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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , welcome to the news section at 13:00. in a meeting with the members of the parliament's agriculture commission, mr. masoud bizikian said: putting aside the differences is emphasizing the points of commonality and relying on the strengths instead of highlighting the weaknesses of the 14th government's strategy. the president announced the performance evaluation index in the 14th government as a commitment to the correct implementation of the goals of the vision and said: "there is no greater betrayal than entrusting the work to the people of karnabald and this government requires every person who can take a step in the path went.
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he will take care of the problems of the country and improve the condition of the people, he will be warmly welcomed. in this meeting, the most important problems of agriculture, water, natural resources and environment sectors at the national and regional level were discussed and exchanged. the darahi gas transmission line in dashtak nah banddan was put into operation, according to the ceo of iran gas engineering and development company, to strengthen the gas transmission network in the north and northeast, one of which is the gas transmission line from qom to parchin, aradan pressure boosting station and darahi gas transmission. dashtak is up to nine bands. darahi dashtak to nahundan, 176 km long for the connection between the southeast of the country and the northeast of the country from sistan baluchistan province to south khorasan province. i billion rials, then we will
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be able to transfer the gas of the 7th national line from the vicinity of zabul city to south khorasan. iran's debt settlement of 46 was keyed to the international monetary fund. the first vice president approved the letter of the council of ministers regarding the settlement of the debt of the islamic republic of iran to the international monetary fund to the central bank. iran's obligations to the international monetary fund to adjust the value of the rial. it is also decided that the ministry of economy will provide the necessary written guarantee for the settlement of this debt provide to the central bank. farajah public service organization announced that those subject to 8 years of absenteeism can serve in the military.
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to spend part-time in the ansar sepah plan. one of the advantages of this plan is not limiting the limit of flexible service deduction during the service period of 14 to 21 months, eliminating 2 months of daily training and granting overtime for industrial service. applicants of the plan should refer to the nearest ranks of the irgc if they have the necessary conditions. the withdrawal of more than one million 2119. pilgrims from the borders of the country, this is the latest statistics of the departure of pilgrims from the beginning of the month of travel until 7 am today, according to the announcement of the central headquarters. arbaeen border of mehran with more than 623 thousand departures, zahir shalamcheh with more than 340 thousand departures and chadaba border with more than 69 thousand departures are the busiest arbaeen borders in the country. the borders of khosravi bashmaq and tamrchin red are the next ranks. as announced by the central headquarters of arbaeen, more than 2 million
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and 590 people have registered in the sama system to travel to arbaeen. arbaini processions in hamedan province, which are on the way of zahiran, started their work. in hamedan province, 150 processions have been organized to serve the arbaeen pilgrims. every year, as arbaeen approaches, many people travel to karbala they become i have arrived. it is the first day that we left for iraq from north khorasan, azam to karbala . it is the second day of our journey, both for the purpose of the emergence of imam zaman and for the freedom of the people of palestine and gaza. this journey is the point of connection of their hearts to the lord and master of the martyrs. they know that i am going for the first time and i have a very good feeling . i can't believe this love for imam hasina that falls in the heart of a person until the last minute. i was still stressed that it might
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not fit, but thank god , i am going to pabusi agha for the fifth time, god willing . processions have been set up to serve the pilgrims should show their love to imam hussain (peace be upon him). here , we have about 15-60 people directly serving zahirin baitullah al-hussein, and we also have people in the kitchen, about 50-60 women working there, preparing hot food that they bring here for zahirin imam hussein, peace be upon him. in the procession of amzajad village, the pilgrims pray in congregation.
