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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , you will accompany us to the news section at 11:00. the president has announced the basis of the proposed list of ministers . he considered strengthening the synergy between the government of the parliament. mr. masoud bizikian, in a meeting with the members of the parliament's agriculture commission , said that putting aside the differences, emphasizing the points of commonality and fragmentation. it focuses on the strengths instead of highlighting the weaknesses of the 14th government's policy. the president
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announced the performance evaluation index in the 14th government as a commitment to the correct implementation of the goals of the vision and said: "there is no greater betrayal than entrusting the work to the people of karnabald and this government requires every person who can take a step towards solving the problems of the country and improving the condition of the people. in this meeting , the most important problems of agriculture, water, natural resources and environment at the national and regional level were discussed and exchanged. serving 161 processions in the field of health to arbaeen pilgrims in iran and iraq, the secretary of basij medical society's arbaeen headquarters said that 35 health processions are located in iran and the borders of our country, and 125 processions are located in iraq, mr. jabari, referring to the establishment of 6300 health and treatment personnel in all mokapha said that on average there are about 40 doctors in each health procession general specialist or subspecialist paramedic.
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internal emergency medicine and cardiology nurses are present. the head of arbaeen central headquarters visited khosravi border crossing in kermanshah province and asked arbaeen pilgrims to choose this crossing for their journey to karbala muala . mr. mirahmadi said that the khosravi border is in a very good condition for pilgrims this year, and pilgrims can easily pass through this border terminal . weather and suitable facilities. this has caused more pilgrims to choose the khosravi border to travel to iraq. these days, the western borders of the country are busy. the international border of khosravi is not an exception to this and because of its convenient facilities and ease of transportation , it has been welcomed by pilgrims from all over the country and they say that it is the best and closest man to khosravi. the route was very good, the weather was cool, i came to siraz. in last year's arbaeen, one million people
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passed through this crossing, which is expected to increase this year. yesterday, more than 25,000 people left this border towards atbat aliat. with the announcement of interior minister vahidi, the traffic from khosravi terminal has increased by more than 80% compared to last year, and sardar rezaei has replaced him. the country's general police chief, while present at the khosravi border , spoke about the high security of this terminal. the final kurd of khosravi has the ability to receive more than 100,000 people daily. this is our third time, but this time we chose the khosravi border because it was closer to us and the weather was better. they are really hospitable . we have been on the road since last night at 11 o'clock , there have been no problems. desirable in stable conditions
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it has gained the high satisfaction of the pilgrims. on the way we came, i was very good . the hospitality we stopped at many places on the way. may god bless them. in terms of soap, in terms of cleaning services, we are here for the eighth year. what services do you provide ? we provide food at noon and night. the people of imam hosseini's table , we provide services to all pilgrims , including public transportation on both sides of the border at reasonable rates.
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the borders of the country. this is the latest statistics from the beginning of the travel month until 7 am today. according to the announcement of the central delegation of arbaeen, the border of mehran, with the departure of more than 100,000,000 to find out about the border of chazaba with my colleague i talk hello, mr. nik andish , i would like to thank you for the traffic in chazaba for us . i would like to say hello to you and all the esteemed viewers of the khabar channel. as you know, the border of chazaba
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is one of the exit borders of our country towards iraq. the traffic is smooth. from the beginning of the month of travel until now, according to the general directorate of roads of khuzestan province, last night the two borders of shalamke and kadabah have brought the highest number of traffic during the past days . for the departure of dear pilgrims to the country iraq, well, there are alternative gates, in case of overcrowding, those gates will be opened and pilgrims can have their own traffic. so far, 350 processions are serving dear pilgrims from ahvaz city through al-hussein road to the entrance of the chazaba border. for the first time, five iranian processions
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have been stationed at the shib border with iraq, that is, on the iraqi side of the chazaba border, because now, if god forbid, a bus is late and if there is a problem with the transportation , they can welcome the dear pilgrims. due to the heat of the air, we are witnessing a small amount of traffic on the borders of shalamcheh and kadaba about five dimensions. it increases from noon onwards and they are done in a smooth manner. an important point is that the non-resident foreign pilgrims cross the kozab border and the resident foreign pilgrims cross the shalamcheh border. i am very grateful to my colleague mr. nik andis who marz cheza was with us, but because of the american authorities, it failed in gaza. several pentagon officials told the new york times: hamas tunnels proved to be bigger than the zionists' predictions. according to american officials, the zionist regime tried
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to damage the hamas tunnels in gaza he could not destroy it and failed to weaken hamas. these pentagon officials admitted the possibility of weakening hamas. reduced capture and continued shelling only increases the risk to civilians. the new york times, quoting american officials, wrote that one of the biggest goals of the zionist regime was the return of the remaining prisoners in gaza, which cannot be achieved militarily, and only diplomacy is the solution to this problem. according to the national union of suicide prevention in france, the rate of suicide in this country is higher than the average of european countries in france, nine thousand people commit suicide every year. among the european countries, finland and belgium have a higher rate than france. according to
