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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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it never goes away, as if i can't forget it , almost every night at 20:30 on c-sima's salam saat channel. from the special judicial complex for dealing with economic crimes in tehran, in the course of the latest settlement of several important cases , including kingmani and cryptoland , the judge related to prahande kryptoland was asked to pay the demands of the plaintiffs of this case at
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the daily rate and with the court order. reported this was the way they were dressed. the exchange and password were fake for themselves, and they blocked the money of all these 5 thousand people and allowed them to operate. not giving now i want you to see that they are doing the same thing as you. now or at this width or anything else. everything is said through the media through television, mr. dear madam , finally, you saw this arrangement that you have, tomorrow you may suffer. he says, "no , i feel that it is very profitable now. in the discussion of cryptocurrencies, there are a lot of scams. we are looking for something to do that neither these scammers nor those who are in trouble. " really, don't repeat it again, i 'm just looking for this reagan khodro and steel cases. barki esfahan
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and chai dabash were involved, during which commercial and customs documents discovered from dabash's office and a significant number of stamps of foreign companies were brought to the attention of the head of the judiciary. there are 300 files in the cover of the file, all of them belong to the same person, yes, they all belong to the same person, so please tell me about this mehra . there are foreign companies, those goods that we could bring in the name of iran, we brought them there , invoices were issued from there in the name of iran. we bought from the seller, we brought it , we do this, all the foreign parts are yours , and your company is all the property of those who are there , my companies that i have registered are here, so what was the rest, the rest was not mine, so what were you doing with the others? i am a foreign company.
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new for the effective payment of the assistant nurses of the ministry of behda. the subsistence and motivational status of nurses has been formulated, he said, determining the standard of manpower for each surgery , updating performance indicators, and increasing the motivation and satisfaction of the city is one of the most important changes in the new policy. dr. ebadi emphasized that this is done with a purpose preventing unnecessary overtime, creating a balance in the labor market of nurses and a specific standard for the number. the nurse is assigned in each surgery.
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daneshbelian company made the biggest sardbar scissors in the country. this scissor with 32 tons has a cutting power of 350 tons and is widely used in steelmaking industries and industrial factories. the unveiling of the biggest sardbar pigtail. for the first time in the country, a machine-building company, relying on the ability of domestic engineers , designed and produced the largest air conditioner in jahanabad industrial town of meiboud city. this
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scissor machine is cold-burning and we hope that it will be god willing, with the production that happened, we can witness a transformation in the field of industry, one of the points that is very important. due to the limitations and imbalances that we have in the field of foreign exchange, alhamdulillah, thanks to the efforts of our producers and entrepreneurs in the city , we succeeded in making this machine. this 32 ton machine, which took 4 months to build , has the capacity to cut 350 tons. this machine is the first the biggest device. which is the leading machine in the country, weighs more than 32 tons , has a cutting capacity of 350 tons, so far , such a machine has not been produced in iran. here too, we will design, build and
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assemble it in the next few days, god willing. the construction of this machine for the first time in the country has saved 400,000 dollars in foreign currency , and we have the ability to do this, not only in the country, but also to supply this machine to nejat steel factory. we also have many foreign markets that our prices will be much more suitable than countries like european countries and countries like turkey and will create a very high competitive power for us . the process of destroying poppy fields in afghanistan continues. officials the caretaker government of afghanistan says that the international community has not helped in the fight against poppy cultivation and its replacement, but the west is unhappy with this plan. we went to the areas in afghanistan where
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the largest amount of poppies had been planted this year. hello what is this this year, there is nothing. this year, parts of badakhshan province in the north-east of afghanistan witnessed an operation to destroy poppy fields in recent months . as the local officials of badakhshan province say, in this province, the cultivated khakhashs in about 20 thousand hectares of land have been destroyed in recent months. is where to plant the ship? it's contradictory and it's sweet. let me tell you that they couldn't do anything. they destroyed it. we came and destroyed it. you can see that during the season , they couldn't take anything from the land . it was the season to harvest. the forces came to completely destroy the farmers. they say that
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the government should take their hands so that they don't grow poppies. if the government cooperates with us, we cooperate with the government. he says that the international community has not given them any help to grow poppy instead, and it seems that the west is not happy with the plan to eradicate poppy in afghanistan. it is because they are not happy that
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it is being closed here because it will be expensive in the european government or somewhere in the west, that is, they are not happy that afghanistan has been closed in 20 years of the presence of foreign forces. more than 90% of the world's opium was produced in this country. the fight against poppy cultivation continues. local officials in badakhshan province say: if people are likely to cultivate poppy next year , they will be dealt with more seriously than before. behnam yazdani, sada and cima news agency, argoi city , badakhshan province, afghanistan. thank you for your cooperation.