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hosseini's processions are a symbol of interdependence and assistance to pilgrims. leila nadlifar news. hamedan broadcasting corporation arrested four people selling drugs online, according to the chief of fatai police in tehran , 10,000 copies of rare drugs were seized from these people. done rare drugs that were sold in the black market of cyberspace instead of pharmacies and medical centers. fata police have arrested four sellers of rare drugs in cyberspace. what other drugs, drugs that are rare , drugs that are rare, will be more expensive for the same blood drugs, for example, anti-tumor courses and
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such things. how many times does it sell? i had posted educational materials on the page about the drug risaline, then i myself you would sell they are asking for it , we were chased to sell it. yes, what harm does it do? you know , you bring prescriptions for those who do not have a disease . now this insulin drug must be given to patients with a national code and under a special condition, that is, a pharmacy. there are special ones or this ritalin drug. families with hyperactive children will understand me better because these are hard to find in the market . it definitely needs a national code, with a limited number . tehran police chief fata says 10,000 pens. the drug was discovered from these people. where do you get the medicines? would you medicines from nasser khosra and some pharmacies. how about the pharmacy? yes, we were familiar with a few pharmacies,
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they give things outside. that is, whether you would give a prescription or not , we would get it free, and we would refuse the small price, lower the higher, and leave. we had a familiar friend, we used to work in a pharmacy. the cooperation that we have with our loved ones in the food and drug organization and our loved ones in the relevant courthouse, those that can be used are placed in the cycle of use, again ghadir nazari of the sed and broadcasting news agency, according to the announcement of tovanir company in shaban, tehran province. yazd and khuzestan had the highest consumption of electricity in the country . to find out about the amount of electricity consumption, i am talking to the director of the national electricity network steering center , mr. jamshidi. what is the situation ? yes, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, with greetings and respect to you and the respected viewers, just as
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you explained, last day our daily peak consumption reached about 7800 megawatts. if we compare this day with the same day last year, the increase about 9 thousand megawatts means 13 and a half we had a percentage increase in consumption, which is a very, very large number. the normal growth is about four and a half percent , but yesterday we had a growth of 13. it means that although the air has cooled down, the intensity of the heat has decreased a bit, but we did not decrease the electricity consumption accordingly. therefore, we continue to see heat in most parts of the country. we are asking our dear compatriots to continue the help they are giving us to manage the consumption of the same simple things that anyone can do at home, store, shop or workplace , such as turning the water coolers around. slow they should preferably use air conditioners at a temperature of 24
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degrees and above, instead of using high-consumption appliances such as washing machines and the like during the daily peak times that we are currently in, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. we are not to use these devices from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm. it is also necessary to mention that i would like to thank our honorable president for coming to the national power network management center today to learn about the activities of this center and the process of monitoring and management of the power network. special thanks to mr. jamshidi, the manager the entire national control center of the country's electricity grid continues news negotiations on the issue of gaza will be held today in doha, qatar, according to reports in these negotiations, william burns, head of the organization. david barnier, director of mossad, and representatives from the countries of qatar, egypt are present. however, the leader of hamas
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said that he will participate in these negotiations only on the condition that the war in gaza ends and the aggression of the occupiers ends. before the start of the new round of negotiations, yahya senwar sent a message to the countries of egypt and qatar as arab mediators and emphasized that if the zionist regime is serious about the talks, they should stop all military operations in gaza. stop otherwise the same. not willing to negotiate. at the same time, the palestinian resistance groups , including hamas, in a joint statement emphasized the need to stop the genocide in gaza and support al-aqsa mosque . the united nations high commissioner for human rights described the zionist regime's admission of a deliberate plan to cause hunger and starvation in gaza as shocking and announced that this war crime should be prosecuted by international courts. the zionist regime has been continuously entering for 10 months. adequate shipments of water, food, and medicine prevent the daily needs of the people of gaza. deliberately using the weapon
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of starvation against the people of gaza is a predetermined policy the zionist regime has had it on its agenda since 10 months ago, and recently a zionist minister publicly admitted it. using extreme starvation to kill the people of gaza is completely just and moral. although
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more than 500 trucks carrying all kinds of people's daily income entered gaza every day, in the last ten months, and despite the complete destruction of the stocks of basic goods and essential items for daily life , the zionist regime has continuously prevented the entry of aid trucks into gaza. has taken and in many cases reduced the number of incoming trucks to zero and even to completely obstruct the organization's assistance the united nations
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has repeatedly targeted un vehicles and buildings directly in gaza. the united nations announced in its latest report that so far 27 of its employees have been killed as a result of direct attacks by the zionist regime in gaza. ali rajabi , united nations broadcasting agency, new york. in response to the attacks of the zionist regime, hezbollah targeted a zionist military settlement, as a result of which 4 buildings where the zionist soldiers were stationed were destroyed. in the zionist attacks, three lebanese citizens were martyred and several others were injured. aggressive drones zionist soldiers attacked khadroui in marjayoun square. you can see a car that was attacked by the zionist military with two missiles of the zionist military drone. two people who were inside this car were martyred and four
