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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 12:30am-1:00am IRST

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he was injured and died. martyr afshari was taken to iran for medical treatment after being injured, and today he joined the companions of his martyr due to the severity of his injuries. the body of this high-ranking martyr will be cleaned after friday prayers in shahreza of isfahan and will be buried in gulzar shahada of this city. in a message, the commander-in-chief of the irgc condoled the martyrdom of this proud warrior. in a telephone conversation with the japanese foreign minister, the acting minister of foreign affairs said that experience has shown that silence against the brutality of the zionists makes this evil creature a monster. mr. bagheri criticized the westerners' support for tel aviv in the recent council meeting security said: this approach has prevented the security council from fulfilling its duty in dealing with the violator of global security, that is, the zionist regime. japanese foreign minister mrs. kamikawa also
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expressed her concern about the situation in west asia. an unprecedented increase in crime in england. at the same time as the protests increased in this country, the supervisory inspectors announced in a report about the poor performance of the british police, that the police have failed in two areas: criminal prosecution and management of criminals. in the last two weeks, about 1,000 people were arrested for being involved in the recent protests, and the police announced that they would face the most severe punishments. some of them will be imprisoned for up to 10 years. chester court in england also sentenced a woman to 15 months in prison for writing a post on facebook with the aim of inciting violence. bbc farsi, in
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an interview with its experts , considers fake news in cyberspace to be the cause of the protests. now we are seeing the results of this news and misinformation quite concretely in real life and in the real world. is there a way to control it? here in bbc fars. about the role of fake news in british protests, they organized a special program, we will not ignite the riots with murder three little girls were beaten by a 17-year-old rwandan teenager. the fake news that he was a muslim was the killer. the police announced that this fake news is the reason for the protests, and now the bbc says that the people who published this news were arrested , what is happening now. it means that they have it from some people. they make a lesson. half an hour ago, the police
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of shesher region in britain said that they arrested a 56-year-old woman for spreading false information after her murder of three little girls. now the bbc has become the government's platform to suppress the protesters, more than a thousand of whom have been imprisoned so far and he talks about the necessity of controlling fake news. the government also says that it is the moral responsibility of social media companies to spread information. it is creating the impression that
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belgrot declared a state of emergency in this region. the russian army announced the downing of two ukrainian drones in belgrade. the russian military commander in kursk announced that about 12,000 ukrainian soldiers entered the territory of this region. about 121 thousand people were forced to leave their homes. at the same time as the president of ukraine, who claimed to achieve his strategic goal in the kursk region, became its experts a failure for a mistake. the war that the ukrainians
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waged in russia was more of a propaganda war to show off. western supporters that we are doing something and this ukrainian operation can be considered as a ground and a place to test nato's war strategies . ukrainian soldiers are killed so that nato's military strategies can be evaluated and tested in ukraine. take and more important issue of this operation more. it is because of providing the conditions to remove zelensky and remove him from power. the resignation of the french prime minister at the same time as the beginning the olympics in this country caused
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political differences to be put aside temporarily. but now that the olympics are over, the pressure is on the french president to choose a new prime minister. has increased according to experts, the continuation of the administration of this country with the resigned government cannot continue for a long time. it's been a month since france went without a government. emmanuel macron is still looking forward to a temporary political truce on the eve of the olympic games. in this situation, the resigned prime minister and his unofficial government continue to paralyze the country. run despite the end of the olympic games paris and the end of the deadline set on the 15th , emmanuel macron continues
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to show stubbornness against the proposed candidate of the new people's front for the post of prime minister. emmanuel macron must hurry . our country has been governed by mustafi's government for more than a month. this is completely unprecedented in the history of the french fifth republic. at the height of political tensions after the parliamentary elections, which caused him to lose the majority, macron had called for a temporary political peace until the end of the paris olympics. in this regard, the new people's front group, which has won the majority in the parliament, introduced mrs. lucy as a candidate for prime minister, castet is trying to attract opposition parties to his choice, but in political circles and the floor of the french parliament, the names of exavier bertrand, a former minister from the right spectrum, and bernard quesno, a former budget minister from the socialist party
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, who are both candidates it is heard that they are considered favorable to president macron. according to the law of the french president , there is no time limit for introducing the prime minister, but it is a question in political circles. the issue is whether macron will nominate the prime minister this week based on the majority of the parliament, according to his promise, or whether he will continue to rule the country's affairs will turn based on its own vote . hosseini of our tadavtani news agency, paris , 9 thousand people commit suicide in france every year. the reasons for suicide in france are diverse, but the standard of living, job status, and mental disorders are the main reasons for committing suicide . the statistics of the national union of suicide prevention in france show that the rate of suicide in this country is higher than the average of european countries and after the two countries of finland and belgium. according to statistics, at least 25% of the french population
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has lost a loved one due to suicide. hello, good time for the new season of the premier league the suspension of the press of the police of meloan began. on the first day of the first week of these matches, the defending champion persepis in iraq played against zobahan and in the end it was tied with one. in this match , zowahan scored an early goal. ali yari took the lead from the opponent, but in the 47th minute, sadeghi pulled the game to tsawi so that the two teams could have one point at the end of the 90 minutes. in the other game
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, maalvan beat golgohar sirjan with a goal for the host in the 52nd minute of omid nurfkan.
