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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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in 1998, the mashhad flood happened a short time ago . the flood that happened in imamzadeh dawood was basically a flood, although the intensity of the rainfall was high in a short period of time, but the water path was open, most of it was directed in the same water path. it didn't happen, and the water finds its way into the cities, and unfortunately, in all cases, we experienced relatively heavy casualties. therefore, one main solution is to observe the land use according to the procedures that exist in the country and according to the documents that exist in the country. it is very, very important to comply with the lorestan flood that happened in 2018. basically, many villages that were actually affected were due to the constructions that were done along the rivers, so the land use should return to its original position. . the waterway
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should be established for flood flows. another important factor is our dilapidated infrastructure. unfortunately , it has been a long time since the bridges, roads and many other infrastructures do not have the resilience of the existing situation. specific precipitations are made therefore, when the amount of rainfall exceeds that limit , it will definitely hit and destroy these structures. we need that the plans of our society in the country must have climate annexes. the data and information of these attachments must be approved by the meteorological organization. definitely in many big projects of the country that are being done now. respected contractors actually respect climate issues. but in terms of confirming the completion of these works and taking into account the return periods of silasa rains. i think the confirmation of the meteorological organization as. official custodian of information data
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meteorology is very important. but the issue of climate change is something that happened in the world. therefore , our country is also very vulnerable due to the non-compliance of these things that i mentioned. therefore , there should always be full preparation in terms of managing weather and climate crises in the country. because the structures are almost worn out. the same issue, in fact, cultural issues should be in between. people should be greatly strengthened and the change of land use should be corrected . inshallah, how far in advance can we predict the amount of rainfall in the next 3 months, assuming this autumn of 1403? you see, the problem of forecasting is basically not prediction, as the famous saying says, atmospheric equations have a series of differential equations and mathematical solutions, which are numerical. and
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they predict the main parameters of the atmosphere such as temperature, pressure, humidity and wind for hours, days , weeks or years to come. atmospheres are always associated with an inherent error, so other issues such as lack of data, input information, such as consequences. climate change, which has very low predictability, is also related to this issue it is added, so the further we move away from the time of the event, the predictions actually occur with less probability and more uncertainties. this is because seasonal forecasts, annual forecasts and even decade and century forecasts are made now. it can actually have errors , so if some experts say that we have a low rainfall autumn, one third of the rainfall will decrease, how much is the limit? well, see, now the models
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show this problem, that is, it shows that in our region , we have a decrease in precipitation and an increase in temperature, but we should always do this as a user of this information. whether the user is a general public or a specialized user , we should keep in mind that the accuracy of this information in the world is not more than 70. well, our models will definitely have a lower accuracy according to our data, so we are counting on this with a probability of 60 for now. let's do it, definitely, any changes that happen, any updates that are done, definitely the notification that you say, with the models that are currently available, with the mathematical figures that you mentioned at work, we have come to the conclusion that now we are having a low rainfall autumn. we have it, even though it is less compared to the previous seasons ok, this is at the level and stage that organizations and institutions that need to know in order to have an alternative to make special arrangements. announced or not, do you hold your hand
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so that this happens closer to happening and increases to higher levels of probability. well, look , we haven't officially announced this information yet, but all our users are at least users. only we can issue this information all over the world on the internet platform on related sites . what we should pay attention to is that the weather forecast is not a sure forecast. that is, user devices must have different scenarios for different events, and if this prediction is correct, what is the path in their own specialized field. if this prediction is wrong, if this prediction is 50% correct, i want to say that these predictions are not revelations, these are mathematical models that have been solved and there are definitely errors, but like other tools , it is a tool at our hand that we can look at.