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the statistics, 25% of the french population has lost a loved one due to suicide. the suicide rate is between 1/4. the population is one case per 10,000 people. the national suicide prevention program in 2020 adopted important measures to improve the management of suicide crises and prevent it. thank you very much for your companion. have a nice day . god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful. hello, good time , welcome to the program of the new football magazine yes league tomorrow it will start on thursday at 1930 minutes with the match between press police and zubhan that you saw in this report. now i think many fans of all teams are waiting to see the new season, their teams with new players, some with new coaches and they hope for a good season. see and attractive mr. roshank is in charge of premier league matches now through our mobile phone to talk about. regarding the holding of the competitions that will start tomorrow
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, is everything ready or not and what kind of season do we think we will have ahead of us, mr. roshanak , hello, have a good time dear colleagues and viewers of the program, i am at your service. sir , there is an opening game tomorrow . do you have any special plans for the opening game? we were faced with infrastructures and stadiums, but we tried our best to be able to start the league according to the predictions we had made and the date we had announced before and after the end of the last league and with everyone. these deficiencies can actually be found in the date was set for the start of the league. i hope that all this will lead to a good and
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attractive league in front of us. regarding the fall game, as you said, yes, tomorrow , god willing, the league will play press police and aluminum arak in the way of imam khomeini. shahrak will start and i hope it will be a good match considering that this match will be played with the presence of var. can many friends and representatives from the football federation and the league organization be present there so that we can, god willing, hold this game with the right quality and with the necessary conditions? we are very happy that ver finally after the year and after the many promises that were made , god willing, from this year our league will be held with ver, although maybe not all the games, but the participation
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has come, it is still correct as far as i know which i received has not arrived yet , but i think it will arrive in the coming days and weeks, and all of this will help our league to proceed with the appropriate quality according to the standards of the world football day, with all the shortcomings and problems that you yourself and friends and fans of football are assured that all our efforts are in the form appropriate there is a point about the
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shahr stadium, that now if the fans are playing there tomorrow , tomorrow is not friday, friday, yes, the fans are playing there with hadifesh, but now the pictures that were published today in different media were not very interesting, the condition of the stadium, especially the benches. and the conditions of the stadium were not very suitable for holding a match at the level of the premier league. yes, i saw it too. well , it is not necessary for us to repeat what problems people are seeing. the pictures are more than two days old. yes, that is exactly what i wanted to tell you . by the way, i followed you. see, you know. we don't want to repeat too much about the problems we are facing with regard to our football stadium and infrastructure this year, which has even led to the fact that the national football team of our country is actually facing problems in holding those two games, or now it is in place. but in the city of shahrton, the pictures
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are from before. today, newer pictures were also published, apparently , about an hour or two ago. because the pictures that came out were dark outside, it was clear that, for example, it was tonight. all the conditions were not suitable, of course, now the changing rooms because we had a visit in the past days and weeks, i don't think there is any problem in the privates . naturally, you see, a stadium that has been away from the cycle of these competitions for years faces problems. maybe those procedures will not be necessary, but you can be sure that until the last hour leading up to the game, all of this will be resolved as much as possible, and it will improve. anyway, we must mention that the grass of quds city stadium is one of the good grasses. currently, maybe in tehran, next to the grass of dastgardi stadium, which currently
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does not have a license to hold games, it is one of the good grasses. hope the characteristic of the games is that all games are attended by spectators. in fact , as far as i know , there is no game without the end of the provincial security council. well , there are some restrictions, for example
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, only 60% of the spectators can stand in qaim shu stadium due to the safety of the north and south zal platforms. they have the permission to participate in roisek hoha, but there is no game without the presence of spectators, and in some games we will even witness the presence of dear ladies. i hope that the league good luck ahead, god willing , i hope that tomorrow will be the start of a league whose beauty and charm will be much more than the tensions and sidelines of football, and naturally, it will help to increase the enthusiasm in the community . let's stay alive , thank you. well, let's continue with the program. we will continue with a report from fardasun football officials
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, one day before the start of the premier league. starting with the football of our country league. superior returns. but the 24th season of the premier league starts with a problem called standard stadiums. tehran does not have a stadium that has the conditions to host the games , and the last season's champion has to host hobahan in iraq. right now, our league is starting . last season , the most violations occurred on segkouhs. the first offense in our premier league is a violation of the spectators, with 122 votes of the officials to reduce the violations of the spectators in this season, it is difficult from the first week. the next point is to use vr in games. check it out. fifa gave the referees of our country the permission to judge var