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definitely the experiences of those who went to visit arbaeen it is different from each other. especially, this difference between arbaeen pilgrims and other days of the year is more. also, the experiences of people who start their journey on foot from the border during the arbaeen season are very different from other people. we thought that the story of the film starts from najaf and ends in karbala. but the story of leaving the border of mehran and entering zero point. when our group reached the border of mehran
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, it was noon, but we found ourselves in iraqi soil when it was completely dark. we knew very soon that we were not alone. tired of the cold and the lack of any kind until we knew during the conversation with others that we should go to a place called the garage. the garage was not more than a kilometer away from the border and from there you could go to badre by car. or even went to najaf, so everyone went to the garage on foot. after traveling
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, they showed us a place called the garage, which was nothing like the terminal. there was a large land with nothing. we saw only a limited number of cars there, which were also full of passengers leaving mohabbatein. the story of the confusion of the border was repeated again. they said that the cars arrived at 2:30 or 3:30 they will return at night, but it was only 7:00 p.m. if we had waited until midnight, maybe we would not have passed out from fatigue and thirst, but the extreme cold would have definitely hurt us. people decided to walk towards badr and kot. we also
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hit the middle of the desert road at night, where no signs of life could be seen around it. we had not gone a few hundred meters when a light appeared on the side of the road. we happily went towards the light. the light that came from anywhere could definitely be a piece of heaven that night and in the heart of that desert. we got closer. it was a relatively large restaurant whose doors were closed. behind steamed windows we saw a man inside who was working.
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we were ready to pay whatever the man wanted for warm shelter and a cup of tea. but he did not accept us. until he told us with gestures and arabic language, the women are here. we know that this man, who is famous for abu hossein, was in his restaurant in the early days of pilgrims entering iraq. it has become a shelter for stranded women and children . the story of hardships on our way was forgotten and the story of abu hossein began. by god, ana na'im and her daughter said: "the visitors in the door of al-matham, the pilgrims in the house." and al-zaereen crew, manam wakel and praise be to you. alhamdulillah alhamdulillah, my name is ali karim eidan, i am shia ali
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, and i hope that i am shia ali, i hope that i am shia ali, i am 50 years old, i have children and family. my daughters and sons, thank god, i have no property except me, fadlallah , i only own muhammad. the love of al-hussein and the love of the shia amir al-mu'minin, i don't have a house , there is no house, so this place has a simple place
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for dreams, that is, if you use me, it means that i am delayed, and i can't serve alone, so if you use me, you will help my family, and god will reward them well. it is the shortest story of abu hossein's life. but his story is much untold has for example, abu hossein had a house many years ago. yes, at the beginning of the war, you were a clerk in the administrative office, but he was in the iran war at all, and
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god's curse on saddam, you must have intervened in the army. but echo. if you join the volunteer army, it is up to you to choose the place that suits you, but if you have a mandatory job, you must go according to what we want , you will be the best writer, but also different from the program . fatm naqli of wayne to al-jabahat in talaq al-fitr, if you observe the third year of the year, there is a sermon by sayyid al-khomini, may god bless him.