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let's do our planning according to different scenarios. thank you very much. let's go to arbaeen . there are people in karbala, especially those who are traveling by land, so that they can be informed about the weather conditions of the country, whether it is our own country on the way to the border or beyond the border to the country of iraq . what are the weather conditions and what is the air temperature? well, yes, this is one of our main duties at the arab headquarters . the meteorological organization is also formed as one of the members that has weather forecasts. in fact, dear dharin and other users , we are ready to share all this information let's update from the 1st of the travel month, we have approximately 10-day forecasts, specifically for pilgrimage destinations in iraq, as well as
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the terminals from which people travel , the western terminals of the country that enter iraq and the eastern terminals. which actually enter iran from neighboring countries and go to iraq from there. we issue forecasts from 10 days in advance. well , the main issue now is the heat of the air according to the season and the events that have happened, and maybe if there are dust storms, it might be the most important thing that our colleagues in the field need to do. different users and public users such as respected pilgrims are informed, this information will be uploaded on the website of the meteorological organization with the title of arbaeen weather next to it in all the channels in fact. virtual pages are also available to users. our colleagues who are here at sada and cima are at your service and inform you through the national networks of both sada and cima. in addition, my colleagues in the forecasting centers of the headquarters and provinces are at the service of everyone, in fact
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, they are dear visitors who can provide any information they want. god willing the seventh program of this year was announced in 1403 done and that's it. its executive works must be carried out . article 22 is related to climate change management. how optimistic are you that in the first year of this program, we can achieve what the program has determined. because the issue of climate change is a very serious issue at the world level , many countries in the world are now moving their long-term plans towards adaptation solutions and reducing greenhouse gas emissions . in fact, the international delegations that are responsible for this is the work of announcing the very big countries that are also the main producers . we must do this too
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. by what mechanism, unfortunately , we see the consequences of climate change very much in the country, according to the 7th development plan of responsibility. this work with the environmental organization. there are also agencies, including the ministry of roads and urban development and the meteorological organization , who are actually partners in this plan. now, considering that the new government has been installed, in my opinion, one of the main priorities of the government should be the issue of attention to the environment in the issue of climate change. we can in in fact , we should have an optimal management of our other areas. basically , attention should be paid to this issue at the macro level of the country. of course, work is being done in the environmental organization and in the fields of expertise and a little higher, but in my opinion, there should be an emphatic order from the president to the supreme council. the environment is actually headed by the country's environmental organization and related institutions. in the field of water, agriculture, industry,
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environment, we are the most important institutions that must include the issue of climate change in their programs. in fact, the amount of water used in agricultural production is 100%. construction and other cases in the industry air pollution, all of these are things that the issue of climate change can severely affect , we see its effects in the country many times, and so i think that maybe one of the main things that actually helps is the capital of our land. how can we preserve our material capitals and human capitals , make them healthy , and not spend a lot of money on the consequences of climate change in this direction, this is the program that must be implemented in the country . article 22, this is the minimum in the first year there is what will happen if he does not reach what the program has set for him? in any case
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, the consequences of climate change will increase the weight and will definitely cause a lot of costs for the country. if we do not deal with the consequences of climate change and reducing emissions , we will unfortunately cause more losses and casualties in this direction, both in the field of health and hygiene, in the field of infrastructure and in other fields such as agriculture and water , we will experience serious problems today. we see in the field of energy because of this increase in temperature how many problems are actually created in the country , we must move towards the use of clean energy capacities in the country so that we can actually reduce fossil fuels to some extent , we can present our own national plan in sync with other countries and for our water resources. the resources of our life. qalab hamon and other environmental factors that play a fundamental role in protecting people's lives and property. in fact
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, how much success do you use to reduce the effects of climate change from the information that has been placed in the world bank? now, especially in meteorology itself, see as i said, the organization meteorology is actually the authority of the inter-state committee on climate change in the country, and the information that is actually updated in these meetings at the international level , we will definitely bring to the attention of the relevant authorities in the country, including the booklets that are in fact, summaries have been prepared for the country's decision-makers, which include information related to climate change that has happened in the world, specifically in the asian region, in iran , and the consequences it has had in the field of health in other fields of information. it will be delivered and solutions that we can actually move to on the side of better conditions, in order to be able
