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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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travel until 12 o'clock last night, according to the announcement of ali central arbaeen headquarters, mehran border with the departure of more than 735 thousand pilgrims from shalamcheh with the departure of more than 400 thousand people , chezaye border with the departure of more than 91 thousand people and khosravi border with the departure of more than 160 thousand people. arbaeen borders are the busiest in the country. according to the announcement of arbaeen headquarters, 373,000 people have returned to the country since the beginning of the pilgrimage month. the 12-28 telephone line has also
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been set up for the guidance and response of pilgrims in iraq. the arbaeen walking caravan of mashayeh al-hassan, peace be upon him, with the slogan of karbala, tariq al-aqsa, is in the middle of the tariq al-hussein route. more than 40,000 people of different ages went to chezabe border in this convoy.
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the resistance is stepping on the path of arbaeen, god willing , from karbala to rakhsha mosque, we will also go forward. this crowd shows that we are an awake nation, and god willing, we want blood from the oppressors of israel.
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unveiling of hezbollah's underground missile city in lebanon the media center of the lebanese islamic resistance war, by publishing images of an underground missile city under the title of imad 4, depicted hezbollah's missile power with the display of ayeah anh fathana lakh fateh mobina. this
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underground city is so big that heavy vehicles carrying rockets can easily pass through it there are many two ways and three ways. at the beginning of this picture, the words of seyyed hassan nasrallah are mentioned, which says: the lebanese resistance now has weapons, equipment, facilities, strength, experience, as well as faith, belief and firm determination, which is stronger than ever before. the body of colonel guardsman shahid ahmadreza afshari, one of the irgc's aerospace advisors , was dissected in shahrezai, isfahan. the body of this martyr will be buried after friday prayers in isfahan badragh and in golestan martyrs of this city. guardsman colonel ahmadreza afshari was injured in the first half of august in the air attack of the coalition forces that invaded syria, and yesterday he was sent to martyrdom arrived. from his short life. you used it and
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sacrificed your life for aba abdullah al-hussein, today we came, you came, you came to come to us, to give us another life, dear martyr, you came to give life to our hearts once again in these days leading to the emergence of the minister of affairs in a telephone conversation with the acting minister of foreign affairs of our country , the foreign ministry of qatar discussed the situation in the gaza strip and the occupied palestinian territory. to put an end to they discussed the war in the gaza strip. negotiations on the issue of gaza
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started yesterday in doha, qatar, in the presence of representatives of the us, the zionist regime of egypt and qatar, and continue today. yahya senwar, the leader of hamas , has announced that hamas will not participate in this period of negotiations unless the war is completely stopped. 10% of agricultural products were identified , according to the 7th program, the identification of agricultural products with goals such as identifying the origin of manufactured products, improving consumption and regulating the market should be implemented by the end of 1404. agricultural products are sometimes in short supply. have and their market onion 350 38 is facing fluctuations. on the other side, sometimes the products are produced so much that they remain on the hands of the farmer. we made tomatoes of this beauty and quality, there is no good market to sell here, neither the factories buy them at a good price
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. the problems that the ministry of agricultural jihad seeks to solve by starting product identification. from the origin of production, the farmer must upload all his information. be it from the depth, be it poison, be it water , the type of transplant he has for citrus fruits and trees, and what water he uses, even the slope of the land and what mechanism he used so that consumers can in fact, be aware of this process, this is actually for the ministry of home affairs, to discuss our cultivation pattern, to discuss market regulation, it can be one of our tools for this work. it is an activity that every economic unit must have a certificate of activity so that based on the basic information that is registered and recorded
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, you can register its products . in the past year and a half, the infrastructure of the project has been provided and about 10% of the farmer's products are according to the certificate. ministry of jihad agriculture id scheme the acquisition of agricultural products should be completed by the end of 1404. by the end of 1404 , it will be achieved. yes, god willing, with the completion of the plan to receive agricultural services, the id of the product will be provided. the service provider is like the ministry of energy and water. ok, let it be electricity, let it be diesel fuel, don't give him a tractor. they do not provide service. the banking education services of the agricultural bank or other banks should all have an id, and they should see this in the portal of those service institutions, which is also seen in the seventh program.
