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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 7:30am-8:03am IRST

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it must stop all military operations in gaza , otherwise hamas will not be willing to negotiate. netanyahu is looking for the freedom of the israeli asra, and he is never looking for a truce. he wants to get rid of the pressure of asra zionist families and continue killing the people of gaza. american sources announced that netanyahu wants the immediate release of zionist prisoners, strictness in the return of palestinians to their living areas in the north of the gaza strip and withdrawal. the resistance forces from rifa pass. this is the first round of negotiations after the appointment of yahya sanwar as the successor of martyr ismail haniyeh. yes, just like that we also saw in the report. it seems that netanyahu is looking for other goals than the ceasefire. in your opinion, mr. nazari, the most important goals that netanyahu is pursuing in the current situation is that he is talking about a ceasefire. what is the most important
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argument they have? well, now we have a serious crisis and challenge in the zionist society, and that is that the zionists are not healthy armed settlers who are finally settled in the occupied lands, as now, although as they are citizens, but these are soldiers who have a civilian appearance in the field of citizens they are living, but we can see that they have demands from their own government that the prisoners, especially the families , should be freed, that this war should be over, that the residents of the north should return to their homes, for example, and that the current situation, well, the economic situation. the israelis are doing very badly, and in a sense, yes, yes, yes, well
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, this is a feeling of fear that how iran wants to respond, who wants to respond, how does it want to respond. another series , are urban dwellers also in the security puzzle of iran? are they dating or not? on the other hand , political officials also have apparent differences. they are with mr. netanyahu, and mr. netanyahu is more interested in his political life and tries to somehow keep himself in the political scene of the zionist regime. in the international court, as a member of the gen africans, during these more than 10 months , they are full of crime. the zionists support
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recently also saw the approval of a new aid package on this issue the americans have been playing a dual role until now , from this point of view , they are giving weapons and all kinds of bombs that are now being dropped on the oppressors of the defenseless people of gaza. it turned out to be american bombs. these ammunition kits are american and it was clear from this point of view that they are playing a political role and now, on the surface, for example, they are playing a humanitarian role. you said to point and saying that the issue of the ceasefire in the circumstances of assassinating one of the parties to the ceasefire to divert public opinion from the crime. yes, they wanted to somehow
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not bring the negotiation process to a conclusion . well, america knows this game well. they certainly played a role in the recent assassination of the americans, and one of them was the design of this operation. doing and unquestioning support of the americans , do you think this can have an effect on whether these terms. should the truce be accepted or will the public opinion really deviate from all these zionist crimes? of course, no, because this crime is a crime for which there is no justification for us to say whether the public opinion will be diverted by what they are doing, but what it is, we should go in the direction that the americans also zionists and zionists are playing games in line with the plan of the world, and as biden
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recently said that i am proud that he is a zionist, which means that we have full support for the zionist government. well, this shows at a glance that the negotiation process will not have any results, even the exchange of prisoners despite its existence netanyahu is under political pressure inside the occupied territories and from the armed settlers, but despite this, the policies of the zionist regime are subject to the general policies of international zionism, and now the executive arm of these is the americans, and they act in concert. you can't stop the americans now coming to the negotiations, so we should separate it from the zionists. why shouldn't you separate it ? because the americans are supporting them, they are providing them with weapons , they are helping them in terms of information,
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they are helping them operationally. they do, well, when we are not on the stage we have another face of america. we should not have expected americans to act against the zionists in the political scene. and in line with, for example, the realization and peace and now the exchange of prisoners, this thing should work as it is now, but we saw that, just as it was mentioned in your report, the epics accepted the conditions and accepted the real conditions and acted logically and a positive view and position of they did not show themselves, but still, we are witnessing that the israelis are not under pressure, considering that now after the assassination of martyr haniyeh haras, we are witnessing concern in the occupied territories, and the zionist media themselves how do you see this referring to the internal situation of the occupied territories? let me make a reference to this
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issue. see the leadership of hafaza mullah said something at the beginning of the unequal war in gaza that this should really be taken seriously. it can be said that the zionist regime has suffered an irreparable blow . what we are witnessing in the domestic scene of the zionist regime is the process of people's demands towards the end of the war and the exit, or so to say , mass immigration. zionists from the occupied lands to their own origins, that is, we hear this voice, although now the zionists are with it. their own media system is trying
