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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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or the teacher is the second planet.
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the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service, the line of humanity, the bastion , the test, the test, this is your table, and there is hope for you, on the other side of the table , in the eyes of a martyr . stay with us in this program. we will take a look at the latest arrangements that have been made at the central arbaeen headquarters for the movement of arbaeen pilgrims , dear ones who are planning to travel to karbala. mr. mojtaba karimi, the secretary of the arbaeen headquarters, is a guest of this program from the first page. greetings , you are very welcome. and all viewers hello dear, i hope you are healthy and successful. greetings to you
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, let's review the beginning of a series of statistics with your excellency. until today , how many people have traveled from different borders of the country, we must say that land, air and sea have also been established. and to the descendants of al-hussein and the companions of al-hussein, i am very grateful . until today , until today at noon, about 1 million 8005 of our loved ones visited iraq for pilgrimage as of this afternoon, when i arrived at your service, 2 million 7158 people have registered to become azem for yes in the sama system.
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about 469 of our loved ones returned for this trip, according to the statistics we have, this is the current statistics. there has been a significant growth for leaving the country compared to similar cases last year. until last year, until the twelfth month of the journey, something around 1,700,000 people went out . this year, the 10th month of the journey means from today to today at noon, and now half of the day has passed . how many fields do you have? yes, how many flights were there? yes, give me a breakdown if you don't mind. yes, about 2% of the air border was from imam khomeini airport, may allah bless him and grant him peace. a little less
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was from mashhad hasheminejad airport. 50% was from the mahram border. 28 kadabah 6% of merz khosravi. 11% of tamrchin and bashmagh are a little less, and other borders were chosen by 1% of our dear people, and mehran had the most traffic. yes, mehran had the most traffic , maybe it was because of its proximity or because of the facilities it had, of course, the facilities of the borders are different. do you want our dear ones to try to increase the facilities in other borders this year, which we had to visit with the minister of interior or the arbaeen central headquarters, the chief of staff, the honorable chief of the arbaeen border headquarters, to create really good facilities , even the borders of bashmaq and tamerchin. which is in the province of kurdistan and west azarbaijan to create good facilities for loved ones
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. for example, an incident that happened on two borders since last year it happened and this year it came to fruition at the four borders of mehran, chazaba, shalamcheh and khosravi. this was a single window that was held between iran and iraq. for years , friends worked hard and negotiated with the iraqi side to be able to launch this system. this system allows our loved ones to cross the borders in a very short time . previously, for a loved one to cross the border of iran and reach the border of iraq , sometimes hours had to be spent , but with this single window is unified on both sides . it takes 4 seconds
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our brothers, it will be checked in faraja and then on the iraqi side, it will take the same 44 seconds , the rest depends on it. it is due to the crowding of people and the amount of people moving between the two borders that i don't think it will take more than 20 minutes for them to cross the two borders. well, this is a very good possibility that there were less of these conditions last year. this year, last year , we had these facilities in two borders, but this year , this happened in four borders, which are our most prominent borders, according to the same statistics that i told you. they are quieter and it is easier to travel and i think the weather there is better than other borders. yes, yes, the weather is much better there. our friends often recommend that they go from bashmaq and tamrchin. on the iraqi side, there are also good processions that have been organized in bashmagh. and
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tamerchin and our loved ones, those who go to bashmagh and tamerchin are satisfied . in the past years, the transport situation in bashmagh and tamerchi was criticized by friends . sulaymaniyah is taken for free, which was agreed with the negotiations that took place this will be extended until arbaeen and they will go from bashmagh border to sulaymaniyah for free, and then they will go to karbala with the cars that are there, that is , i am thinking of the perpendicular road from karbala to baghdad. 130 ok, they will go there and then they will go to karbala and najaf, because you mentioned that we should review all the borders from the same perspective, that is, you also mentioned the services that are provided to the zahirs at the borders, if we examine them separately with the attention that you have with you, and also the conditions transportation, the transportation facilities
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that exist at the borders so that people can easily travel, cross the borders and enter the country. iraq should hear and see in all the borders like now mehr border. iran is like the border of khosravi, which is the same as the border of shalamcheh and chazaba, in all these borders for our loved ones who go with private cars. there are parking lots and these loved ones can park their cars in those parking lots. from the parking lots , they are taken to the border terminal by buses, and at the border terminal, after their passports are checked and stamped , they go to iraq, and there they leave the iraqi side and choose either karbala or najaf. from these borders or from khosravi's border, they go to kazmin and from onjam to karbala and najaf. until today, we are at your service, although especially in
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the past 3 days, a large number of our loved ones have been watching over us in the central headquarters, which has been established in the arbaeen headquarters, and there is a representative from all the committees. as your friends and colleagues say, we observe and monitor the borders directly. monitoring is better. yes, we are monitoring and we observe in these borders that, alhamdulillah, although we have a very large population, we do not have a serious problem, and alhamdulillah, with the communications that have been established, if if there is a problem in one place , our dear people will inform us very quickly. for example , they informed us today that some trucks at the
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shalamcheh border have slowed down. at the same time , they increased the speed of checking the trucks and these trucks passed, so i want to say that alhamdulillah, the more we go forward with the addition of the experiences of the dear ones who are in the central headquarters of arbaeen in each committee and by informing the dear people. . the cooperation of my dear people is most important, alhamdulillah we are witnessing a smooth and better situation. god willing , you mentioned one point in your speech and you crossed the borders that you mentioned, for example , it is closer to karbala than the mehran border. yes , you mentioned from the khosravi border that the khosravi border goes to kazema, usually the cars go to kazema. meren, you can tell me how each of them is, for example, khosravi. are there cars for karbala or not? from kazmin, there must be cars for karbala, but most of