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he was slowly hitting the heat team players football was placed in the goal, his path is complete. some more news. rahman amouzad, the silver medal winner of the 2024 olympic freestyle wrestling, who entered the country on wednesday along with our other freestyle wrestlers , returned to his hometown and was welcomed by the people of his city.
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creating a very good show in the city and the city, we hope that they will be a role model for our youth, god willing, that he will be able to win a gold medal in the next fields and this process will continue. it is a great honor for telsam, who is 70 years old, to have broken records in karat competitions. under 16 asian championship hosted by china in cathay individual diana hoshangi and arash elhaki and in the team kata of the girls team all won gold medals. in the committee, hasti soltani and nafs akbari settled for silver and bronze respectively. the selected mountaineering team of the irgc ground force to maintain and improve physical fitness in various areas of the 561-meter bam iran dama peak.
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it is the 10th of safar and the 16th of august. the morning call to prayer in tehran is at 3:53, the sunrise is at 5:24, the midday call is at 12.9 minutes, and the evening call is at 19.11 minutes. thank you for your support , dear viewers, good night, goodbye.
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the issue of global warming since the industrial revolution brought up has led to an increase in the temperature on the surface of the earth by an average of about 1.7 degrees celsius until today, and scientists, after conducting various studies on the relationship between the production of greenhouse gases and the process of global warming, found out that some areas in the surface of the earth, like the region of iran
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, the mid-latitudes experience this increase in temperature more than the lower latitudes, and on different days of august, you can see that the temperature is something between, for example, 36 to 38 degrees, it is common for the city of tehran, if in august . what happened above the temperature of 37 degrees, 37 degrees is the temperature of a healthy human body now it's getting tiring . it's the first time we've had a summer with this intensity of heat . the highest temperature we had in tehran was 426,427 in 2023.
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there was a jump in temperature changes. developing countries have problems with this phenomenon. but in any case, humans must adapt to this climate change that has happened so that we can continue to live. during this year , we witnessed that some regions of iran, such as the northwest of the country, which were cooler in the past than other regions of the country, witnessed that these regions also recorded a record, an increase in temperature was recorded, which it is caused by the phenomenon of global warming that we are witnessing. the investigations we have done on the temperature changes in different parts of the country have seen provinces such as yazd province experiencing an increase in temperature of about 79 to 88 degrees. almost for every one degree increase in temperature, the network load will increase by about 1,800 megawatts. let me talk more , in fact, 1800 megawatts
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is equivalent to the consumption of one and a half million household subscribers, which can naturally affect the network with any degree of increase. it is what causes the national network to be under a lot of tension. in our past years we used to observe fluctuations of one, two or three days in the increase of temperature, now the temperature continues in a week, two weeks and even a month.