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to face the consequences of this climate change in a more appropriate way, information can be provided. well, the meteorological organization is basically not in charge of implementing these in the country. there are several ministries , so there must be a national agreement in this area it's okay for everyone to manage their own programs for the benefit of the country's national interests, for my benefit, the territorial interests of the country, especially in the fields of agriculture and water industry as i mentioned. well , there is no doubt that climate change has happened, it has happened, and it is going on like this. does this climate change require this? that we want to consider a series of expert forces for this work and to localize our knowledge , is there any special work for this to happen? a special plan has been thought out. well , the problem of compatibility and actually reducing messages
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as two main solutions, which now has many branches and sub-branches, in fact , the devices that are in charge of this matter in the country are actually capable of this outcome. there is a decrease in the body seen in the meteorological organization, and in fact, in the ministry of science of our country, there is a field such as hydrology or climatology and other related fields. fortunately, in the meteorological organization, more than 50% of our personnel have graduated and studied these fields, but the main solution is that we can use our human resources to reduce the consequences, especially in other devices. in fact, there are definitely many solutions in the field of water, in the field of environment, in the field of agriculture, and there are many experts who only need a national will. are able to actually do the things we have to adapt and reduce the consequences
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, the space for the research work and research projects to be done and in a structure is there a possibility that these people that you are referring to will be recruited in the meteorological organization considering that they are currently being trained in our educational environment, it is possible in the meteorological organization that in fact to attract forces should take action, but what is obvious is that the meteorological organization is not in charge of implementing these works. other executive bodies that are in the field of energy, water, and agriculture should actually take their actions. we in the organization meteorology makes up more than 50% of our personnel in many fields, including research , and we use them in many fields. in addition , there are actually many universities and scientific authorities in the country that
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do a lot of work in this field, but basically, these should be refer to agricultural water areas. the environmental industry should provide solutions for these devices because the possible operations that can be done in order to reduce the consequences will mainly be done in these devices. well, in these devices that you mentioned you said it is necessary that an inter-departmental coordination between you and those devices is done, and part of it is related to how basic those devices are to perform this action now in the current situation. how long do those devices work? in any case, working groups and meetings related to these issues have been formed to determine the preparation of the plan, but this is what i would like to say: this national agreement must be done at higher levels, with the president's discretion, definitely
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at the expert level and at the management level. these measures have been taken, meetings will be held with our colleagues in this meeting they participate both in the working groups for adapting to water scarcity and in the working groups formed by the environmental organization, but maintaining these at the expert level is not a solution in my opinion, and it should definitely be done from the top to the bottom of this organization because it is a very important issue. you have already mentioned that a series of expert meetings are being held. well, you yourself are aware of the fact that just holding expert meetings cannot have an operational output. there is a need for proper instructions from a higher authority . topics at all the recommendations that come out of these working groups so that the organizations and institutions related to climate change can work, these have been implemented so far
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. and sometimes i myself participated in it from the old years. not far from this work, in fact, working groups were held, for example , there is a working group on adaptation to climate change, adaptation to water scarcity, which is held in the ministry of energy, and the solutions that are given at the provincial level in the field of water well management in the area the management of underground resources in the matter of smart level where colleagues in the field of agriculture participate among everyone , in any case, everyone should take actions from the point of view of their own organizational interests, but in many of these, it has been fruitful. at the end of the year, when in fact the results of this working group it is presented in a provincial way or in the form of catchment areas . it shows that practical measures have been taken in many areas. and it must be much more likely than this
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dear dr. tajbakhsh, we are at the end of the work of the 13th government. karali, give a report on what happened in the last 3 years in the field of janabali's activity? well, the actions of the meteorological organization are actually continuous and consecutive. some of our tasks and duties that are mentioned in the law started from previous years. part of it was completed in the 13th government, for example, the first phase was completed in the 13th government and its continuation is still being done . among the most important i think. it may be understandable for many viewers of this program, the development of flood warning systems the development of the dust warning system, the development of the air pollution warning system, and the development of the country's sightseeing station network, we have installed and
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operated more than 240 stations throughout the country during the last 3 years. except for the year 2014, when, unfortunately, the credits for the acquisition of our capital assets were not well provided, and a stop happened in the field of development this year, but well , we completed the tasks almost completely, and in fact, we opened the flood warning system for 550 points in the country. in fact, we signed the contract for more than 3,000 points for other parts of the country therefore, part of the work is ongoing , part of the work done, the system started , i think it continued in 1997, after 1997, we developed it and it is still being developed. we launched and terminated the air pollution warning system in the 13th government, but in any case, the problem of development and improvement of the existing conditions, considering that the