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the cars go to kazmin, they go to a station called hosseinieh station in baghdad . well, kazmin is located next to baghdad. they go to hosseinieh station, passengers who go from there usually visit the kazema shrine first and then they can easily go to karbala first and then to najaf which is lower. karbala is located , which means they visit karbala first, or some people go to kazim, from there they go to samarra , then they return to karbala, they visit karbala, and then they go to najaf ashraf, they visit there . look, in the samah system, when they want to choose their loved ones, they can choose the kilometers of the borders to each of these holy places separately. the writing of merz chazabah baz is relatively close. but
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the dear ones who are present in khuzestan, it is much better for them to go from shalamcheh border to basra and from there to najaf ashraf and karbala ma'ala. dear ones that i mentioned in khosravi, in basmagh and tamrchin , they also go from samarchin to kirkuk and in bashmaq. also , they are moving towards sulaymaniyah and from there to karbala. you mentioned that there are cars at all these borders for the transportation of pilgrims. alhamdulillah in marzai in the episode i told you that the situation in our country is very good , despite the fact that a large number of our loved ones are going to iraq, and the more we move forward, the greater the number. it will be more, but fortunately, with the planning that has been done, the transfer of loved ones
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, whether from parking lots or public buses , intercity buses that go to mehran or to other borders , to the zero point of the border has become very good. on the iraqi side, cars too iraqis are waiting for our loved ones. in our negotiations with the iraqi side, we regularly ask them to monitor the cars. if the number of these cars is less if we can move these loved ones to the nearer borders, some of our buses will be sent to take the loved ones to the nearer borders. our cars are not needed yet , fortunately, iraqi cars were able to take our loved ones and i think that if they go with the same opinion and with the same management of the trip of our loved ones, i think that we will witness the intelligent and crowded arbaeen without any problem this year, god willing.
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in different programs, it is said to use public cars, with the exception of arbaino , who say that if you can, use a private car. kenan, yes, because there are many applicants who want to go during arbaeen, the number of public cars really does not support this crowd. we encourage and provide facilities for our loved ones in different provinces. creating a large amount and every year the condition of the parking lots in terms of lighting. in terms of security, it would be better to wall many of these parking lots. the infrastructure is much better for the loved ones . they can only go to the border with
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private cars . the loved ones who go to mehran can go with private cars before the border. if it is possible, the loved ones who want to go to mashrafe with their own cars can go, but because of the circumstances, the iraqi side preferred that this issue is different than during the arab era. it is normal for this to be postponed, the number of public cars on the iraqi side is very high, and if private cars enter, they may increase the crowd and the amount of waiting for our loved ones will increase. the traffic on that side will probably be more. yes, 100 and in terms of air traffic, from now on
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there is a flight to najaf baghdad from any of the cities in our country, yes , we have only two airports, karbala airport has not yet been launched, it will take time to be launched, but for now, najaf ashraf airport and there is a baghdad airport that is working now and loved ones go there, and there is also the traffic situation and the stamp that needs to be stamped in the passports. one point was expressed by our colleagues in the land borders pilgrims must take care that their passports are stamped, especially on the iraqi side. yes , we emphasized this very much, and we emphasize this in almost all interviews and programs. when they enter iraq, the moment
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the iraqi officer gives them their passport , they should make sure that it is stamped, because if it is not stamped, it will be lost. the passport is considered as an unauthorized person , a person who entered illegally, well, the fine for unauthorized entry into iraq is heavy , they will be banned from entering iraq for 2 years. there is a lot of money, they are fined, and in some cases even prison is foreseen, which of course , alhamdulillah, this has not happened in arbaeen so far, but we are asking you so that these problems do not occur, even
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for now, because this is a very new thing this year. the first year, yes, it has the first steps. in the visit that the honorable minister of our country and the honorable minister of iraq had to the four goats, the sea border on the basra side was also visited. people's maritime border itself move it to the first place where the bus terminal is, maybe it will take some time. this year, as a first experience, a good experience. in the last few days , the governors of khuzestan, basra, have a joint meeting for this route. the governors of ilam and wasit governors have regular meetings. governor of khuzestan dear governor of khuzestan, governor of basr have regular meetings and discuss their issues, the iraqi side
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has introduced various people in their passports at the border in accordance with the issues that are happening and according to the agreement made with the iraqi government, the governors have regular meetings to solve problems. they check and try to fix the problems very quickly for zabar. and they are more convenient, which of course has not been implemented yet , there is work to be done, the agreement of the two countries has to be done
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, the initial talks have been made and the initial proposals have been made. they must only pass through that route or not, they can not do this process either, they can enter iran from the rimdan border or the mirjaveh border and pass through iranian soil, as this is happening now, and enter iraq from the qadaba border, as indicated you did i will ask the same issue here, then i will address other issues. we are entering from the eastern borders , that is, from pakistan and afghanistan, and from which borders are they exiting? it has been determined whether they must exit from one border or not, they can exit from different borders. yes, our dear foreign brothers and sisters. which are inside iran. they are residents, if they want to leave , they will leave through shalamcheh border. yes , we have agreed this with the iraqi side. the loved ones who
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are outside the borders of the islamic republic of iran, especially the eastern borders, i.e. pakistan and afghanistan . it is necessary to have an agreement with the iraqi side and their loved ones will also go this year when the pakistanis and afghans return with their own buses , so they have nothing to do with the transport fleet of the islamic republic of iran, they enter the border with their own buses and leave through rimdan border they enter and this is just crossing through the territory of the islamic republic. there are also other countries or these two countries only from afghanistan . it is also from the northern borders. of course, those who enter from the northern borders such as azerbaijan and turkey can enter iraq from the northern borders.