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not to pay attention to the political circles of the public opinion to these points, which until now are the people's demands, the zionist demands in the occupied territories, and to divert the public opinion and the political circles of the region and the world, but really, we are witnessing this. i made reports that we saw inside the regime that they are not in a good economic situation at all , in terms of security and psychologically , considering now that the islamic republic's response to this cowardly terror is also discussed, this is the psychological and security condition of the settlement. well, armed sitters it has escalated very seriously from that side. well, they came to us. if we go back to the early years of the infamous establishment of the political regime, they came with promises to themselves in the form of milk and economic prosperity . a human being on the planet that is safe, they
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don't have security either, sir, in your opinion, you mentioned the internal situation of the occupied territories from the other side. resistance a few days ago, the day of resistance was named islamic resistance, and it was the day in 2006 when lebanon's hezbollah defeated the zionist regime in the 33-day war. your analysis after 18 years. after the 33-day war , see what is the strength of the axis of resistance. we must know that now it is the axis of resistance that is decisive. you see, it means the axis of resistance that you said now in 206 , hezbollah defeated lebanon, well there , it was not just the israelis, the americans were not zionists , the british were behind the story, but the conditions were not such that they could play arian like they do now, but
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there too. hizbollah was able to destroy all of them, and they can no longer play any game that they played on hizbullah before july 206. now that's it. the palestinian resistance determines the security equations , at least, in the internal scene of the zionist regime and palestine, the fact is that the resistance is now decisive , the resistance is now talking, now the resistance is determining the conditions . now, with all these conditions, the situation in gaza is difficult and violent, but resistance is decisive.
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golan, write, it is time to write about the power of the storm , in hardship and displacement, and war about miracles. that patience write muslim in the sojourn of the strip of gaza, from the zeal
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of the men of hamas and from the breadth of faith, write on the child's shroud, write human on this soil, write human with tears on this holy soil, this soil contaminated with health. write rain, read zion, write satan , write satan, write
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satan. it's time to overthrow sohyoun. every day, write a call to lebanon, iraq, yemen, and syria among the friends. write about the honest promise of the power of the islamic republic of iran. write muslim rulers a hundred times from the word conscience.
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lebanese qutna iranian jishna iranian jishna nahn al-mughabmun or iha al-sahyoun, we are al-mughabun
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, or iha al-sahyoun, we are al-mughabmun, we are al-muntaqmoun, we are al-muntaqmoun. write us, all of qasim, all of us today. write about the miracle of martyrs' blood, write about the miracle of martyrs' blood, wherever you walk. from this state of ignorance, gibran, write from the creator of sohyoun, from the sheet in this hidden battle, write sohyoun, read the devil, write siyun, read the devil, write
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yemeni, ahedna, food, patience, patience. iraqi, fakhrana, lebanese , qutna, iranian, jishna, iranyuna, nahn al-maghabmun, ya o people of al-sahyoun, we are the avengers, or o people of al-sahyoun , we are the avengers, we are the avengers. good morning, as promised, let's go to one of the land borders of our country, the roads leading to karbala , join my colleague, mrs. abadani , mrs. abadani. hello, my fellow reporters . i am at your service and dear colleague
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. we are at the international border of shalamcheh, as you can see in the picture. the movement of pilgrims from the border of shalem, even in the early hours of the morning, is smooth . there is no problem with the movement of pilgrims, but due to the high temperature in our region, especially in recent days. apparently, they try to travel at a time when the weather is cooler, for example, from the afternoon to the early afternoon of the next day, at the border of shalamcheh, the shahid soleimani medical service center has been established since august 15th, which provides medical services to zaheran, but today and until the next hour. another field hospital will be set up in shalamcheh border. today , the first journey of the hosseini arbaeen pilgrims will be made by sea from khorramshahr port to basra port in iraq. thank you very much, ms. abadani, reporter
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of sed and sima news agency, for the report. thank you for providing a short media opportunity let's take it and pay our respects to the blessed presence of aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him. hello sir, i am here. ziarat reads the letter , hossein, my soul, hossein, my soul, let my name
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always be on my head. our plan is to go to the shrine on friday night, hussain, my dear, peace be upon you, or abu abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, but let's go to hamadan today . the 45th anniversary of martyrdom day of mohammad noje should be celebrated in this province . we have seen and heard many times about the base of martyr noje in hamedan, but let us join with my colleague mr. taghati, a reporter of the sed and broadcasting news agency, in this section.