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other lebanese citizens who were in this square were injured . the aggressors of the zionist military in their attack caused the windows of the shops in the main square of marjaino to break and a number of lebanese citizens were injured. i am 50. more than 50 or maybe 70 people were present in marjayoun square at the time of the attack. terrorist attacks by drones israel is doing this with the aim of creating fear among the lebanese people. but we know that hezbollah does not leave any crime unanswered. you can see the effects of the missile attack by the zionist military drones in the most important operation of hezbollah in response to the zionist military attack on a motorcycle in abbasiya, the entrance to the city of sur, which resulted in the martyrdom of one
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injured person. when four more people were there, hizballah with dozens of katyusha rockets became the nizam's town. kiryat shmoune was targeted . zionist media reported that at least 40 katyusha rockets were fired from southern lebanon at the military town of kiryat shmoune. they gave channel 12 of the zionist regime announced that in the course of hezbollah rockets hitting the kiryat shmoune military settlement, four buildings where the zionist soldiers were stationed were destroyed. these attacks were carried out while the ukrainian army claimed to have captured about 1,000 kilometers of russian territory in the attack on karres. ukraine has announced that it will create a buffer zone in krest. announcing the creation of a buffer zone in kers, which russia is currently in kiev
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he had previously announced that he did not intend to keep the captured russian lands under his occupation. ministry of defense of russia. earlier, he said that the country's air defense systems destroyed 117 ukrainian drones and four tactical missiles in several areas, including kursk. the president of columbia university has resigned. mino shafiq, the president of columbia university in new york, resigned from his position a few months after the pro-palestinian student demonstrations against the zionist regime's attack on the gaza strip. shafiq's resignation a few months after the rise of pro-palestinian students in knowledge. colombia took place. this demonstration received worldwide attention and it spread to many universities. to confront the protesters, shafiq called the security forces to the university to remove their chadors. the president of columbia university also appeared in the us congress to answer the questions of us lawmakers. the national union for suicide prevention in
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france announced that the rate of suicide in this country is higher than the national average. it is european. according to the statistics of this union, nine thousand people commit suicide in france every year. among european countries, finland and belgium have higher statistics than france. according to statistics, 25% of the population of france is one they lost their loved ones because of suicide. the suicide rate among the 1/4 of the population that has the lowest standard of living is 19 per 10,000 people. national suicide prevention program in 2022. adopted important measures to improve the management of suicide crises and prevent them. the world health organization declared a public health emergency for the second time in the last two years due to the outbreak of the monkeypox disease. according to the director general of the world health organization, more
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than 40,000 cases of monkeypox have been identified in congo this year, of which 524 people have died. have died the disease is now spreading in parts of central and east africa, and scientists are worried about how fast the new strain of monkeypox is spreading around the world. monkey pox is an infectious disease whose virus is transmitted from infected animals to humans and can also be transmitted by close physical contact between humans. collision of two fighters. the french left two dead. the incident happened during a training exercise with rafale fighters. french media reported that a pilot and a trainee pilot were killed. these two fighters were returning from a refueling mission in germany, which is in the north eastern france collided with each other. specialists
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of a knowledge-based company succeeded after two years of research work on the smart entry and exit system for the customer. internalize residential areas. high security, possibility of reporting and cheaper price are the disadvantages of this product compared to similar foreign samples. smart system for entering and exiting residential complexes. a system with intelligent management and control capability with high safety compared to previous systems. in this system, the doors of residential complexes are opened and closed intelligently. the device we designed with a very low cost. 5 the manager can have up to 100 users. one of the advantages of this system is that the traffic of people is done with mobile phones . there is a sim card in the device for each user. if a miscall hits this sim card without charge, the door will open and then the door will be closed. after moving tenants or owners from the mobile phone complex, new users
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will be redefined for the system. it has several advantages. the first advantage is that your sim card will be authentic if you want to deactivate this sim card from someone , the administrator can activate it very easily, and the next person can give it to the previous person. open this door and that's it. it increases safety and security, and the most important point is the reports of arrivals and departures that managers can have. managers can understand who came and left in the building today, in what order, and at what time . after two years of research work, the residence has come to a conclusion and it is more advanced than the foreign models. there is no foreign model of this style . which is basically the property of china's country is that a door opens and closes only with a bell, there is no report, that is, a report it does not matter to the manager that this arm is tied
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, which means that it is actually something else that is used for this. let the light spread to muhammad ali. he passed away unmarried at the age of 88. the collections of gila sabz zeitouni garden, my mother's voice, love and immortals are among the works that have been remembered by the late mahdikhani. the oppression of the people of gaza was one of the themes of mahdi khani's poems in recent years. mother says so, child. in your arms a sleeping girl with a single doll under the dirt
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was found in the alley, and out of her heart , the emergency department announced the death toll in the accident of 11 cars on ashtark street, par, tehran. tehran increased to 3 people. according to the spokesperson of the tehran fire department, this incident happened at around 7:00 am today when a trailer with a heavy construction load collided with 11 cars due to brake failure and then hit an electric pole and two buildings. four people were injured in this incident. thank you very much for the companion. have a nice day, god bless you.
