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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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to get more information, visit the exhibitions . in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , have a good time , welcome to the economy and market news from khabar network. the president of the national electricity management center appreciated the round-the-clock efforts of the employees of the electricity industry and the ministry of energy to provide maximum electricity and emphasized the importance of intelligent control of the electricity industry on expanding the installation of smart meters and planning for the implementation of related programs. did mr. mezikian also asked the people to be economical in the use of cooling and electricity consumption
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do appreciation should be given to all the staff who work hard here. the programs that should continue will be corrected if we follow up and try. we hope to reduce the pressure in the coming years and have more control over consumption. so that our dear people , our producers and our villagers do not face problems in their work and life, god willing, and we ask our dear people, can they not cool the so-called rooms too much , can they do something that when electricity is not needed, the lights they can do a lot by turning it off it is not possible to have a light with a so-called half light , even when a person does not need to do precise work , he can live at home until this process and the whole pressure.
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the country will decrease and everyone can use electricity. the gas transmission line from dashtak zabul to neh banddan was put into operation with the presence of the deputy minister of oil in the field of gas. according to mr. chegni, this plan was one of the actions of the 13th government. the managing director of iran gas engineering and development company also said on the sidelines of the opening of this project: the implementation of the second phase of the gas transmission project from nahundan to sarbisheh if credit is secured. the bar will soon begin the line dashtak to nahondan, 176 km long, to connect between the southeast of the country and the northeast of the country, from sistan baluchistan province to south khorasan province , spending 7200 billion rials, then we will be able to supply gas to the seventh national line from the vicinity of the city. transfer to south khorasan. 45% of
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arbaeen pilgrims chose arbaeen insurance gold package. the managing director of arbain insurance company said that until noon today, more than 2,500,000 people have been insured for arbain travel by paying the insurance fee in the samah system, of which more than 45%, that is, about 1,137,000 people. arbain insurance golden package. they chose the insurance premium for the golden package is 100,000 tomans, and by paying this premium, the insured is insured for surgical treatment costs up to 150 million tomans and outpatient costs up to 15 million tomans during the arbaeen trip. also, in case of death of the insured person due to an accident, one billion tomans will be paid and in case of normal death, 20 million tomans will be paid. according to the boss. since the beginning of this year
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, 1,327 vehicles have been cleared from customs. mr. rezvanifar, the value of this number of new cars that have been cleared from the country's customs he announced that it was confirmed to be 27 million dollars and said that during the same period last year, 738 cars with a value of 15.6 million dollars entered the country and cleared customs. 10% of agricultural products were certified. announcing this news, the head of iran's agriculture association added: according to the plans made, all agricultural products should be recognized by the end of 2014. mr. pishor said that if some obstacles are removed in the announced schedule, the project will be completed. according to article 35 of the 7th program of recognition. because identification of the origin of
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manufactured products, optimization of institutional consumption and regulation the market should be held with the ministry of agricultural jihad, the participation of the chamber of agricultural improvement and the organization of agricultural engineering system in the set schedule. the guaranteed purchase of wheat reached more than 11,300,000 tons. mezheri of the wheat self-sufficiency plan of the ministry of jihad of agriculture says: the amount of purchases until the morning of thursday, august 25 , compared to the same period last year, has increased by 16.5%. mr. sohrabi added khuzestan, golestan, kurdistan, fars and kermanshah provinces . there are five provinces that had the highest amount of guaranteed purchase of wheat in the current crop year. 198 thousand billion tomans worth of purchased wheat more than 47% of it has been paid to wheat farmers and the rest will be paid soon according to the announcement of the program and budget organization. the head
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of the syndicate of the pharmaceutical industry says that according to the information available in the kodal stock exchange system, the depreciation rate of the pharmaceutical industry in the field of machinery has increased from the investment rate. they don't have the tools. it's like an industry that was born in iran more than half a century ago . our drug companies are mostly a blessing. well, being before the revolution is a blessing. in the first decade of the revolution. all of these were created almost 30 years ago , it is natural that this industry needs to rebuild itself, the machines are very worn out , their production efficiency is very low, the cost of production is very high in this method, there is a need for a
