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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the farmer sector has accepted the law of data, the data in general is in the possession of the sovereign and the government of the islamic republic of iran, and it has been accepted, but it has not yet been implemented , god willing. the issue is actually handing over the farmers' information to the ministry of agricultural jihad, as the trustee of the ministry of agricultural jihad, we hope that this will happen in the next one or two weeks. what to do and the farmer has to come and actually
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get an id or not , see how it is in the law. unfortunately, the regulation that was implemented, the note d of the article probably mentions four or four paws that farming is demanding, anyone can do anything. however, in order to receive services , one must get a license and get a birth certificate . yes, that's right. for this reason, now, in order for the union to take place at the level of cities and provinces and at the national level of the country, it is a duty that we , the previous minister, also announced in the guidelines that we prepared there. we had two duties, one of which was the system in the whole country, let's train and introduce two people, so that the unions want to form seven unions at the city level, which we have reduced to at least two unions, which will lead to a
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city-level council chamber, as incentives. it is not well defined because the farmer is coming today to get this permit. well, i am not at the gate. fertilizer services are not being given to me. they are not giving me electricity services. why should i pay so much? 500 tomans should be the incentive body to encourage the farmer to come. and jihad of cities and provinces and other institutions and service providers now we don't say to force based on this. the letter of coercion requires that the provision of any service is based on the minister's directive by having this license. if this happened, all the farmers in the country would go to the country and get this license and receive services, because now the services are available to farmers in any way. it's true that he doesn't see the requirement for himself now because he doesn't see the union that we defined, for example, the ceiling of the city , for example, at least 250 people for the agriculture union.
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he had announced that it was until june 15 that the chamber of guilds of all cities would be formed, but this is it i will tell you about the process of carrying out the project , because it has to be done until the end of 1404. now, gentlemen, the circular that the minister had given us was for 3 years, one year of which we spent on training, and there are 3 years left, the end of 14 have a birth certificate, but the chamber of guilds will be until the end of 1403. you see, our concern
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as the ministry of agricultural jihad is that our business licenses are connected to the national portal of agricultural licenses. it doesn't matter to us in what context this happens . it does not have a unique identifier no, that license is actually difficult to be accepted by government agencies. recently, the center for studies and monitoring and improvement of the business environment has informed all the executive agencies that, sir, if a license is issued, an agricultural business license will be issued if this code is unique and recognized. if you don't have one, you will get a connection. now is there an incentive for the farmer to actually come and do this, or yes , three years. the ministry of home affairs has taken very good measures
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. yes, yes, we are now with the central bank of all the banks of the country, and now we have a business license. in fact , they recognize the social security organization in a way almost now, in most cities, the discussion of farmers' insurance, which is one of our most important concerns , is based on these business licenses, which means that this is a very good motivational factor. motivating farmer b.
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don't get an activity license or an activity certificate , that business license will not be issued, so our farmer is forced , that is, in a way, we have a situation of coercion. your responsible yes, the product must have a birth certificate, let's go for an activity license.
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there is an employer's insurance that 5 of their workers can use employer's insurance exemptions , now our courts are with the judiciary. we made an understanding that our business licenses have been accepted , and now they are accepting our licenses in the judicial authorities. yes, now we are talking about the ministry of energy. anyone who has this business license can get the discounts or the exemptions. for the pricing in the field of electricity , agricultural electricity and normal electricity are very different. these permits can actually motivate farmers, but we, together with our friends in the trade union system, are looking for
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this activity permit that is issued. is it possible or the business license that is issued must be connected to the port because it is not connected to the port , in fact, these licenses are nothing more than a piece of paper. after all, we have a sovereign duty to discuss a healthy product is mentioned or discussed in our horticulture vice-chancellor, of course, friends with horticulture vice-chancellor are very coordinated, god willing, with the plant protection organization and engineering organization. these interactions should be established so that we can advance this path better. how do you see the horizon ahead of the project, when will this 1404, which says that it will be completed by the end of 1404, based on the guidelines, because
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it is included in the seventh plan? this recognition of the enclosures, yes, in principle , this should happen by the end of 1404, but for whatever reason, 10% is too little for one year and half we are trying to do it in limited provinces, as you are saying, now this connection to the license portal has been established , do you think it will speed up and reach the end of 146 if our friends in the country need support and we are the only ones and the ministry of home affairs is not the national portal of permits. they are also making a plan to cooperate with us so that we can establish this connection and solve the issue of the approval of our permits.