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done certification of agricultural products in order to create the ability to trace and identify the origin of manufactured products. farzad azaribagha of sed and vasima news agency. in the 2024 shanghai ranking, 9 iranian universities were among the top 1000 universities in the world. in this ranking , tehran university of medical sciences and tehran university were able to rank between 401 and 500. tarbiat modares university of medical sciences of iran, shahid beheshti , sharif industrial, amir kabir industrial, science and industry of iran and tabriz were also able to participate in the competition.
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the best of the 15th nano student olympiad in zanjan were introduced and appreciated at the end of this the course of the olympiad of 40 students who after passing two descriptive stages in practical stage one. preparation of oil and gas pipeline repair coatings with calcium carbonate nanoparticles was the main subject of the laboratory work of this course. in this course, 40 people were selected from 13 different provinces, 75% of whom were boys and 25% were girls, and also by district , 40 were 10th grade, 30% were 11th grade, and 30% were 12th grade. we were here at their service, actually participating in the scientific competition , conducting experiments and presenting those experiments to the judges
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. i am zahra gholami from bushar province, and i am i was doing some activities in the field of nano and through these activities i got to know the nano olympiad , and it caused me to participate in this olympiad and get to this stage through different stages of various exams, writing reports and scientific presentation of grades. it is considered that later color. a medal will be determined. the examination of the qualifications of the ministers proposed by the government will begin on the floor of the islamic council from tomorrow. this is the first time it has happened since the beginning with the start of the parliamentary government, whose commissions
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have just been formed, the parliament should examine the records and programs of the proposed ministers of the 14th government before the court. according to the internal regulations , when the ministers are introduced to the parliament , they are given to the commissions for one week. that is, on a saturday , when mr. doctor of medicine introduced his cabinet . the work of the commissions started from that moment and it continues until friday evening. the investigations have their own special conditions according to the procedure. the commissions ask all the ministers their questions. the ministers explain their plans to the representatives of the commissions. being twice as specialized as a non-specialized commission, candidates must be present, for example, the minister of industry in the industry commission and equivalent. the commission of education and research went twice because here
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it is a specialized commission, some ministers go to their specialized commissions, some commissions are not specialized for ministers, it is general, for example , the minister of education and the minister of higher education, the commission of education and research is specialized for them, the result of each specialized commission is announced in the square. it is possible that on saturday, when our work starts, the generalities will be discussed first, that is, the government's plans about it, then. the report from his ministers will present his plans to 5 representatives 5 representatives speak as in favor, one in opposition, one in favor, one in opposition, one in favor . some ministers are in two specialized commissions. if they are in two specialized commissions, in fact, they are related to two specialized commissions. 5 minutes is the spokesperson of that commission. 5 minutes, the spokesperson of this commission gives a report , announces the plans of the minister and announces whether the commission
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voted for him or not this term. radio and television, just like in the news more than half a million pilgrims arrived from merse. going to karbala by land, but to find out about the condition of the roads leading to the borders of the country, i will talk to the head of the traffic police, sardar hosseini. hello, i would like to thank you for the roads leading to the borders of arbaeen. how are the roads and what are the necessary points for travelers to follow on the routes leading to the border. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most
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merciful. greetings to you and good viewers of this news section . we are almost at the peak of the pilgrimage to the destination we are in iraq these days. fortunately, in general, we are not facing any particular problem in any province or axis. volume of course. there is a significant load , especially in the provinces of kermanshah, ilam, and also in a part of khuzestan province, but without any special problems. and with the arrangements that have been planned at all 6 borders that are actually considered for the movement of pilgrims, fortunately there are suitable facilities in terms of stops for private cars as well as the infrastructure that is needed at each border terminal.