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review. basically, it should be done along these lines , new devices will come. it has been several years that the wheel of the country's pharmaceutical industry has been limping and sometimes even going backward. last year, despite the fact that we had production growth in all industries, unfortunately, in the pharmaceutical industry , based on the available statistics, we had a decrease in production . the producers believe that the difference in land prices from on the other hand, the price of the order has caused a reluctance to renew when you see a manufacturer coming to build a pharmaceutical factory to develop a new line, all their costs are up to date and at the free land rate. he has to pay and then he produces the efficiency that we have to wait in line for the pricing and with what difficulties we had since
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2017 when we had a sharp change in the exchange rate. we will provide a price . at what price should we provide the device? today , if it has the raw material of the drug, it will cost 28 thousand tomans. it is possible to supply 1 devices. a company that has a width of 28 thousand tomans or sells its product for a width of 50 to 50 cannot supply the devices. this must be appropriate for the production of new and complex drugs. first, new machines must be provided. why? we don't produce asthma medicine. well, this is the question. it should come. in fact , new lines should come. and in fact, we will take a step in this direction when the production of medicine decreases or we cannot make new medicines. we are forced to import, that too at a cost at least 3 times that of domestic production. more than 150 smuggled clothing sellers they were fined billion tomans. the head of the punishment organization said: this year, more than 1,600 cases
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have been filed against the sellers of smuggled clothes, which have led to the issuance of verdicts in 1,500 cases. i import these into the country in bulk and kilos and on a label that started fighting the distribution and sale of smuggled clothes at the beginning of the year. this is, for example, for turkey, for example, it is made in italy. these goods were collected after the inspections of the inspectors and confirming that they were smuggled. after recording and registration, it will be sent to the acquisition affairs organization. the recruitment is over and we are moving towards the anwalki animal organization. now we came the title of collection and sale of possessions to see the process of the clothes suspected of being smuggled jackets and clothes that have just been discovered and entered the warehouse in the warehouses of possessions, we have about 5 thousand rows of clothes
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. the note that was installed on the discovered clothing is white. the warehouse invoice that we invoiced . when the green leaf is green, it means that this product has a definite sale vote, which must be prepared in order to be evaluated and sold in our auction. let's sell it. now here we have a piece of yellow paper. the vice president of exploitation and sale of the property organization, temliki , said about the way to sell smuggled goods , we will definitely sell the goods that endanger the safety and health of the society. we sell exports and departures from the country. in the continuation of the investigation of how to deal with smuggled clothes , it went to the government penal organization. related to clothing smuggling in
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the government organization consisting of 1500 cases leading to the issuance of a verdict of 157 billion tomans conviction and monetary penalty, in addition to the confiscation and confiscation of those contraband goods, according to the head of the state penalty organization, the remaining 100 cases will soon reach the stage of issuing a verdict by going through the legal procedures. the best in tehran province in terms of job creation and increase in quantity and quality of production, the criterion for selecting the best industrialists has been announced. tehran province , having 11,000 production and industrial units, has a 12% share of the industry and a 15% share of the country's employment. we have the most up-to-date goods in the world in iran the manufacturers who became the best, from the production
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of information technology equipment to home appliances, we have all the products, laptops, monitors, mini pcs , because of the increase in production that we had, and because of the most recruitment, and because of our innovation in the field of audio and video of home appliances. we created more than a thousand people in the production of speakers and televisions, and in the near future this number will increase to 2 thousand people. quality improvement, increase in production and job creation are the criteria for selecting the best units of the province. the company has been able to grow by 200% every year in 3 consecutive years ok we had all kinds of patents in our company, we were able to produce antibacterial and anti-mosquito furniture and curtain fabrics for the first time in the country . according to the head of the industry organization. mining and trade of tehran province, with more than 11 thousand
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production and industrial units, this province still has the highest employment rate in the country, 25 to 27 percent . in fact, the whites of the country's production in tehran province are about 490 thousand direct jobs, and the investment is about 170 thousand billion. the amount of investment of our production units in the field of knowledge-based industrial companies is also the most units in tehran province we have 70 knowledge-based units. regarding investment in tehran province, according to the existing restrictions, our priority is actually to support investors who are active in the field of production, in fact, knowledge-based industries, in the field of production that completes the production chain. according to the trustees of tehran province, with 17 industrial districts
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, their share is small, but they have a high capacity. really, if these small ages of the country do not exist , many of our great senate will be stuck. why is this because they brought these activities may not be possible in bangshen for several reasons that they don't have the possibility of space
