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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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in line with similar foreign products, double-layer textured upper, very resistant and flexible, pu sole, light and comfortable, suitable for long walks, sports and daily activities, the price with a discount of direct purchase from the manufacturer is only 399 thousand tomans, for text order number 1 to 165, 70. in the name of god, the majlis considered the basis of the proposed list of ministers to be the strategy of strengthening the synergy between the majlis government , mr. mezikian
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declared the performance evaluation index in the 14th government to be a commitment to the correct and maximal implementation of the vision goals and said: "there is no greater betrayal than entrusting work to people who do not know how to work." and this government any person who can take a step towards solving the problems of the country and improving the condition of the people will be warmly welcomed. in this meeting, the most important problems of agriculture, water, natural resources and environment were discussed.
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we had and in the near future this number will increase to 2000 people. the increase in production and job creation is the criterion for selecting the best units of the province . the company has been able to grow 200% in foreign currency in 3 consecutive years. to produce in the country according to the head of the organization of mining industry and trade of tehran province, this province is more than 11 thousand units long.
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considering the limitations that exist , our priority is actually to support investors who are active in the field of production, in fact, the knowledge-based industry, in the field of production that complements the production chain. of 30% in the country's gross domestic product is celebrated on the anniversary.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in the first case of tonight's program, the resignation of the president of columbia university after months of suppression. my students, we will investigate in the second case , we will take a look at the doha negotiations, and in the third case , we will also look at the complaint against the german government. we will investigate the closure of islamic centers and four mosques in this country, but on the 34th day of the genocide in gaza , we will start the program with palestine according to the picture , the day when the number of martyrs exceeded 40,000.
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oh teacher, he is al-siyarah al-janain
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, there is no god but god , no god but god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god
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, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god, no god. hard news was written by the zionist military with carelessness regarding security issues , they leaked sensitive information such as the location and identity of the rest of the military and tracking them. it was the middle of march when the zionist regime withdrew its forces from northern gaza on the 9th. the fourth day of the war and after the effective and effective attacks of the lebanese hezbollah on their strategic bases and strikes. deadly palestinian resistance, the zionist regime, which had not been able to win in the northern conflicts, decided to move the arrowhead of the war to the south, so that it might be able to achieve something for itself there. but
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the complications of the ground operations of the resistance domino the defeat of the zionists at the same time as the casualties increase their soldiers continued. until the haaretz newspaper in ebrizban announced that with the new research it has done, it has realized that the wide information gap is also the reason for the increase. it is clear that sensitive information is revealed about mobile phones and smart watches and they are available to palestinian groups, a gap that even though previously led to the removal of prominent israeli military officials, such as aharon haliva, the head of the military intelligence department. the zionist regime, of course, he considered many zionists involved and the cause of such security holes.
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in his resignation letter, he demanded the formation of a truth committee it became the official finder for investigating the level of responsibility of individuals in intelligence and military failures. the resignation of this high-ranking military official opens the way for subsequent resignations. many generals of the army and the security apparatus will also be included in the wave of resignations.
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the first case, after a few months of pro-palestinian student demonstrations, the president of columbia university in america was forced to resign. this demonstration received worldwide attention and spread to many universities. minal shafiq called the security forces to the university in response to the protests of the students against the zionist regime suppress the president of columbia university also appeared in the us congress to answer the questions of the american legislators during the hearing. now
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, to investigate the dimensions of this resignation, we want to go to new york to talk with mr. hekmat abukhater, writer and researcher. hello mr. abu khater. columbia university finally resigned after several months of student protests. after this resignation, we received pictures of the students' happiness. first of all, tell us what the management of columbia university and min al-shafiq personally have done during these few months. he has now resigned , and the reason for his happiness students of this resignation the same tell us, someone who
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actually misunderstands the basis of an issue. well, it is natural that students should be happy. students should be happy , because you see, columbia university was one of the universities that started this discussion of protesting in support of the palestinians in america and in fact , they were the next universities that offered to support you . to support and anyway , look, this shows that there is repression in that american who is talking about freedom, unfortunately, i have to say that anyway, the knowledge of those who are in the management body of columbia university they are, unfortunately, well , they have some western-oriented things, they have western-oriented ideas, as you said, columbia university was the legal starting point of student protests in america, protests that spread to hundreds of universities and colleges, then
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spread to other universities in the world, if we want to look back. in your opinion, what is the achievement of the student movement in these protests? yes, that's exactly what it means. it started in columbia . the protests started in columbia university. then these protests spread. i mean, for example, i even want to say that, in addition to being effective in other american universities , these protests in europe in universities london. berlin, vienna, austria, paris, in many universities, we saw that these protests were formed , these protests took root, and even now, we see that many people have been killed in gaza and these
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israeli bombings are still going on , really these numbers. the students will lead somewhere and reach a result and i hope that this movement will continue. well, it's been a month since the universities are on summer vacation . what do you think will be the situation of the student protests against the genocide after the start of the new semester? we have reports that students from universities across the united states what is your assessment of planning new ways of protesting the israeli genocide?