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. we have this to implement in that vr stadium , the club's budget limit and foreign quotas are the point of dispute between football players. from this season, the contracts will be monitored more and the violators will be dealt with. is not there was uncertainty for our appeal last year, but this year it was quickly announced that the punishment of points deduction can be used. he predicted this year. if it is proven that a player, coach, other than what he is registering now , there is a behind-the-scenes contract organization , there is also a severe punishment, the club will be banned from the transfer window for two seasons, and the player will be banned for two years. it was four plus one. our opinion is that when a club
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like police press club came before last year's document, two years ago, three years ago. before with a player he signed a contract and could not use this player in 60% of the games, and now he wants to leave this player, we are actually doing an unjust injustice to this club. head of the judges committee. the football announcers who are also on our mobile phone, of course, a couple of nights ago they turned off their mobile phones and went to sleep, but tonight , thank god, they are with us, mr. moradi. hello , have a good time. and dear viewers, i am at your service, mr. test what's up with the referees and for the new season last season , i don't know how many they said
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. 15 assistant referees from the big names of the country. that a series of these dear ones from the league of referees and assistant referees have been added to our collection considering that we said goodbye to several referees and our experience in the season and we were no longer in the service of these dear ones, and some of my dear ones in the physical test tuesday of last week in the stadium the arrest was made, they failed to actually park the test, and we are not at their service until the end of the half season, which is expected by the referee committee for this season. it used to be like this that until the end of the sixth or eighth week of the league, depending on the qualification of the quantity, a re-test was done, but considering
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that our request to the referees was to have their preparation before and during the matches , they decided on it was taken that any referee who failed to pass the test will not be in his service for half a season and how prepared we are for vr. in the national football center, and until now i am talking to you, all our training has been completed , it was really hard work, we worked day and night for this story, and we were actually
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able to get the relevant permits before the 25th of august, when the tournament starts. and this was a very big job , maybe you won't believe it, sir, in the past few nights , now i saw the picture of mr. hakim and our good colleague, the secretary of the vr working group, i agree with you, maybe i can tell you that in the past two nights , the license expired by midnight. we took fifa approved referees for two games inshallah, by god's will, tomorrow in arak, in fact, we will have the perspbahan game , and i will definitely be present there, and god will help me tomorrow, friday, god willing , we will go, god willing, qazim and my friends will be there, and god willing, these two games that in the end, our league is a very important game in iraq, and in fact , we will be able to finish the atla game in ghazbin, god willing , and it will be a very good thing for iranian football
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. mr. iraqi, i want to say something here. i am the leader in the field of ar and have been doing this for many years i have a story, i am working. what the football federation did to organize the league with the presence of vr is a very big thing. now tell us the money, because you are busy, is the federation still giving the money, or did the money come from the development and maintenance company ? yes, this device that exists now, anyway , it is a device belonging to the federation itself , with which we are now conducting training and training. it will definitely be continuous during the season and the training of the second group of referees. we will definitely start another series of this device during the season. account federation because it was purchased from the federation channel , the truth is
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, i am not aware of these administrative matters, but i know that it was entered into the fedrasistan account. because of khosr , we heard reliably that the money has not yet been deposited to the federation. well, i have to think that it is the treasurer of the federation or the finance guys of the federation. i really don't have any information . i told you that maybe you know, but what is the source remains, but we know from the federation the money has not been deposited into the account of the football federation and we are still waiting for the federation to receive this money, because there are other issues, mr. iraq, i would like to tell you, we just don't have the time to hurry. in any case , there are a series of obstacles, there are a series of problems, this is all acceptable, but the most important thing is that we we will start the first week of the games with all these problems and obstacles that have existed with two vr games and we will move forward
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. i am one in iraq, i am one in this case. the world will look down on you with astonishment . our hearts are always proud of our destiny sarmarazi in the way of construction together with one heart and one voice we will create our tomorrow together with one heart and one voice together we will create our tomorrow together.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago . if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the market. every market is on one side. i said that here all the specialized markets are gathered. it was good. we came to serai afsariye. it was good. we came to sarai irani sarai. bozur irani, the only tehran branch in sirah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices. can't
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and long-term photos without advance payment in a large iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan and only branch tehran in serah afsarieh. we know some ways with energy, which makes our blood bloodier and lowers energy consumption. with energy, they are aware of energy consumption and leave the air conditioner at a comfortable temperature. it is a mistake to use several high-consumption devices at the same time, that too during peak hours. 300 automatic cars and 450 billion tomans in cash prizes. for more information, dial star 21/15.
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may you be a winner with energy. hello dear viewers to this news section. welcome according to the head of customs, since the beginning of this year, 1,327 vehicles have been driven clearance from customs has been confirmed. mr. rezvanifar announced the value of the number of new cars that have been cleared by the country's customs at 277 million dollars and said that last year there were 738 cars.


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