities of retired teachers. working teachers for the next school year, we don't have a problem of teacher shortage. about 23,000 to 24,000 teachers will be added. our prediction is that about 17,000 people will be accepted in the secretarial and teaching exams, and 18 we have a thousand people who graduated from farhangian university . it was approved that those dear teachers who continue to
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we should give them one month's salary as a reward for their service, instead of 12 months' salary , they should receive 13 months' salary. moreover, next year, if they want , they can be rehired. they take extra teaching fees or teaching fees . thank god, we don't have deferred teaching fees at all this year. we paid on time, we paid one month of tuition fees next year as well we will pay incentives. after two years of research work, daneshmian's corporate specialists succeeded in internalizing the smart entry and exit system for residential complexes. high security is the possibility of reporting and cheaper price of this product compared to imported samples.
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smart system for entering and exiting residential complexes , a system with intelligent management and control capabilities, with high safety compared to previous systems. in this system, the doors of residential complexes are opened and closed intelligently. the device we designed has a very low cost. 5 the manager can have and 100 users. one of the advantages of this system is that people can use mobile phones. there is a sim card in the device, if each user puts a miscall to this sim card without charge, the door will open and then the door will be closed again. the first advantage is that your sim card becomes authentic. if you want to deactivate this sim card from someone, the administrator can activate it very easily and the next person will give it to the previous person for nothing. the title
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can't open this door except for this protective safety it raises and the most important point is the reports that the managers can have, the managers can understand who came and left the building today, in what order, what hours, the design and production of the intelligent system for the doors of residential complexes after two years. the research work has come to a conclusion and it is more advanced than the foreign examples . there is no foreign example of this style. the foreign examples that exist now, which basically belong to china , is that a door opens and closes with just one bell . there is no report. that is, there is no report for the manager about when it was opened and closed, that is, the door in fact, there is another thing that is used for this purpose , the system is a kind of smart start system for the houses, and in this system, we are trying to expand this smartness to the heating, cooling and lighting systems. mohammad ali sohilpour
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, isfahan radio and television news agency , iran's robotics and artificial intelligence teams won the award. 10 colorful badges have returned to the country in fira 2024 world robotics and artificial intelligence competition in brazil. in these competitions , the iranian team was able to win nine championships, seven runner-up positions, and one third place in the student divisions. the twenty-ninth the world robotics and artificial intelligence competition was held in brazil from august 14th to august 19th with the presence of 1,300 participants. south lebanon left 10 wounded. in this attack, the zionist regime targeted a vehicle in abbasi town. the lebanese ministry of health
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announced that the condition of 3 people injured in this incident is critical. according to the announcement of this ministry, since 10 months ago, the zionist regime has killed 547 people and 100. it has injured 765 people. an election protester in america was sentenced to 20 years in prison. nicholas demsi is accused in the election protests 4 years ago a police force has inflicted a physical blow. these protests took place after trump did not accept the election results and asked his supporters to take to the streets. conviction of beastlyz. the second longest prison sentence is for the conviction of the 2021 election protests. another protester was sentenced to 22 years in prison. the american judiciary has sentenced more than 900 election protesters to prison. but the holy city of samar
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has taken on a mood of 40 with the increase of pilgrims. more prime destination. service of imam hasan askari, imam hadi, god willing, let us visit najaf rai, god willing we will start. we have come to our father's house , and we are waiting for our imam. from here we will go to karbala . we are practicing for the appearance of imam zaman in the
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arbaeen procession from najaf to karbala in the corners of the holy shrine of the joint iranian and iraqi shrines, which is a sign of unity between the two countries. tireless hot weather. day and night , they welcome the visitors of imam hussain (peace be upon him) in the city of samarra, in addition to the fact that imam hadi (peace be upon him) and imam hasan askari (peace be upon him) are buried, the aunt of imam zaman, his mother and grandmother are also buried in this holy city. take home they call him the father of imam zaman. in the father's house of imam zaman, may god speed him up, farja al-sharif, every pilgrim can express his feelings. the people of gaza and for the children of gaza who are oppressed and martyred
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. most of the pilgrims of samar go to the city of kazmin after visiting imam askariin, then to najaf, and from there to many pilgrims of arbaeen hussain. join on the way to karbala. jalal khaledi, broadcasting news of the holy city of samar. thank you for your attention.