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there is one point that our dear compatriots should consider, and that is in all six borders. we are in some of our axes are not separated in two directions, so you must avoid hurrying and accelerating, and especially unauthorized speeding and overtaking can definitely involve serious risks . the statistics provided to me until this morning indicate that we are more than 22 percent. in fact, we have an increase in visits to the borders , our traffic also shows an increase of 2% , fortunately, by summarizing the statistics, we actually
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have a reduction of about 36% in the total number of accidents. with tiredness and they face sleepiness is very, very high , and our emphasis and our advice is that they must have the necessary rest on the way back, dear compatriots , 45% of the number of pilgrims who have left the border have returned, and this is an important point, that is, dear compatriots, the amount they managed their stay in iraq and up to this moment 45 of the pilgrims have returned to iran again, and god willing, all compatriots who have not started their journey until this moment should consider this important point that the amount of stay in iraq should be as follows. let them manage the issue of distribution of trips
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pilgrims going and returning can be accepted, and anyway, all the devices will go under and... especially the police will have the necessary management to guide the traffic load on the way to go. thanks to all the responsible people who have made serious and effective efforts in all four provinces and in the six borders. may this situation continue until the end of these days and we all can serve the dear pilgrims in a proper way. special thanks to sardar hosseini, the head of the country's leading police. continue the news. the palestinian islamic jihad and hamas movements announcing the policy of terror attacks and abandoning the weapons of the zionist settler gangs increase the adherence of the
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palestinian people to their holy land. these two palestinian resistance groups are crimes. hamas and palestinian islamic jihad strongly condemned the attack on about 100 settlers and a number of zionist soldiers in the village of jid in the city of gholkalia on the bakhtari bank, which led to the martyrdom of a palestinian youth and the wounding of a number of others, as well as extensive damage to palestinian property. emphasizing that the participation of the occupying army in this attack and providing the security of the attackers shows that this an organized terrorist attack led by netanyahu called on the palestinian people in the west bank to rise up in order to deter the settlers and repel their terrorist attacks . the information officer of the united nations children's fund , unicef, said that the situation in the gaza strip is terrible and thousands of children have lost their lives. jovanglish pointed out that the people of gaza
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were displaced and do not have enough food to eat and a safe place to stay, adding that every day they wake up, they think about how to keep their children alive. a few days ago, the human rights center europe had announced that in the last 10 months , more than 17,000 palestinian children died in the gaza war, of which about 2,100 were lions. yemenis came to the streets this week in support of the palestinian people in saada and other provinces of yemen. rahimai this yemeni week was held with the slogan of supporting jerusalem and gaza and that the support will continue and the answer will be definitive. participants in the march of writings. they carried with them the slogans of death to america and death to zionism , as well as boycott of american and israeli goods . yemenis in this week's demonstrations
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yemen also stressed on the continuation of the resistance, jihad , jihad, jihad, jihad. al-jihad haya haya al-jihad haya haya ali al-jihadah or palestine or ghanza or palestine or qalta or palestine or gaza or palestine thousands of settlers and families of zionist captives, with massive demonstrations in tel aviv , demand the immediate signing of a prisoner exchange agreement with the palestinian resistance in the gaza strip. the protesters were holding hands. the writings and photos of the zionist prisoners in gaza, as well as chanting slogans calling for the resignation of netanyahu's cabinet and holding early elections in occupied palestine, were taken by dan ragha.
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in the continuation of the demonstration, the protesters moved towards the headquarters of the ministry of war of the zionist regime in tel aviv. this demonstration was held in a situation where the negotiating delegation of the zionist regime traveled to doha to talk with qatari american egyptian mediators. using solar panels to generate electricity in gaza with the destruction of the electricity infrastructure in gaza, a number of young people are using solar panels to generate electricity so that residents can use their mobile phones and some electrical appliances. palestinian citizens in the north of the gaza strip have great difficulties in obtaining electricity a number of young people and citizens are trying to generate electricity from solar panels to charge their mobile phones and use light at night.
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the solar panels generate electricity and through it, mobile phones can be charged and the lights of the rooms and tents of the displaced can be turned on. sometimes it is also used to turn on the fans due to the current extreme heat in the gaza strip. we have installed energy panels to generate electricity. we are trying to help other citizens in the field of providing water, charging mobile phones and batteries, and whatever they need. we are charging batteries and mobile phones. we brought solar energy and we use it and convert it into electricity. gaza's power generation stations and networks have been destroyed and we have no other choice.