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to do this within their system . 2. they may not be economical at all. valuing it is only from the aspect of how much employment , how much in added value and how much we want to measure in the discussion related to the development of activities, we should go beyond this . a set of rules other than the number of employees and these and international systems if we want to talk about it, i think that many of our medium-sized enterprises should also be considered as small industries. small industries accounted for 17 of the added value of the industrial sector, and 45 of the
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manpower working in the country's industry is related to this sector. small industry. a special place should be seen in the upstream documents. this experience exists in other countries and there are other countries similar to ours. not only in developed countries. even in the emerging industrial type , this has happened right next to our ears in turkey, south korea in asia and many other countries. even if you look at the independent organization with a specific mission approach in the field. smes, start-ups , small and medium industries are defined, which unfortunately we did not pay attention to in that sense in the upstream documents , it is the second level, which now the upstream documents that i am presenting , for example, the seventh program that has been proposed now , we can see that compared to the previous programs that limit according to the study of the majlis research center
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, it has 10% effectiveness in the industry , but it has decreased compared to that. in the previous documents, it might have been discussed in more detail , so we should pay attention to it in iran as far as i know, now, in addition to the industrial sector, in other sectors, there are economic enterprises, whether in the agricultural sector or in the trade sector, in fact , there are small and medium-sized enterprises, so the role of these enterprises is irreplaceable. their operation and their role in popularizing the economy is really not for discussion. the industry of the country, the small industry of the country, is really the oppressed industry of the country. serious attention should be paid to these issues. this is one of the main pillars of the
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development of economic activities in any economy. both in developing countries and countries such as fard ask them to start smooth industrial activities even at a lower level. paying attention and not paying attention to these can play so-called key roles in the development of the country's industrial activities. with the activity of more than 59 thousand industrial units in the towns and industrial areas of the country, more than 1 million and 400 thousand jobs have been created. in my opinion, for the development of activities in the field of small industry in the country, we should address the issue. in addition to the issues in the field of production, where production itself now needs resources, the discussion related to the supply of raw materials and such, and the discussion of names commercial as well as the discussion related to sales
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, these should find a focus. the activists of small industries consider financing and energy imbalance as the most important challenges ahead. rather, it is not even an idea-oriented model , but the model is that you go and the demand is collateral- oriented, and in fact, wealth-oriented. these small businesses cannot afford these large social and economic tensions. all will disappear when the supply of money in the society decreases due to the balance sheet of the banks, which is the central bank of last year in order to manage inflation and reduce the inflation rate, following means that the supply of money in the society will decrease, the problems of industrial units will double, so i know the alternative solution and the peripheral markets, because this
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need exists in the peripheral markets, they are willing to pay for this need, it needs active diplomacy, especially . this year's production and trade was compiled to solve the problems of the small industry in order to provide the necessary platforms for. we discuss people's participation in politics. we started from here , we tried to make the organizations themselves the center and actors of this task, considering the annual export of 3 billion dollars of small industry products.
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planning is necessary for the development of this industry . the gate of the country, o man of my lions, you fought with
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my wrath in the way of your faith and you gave up your life, you remained steadfast in your covenant.
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in rawadia, you are close to me, o father, you are a free cedar , etc., the myth of jealousy, everyone believes in you, you are god , you are written in blood, and
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in the corner of the camp of john yousefi, you are brighter than the sun, more servant than us, you are full of god , jesus, you were never afraid of the enemy. in front
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everyone is equal to everyone, brother, brother, the poison of religion and religion. you are in the shadow of pejwa, who is in the surah. m
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you smile at god, smile at god. if the electricity is like the dawn of the trains and there is a problem with the weather and the possibility of an accident has increased.
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what to do if there is no electricity, life will be worse. think about it, what will happen if there is no electricity ? it's dark everywhere, it's closed everywhere, you can't live without electricity, really, electricity is very important in our daily life. in general , if there is no electricity, there is nothing. if there is no electricity,
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my life is like a student.
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ahadah ahlah ahla anjala andna anda abdlan naruh la shahrid la shahridna anda anda anda anda anda abda ajz anda walanas


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