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greetings again, dear compatriots, we need to serve you let me tell you that in terms of temperature, we expect that from tomorrow in the northern parts of our country , we will see a special decrease in temperature in these areas, rains this afternoon and tonight in the northwestern parts of our country for the provinces of west azarbaijan , east azarbaijan, ardabil province. the southern issues of the caspian sea, the provinces of gilan, mazandaran, golestan, the northeastern parts. the country for north khorasan province , alboresti heights in the afternoon in the provinces of isfahan, yazd and the southern parts for the provinces of sistan baluchistan, kerman, hormozgan and also
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fars province, we are witnessing the intensity of the rains that today lead to water the clogging of public roads is caused by the rise in the water level of rivers and canals in the northern parts of west azarbaijan, the northern parts of eastern azarbaijan, ardabil province, gilan , the southern parts, the southwestern parts of kerman province , the eastern parts, the northern parts of the province. in hormozgan , the eastern parts of the southeastern parts of fars province, we are witnessing that due to the intensity of the rains in these areas , we recommend that our dear compatriots refrain from being on the banks of rivers and canals until today . tomorrow, friday, the rains will continue in the northwestern parts of the country, the southern parts of the caspian sea , the southern slopes of elbors and the northeastern parts of the country. in addition to north khorasan province , in the northeastern parts of the country, these rains also reach the northern part of razavi khorasan province. in the southern parts , we are still witnessing rains in the south of sistan baluchistan, kerman, hormozgan, and also in fars province. in this, it leads to
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the flooding of public roads, the rise in the water level of rivers and canals in the northern parts of west azerbaijan, northern east azerbaijan, ardabil province, gilan , mazandaran, the highlands of golestan province, the southern parts, the southwestern parts of kerman province, the northern parts of hormozgan province, and the southern parts. eastern fars province it can be seen that on this day, our advice to our dear compatriots is to refrain from being on the banks of rivers and canals in these areas . on saturday, we see rains in the northwestern parts of the country, the southern parts of the caspian sea, the southern slopes of alborz, the central regions for the central provinces of qom province, as well as the northeastern parts of the southern regions of sistan baluchistan, kerman, hormozgan, and fars province. it is still in the form of showers and thunderstorms in these areas. on monday, the intensity of the rains will decrease
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, only the rains will fall in the southern parts of the khazar and bakhsh valleys. we are witnessing the southern parts of the country for southern sistan, baluchistan, kerman, hormozgan and parts of fars province. another phenomenon that will be seen in the next 5 days is the sport of strong winds in the eastern parts of the country, the southern slopes of alborz , the western areas, the southwestern parts of the country, during this period we expect the wind speed to increase in some hours. in these areas, strong winds cause dust, reduce air quality and reduce visibility. due to the wind today and tomorrow, the strait of hormuz and the amma sea will be rough on saturday. due to the wind blowing in the caspian sea , we recommend that you refrain from swimming in the sea during this period and also avoid the traffic of light vessels and pleasure boats . thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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dr. qasim levy dachuv in baghdad , iraqi government and sadam hossein's government, who is very happy with the talks. ghani baluriyan , one of the founders of the democratic party, who separated from this party after a while, in his memoirs called alek, explains the reason for his separation from the democratic party, qasim lu's intimate relationship with saddam and the inappropriate requests of the baath party. mention
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karde describes this story as follows : we sent mullah abdullah hasanzadeh, a member of the party's political bureau, to haj imran region to receive baath party's aid. from there, he went to kirkuk and met with baath party officers. when mullah abdullah returned, he brought with him an agreement that the party had to fulfill in order to receive aid. this agreement is seven months. it was shameful. two iraqi officers should be in front of you to hand over money and war supplies. two members of the political office of the party should be with us for consultation. the democratic party should have its information about the iranian army, soldiers, give us the type of weapon and its number. it is necessary to inform us about the specifications of the planes and helicopters of the iranian army. the democratic party
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should announce the slogan of overthrowing the akhundi regime. the democratic party must stop the progress of the kurds in northern iraq. the democratic party should explain to us how iran's relationship with other countries is . qasim lu had lowered his head and shame was sitting on the face of other comrades. i declare to accept each of these demands. it means selling oneself to the iraqi regime and i consider it treason. unfortunately, comrades approved all seven articles they did and i left the meeting and decided to leave the party. who are the children of kurdistan's rozhahlati, tell stories to scold the islamic republic, they will defend and pay for it as a people.


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