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we have been working in the fields of solar panels since october 7th. i wish we have electricity again, we can watch tv and everything will be back to its place. nidal alian khabar and gazarieh of astama gaza. a lot have a nice day with you, god bless you. in the name and memory of god, greetings and good time . dear viewers of the khabar channel, considering
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that in the northern parts of our country , we are witnessing the movement of waves and wave activity in the northern regions of the country. since yesterday , we have been witnessing rains in the northern parts of the country, on the beautiful shores of the caspian sea, since the early hours of the morning in parts of gilan province, this divine mercy has been reported and recorded, and we expect it in the next few hours in parts of ardabil, gilan provinces. , mazandaran, golestan, as well as north khorasan, north khorasan razavi, north east azarbaijan, west azarbaijan, zanjan heights, albors, tehran semnan, along with increased water, rain, lightning and wind in these areas. due to the manson currents, mainly in the hours after the day and early at night for 5 the next day, in the south of sistan baluchistan province, parts of hormozgan. south of kerman, southeast of fars province , we are expecting an increase in rain in these areas as well. due to the rains, an orange level warning
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has been issued by the meteorology for these areas . there is a possibility of seasonal river flooding. avoid on the banks of the river and climb to the heights. in terms of the 120-day wind phenomenon , there are still strong winds blowing dust and dust in the eastern parts of our country, reduced visibility and reduced air quality in north sistan, balchestan, south khorasan. razavi also to some extent in the regions. in the central slopes of arborz and in the southwest of the country, sometimes the wind becomes strong and brings dust. parts of the persian gulf and the caspian sea are also rough and turbulent , there is a possibility of damage to many light vessels and the possibility of drowning. marine warnings issued. marine activities should be limited. due to
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the strong winds, meteorological warnings have been issued that there is a possibility of a decrease in air quality and visibility in these areas. in terms of temperature in the northern half of our country , the temperature will continue to decrease for the next few days. we will have northern areas, especially the sea coasts of ghazr, northwest, northeast, and the entire northern half of our country, while the weather is still hot in the southern half of our country, especially for khuzestan province, the province of khuzestan has caused the red carpet to be issued due to the heat in the region. we request to avoid unnecessary traffic in the city to prevent heatstroke. also considering the approach of hosseini's arbaeen and the movement of pilgrims from the western borders of our country. the northwestern borders of the country have better conditions. the weather is cooler, sometimes it rains we will
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have a scattered face in the northwestern regions of the country. the border tamrchin has a temperature of 33 and 19, while magagh has a temperature of 38 and 16, which is 10 degrees cooler than the west and southwest of our country. for the southwestern borders of our country, dust sometimes and the wind brings dust, the weather is hot, as we mentioned that the weather warning was issued due to the heat of the air in chezabe, the temperature is 47 and 25 in shlamcheh , 47 and 30 in mehran, 49 33 and khosravi is 46 and 29 . hats and sunglasses should be used to prevent heatstroke, and the existing dust makes it necessary to use a mask in the area. it is also for tehran that in the next few hours we will have an increase in water and wind. in the west and south of the province, strong winds and dust will cause a decrease in the quality of the air . it is possible to reduce the installed temperature for
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a few. the future for tehran province continues . i sincerely thank you for your attention and companionship . have a good time and god bless you. how far in advance can you predict how much rainfall will be in the next 3 months, assuming this autumn of 1403? forecasting is basically not a prediction as it is known . atmospheric equations
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have a series of differential equations and mathematical solutions that solve these numerically and the main parameters of the atmosphere such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind and so on for hours and days. forecasting the coming weeks or years . basically, this mathematical application creates an inherent error in the generation of answers, so weather forecasts are always accompanied by an inherent error. well, there are other issues, such as lack of data and input information, such as the consequences of change. the climate, which has very low predictability, is added to this issue therefore, the more we move away from the time of the event , the predictions actually occur with less probability and more uncertainties. this is because seasonal forecasts, annual forecasts, and even decade and century forecasts that are made now.


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