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this ceremony is for us and for you, the esteemed viewers. say hello, mr. taghati, and good morning . i am at your service, dear colleague, mrs. hajipour , all my hardworking colleagues at the khabar network and all the viewers of the wazin program. hello, reporter . inshallah, you have a good and happy day. yes, as you mentioned, today , august 25th, is the anniversary of the martyrdom of one of the top pilots of the country's air force. the pilot is shahid mohammad nojeh . shahid mohammad nojeh was born in tehran in the year 24 and after completing his studies in 42 he entered afsarieh university and joined the pilots in 51. martyr mohammad nojeh, who also played an essential role in the victory of the islamic revolution, joins the flight of the air force. during his service
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, he was assigned as the commander of the 31st hunting battalion and bomber base, the head of the joint operations headquarters and the deputy of operations of the 6th base, and in the same positions. he was successful and finally on august 25, 135. in order to confront the hypocrites and support martyr chamran in paveh region of kermanshah due to the bullets of the hypocrites, the airplane hit baku with the language of fasting, he achieves the high degree of martyrdom and because of his valuable services and successful flights the base of this base is decorated with the name of mohammad nojeh. the air base of martyr nojeh during the revolution and holy defense is dedicated to 110 high-ranking martyrs. it has revolutionized that the martyred pilot mohammad nojeh is considered the first pilot of the air force. therefore, today or in the ceremony, the memory of this martyr
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will be held at this base in the presence of military personnel and officials of the army and the country. if you have any questions, i am at your service. thank you, mr. taghati , journalist of sed and cima news agency , i say goodbye to you, but the story of my name is the title of a book. a story that the story of a pilot, the martyred pilot, nojeh narrates. i went to the kitchen and asked: mom, who chose my name? this is a part of the book "the story of my name" written by leila guderzianfar. i impatiently went to my grandfather's room. he was praying. the story of a martyred pilot who is the third base of all hunters. don is named in his memory. i felt that if books were written and the real heroes of this land like shahid nojeh were introduced, it would make
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our children today know that they were loved ones even though they were studying abroad, but they came and serving their homeland, a martyr who first came to children and teenagers of this land are introduced. 5-6 months, i just thought about the work framework. no matter how the children are introduced, mohammad nojeh is not the pilot who was sent to paveh to help martyr chamran, but on his way back, he was attacked by the kamle party and was martyred. it was a great night to be sent to this mission with the tongue of fasting and to be the guest of the angels that night and to break the fast with the blood of martyr mohammad kabin jalo and martyr seyed abdullah bashiri musa. the rear cabinet was recorded as the first martyrs of pilots and martyrs of the air force, their names were recorded in the history of this country and this border, leila nad alifar hamedan radio and television news agency
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, good morning, dear viewers. well, today is thursday, and the 25th of august 1403, we have projects all over the country that will be opened in the presence of respected officials. it is hidden, of course , phase one will be put into operation today. this nash teacher told us, the old people here, this soil is too safe, don't be sad. with all the blessings that god
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has given to this soil, why shouldn't you be happy ? it's obvious that you are sleeping and depressed. i feel sad and tired, of course, if i sit on my hand let's let the hand come and the fruit of this garden will grow. the cultivation of this house is by our own hands. it is a strange religion and the use is enough . it will not be cultivated by anyone else. and
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you are not in it. you are going. it was the same foreign company that you saw in every valley that pours for us it is possible to open it at 30. we will be happy when these wheels turn .
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thank you very much for your cooperation. until tomorrow , have a happy heart and a happy family. may god protect you . this world is not neutral when we are together.
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if there is no electricity, we in hormuz cannot survive the heat to live if there is no electricity, it will shut down completely and the entire force will be idle. in general, everything should have electricity . if there is no electricity, here we are all ruined and because we work with the refrigerator, our scales are completely electric,
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and we can't connect the fish. here we are in dire need of a burqa for us southerners because we are one.
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how much can we reduce the electricity consumption of one light bulb in the house and do something about the electricity consumption so that we can also see the air conditioner under the wind, for example, here they use low energy light bulbs, the most important thing for the children to study is that if there is no electricity, we cannot do our homework. let's write to respect our children so use the right electricity.
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but with its energy, we know that when the air conditioner is serviced on time and the filter is washed on time , it is really better to save energy when the weather is very hot, instead of replacing the hot water and chlorine from the pankod combination.
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hello, good morning on thursday. the huge population of zaheran will cross the western border to karbala for 10 days. before arbaeen, most of the zaherans cross the borders of mehran, shalamcheh and khostroi at night and early in the morning. how are you? we are very happy about the culture of the province. we
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are at your service. we came, don't be tired. the presence of sarzadeh raees.


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