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yes you have asked a completely correct question. see, the reality is that yes, the methods of protest have become new, that is , the students. while i would like to say this , for example, in the summits like the g20 summit , the g7 summit, a series of summits that are going to be held, the students don't think about it anymore. they are saying that they are in the life of university knowledge and the slogan of the student body by actually creating a series of things that i mentioned and they are reporting the work that they are actually waking up the politicians. the governments, the american government, the european governments
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, should really adopt a correct policy. now, as a final question, considering what has happened and the performance of mrs. minushfiq, who was the one who requested the security forces outside the university to come and suppress the students of her university, and now after a few months, she herself has finally resigned, what is your take on her fate? the title of a person who did all the possible cooperation with the american security apparatus and the system.
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the announcement of the creation of a buffer zone in kursk, while it had previously announced that it does not intend to land to keep the captured russia under its occupation. the ministry of defense of russia previously said that the air defense systems of this country are 117 drones and four muskets. they destroyed ukraine tactically in several areas, including kusk. the national union of suicide prevention in france announced that the rate of suicide in this country is higher than the average of european countries.
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according to the statistics of this union, 900 people commit suicide in france every year. among european countries, finland and belgium have higher statistics than france. according to statistics, 25% of the french population has lost a loved one due to suicide. action rate. suicide among a quarter of the population that has the lowest standard of living is 19 cases per 10,000 people. the national suicide prevention program in 2020 implemented important measures to improve the management of suicide crises and prevent them. one person died and thousands of people left their homes after a massive fire broke out in greece. also, due to the severity of the fire, about 100 residential units were completely destroyed. greek officials warned that high temperatures and strong winds could cause fires to ignite . fires are not common in greece.
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but according to scientists, the intensity and increase of incidents related to climate change have increased and now the greek government is preparing conditions for reconstruction. astronomers have discovered a new star that is 30 times larger than the sun and has an unexpected chemical composition. according to pace, researchers discovered this star while hunting for old stars in the milky way galaxy, which is located at a distance of about 30,000 light years from earth , and its lithium is 100,000 times more than the sun at its current age and other stars of similar ages. delaying the response to the zionist regime for to make him painful, the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement , stating that the answer to the zionist regime is on its way and we will never give up on its implementation, said that america has used all its efforts to prevent the response to the
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zionist crimes. and it is necessary and a real necessity to create deterrence against the crimes of the zionist regime. secretary general of ansarullah yemen also on the continuation of attacks in yemen. he emphasized against the zionist regime and its supporters until the end of the aggression against the gaza strip. but the member of the political office of hamas rejected the claims of the zionists about martyrdom the commander-in-chief of the qassam battalions announced that mohammad zaif is in perfect health. hossam hamdan's claim about the martyrdom of the zionist regime is an attempt to justify the barbaric crime of bombing civilians. he described in khanyounes. a member of the hamas political bureau also
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expressed doubts about the ceasefire starting point of the talks by announcing that america has not made a real effort to oblige the zionist regime to its commitments. a member of the hamas political office also said that the negotiations should be about the mechanism and timing of the ceasefire and not an agreement on the head. the new issue is otherwise hamas nothing he does not see any reason or justification to participate in the negotiations. now, to further investigate today's negotiations in the decade , we would like to talk to mr. jamal kunj, a palestinian writer and analyst. hello mr. konj. yes , hello, i am at your service. in recent days , the americans have tried hard to hold talks about the gaza war in qatar on thursday, that is, today , although hamas, which
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was a party to these indirect talks, said that there is no need for new talks, and if the will of the americans is serious, then they should implement the results of the previous talks. in this situation, blinken was forced to make his own planned trip to the region apparently, as
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he should have done, he did not send his forces for this meeting that was supposed to be held in qatar. i think that you can see that the americans are not at all serious about the negotiations coming to a conclusion, and that is one of the reasons for canceling the minister's visit. america's foreign policy is the same. i believe that the israelis when the 7th operation of akbar started very much. many people thought that they could really twist the hamas roll for a few days, according to their own words, but this did not happen, and now we see that the children of hamas, the children of the resistance, are standing very well and are resisting. mr. kenny, how serious are you about the will of the americans to end the war? are we dealing with a drama negotiation to divert attention
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, for example, behind the scenes?
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the presidential election is about to be held, and they should pay attention to mrs. kamla harris so that she can win against trump, that is , a strange situation is happening now in american foreign policy towards israel , and that's why you should see the israelis. they think that netanyahu is very worried about facing restrictions from all sides. and netanyahu's own fate in the continuation of the war of opening fronts new for the war. well, now in the final question from you, after these 10 months of massacre, many observers , even in the united states, pointed the finger of blame at the prolongation of this war towards biden and blinken, and they
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introduced them very weakly , you see, anyway, the prospect of fire it's enough perspective to say, for example, what will happen , anyway, about 314 or 315 days.


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