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monitoring network is changing, the weather patterns are changing very much, definitely the development of all these should continue. to continue thank you very much , dr. taj bakhsh, deputy minister of roads and urban development head of the meteorological organization, who came to the studio on the first page, i am very grateful to you, my dear and respected viewers , for being with us for the first time tonight . thank you very much, may god protect us. this is possible because bringing these activities to bushon is possible for several reasons. it's not possible, one , they don't have the space to do this in their system, two, it 's not economical at all, and three, it's possible that the company
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doesn't have the necessary expertise in that field, that's why. i want to say that if one day they value the role of the country's small industry, the valuation is only in terms of how much employment, how much added value and how much we want to measure in the discussion related to the development of activities. we should go beyond this. many of them, if we want to talk about a rule other than the number of employees and such and international systems, i think many of our medium-sized enterprises should also be considered as small industries, 17% of the added value of the manufacturing sector. and 45% of the manpower working in the country's industry is related to this is the field. the position of small industry should
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be seen in a special place in the upstream documents. this experience exists in other countries and there are other countries similar to ours. not only in developed countries. even in the emerging type of industry , this happened next to turkey, south korea in asia and many other countries, even if you look at the independent organization with a specific mission approach in the field of smes, start-ups , small and medium industries, which unfortunately we have defined we did not pay attention to that meaning in the upper documents , its second level, which is the upper documents that i am presenting now for example, the seventh program that has been proposed now is compared to the previous programs, which is based on the study of the organization. the parliamentary research center had a 10% impact in the field of industry, it has decreased compared to that , that is, something has become less prominent in
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the previous documents, maybe it was discussed more prominently, and there is room for us to pay attention to this in iran, as far as i know. now, in addition to the industrial sector , economic enterprises in other sectors, whether in the agricultural sector or in the commercial sector , are actually small and medium-sized enterprises, so the unique role of these enterprises in both their operational role and their role in popularizing the economy is not really worth discussing. the industry of the country, the small industry of the country, is really the oppressed industry of the country. serious attention should be paid to these issues. this is one of the main pillars. the development of economic activities in every economy, we want to look at developed countries, whether in developing countries or countries, for example, assume that even lower level and in the process
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of starting industrial activities. paying attention and not paying attention to these can play so-called key roles in the development of the country's industrial activities. with more activity out of 59 thousand industrial units in the city and its districts , in addition to the issues in the field of production, where production itself now needs sources of supply, the issue of raw material supply, and the issue of brand name, as well as the issue of selling these should be discussed. find a focus. small industry activists consider energy financing and long-term financing as one of the most important challenges ahead . in my opinion
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, it is not a credit-oriented model, but it is not even an idea-oriented model, and the only model is that you go and the demand is collateral-oriented, and in fact, this business is wealth-oriented. small works are not capable of these big social and economic tensions, they all disappear when the goods. the supply of money in the society will decrease due to the balance sheets of the banks, which the central bank followed last year to manage inflation and reduce the inflation rate , which means that the supply of money in the society will decrease , the problems of industrial units will double, so i know the alternative solution and peripheral markets because this there is a need in the surrounding markets, they are willing to pay for this need, it requires active diplomacy, especially in the small
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and medium industry. which can lead in the industrial chain be aware that in winter and in summer , we are faced with a series of dissatisfaction, which despite the loss, it imposes a lack of profit on us, which hinders the growth of the country's industry , according to the custodians of this production and trade support package. this year, it was formulated to solve the problems of the small industry so that the necessary platforms for new financing in the 7th plan will also be realized. we started the discussion of people's participation in the field of policy-making from here , we tried to make the organizations themselves the center and actors of this work. considering the annual export of 3 billion dollars of small industry products, planning for the development of this industry is necessary. zahra parvesh of the sed and broadcasting news agency.
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hello, at five o'clock, the first vice president made separate calls with the minister of health, the governors of ilam , kermanshah, khuzestan, and the head of the red crescent society , emphasizing service delivery. to the pilgrims of arbain hosseini he said: all devices are obligated. to serve arbaeen pilgrims with all their strength and capacity. mr. aref pointed out that this trip should be followed with good quality and with comfort for the pilgrims , and asked all those involved in the arbaeen walk, as well as all the decision-making and service departments, to take necessary measures.


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