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he knew and recited the quran every day. according to him, the night prayer was the most important issue after the five prayers. what was the most important thing you learned from your father? help taught me to love people to the people, to serve all palestinians. to have my own personality. father used to say: your character should grow apart from me, not that abdussalam haniyeh takes his credit from ismail haniyeh. he said you should.
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"this is and over there is... says his friend pointing to the bodies of his newborn babies, so small, they were all put in one body bag with the mother, muhammad's wife, doctor and his three day old friends were killed in an israeli air strike a house in khan, i went to get my children's birth certificates, my wife gave birth two days ago and did not have the..." opportunity to celebrate their birth, she had section and she was very tired, she was unable to leave
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the house, muhammad left them at home to register the perths and returned to find them dead. israel's offensive on the gaza strip has left thousands of orphans in its wake. there are so many that local doctors have come up with a special term when registering them, ws as that stands for warned child, no surviving family member has killed almost 16 and a half thousand palestinian children. many were alone, others separated from their families and the bodies of thousands are believed to be lying under the rubble. in november, unicef ​​called gaza a graveyard for children, and this has not changed. this is rem abu family home was hit
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in an air strike and the child's entire family was killed, her mother, her father, her brothers and her sisters, no one is left, reim 70 year old grandmother sits with her, the crying won' t stop, she won't drink milk from the bottle. "there is no one left except this baby, she is 3 months old, out of 20 people, she is the only one who survived, what did these children do? entire generations of palestinians are being wiped out, many of those who remain are too young to even know who they have lost.
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hello everyone, today i want to experience my first journey with a suspended train without a driver. one feature of the train is that your field of vision is 270 degrees. the technology of this train is higher than other intercity lines. let's start our journey without headache. now i am in wuhan station. let's see a little outside. it is coming now. this is where you you ride a suspended train.
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you can see that it is not very fast and it passes in peace and quiet. the train station is cylindrical . this train has two parts. if you are afraid of heights , you should sit in the front part. it is very exciting. the motivation is very good. it is like a space chamber with a field of view of 270 degrees. the feeling is scary. i think i'm falling, this train uses all the features of the train, but there is also a security officer to deal with emergency situations. another train
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is slowly entering the station isgah has stopped. 5 stations in 20 minutes. let's continue our journey. the train is speeding up. this is the fastest recording speed. in the emergency exit. the capacity of this train is more than 220 people. the speed limit is written on the bridge. we crossed a very beautiful bridge.
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you may have seen videos of this game challenge on social media recently. the challenge that parents try to record their children's reaction by disconnecting the video game console in the middle of the game. the concept is very simple. the purpose of investigating the impact of video games on children's mental health.
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with problematic computer game behaviors they were struggling and they didn't know about their behavior. according to the trustees of the national computer games foundation, media literacy plays an important role in the choice of children's computer games by parents. the first thing we have to do is to have rules at home for using virtual space and games. and this law should be passed with the participation of children.
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based on the age group and the contents of the game , it has come to help parents and users so that people can more easily choose the right game for them. one of the activities of prison system is choosing computer games for children based on the system. definitely in many games you have seen the term tray category. this category is determined based on the contents of the game so that users can choose more easily. based on this classification system, ryan's games. imitation of adults' behavior has positive age category seven , this category and the previous category have their own characteristics that share them in some limitations
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, 12 to 15 years of puberty and biological changes , positive age 18, this age category is completely after the legal age. the person's personality is formed and the outlook of the person's life is almost determined. people playing computer games like a coin two. this entertainment is useful when the inappropriate content does not become an addiction. masoum ezzati of sada and vasima news agency is calling. what is the phone ? how is the internet? how is the internet ? it has been disconnected for a while. what is your line? not only is the speed slow, not only is the upload slow, but the download is slow. it has been good for a few months compared to before, but in general our internet speed is very low, the internet only
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works for an hour at a time, it is not clear at all , my antenna is not working at all, i have the first mobile phone and i have irancell. in the last few months, there have been interruptions , it has been weak, unfortunately, sometimes the customer comes, we go i can say it takes about 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes to get the answer. i really don't know the internet in kerman, kerman, iran. our kerman is very weak. unfortunately , there is no antenna installed in this area. it has been weak . mobile internet has not worked at all for several days. we didn't have any problem with the conversation . two days ago, i couldn't call anyone for a whole day. it keeps getting disconnected. it disconnects , we can't communicate at all , it's not good, it's been a while, it takes a long time, it disconnects we call the phone and it says that it is not available. some places