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we will proceed with this routine. this number and continuation of hot days will increase in the coming years. electric energy is produced by the power plant and usually outside the urban areas by means of transmission lines, super distribution as well as transmission and super distribution substations, electric energy is transferred from the place of production to the place of consumption. for this purpose, we first increase the voltage level so that transmission is possible, then the voltage level near the centers consumption decreases, when we are faced with an unusual increase in temperature like this year , there are times when the capacity of the lines is completely full , so it is not possible to transmit electrical energy. it causes problems for us, considering that on 11th we
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had an increase in electric energy, so this causes accidents to happen at the level of the network. often the problems we see are the performance of our protective equipment that these protective equipment. that's exactly what they do, don't put an inappropriate burden on it let the power grids run.
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at the same time, if the temperature increases and the temperature continues to increase , the network will definitely face a challenge . incidents increase. the most important discussion that exists is that these incidents do not spread to the entire network.
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these tensions could really lead to a collapse and a nationwide instability in the country's network . there are nationals who accept the risks of the network and many of these parameters that should be controlled by the computer machine or software , they accept the risks and sit behind the system. 24 hourly, they control various parameters in such a way that the least challenge for the network occurs, and when it increases , it reduces the practical power of the power plant by a very large percentage because. as the volume of air entering our units decreases , the density of the air decreases when the temperature rises
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. you can see the electric poles and these wires. they have a device that we call a conductor or electric wire. all of our countrymen are familiar with it. seeing the power transfer in these conductors is strongly related to the temperature parameter , that is, with the second power of the temperature. power transmission power this conductor and these wires will decrease. when the air heats up and this heat continues , the cooling of these equipments becomes problematic, and the efficiency of these equipments, whether they are power plant equipment or transmission equipment, will have problems and will create limitations for the national network. on the 10th of august due to the increase in load caused by the increase in temperature, one of our transmission posts, its protection boards, which was unprecedented,
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caught fire. after the operator's alertness, they were able to quickly put out the fire in the peak of summer the term was done, it came quickly in the circuit because it was out for a few days, this heater and the efficiency had actually lowered the cycle, then there are so many potentials for problems, which makes the work very critical, that is, for example, you see a problem that you you have to go some. close or open this valve at the same time. valves that have a very high pressure behind them have a very high temperature of the steam behind them, but it is a work that must
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be done so that electricity can be produced and dear people can use it. in any case, the power plant unit may go out of operation due to technical issues they need to be repaired so that these generators are temporary for a short period of time, but this increase in temperature caused the cooling of the units, which provided working conditions for our colleagues in the power plant, to take place slowly, and sometimes our colleagues were forced to work at temperatures above 70 degree, simply because the units will carry out their repairs faster , and make them work in the same conditions in mula , which honestly
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made it very difficult for our colleague this summer in cases where repairs are needed.
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the arbaeen ceremony with the presence of millions of people appears to be the largest human gathering of muslims and maintaining health against possible diseases are considered to be one of the main priorities of any appearance, carrying personal hygiene items such as soap, especially soap paste for hand washing , personal toothbrush and body shampoo in a small and compact container . a light shell and a light and small bedding are recommended. appropriate sunglasses help to prevent dust and heat to maintain eye health. using the right sunscreen and reapplying it every two hours helps prevent sunburn. consider that continuous walking regardless of rest time can be good for your health and for children and the elderly your companion is dangerous. so be sure to rest at appropriate intervals. daily nose washing with
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serum. due to high dust and prevention of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to use healthy water such as bottled water or network water for brushing your teeth . do not use spring or river water for drinking in order to prevent the transmission of diseases. avoid eating in a common dish . it is very helpful to have a spoon, fork and a personal glass. it is unhygienic to dip a glass and a pitcher into a container with water and syrup inside. also, avoid using ice that is in unsanitary conditions and kept on the ground. please note that consuming hot foods is healthier than cold foods, because the possibility of poisoning with them is less. cooked foods should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours
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. they should not be heated more than once. do not hold and do not consume even after heating. if you have a special disease or are elderly, it is necessary to have a copy of your medical record and insurance book with you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers, at one o'clock in the morning. we present some news we do palestinian sources reported a large-scale attack by zionist settlers on a village in the east of gulagiliyeh in the west bank. according to the report of these sources , more than 100 residents of the city, accompanied by a number of zionist soldiers, attacked the village and set fire to the property of the palestinians, including four houses and six cars. in this attack, a palestinian youth 23


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