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in the not-so-distant future, shlamche will be together find a connection so that our loved ones can be transferred to basra by rail and from there, that is, for now we have a rail line up to our border. yes, we have a rail line up to our border. i wanted my side to continue , but it didn't reach this year . the initial stage has been completed, so there is infrastructure work that needs to be done, and then, if they are connected, the trains can connect to karbala through khuzestan
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, that is, when the train comes from mashhad, it can come to khuzestan, reach shlamcheh, and then go to varad. be basra port and from there take the same rail to karbala muala. very well, in one part of the conversation, you made a reference to the committees that are active in the headquarters and headquarters. how many committees do you have? and we have the iraqi headquarters, the arbaeen headquarters of iraq, which is the embassy of the islamic republic of iran, which includes 10 camps, karbala , mu'ala, najaf ashraf and samra, kazmin, and other camps. committee member. the initial negotiations conducted by the arbaeen headquarters with the iraqi side. it can be every year
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and it leads to agreements. this is done with the help of our friends in the iraqi embassy. at the same time , all the matters related to our loved ones in iraq , when they go for pilgrimage , are related to each and every one of these camp heads in the holy cities, and he himself. they have several committees under them, like we have different committees, such as the transportation and fuel committee , the infrastructure committee, such as accommodation and nutrition , the dispatch and registration committee, and other committees such as the cultural committee, the disciplinary committee, the security committee, the committee political, consular and other committees that work hard, each of them work within their own duties they do, so that they can
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provide comfortable travel equipment for our loved ones. we are now in the picture frame. we and our bases in iraq operate around the clock so that our loved ones can travel at night to avoid heatstroke and if they need to go to the consulate, they can go to the consulate at night . in order to avoid this , they must choose the night time, i.e. from sunset onwards, for walking or for commuting to the places of pilgrimage, and mainly , the traffic is more during these hours, right, the borders and on the other side, yes, exactly, exactly, our dear people try to rest during the days and move at night . let's talk a little more about the heat you mentioned
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. what kind of services will be provided at the border, at the border and also in iraqi territory? the medical and health committee has given many recommendations to our loved ones. well, in the red crescent , it means the health treatment committee, which is the responsibility of the ministry of health, which is responsible for the work inside the country. it is responsible for the emergency department of the country , it is responsible for the work inside the country and the medical affairs inside the country it is in charge and dear. we in the red crescent, who are working in connection with iraq , are working in iraqi territory and do you have the number of their bases in your mind or in the statistics of your companion ? for example, how many hospitals are under their supervision in najaf, there is the imam hospital, peace be upon him, which is managed under the supervision of the red crescent, there is a clinic
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called nabaa clinic, shahid hakim hospital , shahid sadr hospital in najaf, between karbala and najaf, there are 3 four hospitals in heydarieh. they have a hospital, even a field hospital is considered, martyr abu mahdi al-muhandis hospital is considered, this is related to the middle of the road, and there are about 6 hospitals in karbala, which are providing services to our loved ones in the red crescent along with iraqi doctors. they do and provide services to our dear iranians in these hospitals, such as al-hussein hospital in karbala , al-hajjah hospital in karbala , safir hospital which is next to the shrine of imam hussein, peace be upon him, zain al-abidin hospital and kafil hospital in karbala. in kazmin, a hospital does this work
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, in samara, there is a hospital, therefore , in addition to the hospitals, there are several bases for our loved ones , which are considered by the friends of the red crescent, and these bases are related to outpatient treatments of the red crescent of the republic. islamic iran sent 200 ambulances and cars this year so that loved ones who are in trouble can be transferred to hospitals inside iraq or to our borders in the islamic republic of iran. the statistics we have so far, alhamdulillah, the situation the situation has been good despite the fact that 1,800,000 of our loved ones left, fortunately, although we had heatstroke, fortunately no deaths were observed due to the heat, despite the fact that the heat in iraq is hot.


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