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finally, this kind of collection compared to iran's eznaf chamber, which has been hammered at least 12 times in the parliament for 55 years, is almost a 30-year delay. we passed and lost. for this reason , there are good definitions in the regulations, but half of these definitions are fulfilled and the other half are not fulfilled in your worksheet. the holders of this license will benefit from not bringing this but it is true that it will cause harm . it's a trade union, now you said that this is actually new, the chamber of agriculture , there is some talk about my registration, has the chamber been registered at all?
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snaaf has actually been registered, yes, it means it has actually become legal. i told you that we have issued 2 licenses, no, no, the chamber of guilds itself has agriculture, it says that it is a legal one, a person, a person , 281 was issued, it is correct, and all those codes were issued there. it would have been possible and we had no problem at all, but in this discussion, because in fact this institution is a nascent institution of its union, which has not yet been formed in some cities , it is the former county council chamber. he reached the chamber of agriculture, his legal work is now not the chamber of guilds the chamber of guilds should come from the city level to the country level, this is what we are now with a style letter that the minister.
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in the last 6 months, we have formed nearly 520 trade unions, our chambers have been formed in 120 cities, and in order for the iran chamber to be formed, at least two thirds of the country's cities must be formed. the chambers will be formed, now the process of each province will be completed, we will be the representative of stanfi and will gradually replace the members of the old central council. until the end by september, we will be able to shape iran's chamber, unfortunately , we are a bit behind in this part as well. one of the reasons we cannot
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get the license for the light system is to do the transfer of ownership and so on. this is because we do not have a national id for the country's navel chamber. you can do it faster by yourself. yes, there is a need for our friends in the provinces to accompany the jihad of agricultural jihad organizations, just as our guild friends are accompanying now. it has gained more speed and , god willing, we hope that it will actually be legally and officially formed as soon as possible yes, they should also be held . yes, look at the public assemblies. in the new structure, we don't have anything called a general assembly . according to the trade union law of the country, elections are held. representatives are introduced. yes
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, mr. p. it was a year of hard work that our team and the team of the secretariat of the high supervisory board of this book, which i am at your service, wrote its instructions and regulations. it has been signed by 7 ministers and the board of presidents and it has been written. in ten months, he said, in the past , we issued 500,000 licenses, birth certificates, and activities based on the fact that the light system was the first system that was connected to the national portal of permits. the leaders of jihad of the city and the province are correct. in fact, the first step
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in forming a union is to invite farmers and ranchers, and i don't know, farmers and gardeners to come and form their union as soon as possible, because it requires a process that must be registered, advertised in a newspaper , and then elections are held. because the union the chamber of guilds of the city should be formed . the representatives of the chamber of guilds should state at the national level that this meeting is the chamber of asalaf of iran. the chamber of asalaf of iran should be formed. this knowledge can be supported by the support of the leaders of jihad of the province and the city as leaders. if we can define the framework correctly
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, we will move forward based on the rules and regulations, along with the interaction between them. if this interaction is established between the chamber of trades and the government and the ministry, if this interaction is established , all our discussions will be resolved , and our problems will be solved. it came from program 7 with the help of the governor.