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have no antenna , some places have no antenna at all. we have faced the amount of their fines in their new license. for each violation , we can fine them up to 5% of their income . last year , we had this requirement for operators. in 2009, we had about 14,000 complaints. in 2009 , it decreased to 14,000. in 1402, we had about 64,000 complaints. the number of complaints has decreased. but again, we say that we should not have a single complaint. we have to deal with these. the most complaints that we have, the head of the regulatory organization, in explaining the causes of these
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disturbances , listed the use of filter breakers and the use of repeaters in tall buildings as one of the causes of these disturbances. both the statistics of the regulatory organization and the international statistics show that our speed is faster than in previous years. it has increased but a few we have challenges in these areas. one of the challenges we have in people's user experience may not be due to the problem of coverage or antenna weakness. due to the limitation of accessing a certain platform, he may use a filter breaker . using a filter breaker is equivalent to a reduction. there is speed , on the other hand, when high-rise construction is done , the coverage of our communication network is actually reduced . a high-rise building is built, which actually
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causes the frequency penetration to decrease. as the frequency gets higher, the penetration becomes less . this is another one of our problems. in these cases , usually some people use repeaters. our operators should cover more so that people don't have to use this device. let's create a culture that inside houses, so to speak, we say that people should use fixed communications inside their homes . sometimes, thinking that the waves of telecommunication towers are harmful , they request to collect these towers, which causes interference in the antenna. this tower is collected. it can be collected. that rig it is equivalent to lack of coverage in that area. i am telling my dear compatriots right here that with the help of the atomic energy organization, we will permanently. we monitor
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these sites to ensure that the amount of radiation they have does not exceed the permissible limit, and now the situation is very good, that is, it is almost one and a half of the permissible limit . the amount of radiation that our sites have also creates a challenge . with the help of operators, we can establish more sites in the city, which will increase our coverage, separating from the shortcomings of mobile phone communication networks, according to experts in the field. as the communication load of mobile networks decreases and is transferred to fixed networks , mobile phone disturbances will decrease, and the most important factor in solving these disturbances is the implementation of the fiber network development plan, which was keyed in the 13th government . mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency.
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it is 5,000 years old. the art of making glass artefacts in our collection is from the sasali era to the islamic era, which includes the sarmadan perfumery , fillet-shaped bracelets and containers. now, the practicality of glass is not only mixed with the art and religion of the past, but also finds its feet in different senas. has opened of application in the facade or decoration of the building to the production of bulletproof glass, the production range that we have in each department , the types of production in flat glass and crystal glass, that is, in tableware, when we say opal, crystal and soda lime glass, we mean flat glass when we say from car glass and tinted glass are 85 to 95% of the required glass in our country and we produce it with a growth rate of 5. this amount of production is about
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45. up to 50% of it is consumed domestically, 50% is exported . we are the first producer of glass blocks in iran. we produce ultra-transparent glass. among the products that we can see in printed glass boards recently, we can use these glasses in the facades of buildings, in the interior facades and interior decoration in the form of laminated flooring and in fact, the use in the floors of buildings. behind me, you see , it was produced for the first time in iran, which reduced the light transmission to 23% into the car interior, and reduced the uv rays to 14%
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. . it is very high and you have to pass very important and sensitive standards we can have the ability to produce it. we have seven grades that can be produced . despite the production of all kinds of products in the glass industry, there is still a need for imports in the field of producing machines for this document. the glass industry in the world has its own machines and four or five companies , it is not something that you want everyone to follow. but there is a general industry sector, many of its equipments , god knows, because the unit is one of the things that the glass industry has , it is not a single company, like everywhere in the world, there are companies with 30 companies, 20 companies, 10 companies, or 5 companies. company to we have between 5 and 20 companies that produce flute glass. if it is in the color section, the color is iranian , and the goods are produced, thank god. a
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part of our industry that is dependent on mashilate is depreciating, which is a worrying part, of course , steps have been taken to build glass industry machines. thank god , we have produced and supplied more than 200 machines in the glass sector these past four years. in iran and to countries like iraq and kuwait. after a period of work, he must change his consumables, which is about forty percent of the investment, although for the production of more than 3,700,000 pieces of glass. in the year 140.


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