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he said, "because i am our enemy, it is not my nation. there is no such thing. it means that these are the iraqi people who love allah and his messenger." this escape from the war made him unemployed at first. then his house was confiscated and then the soldier escaped. if a fugitive person has half a glance at his front and feet, the rest of his attention is behind his head. abu hossein was also like this. the force of some divine identities is false. during the rule of
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bes regime. all the people who travel in the month of muharram those who set out on foot from their homes for pilgrimage were considered criminals. what about a person like abu hossein, who was also a soldier who escaped from the war. but for the people of iraq, whoever they were and wherever they were, visiting imam hussein was a priority. this is a narration of what happened. me and my friends used to go to karbala at the time of zahb, but there were few journeys, so we need
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a house not to sleep in it in some part of the road, in the middle of the road. faku my house is siddiqna, it means hazul aqrabeh fahna naji nusul lahm, this is the house, it's a good deal. the pomegranate is strong, it is a field in the garden on the way of the children of muslim, and it is the allama. hear me, we are there on the 17th . it is necessary for you to be there. on the 17th, it will be extinguished. it will be extinguished. it will not be extinguished until i enter. they will see one of them in this year. there is no search. i said, but i am running away from the army. wakhaf means, if we are late, we will go to that place, the path of inspection is the way of the river, and
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the main road is on the main road. after half an hour, i have to wait for almost an hour we have heard al-ralq sahibna, that is, we are the followers of al-mu'zab , he is the servant of khadim al-hussein . ho yeji means that there is a possible problem, fahna khaifin and muhtari, or walid, until
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he was connected to us. he said to us, ami said, "what is wrong with you, o allah, i will not punish you." he said, "i will tell you about something ." the shaft of rahab fars in bab al-madaif kan yesh hajj zidan khatarak
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jo alina yugal fantabhat maroub khattar see for yourself it had been 4 years since saddam's departure that abu hossein decided to organize his work and life without fear. in general , al-sawirah region belongs to al-kut governorate, but it means that the region is badra. good people and people means companions, that means people who have problems, people
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who are respected, love, love, love, love, friends, and others. abu hossein, who had not been able to find a steady job for himself all this time, spends his days working and buying and selling chicken. he was able to buy this restaurant from the little savings he had collected from those years of running away. a restaurant that became both his home and his place of business. a place without water, electricity and gas, right in the desert, which is one kilometer from the border of mehran. a place that is almost empty of people except arbaeen season. alhamdulillah, it means isolation , but it means a state of al-materiality between the weak, alhamdulillah
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afzal man ghiri eko nas, we are the best , thank god, we do not eat, drink, and wear, and the best of me is ghirna, this is the grace of god. when we heard about abu hossein's difficult past, they will take away prosperous business visitors from this annual passing. al-aql says
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this, al-aql says , “al-hussein, peace be upon him, is the wealth of al-hussein , may god bless him and grant him peace. it means that allah, the exalted and exalted, is an act of reconciliation. if you agree with allah, the exalted and exalted, you are blessed by allah. he alone gives you your share. he runs out of milk, we do not give tea, he finishes the tea. lafat nesvi yakhles al-sandoish nanti taman and robe yekhles talman and robe naati chicken and bread means listen the existence of al-taysir is necessary to visit al-za'er al-za'er and does not wait for al-za'er to be hungry. it is necessary to satisfy al-za'er . fant, in all circumstances, it is necessary to change al -za'er.
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for this reason, when abu husayn
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is faced with a lack of supplies, there is no other choice but to prioritize people. some of the pilgrims , i gave them the food of al-shabaab in their nest, there was little water, but there was little food there is no flour on the street, there is no meat, there is no market in the street, there is cheese, my planet is 200 kilos, 150 kilos, it is easy to get food , go to the goose, goose, goose ,
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wasamon , etc. al-sunn al-tabaan, but al-shabab does not give, but how much do i say to him, do not give, how much do i say to him, do not give to him, do not give to him , do not give to me. that night, according to the available facilities and the large number of people , we were not among the priorities of abu hossein abu hossein was able to accommodate only women and children . women are there in al-qa'iyya
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al-kabeera, there is also a big room in it, which means shower and wafiha , which means toilet facilities for women, food, and women's crew , which means a family of attendants, and also there is a house for women to go out for pilgrimages. for women , for women with their families, yes, until they are able to serve them.


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