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i would like to thank you for appearing in the program. our time is over. in any case, the project is important. the above document is included in the seventh program and the mechanisms must be provided to complete it. thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us until the end. have a nice day
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their names are small, but they have a high capacity . if these young people do not really exist in the country, many of our great senates will be stuck. why is this because it may not be possible to bring these activities to bushon for several reasons. one is not at all they don't have the space to do this in their system. two may not be economical at all. he might not have the necessary expertise in that field. that's why i want to say that if one day they value the role of the small industry in the country, it will be valued only in terms of how much employment we have , how much we add value and how active we are in the discussion of development.
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the manpower working in the country's industry is related to this field. the position of small industry should be seen in the upstream documents a special position. this experience exists in other countries and other countries there is one similar to us. not only in developed countries. this has happened even in emerging industrial countries like turkey, south korea in asia and many other countries. even if you look at the independent organization with a specific mission approach in the field of smes and startups , it is defined as a small and medium-sized industry. unfortunately, we
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do not pay attention to it in the upper level documents. now, we can see that compared to the previous programs, the limit is based on the study of the center's organization. majlis researches 10% it has been effective in the field of industry, but it has decreased compared to that , that is, something has become less colorful in the previous documents, maybe it was discussed more prominently, and it is appropriate to pay attention to this in iran, as far as i know, now in addition to the industrial sector in other sectors, economic enterprises, whether in the agricultural sector or in the commercial sector , are actually small and medium-sized enterprises, so the unique role of these enterprises in both their operational role and their role in popularizing the economy, there is really
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no room for discussion. the country is really the oppressed industry of the country, it should pay serious attention to the issues this is one of the main pillars of active development. economic conditions in every economy , we want to look at developed countries, whether in developing countries or countries, for example , that are even lower level and have just started smooth industrial activities. paying attention and not paying attention to these can play so-called key roles in the development of the country's industrial activities. with the activity of more than 59 thousand industrial units in the towns and industrial areas of the country. in my opinion, for the development of activities in the field of small industry in the country, we should address the issue
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activists should find a focus on research and development in the discussion of design, in addition to the issues in the field of production, where production itself now needs sources of supply, the discussion of the supply of raw materials, and the discussion of the brand name, as well as the discussion of sales. the small industry considers financing and energy imbalance as one of the most important challenges facing the bank, and in fact, the approach of the banks in our banking model, which in my opinion is not a credit-oriented model, but not even an idea-oriented model, and the only model is that you yes, miri and the demand are collateral- oriented and in fact wealth-oriented. these businesses little people ca n't afford these big social and economic tensions, they all disappear when the goods are the amount
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of money supply. it will also decrease in the society due to the balance sheets of the banks, which the central bank followed last year to manage inflation and reduce the inflation rate , which means that the supply of money in the society will decrease. in the surrounding markets, they are willing to pay for this need, and active diplomacy is needed , especially in the small and medium industry, which can be defined in the pishnan industry chain. in in winter and summer , we are faced with a series of dissatisfactions, which actually imposes a negation on us, despite the loss, which hinders the growth of the country's industry. according to the trustees of this area , this year's production and trade support package was developed to solve the problems of small industry so that the necessary platforms for new financing in the seventh plan are also realized. only his requests
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happened through the organizations of the private sector. we started the discussion of people's participation in the field of policy-making from here. 3 billion dollars of small industry production , planning is necessary for the development of this industry .
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i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago. if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the market. each one is a one-way market. i said that here all the specialized markets near me were good. we came to afsariye sarai. it was good. we came to irani sarai. big iranian house, the only branch in tehran, in sarah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices
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for long-term contracts, without prepayment, in big iranian house, in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only branch in tehran. in the officer's hall. hey dad, does this dishwasher make the dishes dirty instead of cleaning them? it was a good question. i said there is a problem. hadn't he bought household appliances from the city? unfortunately
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good evening to you, dear viewers, dear and respected countrymen , we present the news of 16:00. to provide maximum electricity , appreciation and pointing out the importance of intelligent control of the electricity industry on the expansion of the installation of smart meters and the program rizzy emphasized for the implementation of programs related to it . mr. mezikian also asked the people to save money in using cooling equipment and electricity consumption.


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